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Those that seek it. (Solo NQ A-Rank.)

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Those that seek it. (Solo NQ A-Rank.) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:24 pm


Kai is still fumbling to learn his new power so he stumbles into Hosenka through a portal and he gets pulled to the side and is asked to help with a simple task of going and collecting some runes from a shady man that are to be "healing stones" Kai guesses it will be fine as he doubts these stones are real to even start with and some free and cheap jewels for himself Revy voiced that she thinks this mission sounds super fishy to her and she thinks Kai should think twice about doing it but Kai thinks it is fine and accepts then heads into the underbelly and starts looking for where this man might be hanging his hat or might be working out of and he is coming up completely empty handed like this man is some kind of phantom and he is just chasing his own tail.


Those that seek it. (Solo NQ A-Rank.) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:24 pm


Kai opens a portal and gets on top of a building and he starts looking around from above and he sees he was being followed by someone, it was the client that hired him to find these stones, he thinks that is super weird but they look around and act like they are doomed or that some unseen death was coming their way and he wonders if maybe they are truly unwell and that Revy had been right and he shouldn't have taken this quest upon himself to do cause stuff is starting to not add up more, maybe the client is looking to wait till get gets the stones and then kill kai for them instead of paying Kai for his services, now Kai has become paranoid. Revy pats his back as she sees a different man in a dark cloak go the other way and Kai turns and sees the name then starts giving chase of them and they speed themselves up and he doesn't let Kai close the gap but Kai starts opening portals that the other man has to dodge or risk falling into Kai's trap.


Those that seek it. (Solo NQ A-Rank.) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:24 pm


The man snaps and fires wind spells backwards at him and Kai keeps opening portals and the wind spell they fired at him goes back at the person that shot it, and it hits them and sends the man sliding then the body disappears. Kai looks around confused for what is going on. He runs off down a side street and he keeps looking around hoping to catch sight of anyone that could be a real thing, cause of that fake person that just disappeared in to wind or frosted mist like energy. Revy realizes that person fought and moved like Kai does. She wonders if more then just they came back from the portal to this world. Revy doesn't say anything about her thoughts to Kai who is more focused on hunting down the stones. Kai sighs and opens another portal and he keeps looking for the shady man with the stones of healing.


Those that seek it. (Solo NQ A-Rank.) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:25 pm


He wonders if these runes can heal him of his curse or at least give him the power to control it, but he figures they are not gonna be that strong if someone is asking an A rank mage to hunt them down for them cause if they are so powerful then S rank should have been the lowest rank they should have been asking to do that task. He watches as he swears he sees phantoms of other hims around him like he is looking through windows but in each one he is different some how and so is Revy and Revy is other creatures or exceeds in each one. He sees one look at him and meet eyes with him like they could see them and it reaches toward him and he steps back and the other him pulls their hand back. That him wasn't wearing gloves and he smiles at Kai and gives him a thumbs up as if he is encouraging Kai to keep going then the other him makes a frosted crystal rose and throws it through the portal to Kai who catches it and looks at it and it says stay strong you will find the answer soon to the curse.


Those that seek it. (Solo NQ A-Rank.) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:25 pm


Revy is a bit scared cause she didn't see any of these portals but that frost rose came out of no where to Kai's hand for her and she didn't hear what he had heard. "How did you do that ?" Kai looks at her and he smiles. "Powers have perks I guess." He laughs and he gets back to looking for this shady man and he sees the shady man waving around the runes he claims can cure anything at the low low cost of 10m jewels and the man laughs and keeps giving his speech about how they will do anything you need them to do and will never tire over and over. This man seems like he is just saying random bull shit and trying to get money from the desperate people. Kai figures he is gonna have to steal them from this man cause he doesn't have 10m jewels and he wasn't being paid anywhere near that for this job so he goes into the shadows and waits then when it is time he open a portal and he swipes the pouch with the runes in them then man realizes and turns and sees Kai.


Those that seek it. (Solo NQ A-Rank.) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:25 pm


the mans hood falls back and it is himself but with golden glowing hair. The man looks at this Kai wide eyed through his blue eyes. then runs at Kai who jumps backwards through a portal and he looks as the man opens his own portal and Kai knows this is gonna be a fight between the two of them, but Kai knows he is gonna be out matched cause he is barely able to use the magic yet this other man looks like he was decent with it, probably why that woman warned him about the blonde version of himself. Kai comes out of his portal and had to dodge as soon as he comes out and he jumps back and hand springs, Kai realizes this version of him fights far more human style then he does. He opens portals and he goes through them trying to attack that blonde haired man that matches him move for move.


Those that seek it. (Solo NQ A-Rank.) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:25 pm


A loud bang is heard and he tries to stay on balance but he feels like something is wrong, Kai looks don and he had been hit some where during all of that and he keeps trying back to go down and he senses something then throws a punch and he connects with the blonde haired version of himself in dragon force mode. The blonde man stumbles backwards surprised he was hit right there he looks at the masked Kai realizes they are the complete opposites of the other they are stuck in the game of fate on the other end of the other. He sees how badly the masked Kai is bleeding from the earlier attack and he knows it is okay to finish off this sad sack with a mask. The blonde man runs at Kai to finish him off and Revy jumps out and kicks the man in the face and the dragon form man stumbled backward and looks at the exceed which he lacked. Kai snaps out of the haze looking at Revy that is facing a dragonoid human herself staring him down.


Those that seek it. (Solo NQ A-Rank.) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:25 pm


Kai realizes Revy just saved him and he feels guilty she had to have to do that for him. Kai closes his eyes and gets his focus and runs at the man and he starts striking out to make the other him have to back track and run. the pouch with the runes touched his body and healed his wound the runes stopped glowing Kai doesn't realize it yet but he keeps fighting he can feel dragon scales starting to grow on himself as well but they are no where near the amount as the blonde him that was in front of himself. The hits each other and fall out of portals landing in the street the blond Kai feeling he was running out of time leaves through a portal and Revy hugs Kai crying cause she was scared but acted so brave in the face of what could have been her or his death. He hugs her back and he gently pets her head with his gloved hands.


Those that seek it. (Solo NQ A-Rank.) Empty Fri Mar 04, 2022 3:26 pm


Kai looks in the pouch and he sees they are no longer glowing and he realized they healed his body and it used up their charge and he sighs knowing he completed the quest but they ended up being duds and nothing more and the client is just gonna have to take these now useless runes and pay him and he really doesn't know what he wants to do about what he just saw and how these things he can see sometimes might impact his daily life, he walks along the street looking for the client that wanted the runes but they seem to have just disappeared and then he comes along the man that hired him curled up in a ball on the ground and he takes his pay and he leaves the pouch with the useless runes in them for the person when they awake and he walks off having no interest in staying in this city any longer than he really has too right now as he is now needing to learn more about this power and what else he can do and see that might help him or others.

(193) (1613/1600) (20% word cut 10% companion 10% guild)

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