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The Plains of an Adventure [Open]

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The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Wed May 12, 2021 9:07 pm


serenity is not stillness.
● ● ● ●
but peace within a raging storm and the serendipity that can be found within the storm

They had only recently moved to this country after his mother had taken him to visit Seven for the first time in his life, and show him the country that she had wished he grew up in, how she wished he was not subjected to that village. Now that they were in this country, he was nervous and struggled with daily activities unless his mother was with him, like today for example. His mother had asked him to go shopping for ingredients alone and that was something he was not used to doing, so instead, Dáinn had made his way to the outskirts of the city and went hunting that way, finding herbs and using his non-human genetics to obtain meat. It was the only way he could without freezing up in fear of having to converse with some who might possibly berate him with insultive descriptions on his appearance.

Walking through the streets, he tended to keep away from the more crowded areas, but at the same time took in the more natural aesthetic of the city itself. Baska was the city that caught his mother’s eye in a heartbeat and he could not deny her for wanting to settle down in a nice, the people seemed nice, not that he would know as he cant speak to them willingly, but from how they treated his mother when they went on their daily walks, he assumed that most of the people in the loud and bustling city were nice.

‘I wonder what Mútta is making tonight…’


Last edited by Dáinn on Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sevese #C09FEC ☽•☾ Icebergian #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #59A074
☽•☾ Andromeda #F99245 ☽•☾

STR : 3 | SPD : 5 | CON : 5 | END : 5 | INT : 12

Dáinn's Files ☽•☾ Dáinn's Journal ☽•☾ Dáinn's Logs

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Tue May 18, 2021 6:34 pm


Tempris was wandering the market looking for something she could use to make herself dinner. It was difficult to move around with how crowded it was but the girl forced her way through the sea of sinners and heathens. Though annoyed, she fought the urge to pull out her sword and purge the room. It was not the time. Plus, she was hungry. So she kept fighting until she finally find a clearing.

She plopped out of the crowd and found herself standing next to a food stand that was actively frying fish. The heat from it's fire entranced the girl before the smell of the stall's specialty could hook into her nose. It was so warm. She could feel Illumin's love serenading her mind with images of warm fish. This was going to be her dinner. Tempris ordered 2 fired fish and backed away into the opening. Bit into the fish and it was so fresh and steaming. The girl started to hum in delight. She turned around and started moving, still in bliss from the food. Sadly, she was not fated to eat those fish.

Tempris walked into a boy and was knocked down due to being off balance. She hit the ground, dropping one of her fish. She saw looked her food then at the boy. Her teeth clench as she lowered her head. Then she picked herself up and clenched her free hand.
"Hey you! Watch where you are going! I just lost my food sinner."

Tempris was wearing a black veil with gold cloth on her forehead. She wore a black dress with white decorations. The skirt fell above her knees and she had on tan boots with black socks that rose up to her shin.

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#3Lee Nakamura 

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Tue May 18, 2021 7:16 pm

Lee Nakamura
She walked with her brother, Ryu, behind her. They just gotten back from the meeting with Gunter. The piece of paper was clutched into her hand. She read it as many times as possible to memorize it by name. Ragtime was still taking over since Lee needed to be consciously given a break until she could sleep. It was mid-day, yet Ragtime could feel Lee being very tired. Mentally, she was drained from all the running around to gather information and make sure everyone on that list was safe. The kitsune yawned as she put the piece of paper into her pocket. Ryu stayed silent.

"Bro, go back to the hotel. I am going to go grab some grub." Ragtime spoke to Lee's eldest brother. He was an asshole, but at least he cared enough to at least save his own skin to help her. Walking through the crowd, something picked up on her nose. The dragon slayer smelled fish and gagged, but there was nothing to speak of. As he tried to get away from the smell, something else piqued his interest even more. Arguing? Sinner? OH, this will be good. The kitsune saw a twelve-year-old girl, clearly, she was a part of the church. Lee walked over to see what the matter was. Her heightened hearing heard about the girl's food being dropped at the boy. Seeing by the boy's demener, he was quiet. Ragtime felt for him.

