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Initium Finis [Erebus]

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Initium Finis [Erebus] Empty Mon May 16, 2022 9:15 pm

Initium Finis [Erebus] Cwmkqnw

"Woah. This place is absolutely magnificent! A testament of power. I can feel the pressure of so many darkened souls. So much evil energy. "

Z'Aleel gazed upon the giant tower known as Eternal Nightmare. He heard all about it; stories and rumors, but this was his first time seeing it in person. The aura surrounded the gigantic structure was intense, but Zael only found himself grinning. What resided inside of the extravagent tower remained a mystery, but the young Nimulli would soon find out. He hummed as he moved along, hands in his pockets as he approached the doors. Surprisingly there were no other humans around to check out the place. Likely because Eternal Nightmare had a reputation, one the citizens would find daunting and dangerous above all else. Not Zael though. In any case, the hellish child wasn't here to sight see, he was actually here to meet someone- someone important to the cause.

As Zael approached, a man stopped him. The fallen glanced up, seeing the roof lined with people seemingly watching down. It all made sense. Rumor had it that some Rune Knight and Mages from Infinity wolves had come for the Nightmares not too long ago, which meant that Eternal Nightmare was more secure than before. "Nope. Turn around little man, this ain't no place for kids." the man said. Z'Aleel's eyes widened in confusion, although he wasn't actually confused. "Oh no, it's okay. I'm here to see someone named Erebus." the white-haired boy said. "Sorry kid. Erebus' would've told us if he had a meeting tod-"

Suddenly a devilish grin, far too wide for his face, stretched Za's lip. "Okay." He said before twisting his hand and snapping the mans neck. His body fell, becoming cold in a matter of seconds. That only escalated the situation. The other guards in front of the door aimed their weapons or readied themselves and the people on the roof did the same. "Wow, so you'd all just kill an innocent kid? you're all so heartless." He laughed. "Just tell that Erebus guy someone's here to see him! It's important." he sighed.


Initium Finis [Erebus] Empty Tue May 17, 2022 12:30 am


Erebus was fast asleep when knocking was heard at his bedroom quarters, he groaned, reluctant to get up and investigate who’d shown for him so early in the waking dawn.

Standing up off the bed, Erebus slowly pushes a sleepy blonde woman away onto her side— opposing the same direction she rolled, Erebus propped up on the other side of his bed and looking off toward the door, he sighs realizing it’s still dark out of his window and that meant he was waking up at an extremely early hour.

He shrugs it off half bothered and gets out of the king-sized bed yawning in the darkly lit dream fog. He approached his chamber door, throwing the cape he always wore over his exposed chest and muscles. He exits with speed after grabbing his flask as well, in no blind hurry to reach the general guild hall he sips swallows on his descent from the Elevator. 

Somewhere downstairs he could hear the voice of a young man snapping up at guards and making a loud racket just when the floor platform succeeded his desired position. Erebus found his place amongst them all pretty quickly. 

Coming out of a hallway, the Rogue again sighs at the dead fodder-man goon Za had contorted on his neck. Erebus already assumed this was some kind of war threat, but he needed to affirm that whoever this was, didn't come here on more diplomatic matters. 

When he reaches the rails overlooking the long stairwell down below, his body leans over it just slightly,, evident that he wasn’t exactly expecting company for his person but willing to negotiate why she was here. 

“Aye. Stop killing our people here,” the assassin would say ironically. His eyes peeled and serious at Za... “You’re lucky you didn’t alert another guild member before I got here.” Erebus swigged from his flask canteen. “”What do you want and why are you here, and if this is an attack— give me like five minutes, I’ll be back down... Feels like I do this every week. Or every month, same difference,” he said, now drained of constant defense, though he offered a light grin in spite of the dead guy standing a few away. No matter how much of a nuisance the new company was, at the end of day, someone came here for him, killed someone, and now he was next? He figured it odd surely, but also intriguing to say the least. 

Eyes would be locked on the snow haired psychopath. Finally giving him the info he could gather already. “Erebus Gresham is my name, what about yours, state your business.”

