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The Egg, The Bird & The Embers

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#1Daiko Flayme 

The Egg, The Bird & The Embers Empty Sat Apr 03, 2021 9:21 am

Daiko Flayme
Name: The Egg, The Bird & The Embers

Difficulty: Long

Participants: Daiko Flayme, Alisa Vollan, Sofia, Atani

Story: For the longest time, Daiko has benefited from his Takeover Magic that channels the powers and magic of a Phoenix directly through his own body, but while some Takeover Mages have been able to come into contact with their beasts within, Daiko has never been able to converse with whatever granted him this unique Magic. Overall, the notion of the Phoenix here in Fiore has been absent, and the question that lingered in his head would be ‘why?’, which soon would answer itself as he suddenly falls ill with no apparent reason behind. Said illness leads to the weakening of his limbs and shriveling of his skin, looking like his lifeforce is leaking out of him… throughout this painful experience, his lifelong question will be answered and revealed in a big twist that will put a question mark on his whole persona, ego and very being. It will also lead to new discoveries in South Fiore and unearth an ancient tribe shrinking in numbers, closely related to the myths as well as realities of the Phoenix, the bird of fire and the immortal avian.

Objective: Complete the task laid out by the Phoenix in order to revive Daiko Flayme.

Name: Daiko Is Dead

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Daiko Flayme, Alisa Vollan, Sofia, Atani

Summary: Daiko is processing the fact that his body is breaking down, not emotionally ready to say goodbye just yet. However, in the presence of his close friends in Blue Pegasus, as well as his ever-loyal bird Coda, he slowly accepts his premature departure from this world and bids them all farewell... but little did he know...

Others: Coda


Rewards: 7 CON

Objectives: Stay with Daiko, comfort him, and witness his death...

Name: From Flesh To Fire

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Daiko Flayme, Atani

Summary: A few moments after Daiko’s life signs have completely disappeared, his skin and flesh burns away, leaving only a half-open shell made of red-orange shards and scales akin to a bird’s feet. The flames that burst out manifest in the air as the entry of the Phoenix, the source of Daiko’s Magic as well as life. The Phoenix informs those present that it has little time left of its present life, and that it has to travel to a temple in the southern waters of Fiore, where it will initiate the ritual of Revival. After the ritual has been completed, it intends to start its new life far away from this country to freshen itself up, ultimately leaving Blue Pegasus forever… but if it's beckoned with sincerity and deep grief, then it can resume its previous life once more - however, the criteria will be heavy.

Others: Coda, The Phoenix


Rewards: 7 CON

Objectives: Convince the Phoenix to resume its previous life as Daiko Flayme once more.

Name: It All Starts With An Egg

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Daiko Flayme, Atani

Summary: After the Phoenix has been convinced to continue its previous life, it prepares for the future dangers awaiting it and transforms into a football-sized, red and cracked egg filled with glowing and pure, gentle life energy. The Egg is immobile and left in a friend’s hands to be delivered to a tall, bricky temple at the top of a large hill located on an island somewhere in the ocean – but beware and protect the Egg at all costs, for its destruction will mean the loss of its magnificent life energy that will disappear into the air and nature around it… ultimately becoming the end of the Phoenix. Its protection will prove difficult with all the predators out in the wild who would enjoy a good meal with lots of protein.

Others: Coda, The Phoenix


Eggeater: The first obstacles will show themselves in the watery woods outside of Port Hargeon. Eggeaters are 5 m long, muscular serpents that are found hibernating for many seasons under swamps, bays and other watery ecosystems around the region. The reasoning behind their long slumbers is their cruel diet consisting entirely on large eggs from other large reptiles, behemian ostriches and, in rare cases, even Dragons. These serpents live, hunt and feast alone, and yet one has tasted the fragrances in the air and detected a very spicy egg in the hands of someone... and it is hellbent on devouring it. With their large bodies, they can jab at you with their fangs at impressive speeds, and despite their slithering forms, they can also leap long distances like rubber bands!

Rewards: 7 END

Objectives: Protect the Egg from the Eggeater.

Name: It's Not A Goose's Golden Egg!

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Daiko Flayme, Atani

Summary: Once the egg has reached the secret island, another issue will brake your advance towards the promised temple. A group of poachers and treasure hunters have entered the same location to seek lost treasures from an old civilization, and they threaten to eliminate any who interfere with their search. The treasure hunters will find you and demand payment immediately, not allowing any passers-by to potentially screw them over; some will want the belongings in your pockets, while others want you all to strip yourselves naked – it varies a lot, but it’ll inevitably end in a brawl.

Others: Coda


Treasure Hunter Harald: Harald is the most interested in finding specifically the old civilization's treasures, as it holds a much more personal meaning to him than just getting him rich. Whatever that reason is, it makes him the most ambitious of the group – and also the most dangerous among them. With his Earth Magic, he can level and lift the field around him as well as launch sharp rocks and boulders from the ground against his targets, and he generally coats himself in a mail of hardened granite at the beginning of a fight.

