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A paradise in its' own making

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A paradise in its' own making  Empty Fri Feb 11, 2022 9:01 am


My Mother
Told Me

People were throwing flames of color in the air. Sparks were spreading from sticks as children roamed around. It wasn't smart to run with sticks of sparkling flames. She wasn't going to tell them that though as it wasn't her responsibility to watch them. If they were in immediate danger then she will do something.

The night above her were soaring clouds as it covered the best parts of the night, the moon and stars. She was disappointed, but nothing could be done about it. Her eyes of shining brown embers were hawking around the area in hopes to find her friend, Akuko. They were separated on the harbor and haven't seen her since. Quilla doesn't question her moves and motives as she knew where she was going.

Simple pleasures were in order

The bar wasn't too far from where she was. Her long arm stretched up to flick the long blonde hair that she recently dyed. Her black hair and her name attracted too much attention since they were known to be Legendary Shrine Maidens. She was no maiden, no. Quilla could give no care to the dead. Her large hips swayed, a body fitted by a black busted dress. In the middle of her stomach was an opening that revealed her belly button and on the left side was an open slit that revealed her long leg and thick thigh. Due to the reveal of her arms, her tattoo of ancient writing could be seen,  but her back tattoo could not.



A paradise in its' own making  Empty Fri Feb 11, 2022 9:43 am

If it were anyone else that might be annoyed or scared. To her dear old friend Quilla was just getting use to the changed ways of her. But at least in the end Akuko always seemed to still care. sure you could call Akuko childish and in some manner immature because she was always just finding ways to annoy people, You always say it is not limited to just random people, Akuko always does seem to play the same trick on Quilla even if they do not work the same way.

Sure Quilla looked like a different lady here, But Akuko knew who she was looking for, you could dye your hair all you want, Akuko knew you face and knew who you where unless you had a twin. So now as Quill was continuing on her way, from a close by shaded corner of a building. The inner child Akuko still was reached through it. From the very small part of the corner of Quilla's eye Akuko hand with it's pale skin, with the gold coloured finger accessories ran through her hair playfully.

Yes, Akuko had found her she was just being a pain in the butt figuratively as she would always be. Maybe Akuko was hiding and lurking as she always was. But Akuko would speak first."Ohh...some one trying to get a new lease on life?"Akuko said laughing about it lightly. Surely now it would be an interesting time would it not?

There was just something about knowing some one can exist in a shadow and not seemingly be there but make herself known, then at a really dark and shaded point, Akuko slowly started coming out of the shadow."Or can you not help yourself but want to be able to sneak around unseen, Just not as I do it?"Then just as soon as Akuko had shown up she would turn a corner into an ally way and seemingly fade away into the shadows again.

For people where close by Quilla, much like the many easy to forget faces around. Then each looking at the opposite direction randomly, They where talking about if they where poked by the person next to them. Then well...Akuko's hands would seep through and just above one of the people's shoulders then just making sure to place them above their head, She made them act like their were bunny ears flopping around until the second person notice and pointed it out only for her hands to go away right away, Then with in a few seconds, Akuko could be heard laughing.


A paradise in its' own making  Empty Wed Feb 16, 2022 8:16 am


My Mother
Told Me

The laughter of children and all the people were not enough to make her a happy camper. Quilla continued her search and soon the end of the ribbon came to her. The voice of her friend sang in her ears as she gave a slight smile. "Ah, Akuko...", she breathly spoke, "I was wondering when you were going to creep back to me,~". She cornered her eyes towards her friend who was still partly in the shadows. Slowly, Quilla combed her hair back, fingernails soothing her scalp.

"I only hide from Joyans, dear friend," she whispered with a small side-smirk. "If you're coming to have a drink with me then do so, but if not... Hide in the shadows as you do,~" she jested yet was obviously serious.



