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Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone

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#1Azure Fenic 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Mon Jun 27, 2022 11:31 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure made his way to the training dome as he sent out an open challenge to anyone in the guild that wanted to test their metal even though the current battle record was looking rather poor, to say the least. Yuurei had made it crystal clear that he needed to improve on his combat if he was going to stand with everyone else in the guild. The room was a weapon that he could exploit this time around now that he's come somewhat familiar with it. 

While he waited in the dome he ran through all the possible people that could have answered the challenge given that Yuurei already had their shot. The only people that would take the fight are Amir, Brone, Yori, or Emil three of which would provide some rather interesting battle information that would sell for a high price. 

"I want to try something that's all," he said to his summons who were well within their rights to be worried given the last time they fought someone from the guild. As he walked around the training room something told him that this fight was going to be far different than the last one. This time he was going to take his time and try not to gauge the opponents' power and compare it to his own, "Yes I know I didn't summon either of you before...let 's just relax and focus!" the informants' summons had been even more vocal than before about their contractors well being and fighting ability. 


Equipment Details:

{Sheet / Magic}
Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#2Brone Heavyaxe 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Fri Jul 01, 2022 8:54 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
An open challenge was sent out and was quickly taken by the dwarf; though he wasn't sure who this person was, "Who?" he asked and when he got the name 'Azure Fenic', he took a moment to think, but unfortunately he couldn't put a name to any face. Brone didn't realize he had interacted with the young man before, albeit briefly. The dwarf is more likely to remember a face if he had shared a battle with them or a drink. Either way, he happily accepted the challenge.

When the time came, Brone donned his golden armor and blue helm. A gave a quick nod to his reflection in the mirror before grabbing his golden axe and green axe. As he stowed his weapons, he made his way to the training dome, trying to think of different ways of going about the battle, but because he knew nothing about the opponent, save for the name, he couldn't strategize; not much a problem for him, the dwarf always felt he could meet any challenge on with his prowess.

Once he entered the dome, he spotted the blue suit and took a moment to think. The brown hair with the blue stripe was definitely a rememberable feature, but the dwarf had to take a moment to recall. By the time he neared Azure, he remembered they were in the same vicinity several times, but never fully interacted, "Good day to ye" he wanted to say 'Nice to meet you' but such a statement would be rude since they already met, though that could be debatable to what would be determined as "Meet".

"Forgive me, lad, I have little knowing of who ye be" Brone sheepishly said as he smiled, "Either way, my name be Brone Heavyaxe, in case your memory is as bad as mine" he said as he drew both his axes and getting into his battle stance. Though he no idea who stood before him, he was excited to figure that out; anyone who bares the guild's emblem deserves his respect and his best.


Brone at the Ready:

#3Azure Fenic 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Sat Jul 02, 2022 10:01 pm

Azure Fenic

Azure pulled out his notepad and looked over all the things that he did while fighting Yuurei and tried to think of how he could have done things better. The number of actual fighters in the guild was rather slim but they all had their small quirks about them. Power and speed were Yuurei's focus which was the counter to Blue but that was something that can still change if given enough time. His summons was still giving him the third degree about the sudden interest in fighting others now.

When he heard the sounds of metal clicking and clanging against itself he knew that his player 2 had finally come to face him. From only the sound of it whoever it was liked to be weighted down by their gear or was able to bypass its heaviness in some other way. Much to his own surprise, it was Brone the resident old man of the group that stepped up to the plate. 

"Short...I-I mean it's nice to meet you officially." even though he had seen the dwarf in passing many times before it never really clicked that he was so small compared to how loud they could be at times. The informant quickly examined the man and felt as though he should off them a chair, while the other half of him wanted to see their skills in action. Not wanting to seem rude or disrespectful for once he grinned and introduced himself "I'm Azure the one on the challenge letter." Something about the man didn't sit right but pinpointing just what it was proved to be a challenge for the informant.

