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Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ]

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Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:54 pm


WORDS: 440 | TAG: @Esperia | DRESS  

Even her pocket dimension couldn't quite work miracles that way~... As the hours moved deeper into the night and Alisa left the Samba parade, she still had so much more she wanted to do around Hargeon. Blue Pegasus' festival had left the whole city in a festive mood, so much that just one person could never hope to be in multiple places at once. Even if she could quickly swap out her outfits, Alisa couldn't quite clear away that glistening hint of sweat clinging to her skin without a good long shower... So she made sure to do just that, stepping through the nearest doorway with help from her skeleton key, straight to her room and into the shower, peeling off her clothes and turning on the tapwater, letting our a delighted, relieved sigh as the sizzling hot water rained down over her sinuous shape, cascading down those ample, eye catching curves as they washed away all the sweat and grime before she finally felt comfortable stepping outside... But even with her ring to quickly slip on her dress, by the time she finally stepped into the ballroom, Alisa's hair looked visibly damp, shimmering under the vibrant golden glow of the chandelier, sticking ever so subtly to every inch of skin revealed by that stylish dress, draped down in tresses over that full, expansive cleavage. She found her instinctive hands casually brushing over her hair, adjusting it as she took in the ballroom and everyone in it:

"Now, will I ever recognize anybody here~...? I suppose I can always...", with a mask comfortably draped over her face, Alisa felt a smidge of temptation to rely on the power of her left eye, letting her identify people from the scale of their magic power.

But in the end, the Guildmaster decided against it. After all, no way she'd fail to recognize anybody she'd previously met, from their voice, scent, mannerims... From their poise or lack tereof... And relying on such a potent sensory ability would just make her feel like a soilsport here... And such, Alisa casually sashayed around the edge of the ballroom, stepping away from the dancing couples waltzing across the middle, catching the eye of a helpful waiter, finally dressed in a spotless white shirt and a black vest over it:

"Care for a drink, miss...?", spoke the caterer, walking past with a tray full of beverages.

"Don't mind if I do, thank you very much~...", Alisa chimed in appreciation, reaching out and taking a full, hearty glass of port.

Bringing the deep red nectar up to her lips, she took a long, satsfying whiff of that fruity, fortified scent of alcohol aged in a cask to pure perfection.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Thu Mar 17, 2022 7:09 am


Why oh why had she even thought about accepting this invitation? Esperia couldn't help but ponder that very question as she looked around the ballroom in a mixture of confusion and bewilderment. The extravagant and stylish manner of the festivities was enough to make her head almost dizzy, if not for the fact she knew that the members of Blue Pegasus had a certain... affinity for the extravagant. The more stylish, beautiful and fancy, the more likely it was an event held by the guild.

As such Esperia couldn't help but smile weakly as she found herself gazing around for any familiar sights to enjoy. Unfortunately her unique gift was not exactly one she could turn on and off at a whim, but the years spend with it had made her quite used to the overdose of information that got thrown her way with only a simple glimpse.

When talking about her attire, she had chosen for a stylish dress, one that went well with the trademark cape she was wearing. If anyone was to ask what her disguise had possibly been, which had already happened a few times in the past hour or so, Esperia would cheekily comment that she was disguised as a vampire.

It was finally after she had decided to navigate past the crowds and arrived at the bar, the initial thought to just sit there and catch a breather was quickly replaced by a smirk of mischief as she watched the sculptress appreciate a glass of port, leading to the lass to remark playfully. "Careful now oh dear hostess~ It would be an interesting sight to behold should thee succumb to the influence of alcohol~"

Yet as she shifted beside her, the crimson eyes of the lass lit up with a spark of amusement. "Yet you weren't a light weight like your apprentice was back in the day~"

Esperia chuckled playfully as she continued. "Not that I know how much I improved~ Unfortunately nowadays drinks, whether alcoholic or not taste flavorless to me. Nor did I think about turning waifu juice into an alcoholic beverage~ I prefer the regular flavor, makes me feel absolutely FANTAstic, like as if I got an overdose of sugar from drinking a bottle of soda in one go~"

A playful snicker escaped her lips, clearly amused at the little jest. "but I'm glad to see you're doing well~ Those two years made you age like a good wine~"


Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Fri Mar 18, 2022 12:45 pm


WORDS: 440 | TAG: @Esperia | DRESS  

The lone guildmaster wandered around aimlessly, seeking something to catch her attention, and eventually she heard it. A familiar voice, earning an intrigued sound from her lips:


A hunter though she may be, Alisa lacked any fervent hatred towards vampires, or rather Vampirism as a power. No, for the most part, she despised most of the people who embraced that power, as many of whom sought only a means to stand atop their fellow men, elves, dwarves. A desire to dominate, to be the predator they'd always seen themselves as. Cheap shortcuts to power in the hands of such weaklings will always fall short. As for Esperia, well... She'd never approved of that particular change, but if the girl could use this power for protect and not to kill, then it was power like any other. When she turned around to face her, Alisa could only think how the past few years had done wonders for her:

"Fufu~... You're a hundred years too early if you think you'll be conscious long enough to see that~", she chimed back, flipping that long, lustruous hand behind her shoulder, hand sliding down to her hip, teasing as her eyes flared open in a mock look of shock, hand raising over her mouth, "My my, hardly appropriate for your waifu to discuss her juice in public hmmm~? And all while flattering another woman too? Oh dear, I see you haven't changed one bit hmm~?"

