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Surgery GQ [Solo-Amir]

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#1Amir † 

Surgery GQ [Solo-Amir] Empty Mon Feb 21, 2022 12:25 am

Amir †
It was the time of year again. Amir was going in to have a physical done and to get checked out. The time at the hospital was never pleasant. Amir was already ready to go home as soon as he went through the doors. It was a busy day and the place bustled with activity. Amir went to a designated area to take a seat.

Gerard the doctor that gave him the check up and hired him for a mission was in the lobby. He looked frantic till he saw Amir sitting down. The doctor noticed him as that Infinity Wolf brain boy from a long time ago. Amir could practically see the age and stress melt of the doctor. Gerard looked at Amir in a way that made him feel uncomfortable. Amir had to resist the urge to blast the doctor with a spell. If only for the injured people as the doctor started to come towards him.

#2Amir † 

Surgery GQ [Solo-Amir] Empty Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:09 am

Amir †
The doctor greeted Amir as an old friend. It made Amir even feel more suspicious. He had to convince Gerard to tell him what was going on. The doctor was trying to recruit Amir to help with a very important heart transplant. The only reason he bothered with Amir was because he remembered Amir was great at following instructions, as well as the surgery being very important. The doctor would have made other arrangements otherwise. Amir made sure to turn the request down gently.

Amir found himself heading to the surgery theater. He had turned the request down until the doctor added more zeroes. Money spoke to him in a way that the human language never could. He started changing clothes, putting on sterile work attire. Entering the theater Amir was mildly impressed. The patient on the table was a little girl and Amir felt bad for her. So young and already needing such a surgery.

#3Amir † 

Surgery GQ [Solo-Amir] Empty Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:59 am

Amir †
The pity evaporated on Amir’s face. He started to concentrate and focus his mind. Even if he was getting paid to do a job he wanted to do it right. Amir wanted to do an even better job because it was such a young soul. Amir did not want a guilty conscience over something he could have avoided.

The surgery started off with handing over the sharpened tools. Amir made sure to hand the tools over based on the situation without the doctor even asking. It was a point where Amir was really practicing the medical knowledge he picked up over the course of his studies. Understanding the human body made it easier to kill or heal as needed. You can take the boy our of slavery but never the slave in the boy. It was a saying that even having his experiences shaped him. Amir was cleaning and sanitizing the tool with ease.

#4Amir † 

Surgery GQ [Solo-Amir] Empty Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:15 am

Amir †
As Amir handed Gerard a pair of clamps he heard cursing. The doctor managed to slice himself with a sharp blade. It was impressive that a man with a steady hand could still have an accident. The poor girl was still on the table. The heart was perfectly cut but not removed. Gerard was bleeding. It would be too dangerous for the doctor to bleed inside her.

“Move.” The only words Amir wrangled out from his body as he got to work. His hands were steady as he applied the rest of the clamps. A rational calmness radiating off of him. He gave the girl as much focus as he would if he sat and read a book for a week without moving. He took out the bad heart and moved as quickly as he could to put the new one in. The reconnection was one of the most difficult things he had done in his life. His steady hand and laser focus had him stitch the body with precision. It was the same precision as if he was respining a book.

#5Amir † 

Surgery GQ [Solo-Amir] Empty Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:39 am

Amir †
Amir was making the last of the stitches on the chest cavity. The various tools were off to the side being cleaned by Gerard. The man had fixed himself up but continued to watch Amir work. He did not interrupt and had the same face Amir made when he was thinking heavily about multiple things. Amir had finished the surgery with a resounding success.

Gerard made sure to give Amir his jewels. He even gave Amir some praise. Amir tried not to gloat as the doctor talked about his ability to work under pressure as well as his grace. Gerard also apologized for screwing up earlier; he claimed he had a lot to think about. The doctor started walking away leaving Amir to go back to his check up. The doctor was leaving but Amir could still hear the man mutter and talk. Following him out Amir could make out the doctor worrying about the epidemic and the source that it came from.

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