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Rodents in Your Food (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo]

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#1Miyamoto Akuma † 

Rodents in Your Food (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo] Empty Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:50 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
The race between heirs to get the throne is getting more heat from each heir. Their supporter also trying to drag each other down, to stop their growth cause if their supporter numbers are going down, the voice for another heir might rise up. Understanding this condition, Akuma willingly takes that dark part for Hildegard now. Akuma knows Hildegard very well, her kindest will never allow anyone who moves under her watch to do something like sabotaging her siblings for the throne. Knowing about this, Akuma decided to make sabotaging move secretly, at least he keeps it out from Hildegard’s radar. Akuma gathers some of Hildegard’s supporters who know how the world is running, a lot of other heir supporters even do more sabotage to other heirs instead of actually trying to really grow their supporters. These people that Akuma gather this time believe that they have to do that as well, they have the feels to sabotage other heirs to keep this race balance for everyone. Different from Akuma’s point of view, Akuma feels like he kinda wants to seek revenge since a lot of other heirs try to sabotage Hildegard, and Akuma wants them to get what they deserve. Akuma wants to make them pay for making Hildegard supporters have to work double and spend the double effort to support Hildegard.


#2Miyamoto Akuma † 

Rodents in Your Food (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo] Empty Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:50 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
This time Akuma and his small team decided to sabotage the supporter team of Cassia. Akuma has sent one scouter to go to this one town a few days ago, and collect information by staying there for a few days and gather information from the people of that town. At night, that one scouter will contact Akuma and the other member of that team to come and explore the town when everyone is asleep. This is the town that supports Cassia, and also one of Cassia’s supporter foo storage that keeps supplies to be distributed to other towns that supports Cassia. They have to stroll around town secretly at night to look for that storage, but to really explore the whole town, they will need a few days, but they finally found it. After they found it, they wait until their scouter gets out of that town. This strategy was created by Akuma to keep their name clean since this plan goes without Hildegard knowing anything about it. Plus with this strategy, the people of that town wouldn’t suspect the scouter cause he leaves the town already. Akuma and his people have enough information gathered for their sabotage plan, so in the morning their scouter gets out from that town and when the night comes, they start their plan.


#3Miyamoto Akuma † 

Rodents in Your Food (Sabotage:Cassia)[Solo] Empty Wed Jul 21, 2021 5:51 am

Miyamoto Akuma †
When the night comes, Akuma and his small team member are already at their position observing the situation in that town. They observing everyone's activities that night, when the shops start to close, people start to go home, and they're waiting for the guards to switch shifts. They're waiting for that opportunity cause around that time it will be easier for them to get into that town. In a group of five people where everyone is using a black robe with the hood on, they start running in sync, one by one get to pass through the guarded line when the guard is on shifts switching. They quickly run towards the food storage where Cassia's supporter keeps the food supply for towns. They have to move through small alleys to avoid the possibility to accidentally meet someone in that town. When they arrive in that big building, they get in straight away after knocking down two guards at the front door and drag them in, hiding their bodies in the storage. They quickly spread out in that big building and they release a bunch of rodents in there. They then spread all of those rodents everywhere inside that big building contaminating all the food stock in there.


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