At the same time, Alisa looked left, then right... An introvert at heart, Alisa liked such crowded events as much as Esperia did if not less so... She'd just... Learned to get over it as time went on. As the leader of a powerful guild like Blue Pegasus, a symbol of peace in the city if not the whole southern region. She couldn't afford to confine herself to secluded places as she once did. All the more reason for what she did next:

"Come with me~...", turning around, she hooked a finger at the girl, that come hither gesture as she sashayed away from the crowd, towards the nearest empty balcony. Gently pushing open the doorway, she sighed in soft, soothing delight as she felt a cool breeze brushing against her cheeks, in stark contrast to the bustling warmth in the ballroom, "Tell me, what have you been up to these past few years? Has been a while since I last heard from you~"

With her sharp senses and natural aversion to light, Alisa imagined the girl felt even less comfortable than her back inside. Out here, with the moonlight shining down on them, the sights and sounds of the sanguine revelry going on on the streets below... They'd find it easier to hear themselves think. Alisa turned around to face her former pupil, resting her shapely rear against the railing as she folded one arm under the fullness of her bust, bringing the glass up to her lips for a sip.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Fri Mar 18, 2022 3:55 pm


"A hundred years? I can be patient enough for that if needed~" Esperia chimed in amusement as Alisa jested about her earlier remark, leading the vampire to puff out her cheeks in a playful pout. "I'm sure she will be the last person to mind~ Unless it's in front of the kids~ I do try to be a proper parent for them, despite my inexperience in that regard~"

Esperia's playful remarks soon led the duo to a nearby balcony where they could enjoy some peace and quietness. While it was true that vampires held little fondness for light, to the point most even felt weakened and lethargic to it, Esperia's nature as a precursor vampire made her ignorant of those debilitating effects, to her day and night, light and darkness still were the same as before.

But she did have a fondness for secluded spots and the quietness that allowed one to enjoy the moment of peaceful conversation, to which Esperia was more than willing to reveal what she had been up to the last few years.

"I actually left Fiore for a while, decided to pursue a lead surrounding a research subject I been focusing on, the end results were quite interesting~ Even if the facts I learned throughout the time were somewhat disheartening."

She sighed softly, leaning against the balcony as she pondered. "It's no surprise that vampirism is looked at in such a regard. While at its core a condition one might be bold enough to call a ailment, it is because so many embrace their existence in such a savage and monstrous way that vampires are commonly seen as savage blood-draining fiends that should be avoided, if one can't put a stake through their chest first."

The white-haired lass shook her head lightly as she continued. "Despite the peculiar incident that turned me, I am still who I was before, and do not consider myself superior to others, nor do I desire to fend off vampire hunters whenever I go on a family trip~ It's for that reason I took research into the origins of vampirism and the nature of its society."

A brief grin lingered on the girl's lips as she continued. "Although I was by all means fascinated by the history, I have to admit the current state of the vampire society is a tragic state of affairs, and it doesn't help that I stirred the beehive in a way most befitting for myself~"

Esperia snickered softly as she continued. "But I also met some interesting people, and spend some peaceful time with Valerie~ so overall I can't complain about the last two years. Even if I do worry about the safety of my family. With the way things are stirring, it is only a matter of time before someone will cause some shenanigans~ and that usually means I inevitably poke my nose in business it shouldn't be poking in~"

She brought a hand to her cheek and pondered out loud: "They do say curiosity stirs the bat~ or was that a cat?"


Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Sat Mar 19, 2022 9:56 am


WORDS: 440 | TAG: @Esperia | DRESS  

Alisa smiled. Now that she had her own children to care for, she felt almost completely certain no parent truly knows how to be a good parent. They just need to do the best they can, and now, she imagined hers and Esperia's ideals lined up once again:

"The vampires only have themselves to blame for that. If you look at ordinary people like prey, they'll treat you with the scorn they'd treat a predator. Once they've soured people's thoughts against their entire kind, that sort of prejudice takes years of hard work to reverse.", Alisa shook her head in turn, narrowing her eyes, knowing fully well Esperia more than anyone should understand how most vampires viewed their power, "Whether you call it a curse, a gift or an ailment matters little. People will never let down their guards around someone who'd attack them in their sleep."

