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III. Tyrant's Axe

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III. Tyrant's Axe Empty Tue Jun 28, 2022 11:12 pm



Name: Tyrant's Axe

Slot: Weapon | Two-handed

Type: Axe (Bardiche)

Class: Unique | 30 points

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcana

Damage: 90

Durability: 2x S-Rank


Description:The Tyrant's Axe is a hand forged weapon created by Yumi's own hands. It has been bathed and cooled in the blood of countless during her retreat and self cultivation during the last few years. The Tyrant's Bardiche takes the shape of a long polearm based Bardiche. The pole of the Bardiche is 1.5ms in length with a rather nasty spear tipped end that is 30cm's long. The main weapon of the Tyrant's Axe is the giant Axe blade itself being 70cm's long and 60cm's wide out from the polearm. The blade itself has a 1 inch thickness. On the opposite side of the Axe blade juts out a 30cm long dagger like blade.

Measurements: The Tyrant's Axe is a hand forged weapon created by Yumi's own hands. It has been bathed and cooled in the blood of countless during her retreat and self cultivation during the last few years. The Tyrant's Bardiche takes the shape of a long polearm based Bardiche. The pole of the Bardiche is 1.5ms in length with a rather nasty spear tipped end that is 30cm's long. The main weapon of the Tyrant's Axe is the giant Axe blade itself being 70cm's long and 60cm's wide out from the polearm. The blade itself has a 1 inch thickness. On the opposite side of the Axe blade juts out a 30cm long dagger like blade.


Requirements: None.

  • +50 Strength

  • -


  • Tyrannical Force: Damage Over Time: When the user casts their spells while wielding this weapon or deals physical damage with this weapon, it deals deal two ranks lower of damage over time once you harm a target. This costs sustain mana and can be at most be sustained for 2 posts.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Unique
  • Weapon
  • Bonus Attributes (10 Points +50 strength)
  • Damage over time (20 points)

Total points Acquired: 30
Total Points Spent: 30

III. Tyrant's Axe FIXCi2K
Character Profile | Character Sheet | Speech colour #ff0099
#2Khalfani † 

III. Tyrant's Axe Empty Fri Jul 08, 2022 2:21 pm

Khalfani †
Yumi has claimed Tyrant's Axe.

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