A paradise in its' own making  Empty Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:52 pm

So drinking it was. At least Akuko would attempt to make it work in an idea of hers, But they did have other things to talk about."Oh please, When have I been unknown to run away from people? I miss too many chances at so many interesting things."Akuko mentioned so casually. Sure there could be examples, But were they really needed here? Not entirely for they had new lives here."People here easily tricked, fair amount of them seem to not pay attention easily."It was always about that one simple thing with her, But she did not have a one track mind, In the end maybe Akuko was enjoy the free feeling of this new land.

However, the joyan part only seemed to have Akuko kind of bitterly mention."I will sooner die again then set foot upon that damned nation of Joya ever again."Akuko's hatred for her homeland was most likely easily guessed, After all she did die there why would she even consider and want to go back? Well could be one reason to see it fall by her own hand, But that was mere insanity talk.

As for the drinks well it was not all that bad of a talk."Oh please, I can still drink while hiding."But there was more likely another reason for it that she could guess."Or is it because you reallllly really want me to stop lurking around."She laughed about it slightly, Because that might honestly be the point."I can still reach so many things around you, So if you got a drink I could still get it and drink."Even proving her point Akuko popped out both of her hands and just left them resting on the shoulders of Quillareine and waited to see what would happen.


A paradise in its' own making  Empty Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:13 pm


She listened to her dear friend mention Joya with spite. She remembered her father though and felt love for him. She was hoping that she will find her mother in time and wondered why she left them. It painted her heart to think of it. Akuko was talking of hiding still in the shadows, but Quilla wasn't into hiding. She was into the attention of 'because I can'. "Oh come on now," she chuckled and dragged her friend by the wrist, putting her out of the shadows. Her purple intense hair was revealed as her pale skin was like her own.

"Enough chat, let's go," she spoke in an accent that was rich and soothing. Her white snow hair flowed behind as she zoomed for the run-down bar. She heard that there were some good pleasures in this one. She swore to them though that if what they said wasn't true, she'd be back. Soon enough the women found the entrance and went inside the black painted glass doors. The rims of the door were pink and the windows could not be seen through from the outside. Once they entered the place was lit up by raving lights of color, otherwise was dark. The place was fancier inside than anticipated. "Look, Akuko... A dark place full of lights. So colorful," she playfully spoke to her friend. Quilla smirked and walked inside with her friend to go to the bar stand itself.


A paradise in its' own making  Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 4:22 am

It was almost like she was over playing the next part, Akuko did in fact slowly get pulled out of the shadow she was hiding in. But she let out a really exaggerated sigh, As she was out of the shadow with Quill being rather taller then Akuko herself she just was letting herself be carried for a moment then she just let herself fall back into a shadow rather then hitting the ground. Then just as quickly she just seep back to normal next to Quill."Fine fine, I guess I can forgo my normal things for now."She sounded like it was a problem when it really was not, Akuko like just messing around with things.

For now it was most likely not worth it to have such a way of think Akuko had, But nonetheless."At least I won't have to pay for the drinks."Akuko could mention. What that meant well seemed like it was left in air, She also would not explain it either. At least over all Akuko was not hiding any more and she would actually have a drink with her friend, So far her sole and only friend so far in her old and new life.

Some how Quill just stood her when no one else really did."What kind of drinks do you think they have here Quilly? Anything like what we are use too?"This just showed Akuko got by, But she did not really look into things here yet, Most likely she had just been messing around with people as she normally would.


A paradise in its' own making  Empty Thu Mar 03, 2022 1:33 pm


The bar looked colorful in the lights of a rave among the dark. The auroma of the area was filled with drunken spirits and sweat. She was glad people enjoyed such simple pleasures although deep inside she envied it. Sure, she enjoyed the simple things, but she will never be 'full'. Everything was just boring to Quilla, no matter how much she felt 'entertained'. Her cold bronze eyes gazed at Akuko who was wondering about the drinks, "Sake is easy to come by, but not the quality," she answered her coldly with a smirk.

