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Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei]

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#1Khalfani † 

Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Tue Mar 22, 2022 2:42 am

Khalfani †

Khalfani stood on the center of the bridge, shield in hand, dagger in hand and ready to brawl. He asked his Ace, leader of the special division known as the scouts to fight him. Why? You may ask. Well, it was simple. Yuurei was the strongest member in the guild and Khalfani needed to see how far behind he was. The commander was strong, that much couldn't be denied but in a world where every single person had the ability to use magic, the truth was that he needed to get stronger. Khalfani planned on giving this fight his all, if only just to land one hit. Either way, he was sure Yuurei wasn't going to slack either. Unless of course, he dared to meet his comrade with disrespect. The water poured down from its cliff as it usually did, splashing hundreds of meters beneath them creating the most tranquil melody.

The members of Paradise gathered around. Some watched from the windows of the guild hall and their living quarters, others watched from the two tunnels. All awaited the glory that should come in the moments ahead. The sun was awake and beaming in all its power. It was no secret, Yuurei's power. Still, this one would be one for the books. The Dragon Slayer wasn't one to doubt his enemies, ever- especially not the Light Bringer. Xena the leggro and Khal's loyal steed sat atop one of the guilds towers, gazing down onto the bridge where their companion stood. No shoes, no shirt, just a sweater and some sweat just like he liked it. Smirking, he glared forward towards the left side of the bridge. With a smirk, Khalfani's golden eyes gleamed, waiting for his comrade to reveal himself. The Demi-Human was ready to have some fun.


Last edited by Khalfani on Wed Mar 30, 2022 4:04 pm; edited 1 time in total


Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Wed Mar 30, 2022 10:59 am


Yuurei was asked to battle, something he didn’t mind doing. It would allow him to test his abilities to fight and see what he needed to work on. In this particular situation, it was his guild master who had wanted to test their capabilities against him. He wasn’t going to deny the man what he wanted. In the end, they were both on the same team. This would just allow the two to learn what they needed to work on. Renji was on his shoulder, as he made it to the destination of where they were going to be fighting. It was on the bridge, which he found an interesting choice, but nonetheless, he was fine with it. When he got to the edge of the bridge, he would see Khalfani was ready to go to the center.

Renji would hop off his shoulder, which would bring the Nephilim to take his shirt off, and then his shoes as he handed them to his friend. Renji would put it away in his bag as Yuurei would make his way to the center of the bridge until he was about thirty-five meters away from Khalfani. The berserker noticed that there were a lot of eyes on them. His gauntlet on his right hand as he was ready to start.

He would look over at him with a smile on his face. Yuurei would get into a fighting stance as his guard was already up and he wonder what they were going to do.

“So, how are we doing this? Just the use of our weapons, no magic?” He asked waiting for a response and the fight to begin.





Uriel's Grace:

#3Khalfani † 

Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Wed Mar 30, 2022 4:48 pm

Khalfani †

You know, Khalfani had never really taken the time out to actually appreciate how attractive Yuurei was. The Scouts captain approached the guild master, his Ace casually walking up to him upon the bridge before removing his shirt and his shoes. He nearly caught Khalfani off guard. The dragon slayers eyes widened for a moment, his eyes drizzled over the pulsing muscles of his abs. Damn, if only he was a little dickly, Khal thought. It only took a moment for Khalfani's eyes to maneuver back towards his opponents eyes. They were comrades, friends even, but this fight would be a fight where nothing was held back - not on the guild masters end, at least. All of his weapons were equipped, all of his attention on his comrade, he was ready to jump straight into it. The distance between them was 35 meters or so. Something around there.

At this range Khalfani could do real damage. Even his weaker spells could reach up to that point. Yuurei had no armor, so this wouldn't be a tedious battle but either way he had no intentions on downplaying or disregarding the elves potential abilities. He was one of the most famous mages in Fiore after all. It was funny, because he probably didn't even realize it. As Yuurei put his hands up, Khalfani did the same. A smirk appeared upon his lips as he lifted his hands just as Yuurei's arose. The only thing that would bother him was the sight of his opponents blood, but his own would bring out the sleeping dragon. "Use whatever you need to. I don't plan on holding back. I'd expect you to honor your commander by doing the same."




Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Thu Mar 31, 2022 3:45 pm


Yuurei would hear this and he would nod as he wasn’t going to use his magic. Instead, he planned on using whatever he had equipped on him, and the abilities of a Nephilim. While his eyes turned to a golden color, he would pour mana into his gauntlet at the same time. His wings would appear on his back, the transformation giving him more power overall, and the gauntlet would give him an increase in speed and strength. He was ready to fight, as he would soar five meters into the sky to gain momentum and accelerate to full speed.

He wasn’t sure what to expect from Khalfani, but he figured that he would just bring the fight to his Guild master. He would fly straight towards the young man as he moved around so that it would be difficult to shoot anything at him. The distance between them closed in just a second and Yuurei was in front of him already attempting to throw a quick jab with his right hand where he had his gauntlet equipped. He would combo the right jab with a left jab if he blocked the attack, got hit by the attack, or kept his ground, but dodged or parried the first attack.

While he got closer to Khalfani, the young man would also feel himself weakening due to Yuurei’s transformation. Yuurei was waiting to dodge or block depending on the situation.




Uriel's Grace:

#5Khalfani † 

Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Sat Apr 02, 2022 5:20 am

Khalfani †

And the battle would begin, just like that. Yuurei had decided to begin by transforming, wings sprouted at his back. Truthfully it was a beautiful thing to see. Khalfani had never seen a Nephilim go holy mode and he had never fought one either. This made things even more exciting. As Yuurei's wings appeared, Khalfani tapped his chest. A magic circle appeared under him and his body vibrated with a light for his own flight capabilities, black wings would appear on his back contrary to Yuurei's white ones.. It was no secret that Yuurei would come straight towards him. With his gauntlet, the commander assumed that the man was a close ranged fighter. Not only that, but he was prepared for a frontal assault regardless. Once Yuurei began changing direction, Khal crossed his other arm over the one tapping his chest,  as if prepared to block anything coming his way, legs already spread and bent, ready to push off at a moments notice.

Yuurei either had to be insane, confident or an idiot to come head first, but seeing as he was one of the most famous mages in Fiore and still alive, Khalfani would assume he was just confident. He also had to assume that Yuurei was physically strong if he was coming in with nothing but pure strength. The thought annoyed the commander, because it meant that he would have to do two things; dodge early on and be prepared for a high speed chase, or use his ability now and gain the advantage, put some distance between them and figure out what to do next. Even he had too much pride to use his secret weapon right away. So, he would allow Yuurei to hit the shield in front of him, but only enough to stop him from moving for a moment and for himself to leap back using the momentum of Yuurei's love tap just before the elf could deliver a second blow, while simultaneously pointing his godhunter and activating a magic circle under Yuurei. He almost broke my shield with one punch. he said to himself, ready to defend again but unfazed nonetheless. The magic circle would release a debuff with Yuurei at the center.




Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Sun Apr 03, 2022 1:20 am


Yuurei figured he would use the shield he was holding to block his attack. His right jab would deal its damage, and he would stop his left jab because he would see that Khalfani had distanced themselves, so Yuurei would have missed completely. It made sense for Khalfani to do that. They were going to fight in the air eventually, and he figured that was why they were fighting on the bridge in the first place. Still, while the events unfolded, it would seem like the light mage would feel something going on with his body. He felt a bit weaker than before, and he had a smirk on his face. They were now a couple of feet away from each other.

This was cool to him, and he figured that Khalfani would surprise him with more things that he had in his arsenal. Still, right now he would continue with his attacks. Yuurei flapped his wings as he would move toward his guild master. He would move towards the side of Khalfani’s shield and he would attempt to punch him with his left hand this time first. Another quick jab, this time aiming at his shoulder that was holding the shield.

His right hand was ready to defend Yuurei as he wasn’t sure what Khalfani had planned. Still, his heart continued beating quickly as his adrenaline was running through his body.

What else is he planning on doing? He thought to himself as he kept himself aware of Khalfani and their surroundings.



