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Kyoyama Family

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#1Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:46 pm

Achlys †


Earlier, Achlys was greeted by a random woman named Yua who thought that Achlys is someone else because she saw a familiar item held by Achlys. That item is the sphere that becomes the main reason why Achlys is now on a journey to Joya. That woman named Yua greeted Achlys because she thought Achlys is someone she knows, her childhood friend named Kimiko. She thought so because the sphere that Achlys held was similar to the one her friend used to show to her when they were a kid. Turns out, it is the same sphere and Kimiko is the name of Achlys mom who was originally a pretty well known shaman from Joya since there are not many families focusing on shamanism in Joya. That woman then helped to arrange a meet up with someone who was supposed to know the location of the house of the Kyoyama Family.




#2Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:47 pm

Achlys †


“This is my hometown. This is where I met Kimiko, your mother for the first time. Her family was really respected by the people of this town so I never really thought to make a friend with one of their family members. But your mother was really nice to outsiders and to everyone.” Says that lady Yua to Achlys as they walk down from the train. When they finally got off the train, Yua told Achlys to wait and walk a bit further from her for a few minutes, it seems like she’s trying to do something. Not so long after, she walks back closer to Achlys and tell her that the guy they’re supposed to meet will be there right at the station area tonight and Yua invited Achlys to look for an Inn to rest while waiting for him. ”I’ll see you here tonight, I might go around town to ask people about the house, in case they have some kind of information.”




#3Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:48 pm

Achlys †


After that, Achlys and Yua start to walk on a separate way, Achlys is going to explore the town, while Yua is going around looking for an Inn to rest. Achlys walks around town to gather some information about her mom’s family, the Kyoyama Family. It’s really not that hard to gain information about the house of the Kyoyama Family, but all of the information doesn’t add up, they're all different information. This is confusing for Achlys, but at least the stories she got from people of this town are similar and prove that her mom was really a pretty well known shaman. But still, even after she explored the town for the whole day, she still got no solid information to use as a clue. Until the meet up time finally came, Achlys decided to head back to the station to meet Yua and the guys that she mentioned earlier.




#4Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:48 pm

Achlys †


As she walks closer to the station, she can see Yua is standing in front of it, but she’s not alone. She’s standing there with someone, and that guy must be the guy that Yua mentioned by Yua, the one that might bring them to the house of the Kyoyama Family. So Achlys keeps walking towards them until Yua turns her head towards Achlys and notices her, Yua waves at Ahclys and gives her a hand gesture to come even closer. Achlys then approaches Yua and the other guy. “Achlys, I would like to introduce you to Mikihisa. He is a friend I told you about earlier, and he is also from the Kyoyama Family means he is your family as well.” Said Yua to Achlys. ”Hi, nice to meet you. I really hope you can take me to the house of Kyoyama and Introduce me to the head of the Kyoyama Family.” Said Achlys.




#5Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:49 pm

Achlys †


“Hi, I am Kyoyama Mikihisa. I heard you’re supposed to be one of the Kyoyama Family members, but I never see or hear about you.” Said Mikihisa to Achlys. ”I am the daughter of Kimiko, I believe you heard that name before. I visited the house of Kyoyama once in my life, and that was like when I was 3 or 4 years old.” Said Achlys. “Pardon my manners, if you really are the daughter of Miss Kimiko, it means you’re the grandchild of our current family head, Master Gestu. I didn’t recognize you with that name, I remember you as Miss Hera. Forgive me, I should recognize your resemblance to Miss Kimiko.” ”I don’t care about that formality, and yeah I chose to go by the name Achlys and forget anything related to the name Hera. You don’t have to act that polite to me, I don’t know you and I’m not used to that even if it’s something important in the family. I only need you to take me to meet my grandfather, I have some business with him.”




#6Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:50 pm

Achlys †


“Yes miss. I’ll take you to the house immediately.” says Mikihisa right after what Achlys said earlier. They start to walk towards the house of the Kyoyama Family, finally the time for Achlys to meet her grandfather will come soon. She can’t wait to learn the truth about the sphere. So Mikihisa led the way to the house of the Kyoyama Family, followed by Achlys and Yua. Turns out, the house is somewhere near the exit of the town close to the entrance of the wood, it was different from the original house a long time ago but this is exactly the house visited by Achlys when she was a child, it’s just she can’t remember the direction. The house is somehow hidden with some kind of unknown magic, it’s almost perfectly hidden or maybe it’s just Achlys doesn’t know the secret behind it and it makes her feel interested.




#7Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:51 pm

Achlys †


When they arrive in front of the house, Yua and Achlys can’t sense anything at all, it might be because the magic that covered the house is so strong or maybe their senses are not that good, but that means to common people this house is not there at all. Mikihisa then does something that Achlys doesn't understand, and some area of the magic cover is opened like an entrance. Mikihisa invites them in and right after they go through the magic barrier, it magically closes back and seals the place but it’s see through from the inside. Inside that barrier the house of Kyoyama can be seen clearly and Achly is amazed by what she sees. Seems like it’s still the same since the last time she went here with her mother. The Joya traditional vibes from the house can be felt easily because the look of the house design really builds the atmosphere.