WC- 275
Total- 528


{Sheet / Magic}
Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#4Brone Heavyaxe 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Sun Jul 03, 2022 3:31 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
"Aye, it's a pleasure meeting ye officially too" the dwarf smiled, obviously missing the word 'short', which was quickly passed over. Azure had confirmed he was the challenger, lucky for the dwarf he didn't misread the challenge that was sent out; it would have been a great embarrassment on his part if he would have picked a fight with a random guild member, especially one who wasn't battle suited. He quickly looked over Azure and noticed there was no weapon, in his hand nor at his hilt; his hands seem to be free of gauntlets as well. The dwarf was slightly confused; though he had to quickly remind himself that the guild was filled with mages, even those who don't carry weapons of any kind. Though this fact remain true, he was concerned about whether the young man had a means of fighting, for his formal violet and black attire made him look as if he was the one who handled the guild's financial department.

The area was dropping in temperature. Brone's helmet was emitting a cold aura that would slow anyone except himself. Sometimes the dwarf himself would forget the helmet's passive ability, possibly because he grew up in the cold of the mountains.

"Alright then, lad, I'm making my move, so get yerself ready, alright?" Brone announced with a tone that nearly resembled an uncle prepping his nephew for his first combat fight. He didn't mean to seem condescending, just given how proper the young man seem and with such a smooth face, he worried about hurting him. Either way, the dwarf knew not to lower his defenses to anyone; he has met many enemies who defied his first impression of them. So he ran forward and once he was within melee range, he would swing his golden axe across the midsection of Azure while having his green axe ready to deflect an attack, that is if there was an attack to deflect.

287 | 635

Abilities Activated:

#5Azure Fenic 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Mon Jul 04, 2022 1:13 am

Azure Fenic

Even though it seemed like he wasn't dressed for a fight he most certainly was combat-ready so to speak and his outfit along with his demeanor was something that through most people off when it came to fighting. Azure would wait for the man to start things off as he would be able to get some insight on how they operate even if it was a small glimpse. A small shiver ran down his spine as if someone placed an ice cube on it, Did it drop a few degrees in here he asked himself trying to keep himself together. 

When Brone announced he was going to start attacking the informant would quickly flick his wrist creating a summoning circle behind himself creating the rift in the world, a large geyser of water erupted from it that formed into Blob. Azure quickly signaled for the summon to pull him out of melee range and jump back five meters and prepare for a counterattack. Without much thought, he adjusted his cloak and pulled out his Tome, and held it close to his chest knowing that Brone would have to chase after them. 

Even though he had shown to be somewhat friendly toward the informant his actions spoke a much different tone, Blob pulled him back for a second with a worried look on their face. His summon had been rather good at telling when something/someone was trouble "Your Thank you for the heads up but I think we can handle him." unlike the fight with Yuurei, Blue was more confident in his abilities and tactics. With a small wave of his hand, Blobert was ready to parry any follow-up attacks the dwarf would try. 

Total- 811


Spells Used :

{Sheet / Magic}
Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#6Brone Heavyaxe 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:39 am

Brone Heavyaxe
As Brone closed the gap, a geyser erupted and swirled in on itself, but despite the spell, whatever it may be, the dwarf didn't faulter, he learned by now that hesitation could be a waste of time, so he pushed forward with the swing while bracing for impact from the gushing water... but nothing connected.

Azure was pulled away from range of the axe and the water didn't rush it him, it simply held itself together. It took the dwarf a moment to realize that the water blob was protective of the blue mage. It was living. Brone couldn't hold his excitement, "By my beard! Living water!" his eyes lit up like how it did when he was child whenever he experienced a fantastical wonder. He quickly composed himself, remembering that he is currently in combat, so he positioned his feet back into his fighting stance.

When he realized the living blob of water wasn't moving forward, Brone figured this was a defensive stance and understood both the living water and Azure were waiting for him. A dangerous move for the dwarf, for he knew that fighting a mage was different than fighting a warrior, for spell caster were calculative. Then noticing the book in Azure's hand had assured Brone of his suspicion; the mage was trying to come up with a tactic. The dwarf couldn't allow that, he needed to strike and keep the pressure on, otherwise if Azure had enough time, he may develop a strategy for a sure win.