Initium Finis [Erebus] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

Initium Finis [Erebus] Empty Tue May 17, 2022 11:43 am

Initium Finis [Erebus] Cwmkqnw

And there he was; Erebus Gresham, the personification of darkness. Za's eyes widened as he gazed upon the man, his mouth slightly widened. This was the most wanted man in Fiore..and yet, he didn't seem to radiate any obscura, grace-like, or divine energy. Even still, his magical essence was exceptional. Everyone else in the hall seemed to be able to feel it too considering they all settled down when Erebus spoke. Either that, or he was just highly regarded. Coulda been both. The first thing he said was to stop killing memebers, but he didn't even seem to be too pressed about it. With an almost innocent look in his eyes, Z'Aleel looked at the lifeless body on the floor. "But he just looks so much better dead..." He said.

Erebus had more to say though. His voice was cold, just as lifeless as the man on the ground but smooth upon the ear. It was obvious he had gone through some real shit. The flask in his hand served as more proof. Za had instructions to bring Erebus in on his mission, apparently he was important to the Abyss or something. "Huh? Oh no..." The child said, not once moving from his current position until he proved he wasn't a threat. Imagine being killed this early on, at this little age. Nah, he didn't wanna risk that. "I'm not here to attack. I'm not stupid, mister Erebus. You would end me in a heartbeat." He hissed as his smirk evolved into an ominous, yet much warmer smile.

"My name is Zael. I was supposed to come meet you. Orders from hell and all that. Apparently you're a big piece of the puzzle or somethin'." Aleel turned away, tapping his chin as he pondered further on just why the fuck he was here. "Or maybe I'm supposed to eat you? No...it wouldn't be that." Za turned to face Erebus again. "Hey Erebus? Do I have a dick on my forehead?" the boy said curiously, innocently gazing into Erebus' eyes.


Initium Finis [Erebus] Empty Sun May 22, 2022 5:08 am


Erebus listened without much indication he was bothered. He began to walk down the steps towards Zael, as the man rattled off on his own dialogue, clearly trying to make sure this wasn’t a setup. “Eat me?” Erebus clearly hasn’t met a person like Za before. When Erebus comes to the bottom of the stairs, he props himself against the end of the railing, folding his arms at his chest and looking towards Zael’s direction.

Erebus pays attention while the entity would rattle off again, answering him back without little hesitation. “Listen Za, buddy, pal. I don’t know anyone in hell, you got the wrong guy or something.” Erebus said, shrugging. “But yeah, you came to Eternal Nightmare’s guild house. Killed a guy. Dick move. Just last week, we had three people come through these doors like yourself, you’re all bold in my opinion,” Erebus added, whilst his third arm seemingly pointed back up in that direction of the dead guardsman at the top of the stairwell. “I’m going to ask that you either leave now, or prove the validity of your case to me. I’m the most wanted person around here— not only in the west, but the continent— so when someone from ‘hell’ wants me, it just sounds like symbolism for an arrest to me. I can’t trust things like a normal man would, you understand my reasons I’m certain.” Erebus walks across the room to a silver tray on a table in the corner, a white powder is broken up on the tray already. Erebus bends over it, although one would have to inspect what he was doing, he appears to scoop a long black fingernail against it and wipe his nose.

“The only thing that I care about... Is survival.” He finished, although a raging voice within screams in the back of his head. There was something new that he fought for. To enact War— to cause the end of days. But in reality, he still wasn’t quite there yet. Za on the other hand, appeared ready to destroy and kill anything that moved funny. Erebus notes that he needed to learn patience, perhaps a little bit of it would help the young mage.