Her white hair flowed back as she walked towards the bartender who looked up at the tall beauties of purple and white. As soon as she was close enough for her hand to roam close to the bartender she smiled flirtatiously, "How about your best drink, sire?~ For both me and my lady friend.", she spoke in her Joyan Language as she could tell by his face and the stare that he was from her Country. His eyes looked at both of them and smirked, "Of course, My maiden.", he was smitten already. It was too easy as most men surely thought with what they had between their legs instead of her brain. A sweet innocent smile curved upon Quilla's face as eyes lit up. Slowly, she sat on the stood of redwood that has soft cushions of white. The music was blasting with an electronic beat that mixed with a little metal. It was pleasing to the ears of an Oni if there was one as she will soon find out.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted by the bartender as he smoothly gave the woman her drink as well as Akukos'. "What is a Maiden doing around these parts anyways?", he wondered with such curiosity. Did he know too much by just a glance and few words? Her eyes cornered to gaze at Akuko and then back at the man. At first her face was filled with worry, but quickly changed to a calm and small smile. "Looking for my mother and trying to find a meaning of fulfillment." she sighed as she took her first drink while never leaving his eyes with her own. She put down her drink, "How did you guess?", she wondered obviously.

"That look in your eyes... You're related to them.", he laughed hectically and was starting to make another drink.



A paradise in its' own making  Empty Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:59 pm

It was always the answer, at least to her it was the drink that went around the most."Sake, Some could always benefit from trying something different."Surely they could something fair more then just plain sake,But then again Akuko was also like a friendly lurker you never truly knew was there or not. Akuko had heard of one she wanted to try in passing while lurking around it was called."A Kyoto Sour."They would most likely know how it is made and what it was, just plain sake by it's self was boring. But Akuko as going to try this drink blindly and hope it worked out for her.

Upon getting her drink she had to ponder what the first plan of action was, Did she had clues where to go? It seemed like a good idea to eventually ask. Just did not need too right away. With a it of a grin as daemon would do in some manner, it was still some what of a general smile as well just did not happen with that lingering feeling of Akuko actually being a daemon.

This man was clever or knew something they she needed to know, None the less Akuko would come to settle by her friend. With her Yellow eyes staring upon her. The playful laugh of Akuko just simple would continue their own conversations."Well, Seems we might have a clue to go off of."She mentioned so casually, Not really being done speaking yet."Do we....lure on away and get them to talk?"Sure it was not the best right away idea, but simple for people who might know something and are lured in by either of their beauty.

Akuko laid across what she was sitting on, Then she would just look around just in case. For any lingering eyes or conversations she might need to pick up on."But I can say, These lands feel new while feel like a home, At least some what like home."Akuko mentioned She was still for the most part getting use to it here and figuring out if she actually like it here.


A paradise in its' own making  Empty Sun Mar 06, 2022 9:56 am


"Even though this may look like our home, we cannot stay in Hosenka," she insisted calmly while taking her drink that was recently put down. The man seemed to check on the two every so often so she didn't want to talk about 'luring away', but then again, she could care less. "I doubt we can get him away from this Counter without looking suspicious. Plus, there is a rule in bars, Akuko...", she paused and chuckled as she took a drink. After putting it down and looking at her she spoke, "Never mess with the bartender in their own bar," she gave a playful smirk. Neither of them had a weapon, nor spells to really play this off so they will have to come back.

"Perhaps another time Akuko, but for now we should enjoy the company we have around us and their drinks... you never know when it'll be our last," she joked and took another drink. Her eyes cornered to see some men gazing at them and at that moment she sighed. "Looks like we have people interested where it's best to not," she got irritated as she wasn't a fan of flaunting her appearance like Akuko was. That was their large difference. That and the hidden anger that bottled up inside a cage within Quilla.