Brone rushed forward; he knew he wasn't fast or clever enough to avoid the blob who seemed protective of it's master, so he needed to break through it... if it was possible to break through living water. As the dwarf closed the distance between him and the blob, he swung both his axes; his golden axe first, slicing diagonally from the blob's left to right, and his green axe the same way but from the blob's right to left.

332 | 967

What Brone sees:

#7Azure Fenic 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Mon Jul 04, 2022 11:34 pm

Azure Fenic

Speed was yet again a factor in this battle as he wasn't the fastest but with Borne's speed overshadowing his own, this made for a partly terrible match-up. The other summons had started a small shouting match in his head as he and Blob kept moving back to try and avoid any hits. This action was in response to seeing Brone start to close the distance between the two of them. Azure would instruct Blob to jump into and as he still wasn't sure how to combat someone with two weapons along with armor on top of all the unknown factors they could be kept under wraps. 

Assuming that they had the dwarf was still following them the informant would signal for the summon to place him on the ground and sprint to the left as Blob went to the right.  He decided to follow after Azure he would flick his wrist and create yet another summoning circle right under himself "Tag!" he shouted as three tendrils shot out at the man two for the midsection and one for the feet. With Kraken and Blob out the number's game was in full effect as now he could hit Brone from three sides. Even though he was moving around quite alot he still felt shivers run down his spine the closer Brone got to him and even while they had their breathing room. 

He would signal for Blob to attack the man from his blind spot while he focused on the front, Is his armor enchanted, or is it his weapon? the question that ran through his head while thinking of follow-up strategies that could help him overpower the small man. 

WC- 280
Total- 1091

Spells Used :

{Sheet / Magic}
Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#8Brone Heavyaxe 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:31 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone was anticipating exchanging blows with the living water, but instead, Blob and Azure turned about and began running away which surprised the dwarf; he wasn't use to fighting a mage that was strictly a spellcaster, so maybe this was all part of the strategy, either way, the dwarf continued to chase after the two. Soon, Blob and Azure had split up, with Blob going to the right and Azure going to the left. In the past, Brone would have gone after the more sturdy opponent, but through rigorous training, he had learned that going for the source of power was more preferred, and since Azure is the conjurer in this situation, then he was the main target, so the dwarf followed after the mage.

Given how Azure had been slowed due to the magical cold aura of the blue helm upon the dwarf's head, Brone had closed the distance between the two quickly, but the blue mage was clever and made a quick motion; Brone's battle experience made him aware of the motion of the hand, though his mind was more experienced with seeing a hand go to the handle of a blade, but once the magical circle appeared right in front of the dwarf given how close they were, Brone was instantly reminded he was fighting a mage; magic or not, an attack was an attack, so the moment quick movement happened from the magic circle, the dwarf dropped to one knee, lowering his body so it could withstand the brunt of an unknown attack. Normally he would try and deflect the attack, but the spell was conjured too close to him, so he had to play defensively. Two tentacles slammed into his midsection, cracking the armor, at the exact same time, the kraken creature would feel a recoil of damage dealt back to it; as for it's third tentacle, it struck the knee of Brone, a blade that was imbedded in the tendril had sliced into the dwarven leg, but given how sturdy the fighter is, he handled the hit well, a bit of blood rolled down his leg.

Another creature, Brone realized as he swung his golden axe to cleave through the kraken, and just as he would try and continue running after Azure, a blunt attack slammed into his back, hitting the golden armor and splashing water upon the dwarf, wetting his hair and beard, as a battle reaction, Brone quickly swung his green axe back as he turned to slice at Blob. He didn't expect the living water to be following right behind him so closely, he could have sworn it had went off in a different direction.