And rightly so. Esperia was the exception more so than the rule, though like her, Alisa had also met many vampires who didn't let their bloodthirst define them. Regardless of their alignment, from light to dark mages, they lived their lives according to their hopes and dreams, their ideals rather than their baser impulses:

"You are the exception it seems. You'll have no problems in Hargeon, the people here know fully well Blue Pegasus will protect them, whether the threat come from humans, elves, vampires or demons. If they see a Vampire here, nobody will give look at you sideways.", she spoke, flashing her a reassuring smile as she stirred the wine glass in her hands, bringing it up to her lips for a sip, "Ohoo~...? Sounds like you've been quite busy. Have you found out anything interesting...?"

Alisa had to admit, she felt a smidge of curiosity. Vampirism was one of the least understood, yet most common powers mages turned to, tempted by promises of immortality and eternal youth. Even Alisa saw some appeal in eternal youth, how could she not for a woman who strove to keep herself in peak physical shape?

"Fufu, well of course, you seem to have quite the natural talent for stirring the beehives hmmm~? Poor bees never really know what hit them~", she quipped winking teasingly at the white haired young woman in front of her, "I'll say, it's quite surprising to hear you finally settled down. Valerie must be quite the impressive woman to have managed to slip a ring on your finger~"

With a husky, melodious giggle, Alisa couldn't but brush her hair behind her ear as a slow breeze fluttered it about, turning her gaze back down to the streets below, admiring the revelerly as her smile brightened. Truly, this is all she wanted. A place where she and her loved ones, a city where people could enjoy their lives. People don't live forever, not even vampires... All the more reason to enjoy all the flavour life has to offer. But the dark clouds looming on the horizon threatened all that:

"Indeed... At this point I worry vampires or demons are the least of our worries.", she sighed, bringing an exhasperated hand to her temples, shaking her head, only to narrow her eyes and reinforce the same unyielding drive Esperia had come to known from her, "I should hope it doesn't come to that, but if it does... I won't let them lay even a single on everything we've built here. I don't suppose you found anything worth noting in your travels...?"

There's a reason why nobody had dared touch Hargeon, and if they forgot it for even a second, she'd make sure to remind them... Painfully.

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Thu Apr 07, 2022 7:57 am


Esperia nodded her head lightly. "Exactly, and that is where part of the issue originates from. Not all vampires view themselves as superior to others. Unfortunately, it is the majority that remains ignorant to the true history of vampire civilization, and with the houses turning a blind eye to the misdeeds of those in their care, it creates the problematic scenario we are in today. Everyone afflicted by Vampirism is automatically painted as a blood-sucking monster... Certainly, I might nibble some blood from my wife, but I certainly consider myself civilized enough to not be labeled a monster~"

Esperia smiled briefly, shaking her head after which she continued speaking. "Nonetheless, I'm glad that Hargeon is a bit more accommodating in that regard. It is pleasant to be able to wander around without the need to concern myself about concealing the unusual nature of my body."

When Alisa inquired about her having found anything worthy of note, the vampire pondered for a bit. "It might just be me being too cautious, but there is one particular individual I keep being concerned about."

She went quiet, her gaze drifting toward the distant horizon as she continued. "Odin Morningstar, a being that has done much, unfortunately plenty of it being cause for concern to me personally. During the time I was in possession of Morrigan's staff I met a man, one who had an affiliation to Odin, but it was not through that bothersome guild of his."

She shook her head lightly, a hand balling up into a fist of anger. "Certainly, Eternal Nightmare's occupation of Baska has done a great job at stirring my ire toward them, considering the history I have with that place but... No, this affiliation between that man and Odin ran deeper, darker even."

She turned toward Alisa, the earlier playfulness in her expression fading away. "In the past there was a cult, a zealous collection of individuals who worshipped an entity, for the most part that sounds like nothing too unusual, but this cult has done things that make it by law even forbidden to utter the being they worship its name. If you were discovered to be one of them, you could expect a straight trip to the gallows and a executioner waiting to chop chop your head off. No trial even, just a swift ending. That by itself wouldn't be enough to make me so wary but..."

She sighed, her gaze lingering onto Alisa's own. "This being they worship is not just an Other-world entity the likes of Odin and Thor that I met during my misadventures in other dimensions. No, this entity is even a league beyond the beings we describe as 'Gods', and according to the cult's believes she desires nothing more than to see the entire world burn. And woe and behold, guess three times who is championing her cause?"

She smiled weakly. "Yes, Odin Morningstar himself. It is for that reason I used to be so cautious and desired to see the guilds unite to deal with him and his kin. Because if he succeeds in that cult's desire to unseal their mistress, I doubt there will be anywhere left to consider peaceful or safe in Earthland."


Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 11:19 am


WORDS: 740 | TAG: @Esperia | DRESS  

"Ahhhh, our dear friend, Mr Wizard Lord...", Alisa nodded in understanding, a visible knot in her brow as she thought back to the power he'd been accumulating these past few years, all without anybody coming any close to figuring out his goals, "I know he's up to something, but I don't know what... So... did you find anything interesting?"

