It was something that warranted investigating and she would do exactly that. Offering to go take a look the fishermen agreed that if she could prove that there was some kind of creature there’d be a hefty reward from the fishing guild. She’d make a dismissive motion figuring that it was just all talk. She didn’t particularly like swimming and doing so in her armor would be a problem honestly. She had the thought of hiring a fishing boat to take her there but many of them wouldn’t even hear her out once she stated her intent.
After a while she would leave in frustration; managing to bump into a captain that asked her what had her so steamed. She’d explain the situation and he’d blink; pondering what the woman was talking about and eventually nodding. He’d agree to take her there if only because he was curious himself about this entire situation. She’d shake his hand and they’d head off to the ship he called home.
She’d help him cast off and make sure to tie herself to something with a life line knowing that it would be very important due to the heavy nature of her body. But if things really came to it… She’d turn into either the wolf or lion to help swim upwards. It was not something she looked forward to doing but it was something that she knew that she needed to address. She’d hum a little bit as they made some good time sailing through the waters.
The sailor didn’t seem too worried about having a woman on board either; most people thought that was bad luck but he seemed to carry a different opinion. When asked about it he’d just wave his hand. Stating that the ocean was a lady and would respect another lady that respected them. So long as lucretia didn’t make issues for them they’d leave them alone. Lucretia chuckled a bit and leaned on the railing.
”I have a healthy fear of the water.”
”Fear n respect by the sounds of it. Shoul’ be fine.”
The captain chuckled a bit and turned the wheel of the ship, sending them peaking over one of the waves. Lucretia would lean as she noticed one of the coves from the explanation of the fisher. She’d point and the captain would nod his head. He could see it too… so they’d need to start to work towards it and hopefully the pair would get to the bottom of this entire situation.