Spells Sustained:



Uriel's Grace:

#7Khalfani † 

Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Sun Apr 03, 2022 8:29 am

Khalfani †

There were a couple of things that could be noted from Khalfani's fight with Yuurei. For starters, the Nephilim was way stronger than him physically. Gorgon was a very durable shield and with just one punch Yuurei was able to dent it and cause a crack. How unfortunate. Repairing it wouldn't be a problem, but now Khalfani knew the extent of his ace's power. Even before fully knowing it the commander had named Yuurei the secret weapon of the guild, surely not a mistake on his behalf. Khalfani hadn't planned on losing this fight. No matter how strong his opponent was, there was always a way to win if you used your brain. Everything wasn't always about strength or ending it quickly. By conserving mana, the commander was certain he could drag it out and land a final blow. For now though, he was adamant on dodging any attacks sent his way. The One Punch Man's strength was calculated. One hit from him and the Guild Master was done for.

It was a good thing that he had successfully debuffed Yuurei. Surely that would have made him significantly weaker. All of his attacks would do more damage than usual, so while he wasn't a one punch man like Yuurei, one hit was all it would take at this point. Khalfani landed 12.5 meters away with his legs bent to propel himself again. Unlike other people, he didn't ever need to stop when dashing. His hinds were superior. Without wasting another moment he pushed off into the air at max lunging capacity, reaching 12 meters above in a second as Yuurei's wings dropped to flap, Khal using the momentum of his own flight ability to propel him even higher into the air after leaping upward for some much needed distance.

The sky was his domain because the sun resided there and Khalfani, was in fact an extension of Amun-Ra. This meant that the commander was also aware that he could ascend to heights far greater than an ordinary mage with a flight ability, but of course it was never wise to underestimate an opponent, much less someone like Yuurei. As he ascended his upper half was slightly bent towards Yuurei, his shield facing the Nephilim should he continue and opened his palm to face the skies. A magic circle would appear at Khalfani's own previous position. If he should, then Khalfani was truly in trouble and there was no other option.

"Looks like you're in a rush. I wonder why..." He'd say dourly, continuing to move accordingly whilst speaking, never losing sight of the battle at hand. The Dragon Slayer had already made his own analysis. This was a battle in front of hundreds of guild members. Either Yuurei wanted to make a statement, he really didn't wanna give Khalfani the space to think, or he the longer the battle stretched out the more mana he'd use. Probably all three. If Yuurei thought that this was going to be an easy win, then he had another thing coming, he would have to go all out.




Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Sun Apr 03, 2022 11:04 pm


Yuurei’s left jab would never make it to Khalfani as it seemed like the man jumped away from him. It didn’t stop there and when Yuurei saw how high he had gotten into the air. He would see how high he could go into the sky. That was something that not even Yuurei could do. It would seem he didn’t have to pause when moving around either. Still, while Khalfani was going into the air, Yuurei would revert his transformation as he wouldn’t need it anymore. The man was too high up for him to hit him, so the best thing he could do was move around. If they were playing a game of who was going to spend their mana, then that was not one he would win against.

Still, while reverting to his regular form, Yuurei would have his feet touch the ground as he was moving them so he would be running at full speed when he touched the ground. His body moved through the bridge while he eye Khalfani.

While he was doing that, he would see a magic circle appearing in the area above them. The light mage would get through the bridge while the beam of gold light would hit the bridge. There was one thing Khalfani would notice was that he wasn’t using his magic. Still, he wasn’t sure if the bridge was compromised, so he made it on solid ground as he moved around in the new area of the guild and dodged the attack from above They were still outside but Yuurei was running at full speed making it hard for Khalfani.

Yes, Yuurei would glance a Khalfani, but he was also looking around his surroundings to make sure to be aware of magic circles that were not his own. The light mage was not attacking but going on the defensive while everyone watched their fight.

"I'm not in a rush, I just fight like that. Still, I can't reach you up there." He said as he admitted his weakness without a problem.