Alisa rested that full, shapely behind against the railing, bringing the glass of wine up to her lips for a sip, an apprehensive look on her face as she discussed him... Nonetheless, the fact that Esperia just brought him up with such a determined look in her eyes told Alisa everything she needed to know. She found something. But even she couldn't have imagine the gravity of this discovery, and what it meant. Alisa didn't pry into who that man was or why did Esperia had Morrigan's staff in her posession... She'd made some questionable decisions as of late, and handling an relic that powerful wasn't even very high up there:

"Mmmm, Fia's home, is it not...? At least we can find some measure of solace in knowing they haven't really turned their fangs on their own people.", Alisa shook her head, knowing fully well the consequences of trying to break the Dark Guilds' hold on the land while lacking the means to put them out of business for good.


Not a decision made lightly, and especially when by making it, they themselves would become the aggressors, responsible for upending the lives of so many people. Alisa wished she had a better answer for her, but saved that for later when her explanation delved into a certain Dark Guild she knew all too well. The Midnight Cult:

"I know of that cult... Back during the demonic invasions, they sided with the demons. That alone more than evidences their nefarious goals."

Several members of that cult now bolstered the ranks of Eternal Nightmare, it's less than formal successor... She knew that cult dedicated themselves to summoning demons, but even she never explected the news Esperia brought her. Alisa's eyes flared open, appaled by the idea of summoning a world ending calamity into this world:

"Tch... That foolish man...", Alisa clicked her tongue, shaking her head as her hand rose over it, a mix of concern and exhasperation washing over her, brow twitching as she realized the weren't too many beings who fit that description. Something above the gods who wished to watch the world burn. She could think of only one, "I... Assumed he'd have tried summoning a powerful demon, maybe even a demon lord. Something he could actually control. But surely you're not telling me he's actually planning to summon that thing...?"

Odin may be a fool, but he wasn't an idiot. He knew that from the moment he summoned a being as powerful as Morrigan, he never really had any hopes of controlling her. If he knew that and still planned to go through with preposterous plan, that only meant he never intended to. Instead he aimed to summon an otherworldly being to do with Earthland as she pleased.

"How I wish we'd had this discussion before the Guildmaster meeting...", Alisa shook her head, rubbing her temples, all but groaning with a smidge of frustration as she thought back to the discord between guildmasters, and the various degrees they each suspected Odin... In the end, they at least agreed to the people from him, and each other, regardless when he made his move, "Many have forgotten what he's done in the Midnight Cult... Fewer still remember the civil war he took part in... No matter what, we can't let him bring that thing into this world."

Alisa all but glared as she shot a resolute gaze into Esperia's eyes. She'd never let that happen... But she knew all too well that war or bounty hunting would never solve this problem. They didn't know how, or when he planned to go through with this, what conditions they'd have to meet. Odds were, by blindly attempting to stop him, they could easily end up fulfilling some conditions for that ritual. Alisa took another sip, folding her arm under her bust, her voice cool but stern, knowing time was not on their side:

"Do you know how he intends to do this?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 12:48 pm


Esperia nodded her head sorrowfully at Alisa's question. "Indeed, it is Fia's hometown, the orphanage she and her father ran is there... It is also where I started my adventure within Fiore."

Yet as the topic shifted toward the Midnight Cult and Odin the vampire's gaze turned from sorrowful toward annoyed. "That is the thing I'm confused about Ali." She paused for a moment, leaning against the railing of the balcony as she continued. "You see, despite all my studies there is little that I could find about the being the cult worshipped. At first I assumed it was Morrigan, but during my possession of Morrigan's staff I came to understand there is a certain error in that reasoning."

The lass paused for a moment after which she continued. "Most people know about the legend of the Nine Heroes, yet few records tell of the aftermath of their conflict. You see, Morrigan was a woman who was obsessed with reaching higher heights. Although one would consider her dedication to growing stronger by constantly learning new spells and breaking past the limits people assume mankind to have, her potential for growth seemed borderline otherworldly. Constantly reaching heights previously presumed impossible it seemed her power reached a point where a mixture of her lack of interest in the conflict between the Seraphim and Demons, her power reached such a point that the other heroes, at the end of the war grew wary of the threat Morrigan could become and tried to seal her away."

She went quiet and clearly seemed to think about something. "Of course, one does not simply seal away a being like Morrigan, according to my knowledge it seems it took the sacrifice of the other heroes to become capable of sealing away Morrigan into her staff, and yet even then her power was at such a league they were incapable of succeeding entirely in this endeavor. I presume that they thought they fragmented a part of Morrigan's mana to weaken her enough to seal her away but in the end this 'fragment' grew into an entity of its own. During my time with Morrigan I can confirm that this fragment is not the same being as Morrigan. The real Morrigan would take no interest in something like destroying Earthland, which makes me think the being the Midnight Cult worships is an entity that grew from Morrigan's mana, perhaps spiteful toward the other heroes and Earthland for their perceived betrayal?"

