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The Fool Tarot: Tempris

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The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Fri Aug 13, 2021 2:24 am


Tempris stood in her room staring at a mirror in her purple night gown. She was suppose to be a mage, a person who wield magic enact the will of her creator but she has yet to cast a spell in a fight. Her magic potential we suppose to be high. She held her hand out and concentrated. A white and blue flame appeared in her hand. It was warm and she her hand growing stronger steadily. This was the power of Illumin and his Holy Flame. However this was the best she was capable of doing. Today, this was going to change. She was going to push herself past her limits and her magic would be as much as a weapon as her sword. However, her magic would become more than a weapon.

First she would need to expand her magic. It needed to be bigger. It needed to be more pure. It needed to reflect her own desire to save this world. She closed her eyes and pushed more magic into her hand. The flame grew in size but it flickered back to the original size. The girl slowly chuckled at the realization that she was probably bad at magic.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Fri Aug 13, 2021 12:37 pm


Where did it all go wrong. She took a moment to focus but could only managed to make the holy flame grow to half the size as before. Worst, it flickered even more now. The girl was angry at the realization that she was not as good at magic as she remembered herself being. How could it be that Illumin's chosen, the one gifted with the holy flames of Illumin, could not make a simple stable flame. She clenched her fame, suffocating her flame, not by robbing it of oxygen since it was not really fire but light, but by smothered by her fury. She threw her hands down and ran to her bed. She then threw her face into the pillow and screamed a muffled scream. It just wasn't fair. Its not her fault it was just easier to use her sword. It wasn't her fault that the foes she fought so far have been week... well, except for that one guy who just had 2 swords and she forgot to use any magic cause she was angry. The girl peeled her face away and then held out her hand again. Once again she summoned a flame.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Sat Aug 14, 2021 4:19 am


The magical flame danced in her hand and didn't flicker. She took a deep breath and concentrated once again and the flame grew but it once again flickered. She did not fall into her angry. Instead she rolled over to her back and held her hand up in the air. This wasn't really fire and since her room had no sin of sin, she did not fear anything bad happening should she drop her flame while moving around. If something did trigger its purifying properties, then she would probably just be happier. Her room would be a safer place for her own purity.

With the flame in the air, she clenched her arm and focused on the flame. She pushed magic into her palm which made the flame grow and she tried to keep the flow steady. Despite her efforts, she could feel her magic flow wavering. She knew this was something she could do before. She could remember... only all she could remember was the cold. Was there not as much validity to her perceived skill with the holy flames? Tempris let out a sigh and dispel the flame in her hands. She needed some fresh air and maybe some sun.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Sat Aug 14, 2021 1:22 pm


Tempris held up her key and activated its magic, switching to a more acceptable and appropriate outfit. She had on a white veil with a gold band over her forehead. She had a loose white dress with very thin and light. Underneath the girl wore a white t-shirt and spats. All this was so that she did not overheat out in the sun while training. It was so great having access to an entire wardrobe and the ability to change so quickly. It saved the girl so much time. Time, which she would dedicate to improving her magic.

The girl grabbed her sword, it was all she needed for training. As Even if she did not want to completely be reliant on it, she did want to make sure her magic would not interfere with her proven fighting style. Resting the sword on her shoulder, she held her free hand out and lit another holy flame. She focused on keeping the flame a little bit bigger than what it naturally formed as and walked out the guild. Most people in the guild tended to stay away from her and a open holy flame was more than a good enough excuse to do so.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Mon Aug 16, 2021 1:00 am


It was a slow walk. The girl could feel herself fighting to control her magic with every step she made. Her focus because so burden that she almost ran into a wall or two. While she was lucky not to plant her face into the precious walls of the traditional building, she was focus to lose focus and the small holy flame died out. She cursed under her breath each time she failed to remain discipline and alert. But being upset was not going to keep her flame in her hand big, bright, and respectable. No, she had to remain calm. She had to stay focus. This was punishment for neglecting her magic for so long on her journey. She had to face this with strength. She had to learn from this experience. She had to remember the pain and suffering. Well there was not really pain. It was more of just embarrassment. Her feelings were hurting but you can't take hurt feelings and a fragile ego to the doctor. You could not even take it to church. While Tempris was not sure how exactly the church would act. She was sure they would say that the ego is bad.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Mon Aug 16, 2021 2:26 am


Or at least feeding it is bad. Tempris, was not sure if that was necessary true. Though, she did think she could be a little better about managing her own self. So she took a deep breath. She then set her sword against the wall and clasped her hands. She felt like it was easier to focus when she was in this position. She reached deep inside of her self and saw the flame, the anger which fought on a cold internal battlefield. It was there that she fought for control. Within a minute of prayer she could feel her body relax.