"Hey, no need to yell, little ones. Here for your troubles, go buy yourself a new fish. Accidents happen, I am sure all can be forgiven with some understanding, hm" she spoke. Her blue eyes glared down at the two, very cat-like. The kitsune's tails were concealed in one single wrap, giving the illusion of one large tail and her fox ears. "Is it really that nice to call someone sinner for a simple mistake, shortie? I am sure whoever god you worship would understand all beings make mistakes. It is a busy day and you shouldn't be eating somewhere that there are a lot of people and you, my kind man, let's always be sure to keep your eyes on your surroundings" she mentioned. A kind smile laid upon her face as she stood up.

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Tue May 18, 2021 7:53 pm


serenity is not stillness.
● ● ● ●
but peace within a raging storm and the serendipity that can be found within the storm

Alot just happened in the span of just a few minutes, and his mind wasn’t quite comprehending what had happened. Dáinn stood there blinking, his violet/hazel eyes staring at the two strangers now in front of him, a young girl on the ground and the other, actually he wasn’t quite sure what the other person was doing. She seemed to be coaxing him, or something similar to that. Dáinn was confused, positive that he was keeping an eye on his surroundings, as a person who was not familiar with the city or people that lived here, and the fact that talking alone was difficult to him as a baby trying to say it’s first words.

Once his brain had fully processed the incident that had conspired at that moment in time, Dáinn instantly raised his hands. The panic spread like wildfire over his face, as he tried to shake his head, lowering the collar of his jacket so they could read his lips as he attempted to say words, nothing happened though. His throat had closed up on itself, lips felt like they had been stitched together, unable to part. This was just like it always would be when he tried to speak to anyone who was not his mother or his only friend. Trembling hands tried to gesture what he wanted to relay, the apologies and the words to disperse this sudden miscommunication, but he was fumbling and not even the young reptilian could understand what his hands were trying to relay to the other two.

Swallowing harshly, Dáinn winced before letting out a silent cough behind his hand, and gritted his teeth as he nervously held out his spare to help the young girl up, his nerves still getting the best of him, as the tremors of unease ran through his muscles. Removing his hand from his lips, Dáinn took a deep breath and fumbled once more as he hand gestured the words, “I am sorry.” towards the church girl, only to glance at the other strange female and again with a faint quiver, repeated the gestures.

350 Words

Sevese #C09FEC ☽•☾ Icebergian #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #59A074
☽•☾ Andromeda #F99245 ☽•☾

STR : 3 | SPD : 5 | CON : 5 | END : 5 | INT : 12

Dáinn's Files ☽•☾ Dáinn's Journal ☽•☾ Dáinn's Logs

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Tue May 18, 2021 10:42 pm


Tempris was fuming from the loss of her food that held her connection to Illumin. However, a third party walked in and quickly changed the mood. They told her not to yell and gave her money to buy another fish. Tempris looked at the coins unsure how to react. Only, she realized that she spoke too much. The woman was already criticism her for calling the boy a sinner. He was totally a sinner but Tempris knew better than to just go around rightfully calling people that. It wasn't time to save their soul.
"I'm NOT A SHORTIE OR LITTLE!" Tempris protest, "But fine... I suppose Illumin would forgive with this restitution. I suppose I might have overreacted like a little bit maybe." She tilted her head away too embarrassed for blurting out like that.

When the boy offer her hand she took it, but only because she didn't want to accidently drop her fish. With her free hand, she brushed off the dirt from her dress and legs while scowling. Dirt was so heretical. When she looked at the boy, he started moving his hands and making weird gestures. It was confusion and probably sinful. This time, she would keep it to herself.
"What are you doing? I'm not some child who plays hand games."

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#6Lee Nakamura 

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Wed May 19, 2021 12:22 am

Lee Nakamura
Lee returned to a concious state seeing as the inner mother was starting to show. Seeing the boy in panic, related to her so much. She knew the signs of anxiety when she saw it. Diann had eyes like a frightened rabbit, wide-eyed. Flashes of her own past came into her mind and then the relationship of the younger version of her. The kitsune shook her head, coming back to the real, true conscious LeeAnn. Her voice didn't change nor did her attitude, just her eye color that changed to a very slight shade of lighter blue. The girl seemed to understand what was going on, though the mention of Illumin made her stun a bit. She dismissed it.

