Emil sighs figuring it was about time for a boring request from Akabo, he nods agreeing though he doubts anything will come from it, but now he wonders if his own love might be with another man right now. He shakes his head snapping himself out of it and walks out of Akabo's home and gets on the trail of a huge woman that looks like she could out drink and eat Emil at the same time, and has a slightly scary aura around her. He doesn't even try to sneak knowing he is far to built to be sneaking around to the level he needs here. The woman having zero fear that dumb lame brain Akabo would ever dare to suspect her, of going behind his back, Emil watches the woman get her hair done, a fresh coat of make up and a barrel of perfume, as he follows her he can smell her and it is not a nice smell it makes his stomach roll hard. He watches her spit on a homeless beggar who recoiled in fear of her, Emil can;t blame the man for reacting like that.
(W/C 332)