A hand reached for her chin as she pondered softly. "Which brings me to the real question: Why is Odin so infatuated with this being that he would be willing to sacrifice everything for her sake?"

Esperia sighed audibly as she turned her attention back toward Alisa. "I am uncertain how they plan to unleash her, my theory is that she is currently ethereal in a way, an entity without a physical form, but clearly capable of manipulating and influencing others, or at the very least commune with them. Which brings me to the reason I spend the last years traveling Earthland."

A brief smile emerged on her lips as she continued. "Surely a realm as diverse as Earthland's must have had civilizations that dealt with such beings, the other-worldly entities we call: Gods."

Yet the sigh that followed and the shake of her head made it clear she didn't find what she desired. "It seems during the fall of Nebuchad no records were left of what happened to their God-King after he unleashed his wrath for the vampire houses their betrayal of the nine. I hoped by investigating into the history of Cain I could learn more about him and perhaps figure out a means for us to gain more insight in such otherworldly beings but..."

A soft chuckle followed as she continued. "In the wake of the Dragon Conflict I lost my affinity toward my Dimensional Traveling and with Morrigan's staff gone I have no means of gaining further insight from Morrigan herself. Although..."

She raised a hand to her chin, pondering for a moment. "If I were to keep my side of the bargain with Fenrir, it might be possible for me to get into contact with the other-worldly beings again. At the very least I presume that Loki would have a blast trying to see us deal with this problem. Unfortunately, Loki is quite a trickster, and even I struggle to read his intentions. But for now, my plan is to travel around the realm searching the ruins of old civilizations for more clues, and discover the sealing stones that kept Fenrir chained. Even if it might be a dangerous bargain to destroy them, I'm a girl of my word, and I did promise Fenrir I would destroy the chains that bound her, worst case I'll run back to you if the wolf, this time literally comes to bite me in the ass~"


Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Fri Apr 08, 2022 4:02 pm


WORDS: 740 | TAG: @Esperia | DRESS  

Yup... Morrigan. Really she didn't need that extensive a description to understand who exactly Esperia had been referring to, after all... There's not that many gods that actually fit that description. Except Morrigan wasn't even a God in the real sense of the word, was she...? No, she was a God in a sense that Alisa herself understood better than any other. Someone who's path to power mirrored what Alisa herself believed possible, that a "mere" human could overcome all the Gods of this world. In any other place, at any other time, the roles might have been reversed and Alisa might have been the one worshipping the one who surpassed the Gods. But here... The mere thought of that being unleashed back in Earthland made her stomach churn:

"Mmmmm, I've heard this story before...", she nodded, thinking back to the campaign to retrieve the nine relics. She herself took no part in that saga, not about to leave her home unprotected where she went off in search of a mythical weapon, "Amass enough power and even the ones you called friends will come to turn on you... Of course, that story doesn't need to turn out that way. But anybody will look to power they can't trust as a threat to themselves and their loved ones. Whatever made them realize Morrigan couldn't be trusted, well... Hard to say for sure so many years after the fact."

Indeed, one can't simply seal away one so infinitely more powerful than they are without extensive, at times inconsiderable sacrifices. The mere idea they could seal a being this powerful in a simple piece of wood was preposterous, and Alisa all but snickered. The rest of the Nine must have been quite desperate to resort to such foolhardy means but it had worked, to an extent:

"Only they know what they worship, and whether the object of their reverence is indeed responsive to it... I know all too well that may not be the case. I highly doubt Morrigan particularly cared about what the Midnight Cult did, and probably not even what Odin does...", her chest rose and fell with an exhasperated sigh, Alisa's gaze shifting from her pupil and onto the starry skies above, thinking back to the close encounter she and Kazimir had in Stella.

The immense power they met from that mysterious being, his connection to a child with the Aura of a Seraphim, one with the name to match... The more time passed since that day in Stella, the more Alisa believed the entity they met at that restaurant was none other than the God Alisa's mother and so many other citizens of Fiore so casually worshipped. And that filled her with the kind of cynicism nothing would ever dispel:

"Whatever it is they worship, I'm not convinced Morrigan or whatever aspect of much cares much for what they're doing.", a blunt statement, yet one filled with the confidence of one who had seen the chief god of Fiore's dominant religion, and realized the Gods don't really care for what silly religions their followers build around them, "If Odin is summoning her expecting her to burn the world, that's what he wants to see happen, not necessarily what will. But even if she's not interested in his goals, the fact remains that such a world ending calamity can't be allowed to roam freely."

Alisa would answer if Esperia probed her, but she and Kazimir both agreed that nothing good could come out of mentioning what they'd seen. Lunatics... Heretics... Prophets... Alisa didn't particularly enjoy any of the three options and thus opted to keep the truth to herself:

"Then that's all the more reason why we can't make a move until they do... I'd argue the only person on Earthland who knows how to summon Morrigan is Odin Morningstar himself. If we aim to keep her from ever being summoned by anybody, ever again... We need to know how he intends to do so, so we can burn that bridge.", visibly shocked by the news, Alisa didn't let let that dampen her determination as she shot that focused look right back to her former student, "Mmm... For a race as long lived as Vampires, I don't doubt anything you find could help us, but at the same time... It will take more than help from otherwordly beings to stop this plan."

