This only seemed to make her laugh."Here I only slowed down because my husband had wished me to at some point, Then I merely buried myself in work with a garden."Not shocking to anyone Judith would have a garden of plants, But simply life made the simple person happy."Can't say any one in my group has slowed down."This seemed to make Judith ponder upon a thought in her mind for a moment, Then just kind of left it at that.
So that was Lee case, It did not seem to make Judith think any less in the situation at hand given what Lee seemed to be currently."Such strange and fragile things the body is, No matter what differences we all have. It all works the same even if sometimes the problems we all have a truly unique to the person them self."Was this entirely Judith's point? no she was going to make it she just also had a normal tendency make open observations, At least they were harmless and open ended ones.
Judith's true end point was."Keep in mind, A child can still be family, Adopted into or born into. No matter if one is considered family they are."Judith's adopted some one before she just never really mentioned it much, It left people always able to learn more form her as they brought up subjects."Just keep in mind, Balance between work and guild life will be hard, I am only lucky I joined Fairy Tail after my children grew up."
But Lee's solve was not one Judith seemed to question after all, Judith even could have just been fine with Lee mentioning it just felt like it was something she wanted to do. The passion there was just equally as fitting for the situation.
Something however was always just normal was, in some manner just as equally as some one suggested it before, Some one would do the same as well, Judith was no exception to that."You are being suggested that for a very good reason."Judith still would be the ever wonderful emphatic person she is.
Tears, in some manner frees the soul. At least is something Judith would always would say, the voice of the soul could be expressed in many ways, Then again Judith seemed to look around for a moment simple because, Lee needed a hug again and maybe jumping up might not be a good idea.
So she would just fine a close by chair that would make the distance between them good enough that it would normal enough. After all in some manner Judith just felt these things worked normally. Leading Lee to rest her head on one of Judith shoulders, even if the distance was vast for Judith being smaller then most people."In the end, no matter who gives you the advice, It shows it is most likely for reason."Then normal of Judith she would continue on as she always did.
"To allow the mind to process for many reasons, no matter who: My daughter, your friends, your family. All suggest these things for a reason."Hopefully it was perfectly clear that allowing time to actually take effect for some one to relax and recover even if small."To hold off upon, ones emotional need will only cause a failure in the end."It was hopefully the point, Lee was a smart enough woman that she most likely knew, Judith just had a equal understanding of some one stubborn enough to try and work with it.