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Aspects of Success (Questy)

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#1Raeburn Gamebell 

Aspects of Success (Questy) Empty Mon Aug 09, 2021 11:45 am

Raeburn Gamebell
Weary from his travel, Raeburn just wants to rest, and he pats the walls of some nearby alleyway. Shrouded in dank darkness, Raeburn's black cloak clings to him all sweaty. Unwilling to leave his tasks uncompleted, Raeburn feels like he should do at least one quest in this region too. Helping out Manager Yua who seems like a fun person can be engaging at least. Personal trainers of any craft are entertaining people in general. Writers, eh, many people can have a diary. Learning is something that requires the self most of all in Raeburn's experience. Teachers and admirers of a craft aren't necessarily the best at it. Looking to get some quick rewards, Raeburn feels on the cusp of new ideas to share with the world. A guild can be a place of fun broken dreams, Raeburn needs some of that juice in his life. It's hard to be hyped up for some rando quest.

Looking at the guides for quests, Raeburn's pretty sure there's higher ranked mages in the employment of this play-station. As usual, the script seems fishy. If he's to deal with a violent criminal, it'd have made sense if they were already dealt with by the internal forces of his employers. LEGASP, maybe the high-ranked mage in another quest is supposed to be the criminal in this one.

#ff6666 me

Aspects of Success (Questy) 2iKq472
#2Raeburn Gamebell 

Aspects of Success (Questy) Empty Mon Aug 09, 2021 11:46 am

Raeburn Gamebell
Thinking deeply, Raeburn doesn't care about helping people but he just wants to avoid the most risk. Plotlines can end quickly, Raeburn just wants to improve his daily OP outfit. If everything's all a game to someone too, Raeburn doesn't want to interfere in their game. Some pervert apparently sent the lead actress Manager Yua a message, so the enemy has to be sneaking in regularly enough. Surely, there's more interesting people to kidnap rather than actresses. Ah, Raeburn can't get into this preset quest thing. Having to defend a location rather than going on the attack seems to be the theme here.

As a man of CAUTION, Raeburn dislikes having to stay in one place and without much purpose. An enemy can pop up at anytime, it's silly to have to attach himself to those that can't protect themselves. As a man of resolve and happiness, it's best to use hostages himself so he isn't inconvenienced in day-to-day. Sadly, Raeburn can't steal anything from all these actress people, and he needs to experience life like a true adventurer. Only by experiencing the silliness of helping random people can Raeburn level up. If Raeburn was strong enough, he wouldn't have to think as much about a low level quest. Nukes are love, nukes are life.

#ff6666 me

Aspects of Success (Questy) 2iKq472
#3Raeburn Gamebell 

Aspects of Success (Questy) Empty Mon Aug 09, 2021 11:48 am

Raeburn Gamebell
It's nighttime, there's a performance. Raeburn's treated as a VIP where he can stalk around freely, though he has no idea what this privilege is about since hobos should be able to watch anyway. If these people can't even prevent abduction, what's stopping Raeburn from being the evil man? Anyway, Raeburn took a few peeks at the performance, but it's best if he stays outside. The opera music will hype up Raeburn's day enough. Rather than chasing someone around inside to outside, Raeburn just wants to focus on getting lucky with this wandering pervert. When it comes down to it, Raeburn isn't very fast and he doesn't like running for no reason. Peeking through a window, Raeburn eventually sees this "Ayakashi" appear and he's holding two actresses. There's some way the pervert's invisible, but Raeburn's glasses see through that.

Secured in his knowledge of an enemy's weakness, Raeburn's confident he won't have to be running around. Since the creeper is threatening death, a smart guy, Raeburn's just going to take the role he'd decided from the start. Being a hobo is always fun! Truly, being a hobo is a great way to jump people who wanna do that kill hostage thingie. Being a hobo is never a way to murderhobo, totally not.

#ff6666 me

Aspects of Success (Questy) 2iKq472
#4Raeburn Gamebell 

Aspects of Success (Questy) Empty Mon Aug 09, 2021 11:50 am

Raeburn Gamebell
Allowing the actresses to be abducted with a smile, Raeburn ignores whatever panic there is in the crowd. A show of panic is the real fun one. While the criminal could slip away by being invisible, he'd have to be a special class to make others invisible. Maybe the enemy does make others invisible, oh well, Raeburn sees through invisibility anyway. The criminal's escape path is somewhat predictable, and so even if they have better stats they have to come to Raeburn while holding burdens. Watching people play themselves to death is fun, Raeburn has no reservations in attacking someone with hostages. Confident, Raeburn feels like any hostages can just be healed later anyway. As a successful criminal, Ayakashi has probably not resolved himself to so readily kill who he's abducted. Treating lives like grass is the way to digivolve from successful to most successful.

Approaching the target, Raeburn simply looks like he's in rags and tired. Brushing past the target, there's lots of fright in Raeburn's eyes as if he doesn't wanna be involved with anyone. The target has some scary mask and reputation, but Raeburn just loves juicy criminals inside. Snaking his arm on the target's neck, Raeburn prepares for a struggle, and begins strangling. The kidnapped actresses crawl away to the corner of this alleyway, and Raeburn keeps strangling without any change in his frightened eyes. As if a demon himself, Raeburn doesn't flinch while scratched and kicked by his target.

The actresses might of gotten muddy, but the target's stomping on the ground is more appealing to Raeburn's true objective. Eventually, the target falls limp, and Raeburn motions to the actresses that it's time to leave. Not wanting a thank you, Raeburn's already thinking about what he'll be doing next for fun. Maybe already acquainted with the actresses, Raeburn doesn't take more than a glance at them, they should have been briefed that Raeburn was coming anyway. If the actresses gave away Raeburn's hobo cover, he'd have been mad. At the side, some pervert grabs Ayakashi, and apparently this Ayakashi will never be seen again. Some day, another masked actor of a minion will emerge, but that's none of Raeburn's business.


#ff6666 me

Aspects of Success (Questy) 2iKq472

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