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The Training Before Home (Training)

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The Training Before Home (Training) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:36 pm


Yuurei had one more thing to do before he truly left Orchidia. It was simple as he was going to finally make one of his most powerful spells to date. He was thinking about what he wanted to do first, and the thing he would benefit the most was more strength into his body. The light mage had thought about the entire concept of what he had to do. This wasn’t going to be simple in any way and that much he knew. What did he need to do first? Well, it was simple he was thinking about how big the damn magic circle was going to be. It would appear bigger than any of the other circles he had created before. Renji hoped that this was quicker than any of the other spells he masted, but when he did train there was a lot he was doing.

The half-elf would prepare himself for what was to come. He put his hand in front of him as he was looking at it to begin.



The Training Before Home (Training) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:40 pm


Yuurei would start pouring mana into his hand as he was trying to create a magic circle. The mana he was pouring into would start forming the magic circle and while he was watching it be created, he could tell that it wasn’t going to go right. It didn’t look as big as he usually made his magic circle. While it was being completed something would happen. His magic circle would start to crumble right in front of him. The circle wasn’t big enough, and he would have to think about his options. The light mage should have known this by now, the circle he was going to create would have to be double the size of the last spells he made. After a few minutes though, he would come to that conclusion, and he would try again.

He had a smirk on his face as he would put his hand out in front of him again to try again.



The Training Before Home (Training) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:42 pm


Yuurei would pour mana into his hand once again as he was making sure that it was a lot of mana to create the circle. The creation looked like it was coming along smoothly. He watched the circle almost done, but then something bad would happen. The magic circle would blow up as it would backfire, and he would fall to the ground from the knockback of it all. He would laugh it off for a bit as he would get up from the ground and pat the dust off him. He had to find a middle ground between the mana he was pouring in. He saw that the magic circle he was creating was the right size, but the mana he put it was too much for that.

The light mage would go into a middle ground as he would open his hand and start pouring mana into his hand. The magic circle he was creating would appear once again. It would slowly start forming in the air above his palm, and he would nod as it seemed like it was going fine. His focus was on the point, and in the end, the circle would fully be created.



The Training Before Home (Training) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:43 pm


Yuurei created the magic circle and he looked at hoping that it was stable. When he saw nothing bad would happen, he would disperse the spell right then and there. The light mage decided that it was best for him to start working on the spell circle for a bit until he had a good feel for it. Renji would watch him do this and he was surprised that this was something he had been doing every time he had trained. Yuurei was determined to be as strong as he currently could be. He continued pouring mana into his hand and creating the magic circle. He was doing this for an hour as he was accomplishing a lot, but at the same time, he would be also failing at completely making the magic circle.

Still, after that hour was done, Yuurei would be able to create the magic circle naturally without a problem. This was good because now he knew that he could focus on the next part of his spell and this close to going home.



The Training Before Home (Training) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:43 pm


Now that he was able to create the magical circle, the next thing on his agenda was worse than what he was doing this entire time. Yuurei had to create the stars that would imbue him with power that he wouldn’t be able to reach now. The light mage figured that he would have to do this now and if he messed up at least it was just one spell he was learning today. The half-elf would open his hand in front of him and he would start pouring the mana out to his fingertips. While doing so he would create the magic circle that would be floating above his hand. He could see from the beginning that everything was going fine, so now what he had to take care of was the light stars that he was creating.

The stars would come out of the magic circles and while they were forming, they would only get to ten of them before they would start to explode one by one. Each time that happened, Yuurei would find himself twitching hoping none of it would hit him.



The Training Before Home (Training) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:44 pm


Once all the stars were gone from where they floated, Yuurei would relax a bit as he didn’t have to worry about getting hurt by his own magic. That was the scariest thing that his own magic could hurt him. He wasn’t sure what had gone wrong, but he figured that he would put more mana into the spell now. Yuurei would give it a second as he wanted to reassure himself that there was nothing bad that could happen to him. He wouldn’t take long, but he would open his hand and focused the mana into his palm once again. The magic circle would be created right then and there, and he had made sure to put more mana into his spell this time. This was the most mana he had ever put into his spell, and he hoped this would work.

Yuurei would see the stars starting to form as they were coming out of the magic circle all at the same time. It looked like a good sign, and he would see that they would all come out at once.



The Training Before Home (Training) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:45 pm


Once the stars were out of the magic circle, they were moving around for a bit before they started going everywhere instead of Yuurei. The light mage was fine with this because the thing he needed to do was be able to create the stars without them exploding or disappearing on him. He would dodge the incoming stars because he knew that he shouldn’t be touched by them. He knew the damage they could have done to him if he didn’t get it right. Once the stars were gone, he would stop moving as he was able to create the stars. Now he needed to do was make sure that they were stabilized before he gave them a direction on where to go. This wasn’t fun and he wished he could skip through the process and be able to use this spell, but that wasn’t how it worked. He continued trying out the spell that he was learning as he was constantly failing on keeping the stars from going out of control.