444 | 1,411

Abilities Used:
Battle Log:

#9Azure Fenic 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 9:03 pm

Azure Fenic

The summoner would move his signal for Kraken to move back to avoid the dwarf's ax while also having Blob try and catch the other ax in an attempt to partly disarm the man or simply avoid taking a direct hit from it. While this went on Azure would take note of the damage done by Kraken so far and capitalize on this if possible. Not wanting to let up he would signal Kraken to try and keep the pressure on with all its tendrils swinging at him from all sides, while he gestured for Blob to try and attack in any opening that Kraken would leave for it. The sounds of metal and sharp bone slicing through the air made the fight more interesting.

Should the previous actions have been interrupted he would simply go in for a leg sweep as his back was turned to through them off balance ever so slightly. Azure chuckled slightly as he had managed to get off alot more in this fight than the one with Yuurei even though it was still in the early stages of the fight. The cold temperatures had started to make running even more difficult than normal which was the one thing that he couldn't figure out though not getting hit was also a key part of this whole thing. As Blue took a breath he could see a small puff of smoke leave his mouth "Tell me you don't have a bersker mode Brone?" misdirection was a skill that was rather good at welding when it came to learning more about his targets. 

He clutched Elem tightly as he could hear the other summons crying out to him to give up but this was something that he needed to do. Opening the tome he skimmed for the spells he needed while slowly moving back roughly 2 meters in the process. 

Total- 1404

Spells Used :

{Sheet / Magic}
Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#10Brone Heavyaxe 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:49 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
As the golden axe had missed, and the green axe had missed the Blob, Brone now stood standing again, his the Kraken to his left and Blob to his right, making sure that he was fully aware of all his opponents during this fight. He was indeed surprised by the movability of these summonings despite their figures and sizes. This fight was actually started to push on his nerve; he realized he was taking it too lightly given the familiarity of the opponent. If Azure was able to pull clever tactics and tricks as he has been doing up until this point, then Brone needed to change his own fighting style and be more stern, otherwise he may even embarrass himself.

These summonings were chosen for a reason and the dwarf knew well why the Kraken was chosen, for the tentacles that are able to attack from multiple directions with little room to dodge; such an enemy would wither the dwarf down eventually despite how much of a beating Brone can actually take in a battle. Either way, he gripped the handles of his axes tightly as he was now switching gears.

The Kraken lashed out, striking at the dwarf from all directions as he had guessed and from the flank, Blob was coming in for an attack of it's own. There was no way for Brone to dodge and even if he would block some of the attacks, there were too many for him to counter all of them... except for one way.

The dwarf spun on his heel with both his axes outward, this activated a spell that conjured a tornado that exploded outward. The blast of wind would not only deflect all of the attacks but slice through them as well, slice through both the Kraken and the Blob, and because of the width of the tornado reaching 30 meters, it would slice through Azure as well, all the while pushing all of them away.

With the amount of damage done by the tornado on top of the damage dealt by the biteback ability from before, the two summonings shouldn't have been able to survive such a devastating blow.

"Berserker mode?" Brone asked as the wind died down, "Yeah, but right now, I'm just in serious mode" he exhaled a breath steam from his nostrils before he ran forward heading straight for Azure. No more tricks, no more pulling punches, Brone needed to make sure this fight won honor on both sides of the table. And even though Azure would be 30 meters away because of the spell, the dwarf was sure to eventually catch up to the blue mage.

446 | 1,857

Spells Used:
Battle Log:

#11Azure Fenic 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Wed Jul 06, 2022 9:17 pm

Azure Fenic

As he watched the dwarf suddenly start spinning like a top he realized that the air he was generating caused a tornado that was strong enough to rip and tear both his summons. Not wanting to risk the potential extra damage that could follow he quickly pulled on the color of his cloak that surrounded him in a blue and purple mystical aura gradient. Even with the activation of his cloak, he was still sent flying back Either I managed to tick him off or he wants to end this? he asked himself making note of this for later. 