Alisa shook her head, unfolding her arm from under her bust, sliding it down to her hip as she brushed her hair behind her shoulder, hand raising gracefully over her mouth as she chuckled, smile curling wider as she heard of Esperia's adventures in other dimensions:

"Fufu~... Well, don't get toooo sidetacked in other dimensions. You still have a home right here on Earthland. At the end of the day... This is where we'll make our stand.", Alisa reached out, resting her hand on the girl's shoulder, flashing her that same smile she did when they first met, "The offer still stands for you to come back home... And quite frankly, you really should. One of the things to come out of the Guild alliance was our commitment to bringing back the Ace system."

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:35 pm


Esperia nodded her head briefly in return to Alisa's skeptical view on the matter of the story, to which she replied in agreement. "Exactly, despite all the abilities at my disposal, the only way we could truly discover what happened that day is by prying into the memories of those who were there, and if we were to try to find an unbiased source, then asking the one who got sealed away might not be the best of ideas~"

A brief chuckle followed after which she raised a hand to her chin and pondered briefly. "Perhaps, but it doesn't disregard the fact that something, or someone is directing those cultists." Lowering her hand back to her side the vampire's gaze drifted back into the distance. "Mhmm, nonetheless, it feels too dangerous to let him continue unchecked, but then it raises the issue of how to deal with him."

Alisa's words did pique a hint of curiosity from Esperia, but the lack of a explanation made her decide not to probe into the matter. Still, the words that followed made the vampire's gaze softened for a moment. "The Ace system hmm? If I recall right they were once regarded as powerful members of the guilds that usually could be found traversing Earthland, yet answered the call to arms to protect their guild should the need arise. I never really understood the details behind it, or why the system disappeared."

The girl's gaze remained softened as she shifted lightly, gazing into Alisa's eyes. "There is appeal to that offer, it would give me a safe environment for my family to be raised at, yet..."

She paused for a few, pondering on how to continue. "My concern is primarily found in the fact that my methods are not always according to the books~ Sure, there is place for honor and forgiveness, but not when it means risking so much more. I don't wish for my actions to affect you and the guild~ Don't get me wrong, I'm past the days of blindly charging into conflict but... What if my actions will lead to consequences that spread onto the guild? Take for example my little escapades into other realms or me stirring up the beehive and annoying the vampire houses because I don't desire to follow their ways and wanted to remind them that this 'society' build upon their houses is a mockery of Nebuchad's legacy? Would you truly be able to still welcome me home, knowing that housing me means possibly bringing trouble toward your doorstep?"

Esperia's smile lingered for a bit longer as she turned toward the balcony. "In days past I would have bounced into your offer with open arms, waiting for a 'Welcome Home~' but during my time as Asmodeus' vessel I did learn that blindly chasing that which you long for, without looking at the consequences might bring harm to those you care for. And it should come to no surprise that I care for you~ After all you're a dear friend, senior and mentor to me~"


Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Thu Apr 14, 2022 7:38 am


WORDS: 740 | TAG: @Esperia | DRESS  

Alisa's brow twitched at the thought of how to deal with the Dark Guild. She wanted to watch and prevent them from doing anything drastic, Noel wanted for them to protect each other from them alongside the other threats, Kazimir wanted to find out what drove them, Seika wanted war and Kurisa wanted to do nothing. Kon and Leeann barely even commented... All of them had fair points to raise, but agreements were few and far between:

"That's one point of contention we had back at the meeting. Everyone had their own views on the matter, from one who saw nothing but the path of war and scorned at those who thought different, from those who scoffed at the idea of merely seeing him as a threat. Still, they agreed on protecting each other and the people of this land, so I don't doubt they'll answer the call if anything horrible happens...", Alisa shook her head, a smidge of frustration crossing her face as she pinched her temples, exhasperated... Honestly, she couldn't even blame her sister or Kon for walking out and leaving the other Guilds to their own devices. Politics were a pain and she'd never get used to them. But they could never stand against the darkness if they couldn't even find common ground to stand on, "But if they catch us with our proverbial pants down, it'll be too late do anything. Which is why I wanted us to prepare, and be ready for whenever they make their move. Should be easier since all the alliance members agreed to share information amongst themselves."

Despite that contention, the meeting had been fruitful. They now had a proper pact between all the Light Guilds in the country, and even though some guilds might chance in the future, that solid foundation should give them all the support they needed:

"Indeed~ Manzo used to fill that role in Blue Pegasus, but these days I have no idea where he is... Not sure if he's even alive, you see, he has this horrible allergy to writing letters.", Alisa shook her head and sighed, her full chest rising and falling, nodding at Esperia's words, "Exactly what Noel said. Emergencies aside, the Guildmaster needs to stay and protect their home, their city, their people. And the Ace could move freely knowing they have nothing to worry about back home."

