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Song to your heart? (NQ A-Rank Solo)

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Song to your heart? (NQ A-Rank Solo) Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:16 pm


Kaito approaches the building the quest said to meet the new client at he wondered if there was really much left to do in the under belly of Hosenka figuring he started at the dead bottom of the barrel helping people escape and watching smuggling routes it feels really weird to be back here again at the small building that it all started at, he wondered if the people giving him the jobs just had a fit of we are sentimental or if they just wanted to have a throwback Thursday to when they were giving him missions of of the back of a tiny as well building. He wandered in and the people he crossed as he went in looked grim and dead on the inside he wasn't sure what had happened or why it was happening at this very moment just that this looked like he arrived at a wake inside of coming to pick up a mission.


Song to your heart? (NQ A-Rank Solo) Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:16 pm


He wasted very little time moving in the tiny cramped hallways cause he didn't want to send some poor person to the hospital for a month. he reaches the door that is listed and he knocked three times then is allowed in and they begin talking to him about how they respect and want to work with him but he is very how do they say it dangerous and seeming starting to get hard to work with and they fear this will be the last mission they will be able to hand him as this place needs to be respected and over the last two years of him not appearing or taking a job from them their power and influence had dropped a lot almost like all of the people they passed out missions too had just all decided it was time to take a two year break to train or to better themselves.


Song to your heart? (NQ A-Rank Solo) Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:17 pm


Kai laughs knowing he went off the grid and traveled while training with Revy without giving out any notice just went full ghost and flew away. He did send post cards on his travels so if anyone had gotten on they would know where he had been at some point in his travels but that is not something he would tell himself to anyone nosy enough to try and ask him where he had been and what he had been doing. Revy puts her hand out for the mission and looks it over, they tell him the details of him being a body guard for the day watching over a female songstress that will be in town for a few days and he will be needing to keep her safe and try not to let her party to hard so she stays in a good shape to sing and perform that her peak.


Song to your heart? (NQ A-Rank Solo) Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:17 pm


He guesses that sounds fine put it might get a bit busy if she is very popular, but he is willing to do it cause if it is his last mission with them then he guesses that a star is a good way to end it off on. He walks to the other room and he sees a woman who looks to be in her early 20's with black hair with green streaks in it and she looks at him like she knows him from some where. He can't put his finger on where he knows her from or how he would know her, she grabs his gloved hand and shakes it and she looks over joyed to be able to meet Kai and even calls him by name. "Good to see you are still alive mister cursed and I don't wanna talk about it." It clicks in Kai's head where he knows her from, she was a snotty nosed brat orphan that claimed she would be good that he helped to learn to sing after listening to her cry and beg.


Song to your heart? (NQ A-Rank Solo) Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:17 pm


"Seems my master was wrong about you, you were worth teaching." The woman face goes deep red from him complementing her like that she expected him to just sigh at her and regret accepting this mission but he seemed like he was actually happy for her. Revy sees this woman blush and she wonders if this woman has a crush on Kai or if Kai's charming personality is just starting to work on her she pats Kai on the back like he is doing a good job. Kai looks at Revy quickly. "Oh how rude of me this cat here is my partner her name is Revy." The woman bows her head to Revy in respect and then stands straight up and looks Revy in the eyes with a smirk. "Is he still a trouble maker ?" Revy giggled and nodded to the woman that Kai was still a trouble magnet.


Song to your heart? (NQ A-Rank Solo) Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:17 pm


"Seems I traded one bossy woman with another one." He laughs then Revy bops him on the top of the head. The woman giggles then they follow her out and he wonders on how this multiday mission is gonna go, and he wonders if he really has to worry about this woman partying and getting to drunk to perform tomorrow. He keeps his eyes out and not on the woman who keeps sneaking peeks back at him when she can, Revy notices this and wonders if maybe this is deeper for her then it is for him, as he seems to have sealed his heart away so he can let loose his dark side easier as he went through with his training but he is so good at faking if he is happy Revy has almost become unable to tell if he is faking to be someone else or if he is being honest to himself.


Song to your heart? (NQ A-Rank Solo) Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:18 pm


Revy knows she can't loom on this for long cause there is work to be done and she hopes that maybe Kai will go back to the bumbling Crank she met or will he keep sinking deeper into his own darkness and become lost and drown in it, she is unsure if she will be able to support him if he sinks that low making him pretty much friendless no light only darkness. She figures he will get rid of her as his last act of throwing away the light rather he kills her or if he just throws her away is yet to be seen or known. They get to the first stop of the first day and they get her into the performance area and he keeps a sharp eye out for a threat to the woman but he has seen no dangers so far. Revy is watching the other side of the stage even if she is small she still has a killer drop kick that she can use to slow them down.


Song to your heart? (NQ A-Rank Solo) Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:18 pm


The performance goes off without a hitch and she seemed to have fun and enjoy herself, Kai starts walking to where she is to be staying but she stops and tells him she wants a quick drink and he sighs and he walks into the bar with her most people just look past him to her shining beauty so he feels good not being the center of attention and in no time men of the bar are sending her drinks and Kai tells her not to over do it or they will replace him for day two cause he failed day one. The woman looks a bit sad at that thought then drinks the first drink and she paces herself and talks to Kai and Revy who are drinking water and soft drinks. Kai makes sure she also snacks so it won't hit her too hard cause she refused to get a full meal. Kai sees she most be a handful but it is easy enough to get her to listen if she fears she will lose something.


Song to your heart? (NQ A-Rank Solo) Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:18 pm


She stayed well and when she starts feeling it she tells Kai and he pays and he walks out with her and she is leaning on him as they walk, he does his best to keep her stable so she doesn't fall over. He doesn't think she over did it, he thinks she is just mostly tired from her day of travel and her performance. The alcohol just compounded it and now she is a bit unstable on her feet. Revy fights the want to make a cute noise cause she doesn't want to ruin a moment that wasn't actually happening and Kai gets her into her room and she forbids Kai from leaving telling him he had to stay over night just in case of anything. Kai goes and sits in a corner with his katana across his lap and he closes his eyes resting or sleeping very lightly in case some thing were to happen and Revy takes a chair and curls up and sleeps and the woman lays in the bed keeping a eye on Kai in case he just disappears like he did near 5 years ago.


Song to your heart? (NQ A-Rank Solo) Empty Thu Feb 24, 2022 3:22 pm


The woman falls asleep finally and Kai stands from his spot in the corner and he checks yo make sure her and Revy were asleep then he pulls out a book and he starts reading yawning before he goes back to the corner and he falls asleep. The night is uneventful, the woman wakes with a small hang over and looks and sees Kai leaning in the corner fast asleep. Revy gets the woman some coffee and some water to help her with the headache. She walks over and kicks Kai to wake him up and stop being lazy for the day. Kai gets up and he goes and he gets them some breakfast and he makes sure they eat and he eats himself so that they can start the whole day, he makes sure to get her to the shows and to safely get through it and he back to the building and back to her guard team but she had gotten a little too drunk after the last show so he was in a bit of trouble and she trades info with Kai so they can stay in touch later. Kai gets paid and he leaves with Revy glad no real fighting had to happen.

(207) (1717/1600 word cut 20% 10% guild level+ companion 10%)

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