Now it was time to work on her mana. She pulled back from her inner flame which glowed and burned with determination and devotion and now looked at her body as a whole. She looked for her magic, her divine gift. It was kind of hard since it was so nature to just use it. To have to realize it exist not as her blood but as a tool or a limb, it required some more prayer. Enough prayer that it would not take the same minute it took for her to completely relaxed her heated flaming heart.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:39 am


With the power of prayer, she did it. She managed to imagine her magic, or should she say picture the magic in her body. She knew of its presences and now it was time to see if she could manipulate its flow. She broke her hands apart and held out her palm. She focused on releasing magic out of her hand but she also tried to to keep it as its basic element. Now was not the time to revel in the glory of his name. Now was not the time to bask in his warmth. Now was the time to be a glowing light of progress. Now was the time to be a glowing light of improvement.

It was very hard. She could feel a small warmth coming from her hand as a tiny flame formed. She was so attuned to using her magic this way that, well, it was more of her base than anything else. Pure mana from her body willed to be the Holy Flames of Illumin. She willed all things she did to be dedicated to Illumin, especially her magic. However, being pure magic was an important step to improving her magic. It was so important.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 1:53 pm


It not only represent her control, but it was free of the training wheels using her magic provided to her mana. At least thats what she believed. It was not like she was doctor in magic or something lame like that. It was only lame cause she did not have one. It was also what she felt would push her forward in her training. As she felt the flow of her mana, she did her best to try and streamline it. She wanted this mana flow to be smooth as a brick road. She wanted her magic to travel across it without any bumps, bruises, jumps, or clogs. It had to be constant, like dividing a number by 1. It had to be just right.

Tempris held out her hand and then she summoned her holy flame of Illumin. It was a small flame, as normal. Then she clenched her forearm and had the flame grow. It did not grow too big but it grew enough so that she could notice it was bigger. Then she focused on her mana and kept it smooth. She was no genius but she knew with enough devotion, she could finally complete her objective.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Tue Aug 17, 2021 10:52 pm


Devotion and concentration rewarded those who were dedicated. Tempris would eventually get to reap her rewards to that type of dedication. The flame in her hand not only was bigger, it was not flickering. Tempris wanted to smile, to celebrate, but doing so could potential break her concentration. It threaten the progress she made. For if she messes up, all that joy, all that happiness, that sense of accomplishment, would be for not. It would be wasted effort. They would disappear and leave behind a void. A hole in her heart that would quickly be filled with rage, with anger, with regret. So she maintain her self and walked forward with her weapon resting on her shoulder. Moving, paying attention to her surroundings and maintaining focus and the flame as simply a natural progression of her training. So she did so. She was not perfect. When a man carrying a bunch of boxes almost hit her, she could feel her flame flicker. However, it did not go out. She did not lose control. It was simply a lack a discipline due to practicing a new skill. She could forgive herself if she managed to complete her personally set task successfully.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Fri Aug 20, 2021 12:55 pm


The air was crisp under a glowing radiant sun. The light was bright, but Tempris was already use to the light, given how she always kept her curtains open at the crack of dawn so that the warmth of the sun could fill her room. Her flame flickered as her eyes adjusted but she was in control. She was going to not only keep the flame going, she was going to fight through the changing environment and the temptation to give up or break in order to bask in his warmth.

The light was so warm on what skin she allowed to open up to the light. The flame remained in her hand, but Tempris felt the urge to feel more support from her god. So she lowered her veil so so that her hair would be free to dance in the air and soak up the sunlight. Her flame flickered again but she was able to remain diligent. Even as the cool heretical breeze nipped at her ears and neck. She maintain her composure. She maintain her focus. And with that, her objective was completed. She had shown that she could control her magic. If anything, she realized something else.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Sun Aug 22, 2021 11:18 pm


It was very obvious that she was actually really good at this. She snickered not noticing the flame in her hand flickering. Before she had a chance to see her mistake, she dispel the flame and made a fist. She grabbed her sword with both hands and charged forward into the open field. She needed to find a big field. She was envisioning her magic covering a wide area. She wanted it to be effective like the man she met in Bosco. Despite his lack of discreetness, she idolize his ability to set things ablaze. If she could have her magic affect so a large area, she could help so many people.