A paradise in its' own making  Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 6:22 am

So they would be on the road again so to say, almost expected in some manner, Things that remind of home could be risky and connected to actual home might be a lingering worry."Then where do you suppose we end up next."She would take a casual sip of her drink for a moment."Or should we go about this differently?"She felt like this as almost them for the moment going different paths at least for a tiny bit. But Quill was a good planner and smart with her own ideas. Akuko just existed she never seemed to want to think about worrying about much. Almost like since returning as a daemon she just was living life far different then Joya.

There was something about hearing that, making Akuko think it was a challenge of some kind, Where it might be more logical to consider not trying to do it. Yielding only because if she were to ever do such a task, she would just do it not around Quill, But that was just her being daring in in thought."Fine fine....I won't attempt to do that."At least she did not sound to dragged down by such a matter, She just kind of managed to get by with doing other things to annoy to people in the end."He does make good drinks."Then again Akuko was easy to please in terms of drinks and food. She was never picky about either things she could get by but never worry about what it was as long as it was decent quality.

As for gathering eyes that was something she almost expected."Oh? Should we expect them to look at other people?"Akuko would laugh slightly about it. Akuko for the moment just shit normally. Akuko only pick up on Akuko being around were the ones she already looked at. Her friend and the bartender. The other men or even women here were not anything she needed to consider yet. Alas Akuko waited to hear what Quill's plan was, What else to do and how they should go about it. Then well Akuko offer Quill a chance to try her Kyoto Sour. But Akuko just loved really sour things so that was something to be weary of.


A paradise in its' own making  Empty Thu Mar 10, 2022 4:46 pm


Quilla rolled her eyes and smirked while gazing at the handsome bartender who occasionally looks back at her. If she ever saw a god of Joya, it'd be right now. Her eyes studied his shoulders, strong arms and a face that was handsome yet cute as ever. His facial expression was kind as his eyes were dark and shaped as almonds. She sighed as the conversation went back to the people who were gazing at her. "I honestly have no interest in men who just stare.", she sits up and turns to her as her eyes glared the men's way, "It's disgusting, as if we're a piece of art to violate," she coldly speaks with spite.

She felt something within her rise, but soon she felt a hand on her shoulder and turned. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw the bartender's hand on her shoulder. Her heart beats quickly and gulped her words and actions that were going to be released. "I... thanks," she scoffed as he put down another drink, but this one was quite red to her eyes as it had some orange color in it. She slowly picked it up and studied it, "Strawberry with mango?", she questioned him as her eyes switched to his. He smirked and nodded, "Yea," he simple spoke and turned around to finish his stuff with the other customers.

She remembered this drink from somewhere... Joya... something to do with Joya.


A paradise in its' own making  Empty Fri Mar 11, 2022 8:58 am

All this and the shadow lurking daemon could just laugh and more about it. Maybe Akuko's change to a daemon and death made her far to stiff to these things, Then again some one who experience the boundaries and death and some how came back from it in some way might work different now days. But she would crack a joke."Oh, I just assume they are too scared of you to make a move."Akuko could mention it sounded playful and joking but maybe she was correct. Akuko might have a point Akuko was taller woman herself, But Quillareine was a giant of a woman who most likely had her strength some what picked up.

In some manner, Akuko worked different then her closest friend. Akuko was the type of lady that if you ask her to bite you in joke. she just would do it if she knew the person was not expecting it."They are far more interested in you then myself, Most consider that a good thing."Akuko was trying to make light some what of it."After all, your beauty is easily seen. Where mine is questionable."But as always Akuko was most likely trying to plan a few other things to do and mange things.

Once the bartender was gone Akuko just to see the reaction of all the eyes on her friend, Walk over and sat on Quillareine's lap. To make a bold move to gauge the men around them to see what happens, But this way they were also close enough to each other so they could whisper things to one another to maybe have more personal and close conversation."Lucky girl you are after all, Might be easier for them to know what to give you rather then myself, Then again I don't know if they make Lemon Sour's or Umeshu like at home."This was still at normal volume while they spoke

Leaning close enough to Quill's ear to make a suggestion but be sure the men around them were less likely to hear."Do you need me to make some kind of distraction? I can easily make them. If there was some one you wanted to talk too alone."Akuko was sure it was a good suggestion as she sat comfortably on Quill's lap then just kind of laid her head on the back of the chair to start finishing her drink.


