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Weapon - Infinitely Refilling Water Bottle

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Weapon - Infinitely Refilling Water Bottle Empty Mon Apr 01, 2024 1:25 pm



Name: Infinitely Refilling Water Bottle

Slot: Weapon

Type: Staff

Handling: Two-Handed

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Water

Damage: +80

Durability: 3x S-Rank

Description: A giant enhanced metal water vessel that is constantly replenishing itself with each sip that is taken.


  • The user must be a class capable of using magic

  • Intelligence: +40


  • Take a Sip!: The Infinitely Refilling Water Bottle possesses a 1000 Mana Pool which the user may use when casting Water-based spells through the Water Bottle. The Mana pool will recover 500 Mana per turn once its mana pool has been used.
  • Stored for later use: The user may cast a spell through the Infinitely Refilling Water bottle for later use and store it within the vessel and cast it at a later date without the need to otherwise sustain it.

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