"Hey, hey, hey...calm down. Ssshhh, kid, it's okay. Nothing is going to happen. It was all an accident" she whispered to him. She lowered to his eye level with a kind, genuine look on her face. Tempris was not helping his situation. "My name is Lee Nakamura of Blue Pegasus" she whispered. The kitsune lifted her head and gestured the two of them away from the crowd and to the grassy patch area to have Diann calm down. "Sometimes people have a hard time communicating their feelings. I can tell since I have the same issue. None of this is anyone's fault. Now, here take some of this" she smiled. She had some water in her pack from this morning. Two unopened water bottles came from her pack for the two others. The kitsune was now going to regret this, but...she unwrapped her tail to reveal her eight tails. She sighed. "If you guys want to, to show I mean no harm and to help this...situation. Maybe petting my tails...gently may help sooth you two's...problem" she smiled. This was very awkward for the demi-human, seeing kids weren't her speciality. She knew what the boy was trying to do, seeing he wasn't fluent in Fiorian or had social anxiety.

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Thu May 20, 2021 10:27 am


serenity is not stillness.
● ● ● ●
but peace within a raging storm and the serendipity that can be found within the storm

So much was happening, he was being shouted at and now being berated for trying to apologise? Dáinn was so confused on how this was meant to work, he didn't know how this was meant to work. The demi human turned towards the other lady, covering his mouth with a closed fist, he paused before gesturing a cross with his fingers to fully get his point across. She seemed to understand it more than the child, but he didn't know if she would understand it completely and he hoped that this woman could explain to the girl that the gestures weren’t a game, it was his way of communicating. This was why he didn’t talk to people unless it was his mother, no one understood it or he just froze up whenever he would attempt to speak or sign.

Noticing that their little scene had gained attention, now Dáinn wanted to just run home to his mother. For being an adult, that would be quite embarrassing for most people his age, but his mother was his safe place, where he could talk and not use hand gestures, albeit it being only a few words, he at least still had a voice he could give to his mother. When she offered him a water bottle, the boy blinked before nodding slowly, it wouldn’t help him speak, but it was only polite to take what has been offered willingly and in good spirits to himself. Turning back to the younger one, Dáinn pointed at himself before making a rotating motion on his chest, apologising once again, it was also at that point that Dáinn also noticed the red-headed lady’s tail and blinked, before nervously tilting his head, he wasn’t one hundred percent on how to physically sign what he wanted to ask.

Calming himself, the village boy soon tugged on the woman's sleeve gently, and when she would look at him, Dáinn continued before his confidence pummelled below zero and he crawled back into his little shelter of seclusion. Pointed at his eyes, once again lowering the collar of his jumper so he could gesture to his lips, “Read lips?” then continued to ask carefully and slowly, “Are you half human?” without hand gestures. It was also at that point that he paused and blinked for a few seconds before gesturing for something to write on, because he realised what if they didn’t speak Icebergian or Sevese? He wasn’t the best with Fiorian, he’d only been living in this country for a few months. How was he meant to politely return giving his name like they had kindly done, if these two ladies didn’t understand sign language correctly or speak his mother tongues.

451 Words

Sevese #C09FEC ☽•☾ Icebergian #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #59A074
☽•☾ Andromeda #F99245 ☽•☾

STR : 3 | SPD : 5 | CON : 5 | END : 5 | INT : 12

Dáinn's Files ☽•☾ Dáinn's Journal ☽•☾ Dáinn's Logs

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Thu May 20, 2021 4:40 pm


Tempris was still confused. The boy didn't speak nor did he clarify anything. He just moved his hands around circling his chest. Then they turned to the woman. Tempris took a bite of the not soiled fish while watching the woman attempt to crack the boy's mysterious message cause Illumin knows she would not figure it out. It just weird. If the boy would say something, this would not be confusing.

The woman was trying hard to calm to boy down, was he scared? Tempris giggled thinking that someone finally noticed her strength. Only, she would be forced to quickly quiet down after the woman introduced herself. The woman was in a light guild. That was why she looked familiar. Tempris. She quieted down just a bit, knowing that if the woman recognized she was in Crawling Chaos, it could cause problems. Tempris reached for her left shoulder. Luckily the focus was still on the boy. Then it hit her. He couldn't talk.