Alisa took a long sip of her glass, nose twitching as she found it disappointingly empty... She'd have to sneak back inside for a little refill, but at the moment Esperia had her full attention... Her words warmed the tall woman's heart as her lips curled into a smile. She'd really grown this past few days hmmm? Alisa had always felt disappointed at her decision to join a dark guild in all but in name but now she stood before her as a completely changed woman:

"Who do you think you're talking to, hmmm~? Have you forgotten everything I taught you? Not every victory is beautiful, but... There is no such thing as a beautiful defeat. Indeed, some actions we take are best kept secret, but I trust you to decide for yourself, and know that we're watching your back no matter what happens.", in return, Alisa offered her reassurance, her smile curling wider into a knowing, confident smirk as she winked knowingly at her... She sighed, as her hand came to rest on the girl's shoulder, eyes turning up to the starry skies above, only to glance down at the guild hall with a warm smile, "That is exactly why I took up this mantle. Whatever otherwordly entities you tangle with on your adventures, whatever you need to do... They'll never touch anybody in this Guild as long as I'm here. That, my dear Esperia, is precisely the reason why I've scarcely left Hargeon these past few years... What, did you honestly assume I'm just sitting here to look pretty~? I'm hurt~"

A playful pout drew on her lips as she teased the girl. Indeed she sacrificed the freedom to spread her own wings, the ideal she cherished for the sake of her guild, and even knowing what she knew now, she'd do it all over again. After all these years, it seemed only fitting for her to reunite with her pupil on these terms, as they renewed their bonds and determination to prevent a horrible, man made cataclysm from engulfing this world:

"Then believe me when I tell you that this changes nothing for my role as Guildmaster. More than anything, I'm relieved that you'd finally do everything you've been doing up until now, but with proper support waiting for you back home. You and Valerie have been on your own for far too long now... And when the time finally comes to make our move. We'll be ready.", Alisa despised mindless conflict, and found bounty hunting a pointless effort... But with the two of them joining forces once more, plus the Guild Alliance to help watch each other's backs. Her smile widened as she liked their odds far better than she would have on their own, "My, how silly of me... I forgot to say that, did I not~? Here you are back in Hargeon after all this time."

Placing down the glass on the railing, Alisa spread her arms wide, flashing her a bright, captivating smile, her heart warmed by thought of reuniting with her after all this time, inviting the girl into her arms:

"Lets start over shall we~...? Welcome home, my dear Esperia~"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Thu Apr 14, 2022 12:03 pm


"Looking pretty was something you never had any difficulties with~" Esperia chimed teasingly in response as she listened to Alisa's response and invitation. For a moment she remained motionless, closing her eyes and thinking carefully after which she took a step forward, and another and gently wrapped her arms around Alisa in an innocent albeit affectionate hug.

"I can't return... At least not yet, but know that my heart will long for the days I can spend alongside you and enjoy our little adventures~"

She lifted her gaze from Alisa's shoulder and looked at her, a sorrowful smile on her lips. "Before I can truly return there is something I need to finish, something I been searching for ever since I obtained this curious blessing that bestowed upon me such otherworldly knowledge."

She felt comfortable enough, no rather it was the fact she didn't hesitate to reveal the next part that showed just how much she trusted Alisa. "There is something I seek Ali, related to our mutual endeavor to stop Odin. You see, despite the wealth of knowledge at my disposal it only reveals to me the past and present but the future remains shrouded in mystery. Yet what if I told you there are tales about something which holds the secrets of the future?"

She nodded her head firmly. "According to those tales there is a certain place of knowledge that contains all that there is to know, but more curiously is the concept of a tome that supposedly reveals the destiny of all things."

She smiled gently as she decided to reveal the secret to her plans she had kept closest to her heart. "Of course, destiny is not necessarily set in stone, always changing... but should I find those records I might be able to uncover the destiny of a certain 'someone'."

It should had started to become clearer for sure as she revealed those secrets. "Indeed, should I find the records of 'Morrigan' her destiny then surely I should uncover 'how' Odin plans to unleash her. And whether it is real or merely fiction, I hope to find it... For isn't every great adventure born from that: A rumor that made someone curious to discover the truth behind it?"

Her smile grew brighter as she continued. "As much as I would love to do this as your Ace, I can only be in one place at a time, and would feel more comfortable knowing you'd have someone more reliable to fill that spot~ Of course, that doesn't mean I won't hesitate to answer the call for help should you or the others be threatened and I'm able to help but."

She nodded her head gently. "Until then I think the mantle of Traveler suits me oddly well~"

Gently letting go of Alisa she turned her gaze back toward the horizon and hummed softly. "In a way consider me a honorary ace, one in all but official standing~ for should you ever be in danger and need my help, all you shall have to do is make the call and I will answer."

