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Reconciliation [Q]

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#1Khalfani † 

Reconciliation [Q]  Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:34 pm

Khalfani †
What to do, what to do, Khalfani thought as he strolled through the city of Orchidia. He kicked a rock as he walked along the quiet city. It was infested with critters most likely coming from the plan life all around the city. This place needed a nice cleaning and soon before the wildlife completely took over. It was a beautiful thing, the nature, but untamed it could be a formidable force. Still, Orchidia city had a lot of potential to be a beautiful city. That much was obvious as the Paradise Dawn guild member strolled along. The sun was bright, out and ready to play, alas there was nobody in this city to embrace it. Most people were in their homes for one reason or another. It was a shame because it was a beautiful day. As the dragon slayer walked his keen nose picked up a scent. It smelled like freshly baked cookies come from the apartment complexes.

#2Khalfani † 

Reconciliation [Q]  Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:34 pm

Khalfani †
Khalfani nearly drooled at the scent. Granted there was a hint of cat piss or something in the background, the baked cookies overpowered the scent with ease. Khal tried to resist. He tried to not fold under the thumb of temptation but he just couldn't. The guild leader made his way to the apartment building, following the scent he couldn't resist until he entered the building and found himself actually walking towards the apartment radiating the scent. Yummy. As Khalfani approached the apartment, he noticed the door was open. There, a woman sat patiently. She was such a cute little old woman. She seemed to be content with the fourteen cats roaming her house. The dream. The two stared at each other in awkward silence for a moment before the old lady chuckled and welcomed him inside her home. The two sat, chatted, drank tea. Khalfani explained who he was and of course the elder gave him advice. She then began to explain that her and her son weren't getting along. Apparently he wanted to move her into a nursing him, but she didn't want to go. Khalfani expected no less.

#3Khalfani † 

Reconciliation [Q]  Empty Fri Mar 25, 2022 10:35 pm

Khalfani †
Once you put an old person in a nursing home all they had to do was wait for death to knock on their door. Khalfani agreed to help her write a letter that he'd deliver to her son. It took a few minutes, but it wasn't long to perfect. She broke out into tears. The Slayer told her he would be back after delivering and so he trekked towards where her son was. Finally he approached the establishment and handed off the letter. The son also broke out into tears before Khal escorted him to his mamas house. The two spoke, both getting sentimental and breaking out into tears. The son turned to Khalfani and politely asked him to leave. Khalfani understood what it was like to have these conversations with family. They were private so it was no problem for him to leave. The son handed him money for bringing them together and the Slayer left with a smile. The old woman packed a nice meal package for him too.


- EXIT -

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