Before Tempris could reveal her revelation, Lee revealed she was a very special demi human with multiple tails. Tempris eyes sparkle and she herself became speechless. There were other people with fluffy tails! She remembered her time with the werewolf. It was so warm, so filled with Illumin's love. However, there was only one problem. They were in public. She couldn't act all childish now. The boy would not fear her. He wouldn't respect her strength. She was frozen between the two things she cared about most.

"I'm no child." Tempris announced trying her hardest not to be lured in by the warm fluff. However, she kept find her eyes sneaking peeks at those tails. She started to tremble, knowing full well she was lying for nothing other than her pride. "I wouldn't be caught dead petting some ta-tail." She needed a diversion, though. Her will power was draining and she definitely could lose now to the fluffiness of Illumin's love.

"I figured it out. He can't talk. He is uhh... I forgot what its called... A mule?"

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#9Lee Nakamura 

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Thu May 20, 2021 10:08 pm

Lee Nakamura
The tail trick seemed to have worked. It calmed down both of the children. Her hobby of people watching and observing humans has actually paid off. It seemed the boy was doing sign language. Luckily, she knew a little bit. It was broken, but she was able to decipher a little bit. He was trying to say sorry. LeeAnn turned to the little girl to explain what was going on. "Sweetheart, it seems he cannot talk our language. He is using sign language. It's a language that people who are deaf or cannot communicate to us" she spoke. Ragtime would probably know more about languages than she would. She knew Boscoian and Fiorian with some bits of Joyan, but that was about it. Lee physically could not understand anything else he was saying.

On the other hand, she saw the young girl's eyes sparkle at the sight of her eight foxtails. This was one of the two common reactions she got. Knowing she might be tempted to touch them, but preparing for her to may say something on how fluffy they are. The boy seemed curious as well but very silent about it. Lee had to give the girl credit, she did have some pride in her own self. Though, most people couldn't resist fluffy things like llamas or puppies. "It's okay. I can just wrap them back up without a problem" she teased, with a small grin. Swishing her tail a little bit back and forth, she was quickly distracted by a small tug on her jacket. It was the boy. He seemed to be wanting to ask her a question. He tried to communicate with her by reading his lips, but the language was foreign to her. Ragtime tried to understand, he knew some words. "Lee, I heard or saw him lip demi-human or something like that. My language studies are really rusty" he spoke to her in her mind. Though, the boy quickly saw she couldn't understand.

He was wanting to write something down. Lee realized what he was asking. Pulling a piece of paper and pencil out of her backpack, she handed it to him. Lee pointed to her tails and fox ears, wording carefully. "Me...demi-human? Yes" she was wondering. She shook her head verbally trying commincate with him. The girl seemed to call him a mule. Clearly, this made Lee smile. She was getting the words mixed up. "The word is mute. Not mule. Close, but completely different. A mule is an animal. A mute person is one who cannot or chooses not to talk or make any sound" she explained.

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Wed May 26, 2021 11:24 am


serenity is not stillness.
● ● ● ●
but peace within a raging storm and the serendipity that can be found within the storm

Eyes glancing every now and then back at the tails, his violet/hazel eyes dilating a couple of times, he kind of wanted to touch the tails, to see if they are really as soft as the books say they are. The books that would be brought to the village after his father would go on a pillage raid to other countries. It was one of the things that he had agreed on with his mother, to allow his son to learn about other things in the world, all except language, that is. Snapping back into the conversation when the women finally figured it out, Dáinn nodded once, twice and a couple more times, before giving the okay symbol at her evaluation of his situation. Now that the situation was a little cleared up, Dáinn lifted his collar back up around his mouth, not wanting his markings to be on display longer than necessary, looked around where they had moved too, out of the way of the crowded streets. The trees looked pretty, he had always had an affinity with nature in general, and he figured it was to do with his more inhuman side of his being. ‘I wonder if the bark feels different in this country to the bark in Iceberg…’

When the young girl started raising her voice, once again causing Dáinn to flinch a little before settling when he realised this impromptu volume increase was more aimed at Lee more than him. Staying quiet, he wanted to object to this girl constantly assuming that they were treating her like a child, because it was obvious that wasn't what they were doing at all, but once again when he went to say the words his throat closed up, and since the girl didn’t understand sign language, there was no point in even trying to sign his objections on her ideals.