A paradise in its' own making  Empty Sat Mar 12, 2022 9:51 am


She felt enrage, but the man was able to sooth her and Akuko was able to distract her mind. She watched her friend get on her lap and spoke quietly in her ear as she had a suggestion. Her eyes were still on her friend and the men who were gazing at the tall beauty and the daemon of seduction and trickery. She thought for a second as she wanted to talk to the bartender, so her eyes shifted to gaze right at her friend, "Distract them... I'm going to talk to the bartender...", she instructed since Akuko offered.

Her head turned to gaze where the bartender was, but he was no longer there. As soon as Akuko got off of her she stood up and looked all around. "Where did he go?", she coldly spoke while confused. Assuming her friend went to distract the men, she went off to ask around about the bartender. She leaned over the counter to see a new bartender, "Where did the last bartender go?". The person was a Joyan older man as she then started to speak again but in Joyan, "Where did he go?", she started to get irritated. She watched his eyes as they signaled towards a door. Quilla nodded and powerwalked towards the door through the dancers and drunk people.

She remembered his face as he had black slick hair and eyes of green meadows. When she was talking to him, he was Joyan looking. Once she got to the door, she slammed it open and looked both sides to see a man looking back at her one last time before disappearing in green smoke. That wasn't him, was it? Her heart beats were quickening as she thought about his appearance. He was no Joyan this one, he looked more elsewhere. He looked afraid when she saw him for some reason. Was it her that he was afraid of? No, the way he acted with her in the bar seemed rather flirtatious.

"Where is he?", she heard a strong voice from behind her. She turned around to see a man in armor, a hammer and eyes of blue. His hair was blonde, and he gazed at her as if she was some villain. "He... disappeared out of no where if you're talking about the black haired man with green eyes.", she blinked confused. He walked past her and disappeared with a flash of light that blinded her for a second.

Not only did her answers disappear without getting any, but more questions rose.

Slowly, she opened the door and looked back once more before going inside. She wondered how Akuko was doing.


A paradise in its' own making  Empty Sat Mar 12, 2022 11:08 am

Oh she wanted a distraction. There was many she could have done but well if you wanted the job done quick there was simple and easy ways that was not finding a random woman and exposing them to the people around while they all look to make their move, That was too simple."Sure thing, Don't take too long." Akuko said you could tell she was about to do something to annoy her friend before going off and messing with people. She gave Quillareine a kiss on her right cheek, Just for that slight way of being a pain in the butt, But showing she cared at the same time."See you soon."The way she said it, was like how she would use the tone of voice around any time she was about to play some kind of joke or prank and she knew she was guilty but would easily deny it at the same time.

But surely it was interesting for the men and even women if they were interested and were any others side from her and Quilly around to see a kiss from Akuko. Then just got off of her friend and well. Her skin started to progressively get more and more pale to the point it started turn parts light and dark blue,Her hair started standing up on end, accents of pink would then skin and flesh of her hands and wrist, her fingers now had claws at the end of her fingers tips, She now had two tails and a typical devilish smile of Akuko kind of showed how Akuko fitted wonderfully into being a daemon."Come here boys...I just wanna hold hands."It was not what she said in this moment, It was entirely how she said it. In some of the more menacing manner possible.

Who knew mentioning to want to hold hands was now gonna be so horrifying. Then as Akuko when you were her friend, Was a daemon who did things to help you when she was bored or in Quill's case because she asked. Then after shifting into her daemon form she ran into nearest shadow that was not her friends so she could do what she needed. Then one of the man that was staring at them both earlier would deal with Akuko's hand slowly seep his own shadow and poke him. As he looked well. Akuko jumped out of it and brought him to the ground with a bit of a laugh."Tell me, is this the prize your eyes of lust wanted?"Akuko did not contain the volume level of her laughing she made it as loud as possible. Letting him go Akuko when back into hiding.