A hand raised to the longer locks at the side of her face, tucking them back behind her ear as she declared with a smile. "And I won't spoil any juicy stories I find about you and your wife's future shenanigans if I do find those records~"


Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:32 am


WORDS: 740 | TAG: @Esperia | DRESS  

"I figured you'd say that... You always found a way to take the long, windy road back home hmmm?", Alisa sighed, her smile fading as she kept her arms draped around her former pupil, stroking that silky soft white hair in her arms, nodding as she peeled away and gazed into her eyes, "I'd tell you there's absolutely nothing you can do outside the guild that you can't do inside it. Unless you're planning to join another member of the alliance."

Defensive alliance though it may be, their pact had nonetheless committed themselves to stopping whoever attacked the peace of Fiore. Indeed, there was no reason to make a move against Odin for he had not attacked anybody of his own voilition, and so long as he refrained from doing so, they'd have one less treat to worry about... But neither Alisa nor Esperia believed he could control himself for long:

"I'd tell you that the reason why the future is shrouded in mystery, is becase people have the power to shape it.", her eyes narrowed, clenching her fist as she thought about those people who shrugged their shoulders and resigned themselves to fate, or grew complacent in the face of a future to the point of losing everything they had. Not to mention those who would bring about their fate thanks to their efforts to avoid it, "Whatever sway fate may hold in store, it's meaningless in the face of your resolve. The actions you take to bring about your fate, or avoid it, matter far more than whatever prophecy you're looking for."

Esperia knew a lot, courtesy of her ability... But all too easily people who know too much come to overestimate what they know, or rely on it to the point of holding themselves back:

"Be very careful with that... What you deem to be the truth had to be written down by somebody... And whoever did so would have had their own motivations", Alisa had but a warning to give her as she clenched Esperia's shoulder, just enough to drive home. She acknowledged the merit of the knowledge contained in that ancient tome, but she got the impression Esperia placed far too much faith in what she'd find there, "It's one thing to seek knowledge, but not for a second should you think that even that single tome represents the absolute truth. There's no such thing as a silver bullet."

Alisa smiled as the girl mentioned being her unofficial ace, and she shook her head. There wasn't really anything she didn't already expect her to have done if any harm came to her home, but from outside of the alliance, whatever coordination would be far more limited:

"Fufu~... Just shows what you know, Blue Pegasus members are reputed for being in multiple places at once~", she chimed, a sly, confident smirk drawing on her plush lips, not the slightest doubt in her mind that whatever Esperia wanted to achieve, she could reach it far more efficiently from back home. In the end, her brow twitched, a hint of annoyance crossing her face at the mention of her wife's juicy stories, that smooth, honeyed voice with a menacing hint behind it, "I'm sure you don't need the powers of the world to understand what would happen if you broke that promise~?"

Strength is also Beauty

"New year, new day~"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Totally not Vampire the Masquerade [ MMG - MASQUERADE ] Empty Sun Apr 17, 2022 11:58 am


A gentle nod followed from Esperia as she felt the tension in her body slowly fading at the gentle caress of her hair. "Indeed, there is plenty I could do as a member of Blue Pegasus, but I'd hesitate to have you devote so many resources to help me on this goose chase~ Especially when those resources could be better spend elsewhere. I'm certain that under your guidance the members of Blue Pegasus will be ready for anything Odin and his kin would dare to throw at you~"

And that was exactly why this was a burden that she should shoulder herself, not Alisa, not Valerie, this was a task she had to complete herself.

"Exactly~ The future is shrouded in mystery because every single action can shape a different timeline, in that regard I hope that by finding the records I will at least be able to uncover how Odin and the cult plan to bring forth their insane ambition, so that we can change that destiny~"

Yet there was wisdom in Alisa's words, destiny or fate were things never written in stone, always changing by the actions of others. Yet she did believe that the collection of tomes would pave the path to the wisdom she sought. Yet at the same time the last remark, the menacing undertone to the honeyed voice of her mentor brought a chill down Espy's spine.

"Of course! A classy lady doesn't reveal secrets like these!"

Yet as she hesitatingly took a step backwards Esperia smiled sheepishly at her mentor. "But I'll be certain to let you know as soon as I make any discoveries~"

Darting over the balcony the lass transformed into a small bat and nimbly made her way into the streets down below. Yet it seemed for Alisa that the night of reunions was not entirely over just yet.

"Despite the years, my little darling remains the same playful girl that drew in the adoration of the Demon Lord of Lust, isn't that so Ali?"

A soft feminine voice called Alisa from among the shadows, and should Alisa lift her gaze toward the source of them she would see the sight of something, or rather someone who was all too familiar to her.

With a light hop the hooded figure landed soundlessly on the balcony, her hands raised to the edges of the hood covering her head and sliding it down it revealed the identity of the person: the long obsidian locks, the horns curving along the side of her head. That presence that radiated confidence and desire...

"It's been too long my dear~"


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