When the woman answered his question about her race, Dáinn nodded slowly before making the hand gesture for both a fox and wolf, asking her which one. He figured it was a fox, but then he didn’t know whether the lady had some sort of magic that had a spell which could deceive a person into thinking that they are one type of species when in reality they could be another altogether. His mother always told him not to tell others, but since Lee was also a demi-human he figured it couldn’t hurt to tell her in return for handing over the information that she was also of the same minority in their world. When Dáinn was going to give LeeAnn an insight on his type of demi-human relations, the albino paused and glared towards the little girl, body tense as he signed in a small fit of offense.

“I am not a mule.” Pausing he then let out a silent huff, before signing that he was in fact a specific type of reptile. Looking at the woman, he gestured to himself before he curled both his forefinger and middle finger slightly, and gestured in front of him in a wave movement, “I am a mix of a snake,” just to wrap his other hand around his wrist and extend the same fingers outwards and straight, to sign for lizard, “and a lizard.” He glared at the younger girl, only for his ears to perk at the words that left the fiery haired women's lips. The soothing voice clearly speaking of the miscommunication now on his side of the group. A snarl would have left Dáinn more at himself than anything, but alas no sound left, and instead the young demi human found himself once again apologising to the little blonde lady.


Sevese #C09FEC ☽•☾ Icebergian #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #59A074
☽•☾ Andromeda #F99245 ☽•☾

STR : 3 | SPD : 5 | CON : 5 | END : 5 | INT : 12

Dáinn's Files ☽•☾ Dáinn's Journal ☽•☾ Dáinn's Logs

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Wed May 26, 2021 1:55 pm


"Yeah yeah Mute. That was it. I saw one before at..." Suddenly she felt what could only be a cold hand grabbing her heart. She looked down with no hand being there. No, this was the a taste of what memory was queuing up in her brain. She did not want to remember it. She wanted it to go away. Her mouth stopped working with her teeth clamping down as soon as she was able briefly open it to make a sound. This memory, this cold event. Tempris quickly folded her arms before building up enough strength to look up. She did her best fight it, gritting her teeth but she couldn't control the droplets of sweat rolling down her face. Her mind pulled her through the events of a girl at the so called "church" she grew up at and a girl who couldn't talk. The things that girl went threw because she didn't have a voice until she just... disappeared. Only she didn't. Tempris could remember on a day she was being dragged to the forsaken room, she saw a bag with a hand falling limp out of a hole. The same hand as the girl. Only then was she freed from the chains of the memories.

Her breathing accelerated for a moment as she returned to the real world. And looked up at the boy and the girl. "N-never mind. I'm going to buy my other fish. You should probably buy one too. Else you might get hungry." She quickly turned around so that she could express herself for a brief moment, wiping away a tear that was fighting to leave her eye. Today was already starting to suck. Even with this retribution.

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366
#12Lee Nakamura 

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Wed May 26, 2021 11:18 pm

Lee Nakamura
Lee saw Diann was kinda relieved yet curious about her. If Lee didn't know any better, he was no older than 16. There was no a little dispute between the girl and the mute. He seemed to understand what they were saying clearly. Probably by reading their lips, she had heard some people could read the movement of one's lips to know what they are saying and posture. She could do it if she tried hard enough, but it was too much work for someone so stressed like she was. Lee seemed to be a too tense at the moment to try. She knew see was capable of doing it if she learned everything else again.

The other demi-human seemed to communicate with sign language again talking bout what kind if demi-human he was. She knew there was different types of demi-humans such as sharks, much like the little girl they found the other day. they could be a variety of species. "So...a reptile?" She spoke in question. Though, she looked over the little girl, who seemed nervous. She could tell something was wrong like a flashback or something. She could see some symptoms of anxiety but wasn't surely seeing as how she didn't want to ask. It wasn't her place. Ragtime was tired of this and grunted. He took her Lee's body.

"I am sorry to cut our time short, but I have to leave. I have..important matters to discuss with my brother. It was a pleasure meeting you both. I hope to see you someday again" she smiled.