Treasure Huntress Eilidh: Eilidh’s reasons for, basically, attempting to grave-rob the old civilization’s secret stashes are simpler; she and her brother were promised a quick way to richness by Harald, so they tagged along. If the old civilization had anything of considerable value, they won’t let anything such as respect for the dead stop them from getting their hands on these treasures. She uses Wind Magic in combination with her dagger, allowing it to cut a dozen meters further with air vacuum slashes, and she can also allow the magic to levitate herself up to 15 meters in the air. If push comes to shove, she'll attempt to suck out all the air in the opponent's lungs and suffocate them to death.

Treasure Hunter Edward: Edward, just like his sister Eilidh, is solely along Harald for the thrill of finding gold and silver among the old civilization’s founds on the island. This allows him to be more careless in his search than Harald, but unlike the other two, he enjoys the carelessness and wants to live life easily and in luxury. This clashes with his encounter with enemies, which beckons him to destroy them as quickly as possible, in which he is not afraid to use the deadly aspects of his Water Magic like drowning opponents or stripping them of vapor on their bodies – even in their bloodstreams if any openings are available on them; wounds, cuts or the like.

Rewards: 7 END

Objectives: Clear the way into the heart of the island by defeating the three Treasure Hunters.

Name: Himba Village & The Evil Omen

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Daiko Flayme, Atani

Summary: There’s a village stumbled upon at the directions given by the sentient egg. The village is thoroughly hid behind leaves and other shrubbery, but it’s far from deserted; an isolated tribe has claimed the land around them as home, and a pair of dark-skinned, male warriors are the first ones to greet you. They were on their way to confront the nearby treasure hunters, but finding out that the guests have already punished them brings them relief.

After inviting you helpful lot to the tribal village, the elders will recognize the egg in your hands and warn you against approaching the ruined temple further up the green hill; an ambitious villager was hellbent on taming the Phoenix himself, but since the bird of fire is an egg in your hands right now, who knows what else could've caused the massive thunderclouds to circulate the top of the hill... if you stand your ground against the elders' pleads, they might tell you.

Others: Coda, The Phoenix


Rewards: 7 END

Objectives: Venture through the tribal village and learn of the danger that awaits you at the top of the hill.

Name: Impundulu, Thekwane & Izulu

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Daiko Flayme, Alisa Vollan, Sofia, Atani

Summary: Daiko must be revived, and the elders submit and explain that three, cataclysmic entities could be the only explanation to the gathering of black thunderclouds. These three creatures are called Impundulu, Thekwane & Izulu – large, rare, powerful thunderbirds who can manifest terrible lightning strikes with each wingbeat. They’re feared as evil demons in the tribe, mainly due to their strong appetite for human flesh and cruel approach to hunting. The birds also have a long history with notorious witches and wizards who claimed them as familiars long ago.

Upon reaching the ruined temple, you will find the young villager mentioned before; the ambitious one who managed to make a pact with Thekwane and summon the massive thundercloud to draw the attention of the two others. He instantly senses the egg in your hands and demands that you hand it over to him, so that he can also obtain immortality on top of his new, demonic prowess. He’s beyond reason and rational thought at this point, so he will try and take the egg by force before the two other birds arrive to make matters even worse.

Others: Coda, The Phoenix


Mthunzi: Growing up in the tribe, Mthunzi let all the childhood stories about the powerful birds, the evil ones as well as the Phoenix, get to his head. Over a decade had passed without a single sighting, but it all changed a few days ago when lightning struck the ruined temple at the top of the hill. Mthunzi rushed over to the temple, having prepared everything through his life for this moment to bind a bird as his familiar… and it worked. Thekwane, the weakest of the three, is completely under his control, and he’s summoning more and more energy in form of thunderclouds to draw out the two others for the same purpose. If push comes to shove, he will aim Thekwane’s versatile, electric powers at you.

Izulu: The weakest of the thunderbirds, Izulu is under Mthunzi’s control and generates electric waves with its wingbeats. Its beak is extremely sharp, and it won’t hesitate to jab it through your torsos like a spear or drill. Its eyesight seems to be lacking a little, though…

Izulu: Izulu is a more challenging bird to face. Upon arriving at the temple, either before or after Thekwane and Mthunzi have been dealt with, the thunderclouds will only increase in intensity. Unlike Thekwane, Izulu contains more electric magic in its wings and body – more than it can hold inside, in which electric bolts constantly escape its surface, eyes, beak and feathers. Just standing near Izulu is cause for second-degree burns, and it will make use of this electric body to tackle into its prey and paralyze them with 10,000 amps of electricity.

Impundulu: Rumored to be the most dangerous of the three thunderbirds, Impundulu's entire body is pure, electric mana that discharges in all directions. It will be extremely difficult to battle this monster at first, as it can summon bolts of lightning to any direction around it with strength up to 20,000 amps, forceful enough to shatter through any debris in the way.

Rewards: 10 CON

Objectives: Defeat Mthunzi and the three Thunderbirds.