“If that’s all there is to say, and you can’t tell me any more than that. That I just merely fit into this equation of yours. Then I have to remain in my dwelling. I have a responsibility to protect this region, I trust these people here and that city outside? I was raised there, it’s the last of my humanity, to which I hang on the best I can.” He finalized. “I don’t trust the unknown, never have or will and so, just like the Devil himself. I need you to give me something worth risking, a piece of the pie or whatever, to make this request of your’s just a little sweeter to me. If you can’t, then why should my energy, my strength, be invested into your schemes and not my own.” After finishing that bit, Erebus let the younger mage digest the material. Nothing spoken was anything that shouldn’t be expected as they were both necessary evils and so would have to find a center if they ever hoped to work together.

It became clear that Erebus wasn’t a cheap trick, he was a real hitter. Someone you paid to make others go away or at the every least, think twice. Za was something of a black cardinal, a symbol of time and how the darkness had fully spun a circle and new hearts had turned black with evil. Both were nothing short of monsters, and so two beasts in one room created a tension in the air that made all the other life around remove themselves from the Great Room.

The Summoner was curious as to what this stranger would offer him next. Though, he didn’t leave the guy standing there. He would assure that the stranger either fulfilled an equal deal, or left without further wreckage to the Hall itself.

Initium Finis [Erebus] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

Initium Finis [Erebus] Empty Tue May 24, 2022 9:55 am

Initium Finis [Erebus] Cwmkqnw

Well, Erebus wouldn't have survived this long with a bounty as large as his if he wasn't cautious, right? Za really couldn't blame him for being so on edge. Still, the young Nimulli didn't ignore how easygoing he also seemed to be. Erebus was experienced and it made the young child more excited to be in his presence. The four-armed criminal spoke, using his arms to point here and there while his other two were folded atop his chest. The Nephilim was intrigued. In fact, he couldn't take his eyes off the man, but he couldn't help but chuckle at his remarks. He was just naturally funny. "But...death isn't a bad thing." He glanced over at the dead body once more. The boys head tilted to the side as the Eternal Nightmare mage continued on.

Death followed everywhere Z'Aleel went. It was who he was and it wasn't something he felt the need to protest against either. Death was merely the blessing he could deliver, he was a god in that regard. Perhaps Erebus was too. Besides, humans needed to die. "Okay, okay." he said after Erebus expressed his lack of trust in virtually anyone. The four armed wanted warlock went on to say that he didn't believe in the unknown either. Now how could a man like him, one who had seen demons, spirits, and probably everything else under the moon not believe in something as simple as hell? This planet was like a mirror image of the place downstairs. As much as he found it to be intriguing, to say the least, what was more intriguing was that Erebus thought this was just Z'Aleel's mission. He was greatly mistaken. "Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!" he laughed, his voice booming through the guild hall. The Eternal Nightmare lackeys watched him closely. They were awaiting their superiors command.

Hella annoying, but the Nimulli ignored them. "This is isn't just about me, silly!" His grin widened, his eyes lowered. "This is about you too. You're chosen! Hell chose you, I didn't! You're the only one who can make me stronger and you're one of the few lowly humans that matter...which... I guess doesn't make you a lowly human at all, actually." Za shrugged. "The folks downstairs talk to me, and they tell me things. As soon as you were named Erebus, your destiny was sealed." Aleel stepped forward, slowly. "Erebus...we're supposed to take this world in a parade of blood and fire!"


Initium Finis [Erebus] Empty Tue May 24, 2022 10:49 am


Erebus listens to Z’Aleel with an expression that one would consider blank at first, however… Za was equipped with one special trait, perhaps something he saw in Odin as well.

“You’re a charmer, really.” He said in rebuttal to the fact that he was still just a man, and Za seemed to believe otherwise. “No one has ever told me I have a destiny.” While it was true Erebus was strong, perhaps one of the strongest entities his human race had mustered together, it still had never made him ‘special’ for any reason. After all, there was stronger humans in the known world, such as Alisa.

They were far and in between but this was the first time Hell came knocking at the door. Erebus viewed this as a sign up that the Devil was after his soul.

Perhaps… if the deal was right, Erebus would oblige.

“So I teach you how to destroy your enemies. My ultimate purpose is to bring you up?” Erebus turns around to face the younger Summoner and the vile prescience Za emits seems to merge well with the intensity of War— clearly the demons in the room were speaking to him— influencing him beyond his normal reasons, and he began to walk towards the boy as if to threaten those demons he kept around as protection.