As he flew into the air due to the indoor tornado he flicked his wrist quickly creating a summoning circle where he would land, from the circle a Beautiful lady emerged catching him as the rest of her grotesque body formed. With a wave of his hand, Indura gather its fluids and released them in the same direction was coming from. The Solution was something that one could come accustomed to given this time around it smelled like a pissed-filled park restroom during a very hot summer day. 

"Serious mode my ass he's a straight-up berserker!" he muttered picking himself with an irritated expression on his face that was nothing compared to seeing the child of a man running at him with a rather enraged look plastered on their mug. Azure tried to hold his breath as he instructed his Summon to wait for its chance to strike the dwarf. 

WC- 249
Total- 1653

Due to the cloak, Azure did not receive any damage from the little Tornado that could.

Spells Used :

{Sheet / Magic}
Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#12Brone Heavyaxe 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Wed Jul 06, 2022 10:23 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Heavy footfall echoed throughout the training dome as the heavy dwarf by the clan name 'Heavyaxe' rushed forward with a heavy concern for the immediate battle, for all else that wasn't within the training dome didn't exist at that time, but though his heavy attitude towards Azure was triggered by the blood rush of battle, he didn't have a heavy heart for the water mage, for he was still a valued member of the guild with heavy influence. After the next second, Brone picked up in speed. He then immediately noticed another magical circle appeared before Azure, though he wasn't actually surprised about the constant usage of magic, Brone had never faced against an opponent who was able to so many spells so often; he took note that he needed to expand his battle experience, and Azure was providing that to him, he would have to thank him after the battle with a full meal on him.

A beautiful face graced the battlefield, but the lower half of her body was appalling to look at, but at this point, Brone wasn't entirely offput; not because he had just faced against a kraken a moment ago, but because he had once dated a dwarf who had a rougher in the face and didn't properly tend to her own beard, such an experience remain within his thoughts, but the dwarf can truly say that this monstrous woman that was facing him now may have defeated the bearded dwarf of Brone's upsetting past.

Once Brone was about 12 meters away, the monstrous maiden erupted a torrent of oddly colored water towards the running dwarf. As stubborn as he is, Brone didn't want to waste the time by dodging the spell, and he was tired of getting pelted by Azure's onslaught, so he swung his green axe and as the blade touched the water, it sliced through it, immediately negating the spell, all the gathered water and it's stench vanished as if just a dream.
Can't be stopped:

Within the next second, Brone eventually closed the gap between him and the opponents, however, instead of striking at the newly summoned monstrosity, he decided to ignore her, finding her to be just an annoyance let alone a distraction, so as he got into melee range of Azure, he swung his golden axe at Azure's midsection once again, hopefully the blade strikes true and if Azure attempts to backtrack as Blob and the Kraken had done every time the axe tried to strike them, then Brone would continue to follow Azure, making sure he didn't lose him, for this was a dance between the two of them, and the dwarf wasn't planning on losing his dance partner.

394 | 2,251

Effects Used:
Battle Log:

#13Azure Fenic 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Fri Jul 08, 2022 9:07 pm

Azure Fenic

Indura didn't seem all that bothered by the current situation even though they had just caught their contractor from what could have been a rather painful fall. "Magic canceling Ax..." Azure looked on as the man continued his charge toward him as he bit down on his lip with a grin on his face trying to reshuffle his plan of attack too quickly now that the solution was removed from play. Things had started to become interesting now that both sides were starting to show their hands to one another though Blue had more flare than when it came to attacking and defending. 

Seeing that Brone was going for the same attack again the informant quick backward wave dashed away from the ax in hopes of avoiding a direct hit. Saving what small amount of mana that he could Azure tried to think of a way to keep the number advantage within reason. Knowing that using Elem for any reason would cause some setbacks and more potential openings the safe option would be to call on someone. With a wave of his hand, the demonic beast charged at the dwarf in an attempt to bite one of his arms though due to his size it would just be eating him. Should this action fail the summon would keep trying to attack him while trying to avoid damage. 

moving back roughly two meters Blue would look at his tome and place it back into his holster Gotta aim for the head, he thought as a vestige of a person appeared behind him. Their game slowly started to reach its midway point as Blue tried to think of some way to keep his current summon out while also adding on to the fight. He attempted to run 3 meters away from Brone while also having Indura stay on target for the time being while he found the right position to launch the best plan he could think of. As he ran he felt his legs fill with lead with each step that he took which confirmed that the dwarf's armor was the root cause of everything. 