Name: Revival

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Daiko Flayme, Alisa Vollan, Sofia, Atani

Summary: With all obstacles and enemies blown away, you must initiate the rite of revival in the Phoenix’ stead. It will lead you, but the Phoenix’ voice as an egg grows ever weaker by the minute. A nest must be built out of these ingredients that can be found in hidden chests buried under the temple’s debris:

Several handfuls of myrrh from the barks of nearby trees
Dried, red leaves
Old tissue from butterfly cocoons

Once a round nest has been built from these materials, the egg is to be placed in it along with a symbol of Daiko’s persona, and the nest must then be placed at the highest peak of the temple. Then, the dark clouds will scatter and allow sunlight to burn the nest up immediately.

Once the nest has been reduced to grey ashes, they will rise in a cloud and stack up together to form a humanoid body. Within the center of the body’s torso, a new fire ignites, and in a blinding flash, your friend will have returned.

Others: Coda, The Phoenix


Rewards: 10 CON, Custom Legendary

Objectives: Fulfill the ritual of revival and revive Daiko Flayme.


The Egg, The Bird & The Embers Empty Mon May 03, 2021 8:52 pm


This storyline has been approved.

The Egg, The Bird & The Embers Sigme10
#3Daiko Flayme 

The Egg, The Bird & The Embers Empty Thu Jul 01, 2021 11:46 am

Daiko Flayme
Daiko Is Dead (A) <--- Completed


Daiko: 10,000 EXP, 275,000 Jewels, 400 Fame, 7 CON (Bonuses used: +10% Jewels (Fame))
Alisa: 12,000 EXP, 337,500 Jewels, 400 Fame, 7 SPD (Bonuses used: 15% J (Fame) + 20% J (Lover's Aura) + 20% EXP (Lover's Aura))
Sofia: 11,000 EXP, 300,000 Jewels, 400 Fame, 7 CON (Bonuses used: +10% Jewels (Fame) + 10% EXP & Jewels (Alisa's Lover's Aura))
Atani: 12,000 EXP, 312,500 Jewels, 400 Fame, 7 INT (Bonuses used: +20% EXP (ring) and +10% Jewels (Lemur), +15% Jewels (Fame)  = +25% J total)


The Egg, The Bird & The Embers Empty Sat Jul 03, 2021 12:12 am


Daiko, Sofia, Alisa, and Atani have completed this storyline quest.

#5Daiko Flayme 

The Egg, The Bird & The Embers Empty Tue Feb 22, 2022 9:34 am

Daiko Flayme
From Flesh To Fire (A) <--- Completed

Daiko: 10,000 EXP, 275,000 Jewels, 400 Fame, 7 CON (Bonuses used: +10% Jewels (Fame), +20% Jewels (BP Level 4))
Atani: 12,000 EXP, 450,000 Jewels, 400 Fame, 7 END (Bonuses used: +20% EXP (ring), +20% Jewels from Guild Level 4, +20% Jewels from Empress, +20% Jewels from Flynn, +20% Jewels from Fame)


The Egg, The Bird & The Embers Empty Tue Feb 22, 2022 7:03 pm

@Daiko Flayme and @Atani have completed this story line quest and been rewarded.

#7Daiko Flayme 

The Egg, The Bird & The Embers Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 8:32 am

Daiko Flayme
It All Starts With An Egg (A) <--- Completed

Daiko: 10,000 EXP, 325,000 Jewels, 400 Fame, 7 CON (Bonuses used: +10% Jewels (Fame), +20% Jewels (BP Level 4))

Atani: 10,000 EXP, 450,000 Jewels, 400 Fame, 7 END (Bonuses used: +20% Jewels from Guild Level 4, +20% Jewels from Empress, +20% Jewels from Flynn, +20% Jewels from Fame)

NOTE: I did a miscalculation of Daiko's jewel reward before, hence the new value :'''''''''''''''D

#8Khalfani † 

The Egg, The Bird & The Embers Empty Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:10 pm

Khalfani †
@Daiko Flayme and @Atani  have completed "It All Starts With an Egg" and have been rewarded.

#9Daiko Flayme 

The Egg, The Bird & The Embers Empty Sun May 01, 2022 9:47 am

Daiko Flayme
It's Not A Goose's Golden Egg (A) <--- Completed

Daiko: 11,000 EXP, 375,000 Jewels, 400 Fame, 7 CON (Bonuses used: +10% EXP (Human Race Perk), +10% Jewels (Fame), +20% Jewels (BP Level 4), +20% Jewels (Human Race Perk))

Atani: 10,000 EXP, 450,000 Jewels, 400 Fame, 7 END (Bonuses used: +20% Jewels from Guild Level 4, +20% Jewels from Empress, +20% Jewels from Flynn, +20% Jewels from Fame)


The Egg, The Bird & The Embers Empty Mon May 02, 2022 9:57 pm


@Daiko Flayme and @Atani  have completed "It's Not A Goose's Golden Egg" and have been rewarded.

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