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A dark prospect (Solo quest)

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A dark prospect (Solo quest) Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:28 pm


Kaito runs forward excited to be doing a new mission and living another day from the strange and unique people he had met lately to the earth shattering resolve he had to make himself understand and if he is truly ready to take that next step in his own journey forward. He arrives to the usual building but it was torn down and he followed the signs to the new building and he wonders if this has all just been some strange fever dream and he has lost touch with reality as he walks into the new shadowy looking building as he crosses what looks like groups of vampires and werewolves, he sits in a chair and he is called back as he looks around and they go into detail telling him he has to help rescue a kidnapped pair of twins one is a werewolf and the other is a vampire. They hand him a note that has a map attached to it.


A dark prospect (Solo quest) Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:28 pm


He looks over the map and the note and it calls for him personally, which is weird as he has only come across vampires on a mission and a rune knight. He takes the note and map and hands them to Revy who is in his hood and she sits back and she leads him as he runs and he ends up at a dead end ally and she points to the wall and he starts working at a puzzle that is on the wall with sliding pieces, Revy lets him work on it by himself as he goes as if he has a plan and is seeing the answer in his own head. Three last pieces slid into place and the wall opens and Kai runs in without a second though and Revy turns on a head lamp and tells Kai how to get around the maze like area they just found themselves in.


A dark prospect (Solo quest) Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:28 pm


The map keeps updating with new info as he runs along the walls over pitfall traps and other trouble spots he was not slowing down and was not stopping to smell the flowers he has a wind leading him. He was not going to waste the head wind he has built, he lets out a excited yell that echoed through the mazes halls and Revy was scared by the sudden sound Kai made as if he was just having fun and wasn't in a life and death struggle vs an ever changing maze. Kai sees a light and he bounds through it and flips landing on his feet and he looks around and Revy comes falling down and Kai catches her in his gloved hand and she glares at him for doing something so stupid and thoughtless without a warning. He chuckled and he puts her back in his hood and she goes back to leading him around the area as it is blinding light in this room and he wonders why they would need this kind of room, then the whole room goes completely black and the light in the head lamp doesn't go out more then a foot.


A dark prospect (Solo quest) Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:29 pm


He realizes this is a trap and someone big is coming from the vibrations he can feel coming his way. He can hear dragging and screams of what seem to be tormented souls fresh ripped from their graves, he wonders if Tutrix and her cult have something to do with it or if he was just in for a rude awakening by some pissed off monsters and who sent them the last time. He taps the side of his head with two fingers activating his thermal vision and he looks around and he sees three Frankenstein like monsters shambling around in the dark he figures who ever set this up didn't think about him being able to see in the dark. They get closer to him and attack he fights back while defending Revy who breaks loose of Kai and helps him fight cause she isn't some helpless woman that always needs protected by him.


A dark prospect (Solo quest) Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:29 pm


They topple the monsters then the light return blinding Kai pretty decently Revy returns to leading him and Kai gets into a cave like area with dripping water splashing and the sound echoes through the cave, he walks in deeper and he sees a giant monster in the water and he gets closer and it looks at him then away. He gets closer and he pulls out a sav from his own bag and he rubs it on a wound the creature has on it and it flinches slightly but Kai doesn't make any sudden moves and the creature doesn't attack him then it rolls over and makes a move for him to get on and ride across on it's back and he does so, and he waves to it as he gets off of the creature. Revy says the map has them going up the ladder ahead of them and he gets to climb Revy holding on tightly and when they reach the top they are in a poorly light arena looking area with suits of armor of differing color and size.


A dark prospect (Solo quest) Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:29 pm


They came to life and slashes of different elements come flying at him and he tosses Revy into the air and her wings come out and she flies around as Kai dodges and Parries the swinging weapons, Kai tells her to look for a control crystal that is being used as a medium to control the armor from afar. She keeps her eyes peeled as weapons and armor are heard clanking and Kai using his magic to hold them back to buy Revy time as they seem to have a one track mind on him. Revy sees a stone glowing in a rainbow color and Kai throws his Katana to her and flip kicks a suit backwards, then rolls backwards on the floor of the room and pushes back up to his feet so he isn't stuck on the ground. Revy catches the Katana then swings it slashing the crystal and the suits of armor topple over falling to pieces. Revy flies back to Kai returning his Katana and he smiles and high fives her for the quick team work.


A dark prospect (Solo quest) Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:29 pm


The next door slams open and he adjusts his cloak and lets Revy land on him and go back into his hood then he proceeds through the door and it leads to what looks like the dungeon of a castle or a prison and he sees guards, he wonders if this is a jail break and he is helping in is then he sees the two small children in cages and he knows this is a bandit outpost not an actual castle. He draws his Katana again and he readies himself for the incoming guards, he has Revy slide down his back to sneak and free the children and he wasn't gonna let them stop her, he throws his cloak into the air and he gets low as their eyes went up he does a lunging strike and one goes down the other had the mind to move so the slash missed him.


A dark prospect (Solo quest) Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:29 pm


Kai slides a little and the second guard comes forward to stab into kai that just lets himself fall and he kicks his leg up knocking the weapon back away and he spins on his palm and sweeps the others foot, but he can hear more coming down from the floor above he stands then stomps down on the guards head to stop him from getting up only knocking him out. Revy is having trouble with t he locks on the cages and Kai tries to help her and he gets one loose for her and then pushes her to the side and he takes a couple arrows to his back, not missing a step Kai turns and he fires wind spells back at them Revy is nearly ready to cry at seeing Kai being hurt but she shallows the tears and hurries up, she gets them free from the cages, but they way back out has closed. Blood is pooling behind Kai as he fights and the two girls look terrified and Revy tells them Kai will handle it to believe in him.


A dark prospect (Solo quest) Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:30 pm


Kai finishes them off, he walks down the stairs back to Revy and the girls and he starts doing the puzzle on the wall and as he finishes it and the way opens a figure covered in shadow appears behind him and Kai turns quickly and blocks a blow from the figure. "So you have finally come to me Kaito." Kai looks at this shadowy figure and signals the girls to go running back the way they came from. "Who are you ?" His voice seems slightly shaky as he talks from blood loss and from a bit of fear at this person. "I am a piece of you. We will meet again sooner then you think." The shadow disappears like it was nothing more than smoke and Kai drops to his knees, wondering if maybe he is truly evil. He shakes it off hearing Revy calling his name from the tunnel and he hurries out trying to not think about what he just heard.


A dark prospect (Solo quest) Empty Sun Feb 06, 2022 1:30 pm


He stops and he gets the arrows out and puts ice over the wounds to seal them for the time being then wraps out the wounds then he carries the girls down the ladder then he helps them onto the water creature so they can get back and he tries to keep his footing but he is starting to feel very cold and weak. Revy pulls out snacks and they all eat a little which helps Kai who is sorta in a state of shock then he walks with them through the rooms and the maze has opened to a straight path out now for them to get out of and he keeps a smile on his face so the girls don't worry about him even through he is in pain and will probably never hear the end of it if he were to die here and now. He gets them to the building and the girls run to their parents and the people that handed him the mission pay him and send him on his way. Kai leaves to get to a place to get healed up and to rest for a bit before he really does die.

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