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Protector of Nature (Support : Hildegard) [Solo]

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#1Miyamoto Akuma † 

Protector of Nature (Support : Hildegard) [Solo] Empty Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:08 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
Hildegard was really specific about her request, “Find towns in Bosco and Stella that are made up out of Demis or Wood Elves. Share information with them that I need of their support for the throne and how my rulership will affect them positively and fight alongside them, protect them from Stellan rebels. Find beasts roaming the woods and mountains of Bosco or Stella. But do not harm them. I will approach them to see if I can convince them to assist us and save the flora and fauna in Bosco and Stella.” According to that request from Hildegard, Akuma has been strolling around and saving flora and fauna in Bosco. Traveling in the wood and looking for some potential beast that might be their alliance. Sometimes it takes days for him to actually get the location of that beast nest before he can report that location to Hildegard. This time Akuma find this town near the wood entrance, bas on the look of that town Akuma notice that this town looks like it been harmed by some fighting probably between the people and same Stellan rebels. The location of this town is also a little bit off, like the possibility of this town become abandoned by the Boscosi is so high. Akuma then approach that town and from a far he can see shadows of some people from that town. When he get closer to the town, he can clearly see that the people from that town are actually wood elves.


#2Miyamoto Akuma † 

Protector of Nature (Support : Hildegard) [Solo] Empty Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:09 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
As Akuma arrived at the town, some people start starring at him. When he walks on the town streets some eyes was looking at him, checking him out from the top of his head to his toe. Akuma looking around the street trying to understand what happened to the town and the people in it. This place condition can’t be describe, some building has been fall to the ground, some others lose a roof, and most of it have holes on the walls. This place look more like a battle field. Approaching a person slowly, Akuma is prepared to get rejection, surprisingly this person is not scared at all and seems like he have a stand of a fighter. Akuma calmly explain that he is just a traveler and passing by this town, while trying to understand what happened around here Akuma willing to help. Akuma ask this guy to kindly gather the people of the town to hear what he can offer to help the town in return for their support. With doubt, this guy try to interogate Akuma and ask him some question. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM US?! CAN’T YOU SEE THAT WE ALREADY LOSE EVERYTHING WE HAD!!!” After that Akuma trying to calm him down cause some people start gather around them looking at what happened. Akuma explain that if the people of this town willing to gather and hear his offer, he promise that he will help the people of that town facing anything or anyone that causing this trouble to this town. Akuma say that what he about to offer is the key to a better future of this town and also the future of it’s people.


#3Miyamoto Akuma † 

Protector of Nature (Support : Hildegard) [Solo] Empty Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:09 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
After hear what Akuma says, some of the people of that town agree to help gather more people to listen to his offer. Akuma then wait in the middle of that town while waiting for those people to come with even more people. When they come, the angry guy from before approach Akuma and start the conversation with Akuma. Akuma then ask that guy to explain what happened to that town. “Our town has been attacked by Stellan rebels. They came a few days ago and start rampaging in this town, they hurt everyone, take what ever they need and do what ever they want. We don’t have enough power and the courage to fight back and protect this town. They even threatened us to prepare some resource for them on the next harvest time.” That is terrible, that’s the first thing that come to Akuma’s thought. After get that information, Akuma explain his part of the deal to those people. “I’m here today to tell you about some good news. I have been wondering around looking for towns of Demis or Wood Elves, and today I found this town. The good news I hold with me is that I will fight and protect this city from those Stellan rebels, I will make sure that they will never come back and mess with this town ever again. And for this safety I offer you, all of you only need to support my friend, Hildegard the Beastmaster. She is he youngest of the Sachsenwald siblings, Hildegard is born from the union between the belated King Harald and a beautiful Wood Elven warrior, the union between human and one of you wood elves. She is now need your support for the throne and how her rulership would affect this town positively. If you all people agree to this, me and the supporter of Hildegard will gather here and protect this town side to side with all of you.”


#4Miyamoto Akuma † 

Protector of Nature (Support : Hildegard) [Solo] Empty Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:10 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
What Akuma said to this people actually bring a big hope for them, cause they were desperate about the Stellan rebels and how to protect their town. After hear what Akuma offered to this town, the people of the town finally agree to give support to Hildegard, as they are supporting one of them to be the ruler of Boscosi. When they get to agreement, Akuma straightly contact the supporter of Hildegard and ask for back up, man power to fight the rebels and also resource to help this people rebuild their town. This news reach Hildegard and because this town is the town of wood elves, she tell her people that she will come to the town and see all this people and show this people how kind and serious is she about being the ruler of Boscosi. Days has passed and Akuma was helping the people of the town to settle some minor problem in town, clearing the streets from building’s broken wall and other things as well. After waiting this long, the supporter and Hildegard finally arrive. Akuma can clearly see the hope appears in the eyes of this people, after seeing the people that will help them rebuild this town. Hildegard then greet the people of this town and immediately tell her people to start helping the people of this town. Not just telling other to help, Hildegard actually go and start helping everyone, showing how she’s willing to really rebuild this town and other town under her rulership she will never abandon any town.


#5Miyamoto Akuma † 

Protector of Nature (Support : Hildegard) [Solo] Empty Tue Jul 06, 2021 10:10 pm

Miyamoto Akuma †
But this happy moment won’t stay for long, when they are rebuilding the town, some of the rebels shows up and start threatening the people of this town. “WHERE ARE THOSE SUPPORTER OF HILDEGARD?! THOSE WHO DARE TO FIGHT AGAINST US THE STELLAN REBELS ARE BASICALLY DEAD PEOPLE!” Turns out the new about Hildegard helping this town and gathering support has been spread out and reach those rebels. Panicking, the people of this town start running around and looking for shelter. They are afraid that what happened last time will happen again today, but they forget the fact that this time they are not alone. This time, the supporter of Hildegard and Hildegard herself will stand with them and protect this town from those rebels. Approaching the center of the crowd, Akuma, Hildegard and her people stand to fight those Stellan rebels. Standing strong behind them, the people of the town. This fight was unavoidable, the moment they saw Hildegard, the rebels start launch their attack towards the people. With quick move, Hildegard protect the people and her supporter along with Akuma strike forward. Akuma then catch the sword tossed by one of the supporter and start fighting, this is all chaos, magic spell casted repeatedly, swords clash against shield and against other swords. But this time the town has someone to protect them, to support them fighting against the rebels, and that become the strong spirit support for them. This fight is different from before, they have the spirit and win this fight easier cause the don’t afraid anymore. The rebels then forced to retreat and run away from this town.


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