The Akuko would find one of the random men who had barely been paying attention, Starting to seep out of the ceiling she then poked him from the back."Hello! I will just take this." Akuko then stole their drink and clasped his chin with in her hand and gave him a light kiss."Thank you!"The man was out of a drink now and most likely scared for his life. But he was let go so to say with out problem.

Surely panic was starting to happen with in the bar now right? Well if not Akuko would just bug more people. Reaching over to some one else pocket, Akuko took a pack of cigarettes from them, Just not being hidden about it, She as making this as easily picked up as possible. Just as the person jumped slightly Akuko just laughed more.

This would continue until some kind of sign from Quill showed she was good to stop or get out of there or figure out a way to settle the situation. Well settling the situation was not the best idea. "Oh...do none of you have a light? Disappointing."She mentioned to the people around her. But she shrugged her shoulders, some one was bound of have one and would give her one she knew it."Come now, Don't be the buzzkill of the party."Akuko said the most likely panicking people she then would just hide somewhere for a few moments.

Then pop out behind the bar."Oh they have to be hiding the good stuff."Akuko mentioned it was a the simple ploy to see if any of them would attempt anything thing, Even making it so blatantly obvious as to bend over and left her butt in the air for a moment. Not too long after she then popped back up and mentioned something to the line of."I knew he was hiding that drink here, That cheeky man."Akuko said it like it was a game, Then well she popped open the bottle of whatever it was and started drinking it.

Then well shifting around she found other good things, Cigars in which she opened the box to make sure there were any left, then took it with her, if they were being hidden they must have been worth something. Yes Akuko was using this situation to steal a bunch of stuff in some random hosenkan bar, But what did it matter to her in the end anyway right? being a daemon let alone was already enough trouble so why not just go along with it."Oh he was really hiding the good stuff on you all."

Akuko laughed because she was not taking it, Then just went back into hiding assuming at this point Quill would show back up or yet again have some kind of sign or word on where she should go or meet her, At this point she was running out of options of things to do to mess with people,It was not entirely from lack of effort she just wanted to play it out as long as she could for Quill it was her task at the time, So she had to take it step by step. Which made it a bit more enjoyable.


A paradise in its' own making  Empty Tue Mar 15, 2022 7:21 pm


Quilla wasn't sure what was exactly happening with Akuko as she just got there. She found her just drinking up the booze from behind the counter as the bartender was obviously gone now. Her eyes gazed at the men who were just gazing at Akuko and now her. "Akuko, it's time to go... I have things to do now as we both do." she instructed coldly before walking towards the bar stand and grabbing a bottle of wine that she wished tasted like actual grape, not crap. She started to walk out with Akuko once she was done, but before she even fully started to get halfway out, she heard some men yell for her, not by name.

Rolling her eyes she turned, "Enough of these gaaames... Go hound yourself to those women who are more sober. I'm sure you have a chance, hmm?~" she questioned as she walked, patted his face and turned away. The man was about to grab her but she donkey kicked his stomach to make him stagger back. Swaying her hips, she left.



A paradise in its' own making  Empty Wed Mar 16, 2022 3:28 am

Some one was a bit tense and demanding. Akuko could even remark."Jeez so grumpy, Could at least use some manners."It was the blatant and easily picked up amount of sarcasm from her. Akuko was more then likely going along with it for now, Having to guess how long it would be before Akuko just went off and did her own thing because that was just her way of being.

Then again some kind of beaten up person would totally be fitting next to the stealing and drinking."Guess he can learn if he likes it rough with some one else."Some one was not in a good mood and sure draining herself in booze might not be the best idea. But Akuko was happy she had drinks, a few things to smoke and a friend to travel with. As Quillareine took a few steps out of the build, Akuko just did as she normally did and went back into hiding.


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