Spells Sustained:



Uriel's Grace:


#9Khalfani † 

Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Sun Apr 10, 2022 5:51 pm

Khalfani †

Khalfani simply remained in the air as his opponent gained distance on the ground. He watched as Yuurei moved off of the bridge but now he was just too far away for any of them to land any successful attack. The magic seal appeared below Yuurei, but he was fast enough to continue his momentum and evade before any damage was done. The Commander sighed, growing bored now that Yuurei was running away. The two of them had been about 35 meters away from the ground while on the bridge, so that meant Yuurei was 35 meters away. What did he have planned? He was a Berserker after all, his abilities were best up close. Khalfani merely remained afloat in the air, slowly moving towards Yuurei, eyes attentive in case an attack came at him. The guild members around them watched quietly, wondering who would be next to strike and who would win.

Khal had no doubt in his own mind that he was capable of beating his ace, regardless of what rank he as classified as. He wondered though, if Yuurei had underestimated his abilities despite what rank the commander was classified as. Khalfani was at the level that posed a threat to even the strongest of mages, but he wasn't at the level where they couldn't easily one up him. "I see. Well, I guess I'll just hang up here then. Pretty obvious you can't reach me from here which is a good thing. What will you do?" Khalfani had enough mana to sustain himself and use spells at the same time, but Yuurei could also just wait it out and keep running away. Still, the Dragon Slayer had the advantage.




Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Thu Apr 14, 2022 10:05 pm


Yuurei could use his magic, but he chose not to. He wasn’t being cocky or underestimating Khalfani. If that were the case, then he wouldn’t have struck him with everything he had in the beginning. He wouldn’t have even gone into his Nephilim form. He just thought their fight would be something different. In the end, he figured he would abide by time, and do things properly. He was on the run while the guild master was in the air. What he had done earlier had shown that he would be able to do something like that again. He had to prepare himself for it again, or anything. It was why he kept moving as that was the only thing he could do right now.

The berserker’s gauntlet would stop strengthening him up as he didn’t need it right now. Yes, it would be a while for him to use it again, but he was fine with that. He had to think about what he could do to reach Khalfani from up there. He only had a few ways, but he refused to use that because he was trying to refine his skills when it came to using his weapon.

He heard Khalfani’s words, and he would take that into his head, but he knew there was nothing he could do right now. Instead, he kept moving around the area as he had made sure that he was now forty-five meters away from his guild master.

Oh what to do what to do. He truly isn’t coming down from there, but it just shows what he could do. He thought to himself as he kept moving at full speed.



Spells Sustained:



Uriel's Grace:


#11Khalfani † 

Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Thu Apr 14, 2022 11:24 pm

Khalfani †

Any moment now, Khalfani would move to strike his opponent. Yuurei was moving at intense speeds, consistently, and to be quite honest Khalfani had no idea how he was supposed to keep up with someone so physically capable. Yuurei was a true titan. If he continued to grow, at this rate he would be strong enough to take one even the weaker gods. It was incredible to see such a man fight alongside him and as confident as Khalfani almost always was, Yuurei made him a little shy. Not to mention he was definitely a beautiful specimen. Khalfani's eyes were able to keep up with the shirtless man, his firm, round bottom poking out as he ran. The commander shook his head as he flew towards his guild member, taking his mind off of something that didn't matter. If Yuurei was gonna win, really all he had to do was flex a little bit. Khalfani would fold every damn time. How embarrassing would that be? The commander of Paradise Dawn beaten because he couldn't resist the temptation of the booty. It was a sad way to go out indeed. Khalfani kept his eyes on the Light Bringer, moving towards him at top speed. It wasn't enough to keep up, but it was enough to at least trail behind him and close the distance. "Stop runnin'." He growled.




Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 8:11 am


Yuurei’s eyes were always keeping tabs on Khalfani. Yes, he wasn’t just running aimlessly, and he had to be aware of his surroundings. He was thinking about how he would be able to fly that high. He didn’t have anything like that, which was a big difference between him and Khalfani. Still, this was different, which allowed him to experience something new. How would he fight someone he couldn’t reach? Well, he learned that it was best to run away, or at least keep his feet moving. He knew the moment that he would stop, Khalfani would attack, and that wouldn’t be good. It wouldn’t take long, but the commander would be trialing after him. He thought it was a good thing because it meant that he could get close to him, but then he noticed that the distance between them was still far.

