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Dáinn's Journal

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Dáinn's Journal Empty Mon May 31, 2021 7:20 pm


Dáinn's Journal


Dáinn was born as; Dáinn Ophis Björk from a Sevese mother named Andromeda “Meda” Ophídion who was part Squamata (a group of reptiles that mostly consisted of lizards and snakes) and part human, and an Icebergian father named Heimr Björk from the village of Skaal.

As a child, Dáinn did not understand what his mother’s place in the village of Skaal was, and neither did he understand why there were a mixture of disgusted looks sent their way, whenever they would venture from their home to collect daily essentials and confront his father Heimr. For Dáinn being only a half human and half reptilian, it was difficult for Dáinn to fit in with the other villagers, his reptile eyes, teeth sharper than a humans should be, and the strange markings that appeared on his face as soon as he hit the ripe age of five and the almost translucent scales around areas of his body, had put many children off, even scared a few away.
So a couple of months after Dáinn had turned seven, his mother requested him to do some errands for her, like collect their food or the materials his father needed to tend to the weapons the man used for hunting and raiding with the other warriors of the village. This was also the time when Dáinn’s mother had spoken with his father about what kind of future they wanted for their son, and due to this conversation it soon led to many oncoming arguments and disagreements between his parents. It was during this errand trip that Dáinn had come across another boy who looked like he did not belong in the village of Skaal, although due to his reserved nature, Dáinn had not approached the strange tanned boy.

On his eleventh birthday, his father thought it was high time that Dáinn started to train to become a warrior, something his mother disapproved of, this as well was the time that the demi-human had a run in with some of the other boys in the village. These boys were also being trained to become warriors like himself, but were the same boys who would discriminate against him in their child years for being only half human, and having a slave as a mother. Once Dáinn had heard their discrimination towards his mother, the boy of eleven had for the first time ever, used the magic that his mother had been teaching him in secret when his father was away on a raid, to defend himself.
Unsure of what actually had happened, when Dáinn had come back to his senses, and was surrounded by groaning kids, the situation dawned on him quicker than what he had expected, it was also around the time that his father returned with the other warriors from the village. This day was the first day that Dáinn had one; been praised by his father, and two; finally became acquainted with the strange tanned warrior who looked like he did not belong in the village of Skaal. A situation that Dáinn also thought that he himself was born into rather than willingly joined.

Now after meeting the warrior that was praised by the village, the young demi-human, would usually watch the teen train with his own father, and if plausible ask for tips whenever the chance arised or if he ever felt brave enough to ask said questions. Dáinn never made friends in the village, but after exchanging tips and tricks with the warrior, the demi-human thought that maybe this boy would be his first friend, and after plucking up the courage to give his name to the teen, Dáinn had soon found out that this warrior who was praised profoundly by the village was called Raza Onfroy and he was the son of Tristan Onfroy, the well known raider of the village Skaal, who had raided many other villages in Iceberg and many other countries that surround their own country.

Though one day, Raza had suddenly vanished, during the time when other non-human beings started appearing over the earthland, and it was also when Dáinn thought that he had lost his first and only friend forever. Not being able to stand the possible oncoming torment that would soon come around in the village once more, Dáinn had discussed with his mother on the solution of travelling, or in other terms escaping a village that they did not belong within. With the agreement from his mother, the two left later that night after the celebration of another successful raid on a rivalling village not far from their own, using their reptilian traits to escape, not that they would have to with how drunk and passed out half the village had ended up.


Dáinn's Journal Empty Mon May 31, 2021 7:56 pm




Dáinn's Journal Empty Mon May 31, 2021 7:57 pm




















Dáinn's Journal Empty Mon Sep 13, 2021 6:17 pm


Adventures (Cont.)














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