The Training Before Home (Training) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:45 pm


Yuurei kept trying the same spell and repeating the same steps repeatedly. His training continued for another hour or so until the stars were no longer going out of control. The stars he created would soon be perfect as they would be floating above the magic circle. This was good as they would show that he was able to make sure that the stars didn’t go out of control. He would disperse the spell, for he knew what was next. He had been doing this with all his spells, and he knew this would be the most dangerous part of it all. The light mage would hope that now that he was able to stabilize the stars, they wouldn’t go berserk when he gave them the direction of where he wanted them to go. The half-elf would move his hand and open it in front of his hand as he would start pouring his mana into his fingers as he was getting ready for the next part.



The Training Before Home (Training) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:45 pm


Yuurei would watch as the magic circle would appear and when it did the stars would start coming out as well. They would all appear at the same time, and they would hover above the magic circle. The light mage would focus as he was trying to get his stars to come to him. When it did, the stars would make it to Yuurei, but they wouldn’t enter. Instead, they would bounce right off him, and he would look confused. He didn’t understand how something like this would happen, but the reason behind it was simple. He was nervous about the backlash he would get for having his stars entering his body. It sucked, but Yuurei would continue trying the spells repeatedly and every time he would come up with the same result.

Renji saw this and he shook his head as he walked over to Yuurei and tapped him on his leg.

“You seem like you’re afraid of allowing that spell to finalize itself with you. Be sure of yourself before trying again Yuu, or you going to keep wasting your mana.” He said to him as he would walk away from his partner and sit down to watch.



The Training Before Home (Training) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:46 pm


Yuurei heard what Renji had to say to him, and he would nod as he thought about it and he could see that he was indeed scared. He knew how the pain felt from all his other spells, so in a way, he was nervous about how this would turn out. He figured that was because this was one of his strongest spells, so he would feel the backlash of his spell at maximum capacity if he got things wrong. Still, he closed his eyes he was thinking about it all and knew that he had to go through the pain to succeed in mastering this spell. After thinking about it, he would open his eyes as he was no longer uncertain of what to do. The light mage would open his hand and focused the mana into his palm.

This brought the magic circle to appear floating into the air again. His face serious as he could get as he would pour more mana into the magic circle to bring out the stars that were floating out of it. Once they all materialized, they would start going straight towards Yuurei as he wanted.



The Training Before Home (Training) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:46 pm


They would enter Yuurei without a problem, but there was one thing that he knew was going to happen was that they wouldn’t enter properly. He felt them enter his body, but the surge of energy that he would feel would easily turn into something else. He felt the twitching in his body happening, and then soon enough he would feel the shocking pain coursing through it all. The half-elf knew this was going to happen, but he would just scream from the top of his lungs as he would fall to the ground as he would think about what had gone wrong. He stood there waiting for his body to feel a bit better, and Renji would look at him and wondered if he had died.

“Are you good there Yuu? Do you need me to get someone?” He asked curious to hear Yuurei's response.

Yuurei laugh when he heard this but groaned from the pain he felt as he would just lay on the floor for a bit.

“Thank you, but I’m still alive. This usually happens to me when I’m training these buffs, but this hurts more than anything I ever felt.” He said as he could feel his body aching.



The Training Before Home (Training) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:48 pm


Renji understood and he just sat there waiting for things to be done. Yuurei would stay there for a bit, and after a couple of minutes of laying on his back, he would get up and on his feet. The light mage would shake his head and the rest of his body as he was trying to release the tension on his body. When he was ready to go, he had a smile on his face. He was confident that he would get it right this time. The light mage would pour the mana into his palm as it was towards him, and a magic circle would appear. When that happen, the stars would all come out as there would be twenty-one stars floating above the magic circle. Once that happened, Yuurei would order all the stars to go inside of his body. He had put more control into it and once it entered his body, he waited to see what would happen.

He could feel the energy going around his body and he would feel power and strength that he had never felt before. This was amazing, and he wanted to test it out. The light mage would look around to see what he could use it on.



The Training Before Home (Training) Empty Sun Feb 20, 2022 9:48 pm


Yuurei would make his way over to a nearby tree, and he would look at it and made sure that if it fell nobody would be harmed. When he could confirm that, he got into a fighting stance and he swung his fist with all his might, and right then and there the tree would explode. He didn’t crack the tree with his strength but instead made sure that it would get taken out. His eyes widen when he saw that as he looked over to his fist and then back at where the tree used to be.

He was excited to have that found strength and couldn’t wait to go back home now. Still, he had to continue his training as he needed to master it. The light mage continued with his training and this time it would last hours. He would go through so much pain from messing up every now and then, but he continued to push through it. After a couple of hours, he was done with the spell though as he had been able to cast it without harming himself. Once he knew he could do it naturally he figured it was time to be on their way.

“Alright I’m ready to finish a job and then go home.” He said to Renji.

Renji would nod as he could agree with him, and he would walk over to Yuurei. He would climb onto his shoulder, and they would head to the city of Orchidia.

2506/2400 Starlight Magic: Twenty-One Star Trained 40% reduction on 4000 words is 1600 which is 2400 words

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