The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Mon Jun 07, 2021 6:35 pm


serenity is not stillness.
● ● ● ●
but peace within a raging storm and the serendipity that can be found within the storm

His smile soon dropped when he noticed the change in the younger one of their little trio they had at the moment, he didn’t know why it had happened or for what reason, but Dáinn somewhat felt a little guilty because of this, but not pity. There was no pity in his feelings at the moment, only a little guilt as the reptilian thought it had to do with something recently mentioned. Dáinn went to speak, but realised there was absolutely no point in attempting to call out to the younger, because he did not know her name, and he was one hundred percent sure that no sound would leave his lips.

Turning back to the elder woman, when she asked about him being a reptile, all he could do was nod in reply. Indeed he was of the reptile species but only that classification of the sub group. Squamata were feared reptiles mostly because they mainly consisted of snakes, and everyone feared snakes due to their venomous bites. Dáinn though was not venomous in the least, in fact he was a healer when it came to biting, but only when his magic was inscribed into his bites. Nodding to the lady as she announced that she must be off, business to attend to, Dáinn noted her name in one part of his brain, and would write it down once he arrived back home. This LeeAnn seemed to be a person he should consider keeping as either an acquaintance or a friend, either or worked really.

“Being careful during your travels, Miss.” Gesturing his farewell, before waving to the lady as she left them. Dáinn immediately after turned his purplish-hazel gaze back towards the younger one, only to step next to her and softly tap her shoulder. Pointing at the stand where the fish were being sold, Dáinn soon signed in a way the younger girl would catch on. “I will buy you another… For the one I made you drop, if you would like?”


Sevese #C09FEC ☽•☾ Icebergian #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #59A074
☽•☾ Andromeda #F99245 ☽•☾

STR : 3 | SPD : 5 | CON : 5 | END : 5 | INT : 12

Dáinn's Files ☽•☾ Dáinn's Journal ☽•☾ Dáinn's Logs

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Tue Jun 08, 2021 12:11 pm


Tempris stood at the cart staring at the fish. Her appetited was gone but she made all that effort and commotion over the fish. What would the boy do if she did not at least buy another one. also, she still had to eat her current one. She sighed before forcing her current fish down her mouth. Then she turned at the man an quietly asked for another fish. With the fish in hand, she sighed. Only she was not alone.

A light tap on her shoulder woke the girl up from her thoughts briefly. The boy was behind her and well he was doing that hand talk again. Tempris felt her surprise turn disappointment... though at least it wasn't fear. Still, without the other woman around, Tempris decided to at least make a attempt to decode the messaging being sent to her. In his hand was some jewels and he was pointing at the stand.
"No... I'm not hungry anymore... You can have this if you want." She could feel her energy levels dropping a little, but maybe that was just due to being out in the crowd... open to the eyes of others.
"Want to go sit out in the sun... It's too crowded here. I cant think well or something..." The girl was seeking any excuse to move from this place. If the boy agreed to come with her, she would lead him out into a bench in a plaza like area. Else, she would just leave him alone to do whatever he wanted to do.

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Plains of an Adventure [Open] Empty Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:40 pm


Luckily for the girl, or really unluckily, the girl found her excuse. Her own shoes and socks disappeared like magic and now these dancing shoes were on her feet. Not only that, her feet began to move and clop as if she was doing some dance named after a stretch of land where water flowed typically from up hill down to the ocean or a lake. She was not sure what it was, but it was embarrassing and just plan wrong. Who ever was making her do this was probably a devil or a demon. Though maybe it was a test from her lord. Would Illumin do such a thing to one of his most devoted followers? Only time would tell as she tried her best to run away while her feet forcefully danced.

She found herself jumping and skipping to some accursed beat. It was horrible. To thing she had to leave so soon. She could not even get the sinners name. It was rude of her and not a good impression but randomly dancing for god knows what reason was not any better. To think she had the ability to move like this... Tempris found an empty alley way where she sat against a wall and then grabbed one of her feet. She tried to pull off the shoes while avoiding kicking herself. Really it was more like she was dodging her own feet which had a mind of their own. Either way, nothing was working. Tempris could only clench her fist.

(48 hour exit)
(3/20) Happy feet
(2/36) Coupon

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