So after finding a space. She clasped her hands together and envision a flame, a holy flame covering the world. Envisioning something was the first step in making a magic work after all. Then she imagined Illumin granting her the power to separate sin from the pure souls of the world. This was it. She held her hands up in the air and spawn a large holy flame between them. Then she pumped magic into it so that it could grow as big as possible. This was it.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:35 pm


Her holy flaming fire ball grew to be her size. The heat radiating off of the holy creature bath the girl in Illumin's loving warmth. It felt like she was being hugged, like she was not alone training. In this moment, she could pretend her family was with her. She could pretend to be truly apart of something and not judge. If she could, she would want to stay like this forever but her mana would not allow such a thing and well, she was suppose to be creating a tool to help save the people, no the world. Such selfish behavior would be most unbefitting of the herald of rapture, illumin's chosen, Tempris Ash...

Tempris felt her energy sudden sap. She wasn't an Ashflare. She was... something else now. The daughter of the guild master, Karisa. The thoughts pulled away Tempris's focus causing the massive holy fireball to shrink and minimize. Then it flickered as the amount of energy being pushed into the creature remained the same. For it to remain at this size, it only needed magic power, something the girl clearly had. Thus it chaotically illuminated the area and hovered over her hand radiating its warmth.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Tue Aug 24, 2021 6:19 pm


With so much warmth hugging her body one would think Tempris would be ecstatic. It was the girl's dream to surround herself in so much heat. If she dropped the holy fireball, she could purify so much. So many people would be saved by such deliverance of her lord, her savior. It should have been her proudest moment. It should have been a fiery memory that would heat up the contents of her mind. But that was not the case. The reality of her situation made her feel like she was in the dark. How much of herself was real her? How much was fostered in fake memories? How much did she forget? Were her warm memories taken away from her. Was that why her thoughts were so cold, so iced over. It was like her identify was frozen itself. Her spirit was just a wet paper waiting to dry in whatever shape those who held her edges wished. To not have control over once self was a biting though that cycled in her head. The girl lowered her hands, dispelling the fire. The heat fled on a heretical breeze that covered the girl in frozen kisses of ice.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Tue Aug 24, 2021 9:51 pm


Tempris felt cold. She felt lost in her thoughts. She knew she was suppose to be training but inside, she knew she had deeper issues. She had a bigger grief she had to shoulder. She summoned a ball of holy flame in her hand and then shot it out at the ground. She watched as the ground became sacred. It was something special about her magic. The ground in dirt itself was not heretical. It was only when said dirt from the ground was on her clothes or on a human That the girl viewed The substance as her enemy. And since the ground and dirt was not Considered her enemy, it only sparkled as her magic cleansed it of the small residence of sin that hid in the area.

If she had to describe the effect of her small fireball of holy light, She would say it simply covered a small one meter area in diameter for its explosion. The fireball itself was only .25 meters in its dimension. It was clearly a weak spell. Something she would not dare attempt to cleanse someone with. It would be an insult not only to her, but to the poor souls.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:31 pm


The girl can only imagine you poor souls suffering as they were forced to experience the sensation of knowing that their body was filled with sin and not free of it YouTube the girls attack being so weak. It was a horror, no, a crime under Illumin to do such a thing in good faith. Overall she would give herself a failing grade regarding this spell. she opened her hand and pushed more Mana out. The thoughts of being cold, being alone were absent as her inner fury started up the flame inside of her. The flame in her hand grew to a more enormous size compared to before. It was .5 meter and radiating Heat that salivated over the idea of the devouring sin. The holy Fireball flickered but the girl didn't care. Her anger pushed her to continue with the incomplete Magic and she fired it off without hesitation.

The holy fireball whizzed through the air slowly shrinking and exploding in brilliance as holy Flames bathed the ground in an 1 meter diameter area. This was a lot better, but it was still unacceptable. The spell was vastly underpowered. She knew she could do better. She knew she could hit harder.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:54 pm


She had the holy Flames of Illumin. Still, it was pretty to watch The Embers of her magic dance away warming the ground with Illumin’s love. Something inside of her stopped her from relaxing, almost fearful of the consequences of being calm in this kind of environment. The girl's chest burned itching to improve. She claps her hands settling on thanking her die for this site, for this power oh, his opportunity to grow and become a more powerful mage. It would end up helping her serve his cause. It would help her enact his will and save many more souls.