#8Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:52 pm

Achlys †


“Please follow me, I will try to set a meeting with Master Getsu immediately.” Says Mikihisa. Once again, Yua and Achlys follow his lead and this time they are led to a room for them to wait. Mikihisa then left them there for a few minutes until he finally came back with the news. “Miss Achlys, Master Getsu wants to meet you immediately, please follow me to the meeting room. For Yua, you can wait here or even explore our house, you can ask anything from our servant and they might provide.” Says Mikihisa. After that, Achlys follows Mikihisa and leaves Yua in that room accompanied by a servant from the Kyoyama Family. Achlys keeps following Mikihisa until they finally arrive at the room mentioned by Mikihisa earlier. He slides the door and lets Achlys walk into that room and for the first time after a long long time, she sees his grandfather, Kyoyama Getsu who’s still the head of the Kyoyama family.




#9Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:53 pm

Achlys †


The look on Master Getsu’s face doesn’t show how he feels to see Achlys back in that house so she can’t guess the situation, but the room is quiet, a little bit of tense can be felt. Achlys then sits in front of Master Getsu and the room remains silent for a good few minutes until Master Getsu finally says something. “Mikihisa informs me that you’re my granddaughter Hera, and he says that now you’re choosing the name Achlys. With that horn on your head, and news I heard about Kimiko a long time ago. I need you to prove that you really are my granddaughter.” Hearing what Master Getsu said, Achlys immediately takes the sphere out and shows it to Master Getsu. ”Here’s the only proof I can give you, my mother gave this to me during her last moments before my parents turned into something demonic and sacrificed their lives for me.”




#10Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:54 pm

Achlys †


”I supposed this sphere belongs to the Kyoyama Family. I kept it in a box under my bed for almost 20 years, until recently I decided to open it up and I heard a mysterious lady voice whenever I touched the sphere, that’s why I got all the way here now. About the horn on my head and the name Achlys, it all happened around the same moment, my mom cast a spell while handing me this sphere and this horn just grew and the name is basically because I wanted to forget all about my past including my family background. Tragically I’m here now.” Tells Achlys to Master Getsu. His face expression changed in an instant once Achlys explained the situation and showed the Sphere. The story told by Achlys is some part that doesn’t get to the ears of Master Getsu, and something about Achly having the sphere is making him feel pretty glad.




#11Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:55 pm

Achlys †


“That sphere called the Sphere of Chordeva, it’s a relic owned and created by the Kyoyama Family. Many generations ago, one of our ancestors made a deal with a devil named Chordeva and kept her in that sphere, that’s why it’s called the Sphere of Chordeva. After that, in every generation, 1 child from the Kyoyama Family will be chosen by the previous holder to be the next holder after passing some tests. My daughter, Kimiko, was the last holder of that sphere and she left this house along with the sphere. I can tell you the whole story if you want to, but I’m really glad that now you’re here with the Sphere of Chordeva.” Explained Master Getsu. Hearing the opportunity to learn about her mom's story, Achlys asks Master Getsu to tell her the whole story and the truth about her mom and her connection with the Sphere of Chordeva.




#12Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:55 pm

Achlys †


“Okay, I will tell you the story. So your mom Kimiko is the previous holder of the sphere. She was chosen by her mother, my late wife who was the previous holder before Kimiko. But your mom decided to leave the house and marry you dad Mikhael Berryall, a priest. That marriage never got my approval so that’s why your mom decided to leave this house and her family along with the Sphere of Chordeva. The holders of the sphere are able to make their own deal with the devil in it, Chordeva. Maybe, your parents turning into demonic creatures is part of the deal your mom made with Chordeva to protect you and choose you as the next holder of that sphere. The reason why I’m glad that now you’re here is because it's good news that you’re alive and also the sphere can get back to the family and the tradition could continue accordingly.




#13Achlys † 

Kyoyama Family Empty Sun Feb 27, 2022 1:56 pm

Achlys †


“Since you’re chosen by your mother who is also the previous holder of the sphere, you will have to do the test to make a deal with Chordeva and become the official holder of the sphere. Even if you don’t want to or the deal might not happen, you still have to try because Chordeva will only communicate with the holder of the sphere until the holder passes or fails the test. Each holder will only have one try for the final test, and if the holder fails, Chordeva will start to choose her next holder independently.” ”I’m really curious about this sphere and according to what I saw my mom is capable of, Chordeva might be a big help for me to get stronger. Since I have nothing to lose and nothing to do for now, I will try to take the test to be the official holder of the Sphere of Chordeva.”




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