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Weapon - Staff of the Undying

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Weapon - Staff of the Undying Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:41 pm



Name: Staff of the Undying

Slot: Weapon.

Type: Staff.

Handling: Two-Handed.

Class: Mythic.

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Darkness

Damage: +80.

Durability: 3x S-Rank.


Description: Once possessed by a Wizard seeking to prolong his life and become a Lich, the Staff of the Undying holds the last remanents of the Ancient Magician who could only transfer a portion of his soul into the weapon unable to completely detach themselves from the realities of immortality and the loneliness associated with it. Still longing for a life of their own once more, it will slowly sap the energy of those foolish enough to wield it only truly be mastered through that whom has already conquered death.

Measurements: Vast in size the Staff of Undying is 2.5 meters in length, possessing sharp flairs resembling bone spurs.


Requirements: None.

  • Intelligence: +100

  • Lifesap: The Staff of Undying constantly looks to drain life from those around them as a result, wielders of the staff will lose 5% of their total base mana pool unless they are already a lich in which this will not affect them.


  • Forced Summon: The user may recast any summon that was dismissed or destroyed regardless of the source within a 50 meter radius, doing so will cause them to be Darkness-based and occupy the users summon Slots if applicable, this can only be done once per summon and can not be used to recast something that's already been Force Summoned. If performed upon another users summons then it will not impact their cool-down.


  • Name: Impure Country Ressurection
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000 Mana
    Requirements: Staff of the Undying
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: Once Per Month
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Raising one hand towards an unconscious or defeated companion, the user shoots forth a deathly Miasma that permeates into that companion's body and animates it, allowing the user to freely control that companion with their commands. The victim's actions are written by the user, and they can freely use any spells or equipment from their arsenal. Affected by an undead-like curse regardless of whether they're dead or alive, their skin will show signs of decay while under the effect of the spell, and they'll be able to ignore any hindering effects. However, the target's Constitution is reduced to half their maximum amount. Should this spell be used on a recently deceased corpse, it will dissolve into dust once the spell ends. Should the spell be used on an unconscious companion, they cannot be killed or permanently maimed while under the effect of the curse, and can recover from inflicted wounds once the spell ends. This spell cannot be nullified, however only lasts up to four turns.

  • Name: Impure World Ressurection
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000 Mana
    Requirements: Staff of the Undying
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: Once Per Month
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Raising one hand towards an unconscious or defeated opponent, the user shoots forth a deathly Miasma that permeates into that person's body and animates it, allowing the user to freely control that person with their commands. The victim's actions are written by the user, and they can freely use any spells or equipment from their arsenal. Affected by an undead-like curse regardless of whether they're dead or alive, their skin will show signs of decay while under the effect of the spell, and they'll be able to ignore any hindering effects. However, the target's Constitution is reduced to half their maximum amount. Should this spell be used on a recently deceased corpse, it will dissolve into dust once the spell ends. Should the spell be used on an unconscious foe, they cannot be killed or permanently maimed while under the effect of the curse, and can recover from inflicted wounds once the spell ends. This spell cannot be nullified, however only lasts up to two turns.

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