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Pest Control PT. 5 (Neutral)

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Pest Control PT. 5 (Neutral)  Empty Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:32 pm


Yuurei’s work was never done. There were a lot of things for him to do in the North. It seemed like Orchidia’s never-ending problems with rats came around again. He figured Sleeping Calamity took care of them, but they were back. This was great because now he was getting a job to take them out. The light mage was starting to feel like there was someone just summoning these things out of pleasure. The young man was making his way toward the location where his client wanted to meet up. Renji was coming with him as he was walking around next to his friend.

It would seem like Yuurei wanted Renji to stay in shape. It was a good thing because then it meant that he wouldn’t have such weight on his shoulders.

“When was the last time you spoke to Kailani?” He asked Yuurei curious to hear what he had to say.

“I don’t know. I have been meaning to see her, but I’ve been so busy in this region, that I don’t have time.” He said to Renji as they kept walking.



Pest Control PT. 5 (Neutral)  Empty Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:33 pm


Renji would hear those words and it would seem like he was over her. That was a good thing because it meant that he could focus on the future ahead. Yuurei did hope that she was okay, and if she really had feelings for Kaito, he was surprised the young man never spoke about her. Still, it didn’t bother him, and figured it was none of his business. They would continue their travel towards Orchidia City. This was always his destination when it came to killing rats. It was the only place within the North that was having problems like that.

Yuurei kept moving as he would enter the city without a problem. The guards there knew who he was, and every time he was there there wasn’t a problem. He kept moving and wondered why Renji had brought up that question.

“Why do you ask? Do you want to see them? I can assume you’re missing Nimbus?” He asked him.



Pest Control PT. 5 (Neutral)  Empty Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:33 pm


Renji would look over to Yuurei when he said this and then he would look down to the floor while they walked.

“Yes, I do miss that bird brain. Of course, I would like to see them, but I guess we will do that soon.” He said to Yuurei.

Yuurei was fine with this, and it was good for them both. The light mage kept moving through the city now as he was making his way to their destination. It was a fruitful journey as they would wave to a lot of people within the city. It seemed like they were happy to see him, and he could only be happy that they were here as well. The light mage would find himself waving at everyone that was looking at him.

The Nephilim wouldn’t take long to arrive at his destination. When he got there, he would see that it was a building he was going to be clearing out today. There was one person just standing there as if they were waiting for him.



Pest Control PT. 5 (Neutral)  Empty Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:34 pm


Yuurei started walking toward the man and Renji would follow Yuurei. When they got close to the man, he would look at them both. He would take a second and it would seem like the people he was waiting for him had finally arrived. This was good because he needed everything clear in the building he had just bought.

“I been waiting for you Yuurei. I’m glad you and your friend could come. I need this building clear of the rats that have been living there. I tried to do it myself and it didn’t go well.” He said to Yuurei.

The light mage would chuckle when he heard this because he expected that would happen to this guy. Still, now that he was here everything should be better for them. He would stretch his arms into the air as he was looking at his client.

“Yeah, you don’t have to worry about that. I’ve killed these rats so many times I’m starting to wonder who is controlling them and breeding them.” He said to his client as he would put his hands to his side.



Pest Control PT. 5 (Neutral)  Empty Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:34 pm


Yuurei would crack his knuckles now that he had stretched and walked over to the door of the building. He would look down at Renji for a second as he figured this would be the time to keep his friend on his shoulder.

“Renji you can climb on my shoulder. I don’t want any rats getting you.” He would chuckle a bit at the thought.

Renji would look at him and shook his head. He was going to tell him, no, but then he figured he definitely didn’t want to get eaten by a rat. He would climb on Yuurei and would feel right at home on his shoulder.

“I thought cats were supposed to hunt rats, not the other way around.” He would comment at this and the light mage would laugh at it.

He would look at their client now, and he would smile at him.

“It shouldn’t take long, but don’t enter the place until I come out.” He would say this to the man as he would open the door.



Pest Control PT. 5 (Neutral)  Empty Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:44 pm


Yuurei would enter the building now and he would hear the scattering of all the rats that were within the building. It would seem like they could tell that someone strong had entered the building. That was good because it meant that he was going to make this quick. They had feared him, and they should be. He looked around and was wondering where he would begin.

