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Nasira Empty Sat Sep 03, 2022 2:37 pm



Name: Nasira Sahra Zahra

Age: 26,February 1 x786

Gender: Female.

Sexuality: Homosexual.

Ethnicity, Father: Desiertian

Ethnicity, Mother:Desiertian

Class: Spellsword

Race: Human

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guildless.

Tattoo: Left shoulder blade, in scarlet.

Face: Laegjarn-Fire Emblem Heroes.


Height: 5’6”(five foot, six inches.)

Weight:120 pounds.

Hair: Green medium length hair, with a small patch of hair that is coloured like a peach within the center of the head.

Eyes: Red

Overall: Nasira as more commonly seems wearing mostly black outfits with plates of armor, golden trim and parts of it being red to add some contrast within her attire to see what parts of the outfit differ from the others. Nasira also wears a tiara like ornament on her head that seems to be extremely detailed and made to look like two horns, With overall her outfit being strange and more things she threw together and made to look nice rather than made that way to start with. It might look strangely mismatched but it seems to work for Nasira at least as she sees fit.

Extra:Nasira has her right ear pierced with a small stud in it.


Personality: Nasira upon first meeting seemed to be a bit of a strange one, a lady who prefers for the most part to barely speak, There was times when Narisa could be considered a mute by the people around her. It is out more often feeling like she had little input that might be needed for the conversation at the time. She can and will still have general conversation when she sees fit but seems to often stay quiet to the fault of no one.

There are still other parts of Nasira that can be seen depending on how Nasira tends to be a bit of a different person at home then out in public. She often seems rather stoic, honorable and  brave and fearless when up front to trials ahead of her without a second thought of how it could end up. Nasira is also an extremely generous person at times as well as often a person who tends to be full of hospitality when she gets to know a person, But often keeping a lot of details about her personal life to herself.

Nasira tends to be a bit health conscious, often trying to make sure she eats well, keeps herself in good shape and worries about if she is doing the right exercises and stretches. Keeping herself strictly on many plans to keep herself in line of staying healthy.  At home she is rather settled, somewhat docile and calm, far different from what could be shown outwardly in the public or in that armor, since she believes where she is living is one of the most peaceful places for a person and they should have no worries being within it.

  • Fresh Food: Even as simple of a like it is, Nasria seems to be often seeking out the freshest food she could, given her serious nature of health,the span she goes for finding the healthiest foods is sometimes unbearable. She is willing to admit it when she is in fact unbearable.
  • Lotus Flowers:Even if there are many other kinds of flowers, Nasira seemed to enjoy Lotus out of all of them, As they were common when she was was in her homeland, Often times her place of living is often adorned with various Lotus flowers, It helps also that she likes the smell of them.

  • Being Chained up:It does seem to be very specific to just Nasira herself, it only seems to ever encompass chains only, she does not fear it but whenever the idea ever came up seems to almost case you to start to become angry.
  • Expired or out date foods: Being the health nut she is it is something that seems to somewhat annoy her, It is in some manner is dealing with food at that is out of date in most ways of the manner of how it looks and feels just bothers her.

  • A Safe and Peaceful Life For All: Her major and first largely considered goal is such a life she could have that she could reflect on others, As simple as a peaceful life without problems for in terms of violence and war, It is simple yet a never in reach.
  • Self Improvement:She is always trying to find the right path towards self improvements in any way she may view that day. It is an interesting thing to see play out.

  • Being Powerless:In a somewhat in internal and risky mindset she has Nasira fears being Powerless at things she thinks she believes she can help with when she believes she can help, Even if she is weak being weak means you could get more powerful over time to achieve that goal down the road, much different than being powerless to have no way to help.
  • Alienation: Even if for the most part she has managed well, with in the depths of Nasira’s mind there is a fear of alienation within Fiore as she has gotten comfortable here over time, combined with other parts of her life she is entirely unsure how to handle it.


Distribute 30 points over the attributes below with at least 1 in every Attribute.

Strength: 7

Speed: 5

Constitution: 5

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 7


Magic Name: After Flame.

Magic Element: Fire.

Magic Enhancement: Spell Fury

Magic Description: A magic Nasira developed over time as she wanted to learn and understand how magic worked, After flame is a fire based magic that works by having fire pout out along with actions she takes, So if she slashes with a sword or a weapon she has, a path of fire would follow just after it. If she were to start running she could ignite some fire to help herself move quicker. It is a magic that is basic to help Nasira perform tasks.


History: Once a young child out in her native land of Deserito,Not often mention or ever talked too about the people she is closest too, Nasira had her life pretty well set there for the most part without problem for Nasira’s nomadic family,Born as the oldest of 3 children and her parents, Nasira has always been a bit a well behaved and determined woman to keep the family as they traveled healthy and hydrated whenever it came to travel, so much she sometimes would forgo eating as much or drinking as much for the better of one of her family members as it would mean they would fair better, an action her parents told her many times she never needed to do.

As she progressed into adulthood her family would change from being nomadic and settled into being in some kind of larger community where for the money part,When Nasira was out searching for water for the family, Her life would change forever, Whatever that situation was, she ended up in Fiore, That information has been shared to a few people, the total of that few being three people of her own admission, But she often doesn’t wish to speak about it.

But as she never often speaks about events in her life,She started adjusting to life in Fiore for the most part with minor problems, mostly being slow to start speaking the local language of Fiorian,But it never held her back too much in life,Mostly spotted being the companion of an elf woman named Lothwen, Their connection has yet to be fully known. As for the most part they both seem to keep to themselves about it and out of the public view for the most part. But Nasira is ready for the world even at times she needs to rest a bit longer then most to head out to face the day before her, No matter what one must continue on.

In recent events, Nasira was revealed to be the romantic partner of Lothwen Celdrua, However how long they have actually been partners seemed to be left unspoken by Nasira.

Reference: No one.


Nasira Empty Sat Sep 03, 2022 3:03 pm

This character is approved for roleplaying.

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