He would chuckle a bit as that was good and he would keep moving. This was the weirdest battle he had ever had to be honest. It was the first time he wasn’t constantly attacking and defending. It was a battle of wits and who would truly make the first move. With what he was using right now, there wouldn’t be anything he could do that could hit Khalfani, but for how long was this going to happen?

Yuurei would hear his guild master telling him to stop running, but he shook his head because he wouldn’t do that. It was a coward’s move in his eyes, but at the same time, it was a different battle he had ever had. He would look to his gauntlet and figured now more than ever that he needed another one and one that could stop things like this from happening. He would search for one, but how long would it be for him to find one.

It seems like we are playing a game here, which makes it enjoyable, to say the least. I think right now I would be the mouse and Khalfani would be the cat? Yes, I think that was how the saying would go. A game of mouse and cat. He thought to himself wondering what was going to happen right now.

Oh what to do what to do. He truly isn’t coming down from there, but it just shows what he could do. He thought to himself as he kept moving at full speed.



Spells Sustained:



Uriel's Grace:


#13Khalfani † 

Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Fri Apr 15, 2022 11:14 pm

Khalfani †

It was funny really. The sole reason Khalfani had decided to activate his flight spell was to remain out of reach to force Yuurei to go all out. He wasn't using his magical abilities for some reason and as much as Khalfani wanted to pretend like it wasn't an issue, he really was offended by his comrades notion. Regardless, he would make sure he'd win this fight. If Khal couldn't beat Yuurei even without him using his magic then perhaps he wasn't even close to ready facing even the weakest of the gods. That aside, the commander was growing more and more impatient by the minute. He trailed behind Yuurei who had still been moving at intense speeds. His dagger was in his hand and his shield, albeit cracked, was in the other and ready to be used. There really only seemed to be one way to end this. It'd be risky, but Khalfani would simply just have to take that chance. With the distance of forty meters or so still between them even while he was in the air, khalfani flew but lowered himself as he did so. In a matter of a few seconds he would reach the ground unless Yuurei had decided to switch the pattern of his movements, then of course Khalfani would only have to act accordingly. When Khalfani's feet finally touched the ground, there would have to be a distance of 40 meters still beneath them and his wings would vanish. That should do enough to Bait Yuurei. After all, he had no idea what Khalfani was capable of outside of his magical abilities and even then he would only have a thesis.




Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Sat Apr 16, 2022 12:02 am


Yuurei was trying to figure out what to do right now. His eyes would look over to Khalfani, but what could he do about him being in the air. He would see that his guild master would decide to descend from to the ground. This was good because it was what he wanted him to do. Still, there was a problem when he did that. Yuurei wasn’t going to be able to use his gauntlet, which meant that he had to be smart with everything. He saw the wings vanish, which was a good thing. He wouldn’t be able to go into the air for a bit. His movements never changed though for the time being.

The Nephilim wanted to go in for the attack, but he looked over to his arm. He had stopped his gauntlet’s gift by giving him a lot of power. He wasn’t going to go into his guild master without it. Still, what he would do is he would move to his right and then turn back left the moment Khalfani was thirty-five meters away from him now.

Damn it that is the perfect opportunity to attack, but I can’t my gauntlet won’t activate. I need more time. He’s going to hate me for this, but if he came down on the ground, then it means that he has something plan. What can it be? He thought to himself as he kept running around the outside of the huge guild they lived in.



Spells Sustained:



Uriel's Grace:


#15Khalfani † 

Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Sat Apr 16, 2022 7:20 pm

Khalfani †

"Come on Yuurei. Enough running." Khalfani clenched his jaws as he kept watch of his opponent. His shield was raised, his dagger in hand, feet positioned to keep him sturdy but spread apart enough for him to react in the heat of the moment. Khalfani faced Yuurei, ready to attack or defend at a moments notice. This would end here and now, it had too. The two of them had been playing a little game of "Who would attack who first", and Khalfani just couldn't give in anymore. The guild master was ready to take this 'W', whether Yuurei wanted to give it to him or not. There was no time for a game of tag or even cat and mouse. The guild members were watching, the gods were watching. This took the commander back to his days in Desierto where Konyo had been consistently beating his ass. He learned a lot from the archer. Never again would he lose, at least not in that manner. Khalfani had been on a quest for power for that very reason.




Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Sat Apr 16, 2022 7:34 pm


Yuurei would laugh when he heard his guild commander tell him to stop running. Now that he was on the offense, the berserker was on the defense. He was running away, but it was because there was nothing he could use at the moment. Khalfani should have been proud that he had his ace running from him and not rushing toward him. It would mean that he accepted for being a strong individual and was not going to go into fighting him carelessly. The Nephilim had placed himself in a handicap as it is, so he wouldn’t continue to do that. He could see his gauntlet was nearly there and he would just sigh with relief. It would come to an end soon enough.

“I know, but I can’t just stop running because you asked me to. I’m waiting for something.” He said to Khalfani as he would chuckle a bit.

He didn’t care whether he won or lost, but this was theatrical. It was the first time he had done something like this in his life. While moving he would make sure that he was now only twenty-five meters away from Khalfani. Yuurei was moving in a figure-eight motion right now as he noticed that his guild master wasn't moving from what he saw. He was ready to keep their distance up to twenty-five meters for the time being. He wondered why he wasn’t attacking with any of the spells and figured that he had something up his sleeve. What could it be? It probably had something to do with the helmet or even the dagger he was carrying. He wasn’t sure, but he was going to have to wait a bit longer if he wanted Yuurei to the attacking.



Spells Sustained:



Uriel's Grace:


#17Khalfani † 

Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Sat Apr 16, 2022 8:05 pm

Khalfani †

Yuurei wasn't stupid, that much was obvious. Plus, there was no way in hell Khalfani would respect him as an equal if he was. It was worth noting that Yuurei wasn't just barging in, but then what was he trying to do? Khalfani had to remember not to be so overconfident in himself that he began to downplay the intellect of his guild mate. Of course, during this entire fight he had been moving solely off the idea that Yuurei was physically superior. Still, it was always good to remind yourself not to get caught up in the taste of victory. The Nephilim was moving closer by the second. He even laughed at Khalfani's obvious frustration. If he wasn't so cute, the commander might have just taken his head off here and now. Alas, amongst friends a little laughter was necessary, especially since sometimes the dragon slayer could get consumed by the flames of battle. His time in Desierto fighting wars, and liberating enslaved people brought a side of him to the surface, a side of him he had tried to repress. Soon, that dark, merciless of side of him would takeover for it was nearly inevitable. Right now though, Yuurei was moving fast closing a distance by making an eight figure motion while running. It was a good strategy to get close without getting close, but luckily the commander knew better. The pattern was easy to deconstruct. This fight was secured if Yuurei continued to move like that, even more so than it was if he propelled himself forward. Khalfani swung the arm with the hand holding the blade to send a slice in Yuurei's direction, right where he would be moving next since he understood the pattern, throwing him off course if he wanted to evade the attack.




Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Sat Apr 16, 2022 8:45 pm


Yuurei knew it was time, and in time it was. The light mage could feel the power within his gauntlet come back, so he was ready to go into what might possibly be his last attack. While he was moving, he was constantly looking at Khalfani’s movements. Now that he was ready to make his move it would seem like his guild master would also do the same thing. This was going to be interesting, and Yuurei was going to learn something about his guild master in this fight. While he saw Khalfani swing his arms, Yuurei’s eyes would turn golden. It wasn’t just that, but the Nephilim would sprout his wings as he flew into the air as he would dodge the incoming attack. While flying into the air, he would pour mana into his gauntlet, and he would feel himself becoming stronger and faster now. Before he could reach the height of his flight, he would start closing in the distance between him and Khalfani.

