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IV. Assassin’s Covet

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IV. Assassin’s Covet Empty Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:35 pm


IV. Assassin’s Covet 226-2264415_hooded-figure-anime-anankos-fire-emblem


Name: Assassin’s Covet

Slot: Head

Type: Cowl

Class: Legendary: 45 Points

Weight: Medium

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Durability: 2xS-rank


Description: A normally beige colored magical hood, this cowl merges under it’s worn cape to adopt a similar appearance to the cape’s colors and designs when worn, whereas the user doesn’t have a cape it’ll be it’s standard beige tint— for example, conjoined with a cape of a black color, the cowl magically changes to match that gear piece, if worn with a brown cape— the cowl’s color changes to match that brown color.


Requirements: None.

  • +40 SPE


  • Knock-Back Immunity: The user is immune to knock-back effects. (20 Points)
  • Bind Immunity: The user is immune to bind-type effects. (20 Points)
  • Purifed: The user is no longer affected by RP induced vitality-drains coming from their gear. (5 points)

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary Rarity
  • Item Type: Headpiece
  • Effects (45)
    - Level 4
    - Level 4
    - Level 1

Total points Acquired: 45
Total Points Spent: 45

IV. Assassin’s Covet 100.webp?cid=6c09b952bwi1jgil2kmv5n82sxu3sx9ovp53hok0mlqpnaiq&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=100

IV. Assassin’s Covet Empty Wed Jun 22, 2022 3:37 pm

Assassin's Covet has been approved.

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