WC- 353
Total- 2006

Spells Used :

{Sheet / Magic}
Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#14Brone Heavyaxe 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Sun Jul 10, 2022 8:58 am

Brone Heavyaxe
As the golden axe cut the air, missing Azure, it sang, the sound of metal ringing throughout the training dome. The dwarf grunted annoyed that the mage managed to once again avoid his swing even though the magical aura of Casdae's Edict was still affecting the blue mage, it was obvious by the movements of the opponent. It was possible that Azure was able to read his attacks, maybe a special ability of his, or possibly some form of magical spell that he had cast, though Brone couldn't remember seeing a magical circle earlier that may have implied that.

Brone noticed Azure make a hand gesture which confirmed that the mage was doing this for some reason. He had saw this before, but wasn't sure if his eyes were playing tricks on him or if he was just too far away. He didn't see any magic circle appear, so the dwarf figured it might be a way to silently direct his summonings. Speaking of which, Brone noticed movement from the corner of his eyes, and just as he suspected, the monstrous maiden chose to defend her master, just as Blob had done.

As Indura moved in to attack with her nightmarish mouths, Brone countered, but he made sure to do so in a way it was difficult to dodge or deflect, if this maiden was like the other summonings, then she may do the same thing Blob had done to avoid the axe. The moment Brone had landed on his feet after the swing at Azure, he quickly whipped his green axe back to slice at Indura's many mouth's, such a devastating blow would either force he back into whatever dimensional space she came from or injure her heavily, Brone didn't focus on that at the moment, his main focus was Azure. So after the strike, he made sure to rush after Azure.

Azure had moved away 5 meters, a close distance, showing that Casdae's Edict was still in effect. Brone ran forward 5 meters, closing the distance between him and Azure easily while swinging his golden axe once again to strike at the blue mage... however, he feinted the attack at the last split moment to use as a distraction, knowing Azure would just read his attack again and avoid it, so he switched up the attack and would move in and strike with a headbutt.

397 | 2,648

Battle Log:

#15Azure Fenic 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:45 am

Azure Fenic

Indura would jump back in an attempt to dodge the ax but Brone had other plans as he managed to get a clear hit on the demonic beast. As it began to fade the divine half would blow a kiss at the little man which was odd but he didn't have time to really question it currently. Watching his summons take all the hits had started to get to the summoner as he had always wanted to fight alongside them for a while but never actually followed through with it. Even though the battle had started off rather well it seemed as though the situation had been flipped around which brought a grin to his face. A cold sweat ran down his face as the effects of his opponent's equipment had been ravaging his speed throughout the battle. 

Azure was ecstatic to be pushing the boundaries of what he was capable of doing in combat situations even though it was going agents several personalities. Brone had gone for another swing with their ax promoting for the informant to prepare to dodge it when the dwarf changed and faked him out with the first one. As he would try and headbutt him, Azure quickly flicked his wrist creating a summoning circle to the right of him. Ignis would pull him to the right side nearly dodging the attack altogether Talk about a close call...thanks, The summon looked at Brone as it took a stance. While he still had enough mana to burn through the stress that comes with summoning so many different level summonses were starting to add up. 

"I hate to say it but I'm almost tapped out," he muttered flicking his wrist once again and creating another summoning circle as a large bone-like dorsal fin emerged from the ground. For a training dome to be able to still be standing with everything that went on the construction crew must have been experts in making builds that can handle mages. "Rumble." With a snap of his fingers, the two summons would encircle the dwarf as he followed close behind them pulling out the Tome once more. If Brone would try and launch another attack on him Ignis would place Blue on her shoulder as they moved back 2 meters to do the actions from before. 