He was planning on attacking him with his right hand, and whether he missed or hit he would soar straight into the air. He figured that he would either hit Khalfani, his guild master would dodge the attack, and counter, or meet up with him in the sky. In the end, Yuurei would have closed the distance between them in less than a second. He was hoping his speed would be enough for him to be quicker than he could react. It wasn’t just that, but Khalfani would also feel weaker than he was before when Yuurei transformed as it would bring everything he trained for by twenty percent.



Spells Sustained:



Uriel's Grace:

#19Khalfani † 

Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:37 am

Khalfani †

The first mistake was putting distance between the two. As a ranged fighter, Khalfani excelled at distanced battle, it gave him time plan, to think and to strike when it mattered most. Whereas Yuurei himself was a close ranged who was clearly neglecting his abilities. If he had remained front and center in the beginning, this fight would have been lost for Khalfani at the very beginning. His second mistake was believing that Khalfani wouldn't be able to keep up. His eyes could follow and even his perception if he was careful, yet it was his body that couldn't run as fast as him. As the spell fired off, Khalfani brought his arm back, preparing himself as Yuurei's arms appeared, taking him into the sky to dodge his spell. Yuurei raised himself into the air, Khalfani still holding his shield in front of him. Yuurei then changed his direction from rising straight into the air, gathering all of his speed until zooming straight towards Khalfani. With 25 meters having been between them, this last move banked on the commander timing accordingly. Yuurei was fast, and he had been moving at what Khalfani assumed to be max speed the whole time, so the dragon slayer understand that once Yuurei's semi-circled in the air or stopped to shift direction, activating his spell was the best thing to do. Immediately Khalfani activated his gorgon shield as Yuurei faced his direction. As Medusa eyed her next victim, she would freeze him in place just before he hit the shield, a mere 1 meter away from the shield at least, with the glow of her eyes. Yuurei would be petrified in the air should Medusa's gaze affect him.




Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Sun Apr 17, 2022 4:28 pm


Yuurei knew that he could have waited a bit longer before attacking. The man was good at foreseeing things, but this was a different battle. He felt like he was getting to know Khalfani, and there was something that he was waiting to use against their fight. The light mage was truly anxious to see what it was. It was why he had rushed straight towards him. He had been taunted through the entire fight, but it was now that he chose to go all out. When he got really close to Khalfani, he would see that he pointed the shield at him. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do with it, but he planned on destroying it right now. He was getting ready to punch it with all that he had, but that was when the shield started glowing.  

This was different, but from what he felt it seemed like the shield would stop him on his track. He was shocked, to say the least, and honestly, this caught him off guard. Still, he could see that the shield had taken a lot out of Khalfani. The berserker was stuck in the air petrified in place. The only thing he could do was stare at Khalfani, and right then he knew that this was the man’s ace in the hole. He would call it quits as the battle was lost and he knew that Khalfani would be able to strike him in one of his vitals without him being able to do anything.

Still, now he knew about that Gorgon Shield, and if he ever saw anybody wielding that, he knew what to expect. That was too strong and he didn't think something like that could happen to him. It was a good way to lose, but maybe he should have used his entire arsenal in this fight? He would shrug at the idea because he knew why he did what he did. Now it was time to see what he could do to better himself for his next battle.


#21Khalfani † 

Titans of Paradise: The Sun Eater vs The Light Bringer [Yuurei] Empty Wed Apr 27, 2022 12:52 pm

Khalfani †

Yuurei froze in the air just before Khalfani's shield was hit. The commander smiled, although he was a bit frustrated that it took Gorgon to stop Yuurei from pummeling him. Either way, he won. He had absorbed more info about his ace than he would have without this fight so he was indeed satisfied. Khalfani sighed, releasing the spell after Yuurei admitted defeat. It was obvious that this would be a winning move, something the Nephilim wasn't prepared for. Khal nodded as the guild members cheered. They were just pleased to see one of the two most important Dawn members engage in battle. Khalfani would slowly walk up to his comrade and pat him on the shoulder. Next time Yuurei would be prepared for Gorgon so it was only right that Khalfani prepared himself to fight the Angel again. This didn't feel like as much of a win as it should have been, which meant that it really wasn't win at all. With a smirk he walked alongside his comrade.

- EXIT -



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