The girl once again how about her hand and spawn a flame from it.This Flame flickered uncontrollably like a torch under storm except bad weather was not what was tampering with its glow. It was instead the girl's desperation and desire to be better than what she was that made the magic uneasy. Despite this the magic answered the girls desires and grew. The girl then fired it off into the distance. This holy fireball whizzed through the air and exploded like the other ones but anymore grandeur release of energy. Her eyes lit up at the progress.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Tue Aug 24, 2021 11:42 pm


The Fireball Was 1 meter diameter which was a pretty hefty size. It was only a few centimeters shorter than her but she was sure it would hurt a man or woman’s sin a lot more than her previous attempts. Still deep down she knew she could do better she had to do better. bee explosion radius of the fireball when it hit the ground was 4 meters. It would be really difficult for the average person to dodge it if they were not prepared. This was further exacerbated by the fact that tempers get herself as a close-range combatant. any attack she did would probably come had a closer range. end this way she would be able to experience the same warmth oh, the Same Love from her god that the sinners would experience. In this way, she could personally see their souls off in the Glorious baptism of Fire.

But this holy fireball was still not still not enough. She needed more power. She dreamed of something vast that would cleanse the battlefield. If she was surrounded by a mass of sinners like when she was in Bosco, she wanted to save herself the time in the middle of battle.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:08 am


Before, she would meet each sinner with her blade one by one. Sometimes she could get a couple of them with one swing but it was few and far between. She had access to magic. She was gifted. So she really needed to start using her gifts. It was why she was here. It was why she was training.

She held up her hand up over her head. She fueled her magic into the blazing holy energy. But it was not growing any bigger. She looked confused. She was able to bulk up the magic before. What was the difference now? She clenched her teeth and tried to forced more magic out. Her flame flickered violently but it was not growing. She dropped the flame in front of her, while shouting. Angry took over the girl’s mind as she watched her surroundings get engulfed in Illumin’s brilliance. The heat from her holy flames hugged her, comforting her damaged pride.

She was able to take a deep breath and watch her dancing holy flames die into ember. It was then that she realized the key thing she was missing. She clasped her hands and closed her eyes. A soft prayer left her lips.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Wed Aug 25, 2021 1:56 am


Her mind relaxed, focus on her devotion. It was what saved her. It brought her peace. It is what gave her existence reason. Though she was young and made mistakes by letting her emotions get the better of her, she could always turn to Illumin for guidance. Her boiling blooded simmered and she could feel her mana. It flowed steadily inside of her and she mentally practiced push her mana calmly into her hands. Focus was what she needed to push pass brute magical power. Condensing her magic into a large ball of fire was the goal. So with her mindset set, she broke her clasp.

Then the girl pointed her hand outward and a large fireball formed in front of her. The fireball grew bigger and bigger, forcing the girl to raise her hand into the air. The ball was so big, there was no way she could control it at this size. She would need the ability to fly or be as tall as a giant to use the spell like this. This was a successful proof of concept but it was no good like this. So she dropped it. And the whole area was covered in holy flames.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Empty Wed Aug 25, 2021 2:44 am


This was the power she was looking for. It seemed like the spell covered a 16 meters area whole but she did not have a ruler so she was not completely sure. It was effective though. It was the type of fire power, no pun intended, that she needed to make her work easier. The holy flames felt wonderful and the heat that calmed her down was now cheering her on. It pushed her to keep fighting. She was so close to getting this spell to work. She was so close to saving the world, or at least a step closer to saving the world. She was not close to saving the world. Not with all the monsters she has seen and that accursed Ika. She needed to find a way to beat him. This could be one of the steps needed for that.

She picked up her sword, holding it with two hands. Then she prepared to attack. Mana channeled through her hands. Then she moved her hands, swinging her sword. Her magic flew into the air and a magic circle surrounded her. Then the area exploded into holy flames. This was it. This was what she was looking for in an attack. This leave of care onto the land. This loving warmth. Now it was time to move forward.

The Fool Tarot: Tempris Charlotta-granblue-stance-by-ucantw1nLet all heretics be purged by my holy flames.
Tempris Ashflare #ff3366

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