For just one stray unexpected moment, from either of the men, that was all it took from either harbinger— to create an issue on ill intent. Though if Za could trust another dark being getting close enough to snap him in half, it was would show to Erebus a keener person than he at first assumes Za to be.

The power of the cocoa leaves would cast a grim shadow in Erebus’ perception, but he was ignoring the evil in place of the young darkness— and it’s words that Hell chose him as it’s messenger. “Alright. I’m interested in giving you some of my secrets. But you have to elaborate, I can speak to Ghosts and reach Purgatory, but not devils and I can’t reach Hell— I’d like to know more about what this World is like, and what this means for the world we’re in now as well. Me and you, and where Hell fits into our situation, is what will keep this truce together... However, do note. I have unwavering allegiance to my guild and it’s allies, to ask my hand in anything short of a mutiny against my rank will surely be our divide.” Erebus smiles, revealing pearly white canines.

“Let’s start talking.”

Perhaps it was the substances coursing his veins, or the boost to his War God ego led on by Za. But Erebus would pay little mind as the colors around him drained and dimmed of life. He extends forth a hand to the Underworld’s child, when fully extended it would grace the boy’s shoulder, and a strange paranormal enigma begins. In the moment they would touch, a purple spark would ignite— orange static thrushes and emanates as their own malice integrated.

They had struck a deal, though— Erebus would not relinquish his hand off of Za until just a bit more was said. The full story— and where every dark thought and reproach would take them, Erebus demanded not to be left wondering. The condition, was clear to them both now.

“Stay honest about what this is to you really… Tell me everything, and leave nothing out.”

Initium Finis [Erebus] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

Initium Finis [Erebus] Empty Tue May 24, 2022 11:41 am

Initium Finis [Erebus] Cwmkqnw

The Dark overlords of destiny were at work, weaving the threads of fate as the two beings of darkness spoke. It was almost like Z'Aleel could see every plot, every scene, every interaction that they influenced. Hell had always been transparent, at least with the young Nimulli, but he would be naive to believe that he knew what would happen next. All he knew was what should happen next. His faith in his destiny was what brought him to this stage of fearlessness; the state of undying hubris. He didn't believe that he would fail because he couldn't fail. Moreover, he didn't believe that Erebus couldn't also feel the strings of destiny. It was normal for any being to reject the notion of fate, but deep down in the hearts of every man and woman, they knew destiny was real. There were a thousand different ways the two of them could have interacted, and each one would undoubtedly only unionize them. One could not escape their fortune, no matter how hard they tried- not even the gods.

The fallen Nephilim maintained their smile, cocking their head slightly to the side. This was his idea of a friendly smile, at least to someone who could understand the darkness. The peons called it evil, but evil was just another word for fear. The boy Stellan boy nodded as his elder asked for reassurance that his purpose was to bring Z'Aleel to power. It was more than just that though, but soon, he would realize that. Erebus had begun to approach. With every step, the malice in his aura was intensified. Purple in color, it blinded all the other energies in the room, except Aleel's own blackened burgundy energy. The demons were here. A council of them in the shadows, in their ghostly forms, surrounding the duo. The entitled marked with black tattoos wanted to know more. The Nimulli hadn't intended on holding back either. "Okay!" he said happily, agreeing to the conditions. His soul belonged to his father, whoever he was. Only Illumin had the power to change that one single fact. Alas, a deal was a deal.

Suddenly a strange phenomenon occurred. When Erebus touched the child, a spark of purple flames, laced with orange energy arose from his shoulder. The two entities had connected the energies of their souls. The purple flame slowly darkened and became a black one until finally, all the hellish fiends in the room had revealed themselves. Erebus, for a brief moment, would be able to see the burgundy energies surrounding them, taking the shape of human-like bodies. No-one else in the room would be granted the privilege to see them. It was as if for that split second they were frozen in time. Za never took his eyes off Erebus though, he could feel them. These weren't Abyssal demons either. Then, the energies vanished. The Nimulli took in one big breath before...