“You choose. Do we go left or right?” He would ask Renji as he would let him decide today.

“I say we go right.” He would say this to Yuurei.

The light mage would be found with that decision and he would start walking to the right side of the building. While walking over to the location he would hear a lot of movements and it would seem like he was getting close.

This was good and he would hear it getting louder. When he got to the end of the right side of the hallway, he would see a bunch of rats piled up on each other.



Pest Control PT. 5 (Neutral)  Empty Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:48 pm


Yuurei would shake his head when he saw this. It would seem like they thought being together would save them. At least they thought up a plan, which meant they were smart. Still, in the end, the results would be the same no matter what they did. It wouldn’t take long, but they would see Yuurei was there. They would start moving and rushing towards him at the same time. This was great and he would jump back a few times as he had his hands out in front of him.

Two magic circles would appear above his hands and stars would start to form and then they would all enter his body. The light mage would feel the power he gained from his magic, and he was happy because it was going to start now. The rats were getting closer to him, and he was no longer running away from them, but now moving toward them.



Pest Control PT. 5 (Neutral)  Empty Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:53 pm


Yuurei would meet with the first of the rats, and he would punch it quickly without hesitating. The rat would find itself dying quickly, and the light mage had quickly moved on to the next target. A quick punch would hit a second one, and he would kick another rat in the face. The blows that he was dealing with these rodents were lethal. They were dropping like crazy. He would see them attacking, and he would dodge them as he was moving side to side. These were things he had learned from his master. He had become a better fighter because of his training.

The rodents wouldn’t be able to hit him, and he would continue to strike blows when he got the chance as the rats were falling to the ground real fast. Renji would see this, and he could tell that Yuurei had truly blossomed as a fighter and he was happy about it. He remembered the first time they met, and it was not an impressive memory.



Pest Control PT. 5 (Neutral)  Empty Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:58 pm


Yuurei kept fighting with all the rats that were in this building. It was the first time he had seen a bunch of them together. Still, their numbers were decreasing as he continued fighting. The rats kept dying and he kept seeing the hallway in front of him clearing than before. His movements were quick, and he knew that he had to get rid of them faster. The berserker started doing just that as he would throw a barrage of punches in front of him. He would find his fist connecting to a lot of rats and he would see that soon of them none of them were moving. This was good and he would jump back to see if he had truly cleared everything in front of him.

He would investigate the area and he could tell that he had killed them all. That was good, but now that he was done with that, he would start the next part of his job.



Pest Control PT. 5 (Neutral)  Empty Fri Apr 29, 2022 1:01 pm


Yuurei was now moving through the building. He was checking to see if he had missed any rats to live. While he was doing this, he would find stuff that looked valuable. It made sense that he would collect them. He figured his client would be happy to see that there were things he could sell in his building. The light mage would collect them, and he would put them in Renji’s bag. It was a team effort, and he continued searching the place.

It would take a few minutes, but the Nephilim would find everything that he could within the building. It wasn’t just that, but he would also find the hole that rats were probably coming from. The berserker would find a way to close it and he knew that it was temporary, but the building was clear with all the live rats. His client was going to have to get someone to clean that up, and it wasn’t going to be him.



Pest Control PT. 5 (Neutral)  Empty Fri Apr 29, 2022 1:05 pm


Now that he was done with everything in this building, Yuurei was heading out the door. It was a quick trip through the building, and he would open the door. He would walk out of the place with a smile on his face as he would look at his client. He was glad that this man was waiting patiently for him to finish.

“We finished taking out all the rats. They need to be cleared out, but they're all dead. I also covered the hole, but what I did is a temporary solution, and you need to get that covered soon. I also found a lot of things you could sell if you want to.” He said to his client.

Renji would hear this and he would open the bag and a bunch of stuff would come out of the bag and onto the floor.

The client was surprised about this, but he was happy this man got the job done. He would move to Yuurei and he would hand him a bag of jewels for his effort and hard work. Yuurei would bow slightly as he would take the money and make his leave.

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