"My name is Z'Aleel I'm fourteen years old and I was born from a mysterious entity from hell and an elven virgin making me the Nimulli, which is the opposite of Illumin and blah blah blah. Ever since I was young, hell would always communicate with me, they protected me and raised me - alongside my mother, of course - even though she couldn't see them and hated them, until one, day before the demonic incursion and the war between the Seraphim and Abyssal demons, they took me away from my mother and waited until the war was over before allowing me to go out on my own and yadda yadda yadda. My job is to find a way to bring my dad back from hell, even though I only have an idea of who he is. There are some people that the devils wanna use as their vessels and some they have taken a liking too, sorta imprinting on them when they're born. I'm supposed to find and either eat, unite, or manipulate these folks into starting the apocalypse so that I can break my dad out of hell and we can takeover the world, making the humans kneel. You, of course, are a little different. You're one of the biggest pieces but nobody will really tell me what makes you so important. I don't know your role entirely, all I know is that I'm supposed to be with you and you're supposed to help me grow."

Za Exhaled after his lightning speed explanation, his smile never fading. "That's pretty much everything...I think." he said. "Oh, and we all get rewards and stuff. Contrary to popular belief, the devils keep their promises. When you go to hell, you'll be welcomed with open arms and treated like nobility in addition to whatever rewards they give you on earth of course."


Initium Finis [Erebus] Empty Wed May 25, 2022 9:45 am


Erebus examined the room, catching eye of the fiends stalking them. He was under a drug induced effect, so it wasn’t impossible to believe it was a hallucination, however Erebus truly understood otherwise. He was now, beginning his path towards the future, whatever thing just happened with Za, was surely to birth an Obscura of some sort.

“I see, so if you’re telling me the truth I’m promised life after death.” Erebus had to admit that was pretty tight. All things considered.  

Nevertheless, Erebus has interest in training the Son of the Devil, if that is to be what Z’Aleel is; then Erebus would gladly raise the next messiah, it didn’t seem so crazy. After all, where was Illumin? Never helping any Earth, that’s for sure.

Erebus decidedly invites the youth to adventure with him. “Have you ever been Dragon Hunting? Wanna get reeeally tough fast?” Erebus nodded, as of the scenes played in his head. “Fighting some of those things assures we can power you up and get you experienced,” Erebus finally noted. After that moment with the deal sewn together, their dark alliance was in full-brood. Whatever happened to the two now, was purely left up to Fate and her God-like consorts.

Initium Finis [Erebus] 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

Initium Finis [Erebus] Empty Wed May 25, 2022 5:13 pm

Initium Finis [Erebus] Cwmkqnw

"Mhm." Za nodded with a wink. Erebus had indeed been promised a worthy life after death, granted he was never going to enter the heavens anyway. Nobody in this guild was, not unless they forced their way in somehow. It was a good deal. If the young nephilim had been offered the same he would have taken it in a heartbeat. Nonetheless, the Nimulli was offered more. No matter how this whole thing turned out, when he died- if he died, he would be granted something greater in the after life, as long as he tried. Erebus had been more easy-going than the boy had initially assumed. He seemed level-headed enough, which of course, was a great thing. Za himself was a menace in every aspect of the word. Chaotic, sometimes reckless and had a hunger for thrill. Perhaps it was because he knew the entity writing his story would never have him killed off.

The fallen's eyes widened as Erebus offered an adventure. Fighting Dragons? Z'Aleel hadn't seen one, but he was aware that there were some existing in this realm. Erebus believed this could be the start to getting him more experienced and who was he to deny? This was the path he was supposed to take. Still, he was excited. "A dragon? No, I've never hunted one. I hear their magnificent beasts. Let's do it! I've always wanted to eat one!" He said happily. "I have an idea where a dragon would be." He tapped his chin. "You ever been to Dahlia, Erebus?"

- EXIT -

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