While they circled around Brone the two summons would attack his exposed joints, and Ignis would also try and grab one of the axes if he defended, while Beast R would simply be distracting him with fake-outs ever so often. Azure tried to keep the man child in a box to limit their movement while also trying to chip away at their overall endurance. If their fight with Yuurei taught them anything it was to use whatever advantage was available. 


Spells Used :

Battle Log:

Last edited by Azure Fenic on Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:55 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Battle Log)

{Sheet / Magic}
Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#16Brone Heavyaxe 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Thu Jul 14, 2022 9:14 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The headbutt had missed it's mark as a new summoned creature had pulled Azure out of the way, similar to how Blob had saved the mage. What was a surprise to Brone was that this summoning, Ignis, seemed entirely human and was donned in red clothing, contradicting Azure's blue colored theme; regardless, it mattered not, for the battle continued and the dwarf knew to be wary of the summoner and his summonings.

Another magical circle was made which brought forth another creature that looked it resided within the depths of the ocean. With a simple word 'Rumble' from Azure, the summonings and their summoner began to circle the dwarf, making sure to keep him within the center. Brone realized this was an advanced version of the earlier tactic that was used with the two summonings, Blob and Kraken. He tightened his grip on his axes, and kept his feet apart; he believes Azure would try and keep within a certain distance, knowing he couldn't out run the dwarf due to the cold aura within the air, so he the flanking maneuver that Ignis and the dorsal fin creature would indicate that they may be playing a similar strategy to Blob and Kraken; one would probably attack outright, while the other would try and strike from behind. As the battle went on, Brone got a better sense of the fighting style and strategy of Azure and his army. So he made sure to try and keep the summonings within his peripheral, though the two made sure they were opposite of one another, careful with their positioning.

As the Render Beast made it's move to strike for the dwarf, Brone moved closer to the beast, meeting him head-on, the main reason for this, instead of waiting for the monster to attack him, was to keep Ignis from using the same tactic that Blob did and strike the dwarf from behind, and as he moved, so as the dwarf closed the distance between him and the Render Beast, he would swing his axe, but the beast took a page from Brone's own book and had feinted his own attack; the beast is indeed clever, but Brone knew to have ways of overcoming his own tactics, so as the golden axe missed it's mark, the dwarf had swung the green as to meet the Render Beast while it was trying to feint away from the golden axe.

After striking the Render Beast, Brone would then swing his golden axe with a back swing with a wide arc incase his suspicion was correct... which it was, Ignis had chased him with Render beast being a distraction. The axe would hit it's mark and send the summoning back to it's dimension.

Brone, not giving any time to consider anything else other than defeating Azure, ran forward towards the blue mage. With Casdae's Edict still in affect, he would catch up with no issue. He would then swing both his axes aiming for Azure's head.

498 | 3,146

Battle Log:

#17Brone Heavyaxe 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Sat Jul 23, 2022 10:54 am

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone's Info Stuff:

As Brone's axes dealt blow after blow upon Azure's head, causing enough damage to knock him out, the battle would then end. He had to admit, even though the blue mage wasn't built to battle close quarters, his tactics and strategy were clever enough to put the dwarf on his heels and his toes in different situations. To be able to constantly summon beings from another world with little effort and in a short amount of time was very impressive, especially to Brone who had seen his fair share of magic casting, "Glad to know that ye are with us instead of an enemy guild" he would tell the unconscious mage before picking him up and his tome, placing him upon the dwarf's golden shoulder guard. He would then leave the training dome, heading to the medical wing to get Azure checked for any injuries, then he would treat the lad to a good meal.


156 | 3,302

Battle Log:

#18Azure Fenic 

Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Empty Sun Jul 24, 2022 7:43 pm

Azure Fenic

Ignis tried to keep to the plan they had in place as Azure tried to find his perfect opening to use Elem's attack spells to add to the damage already there. With his movements being slow due to Brone's gear this battle was more or less given a handicap from the start that which was fine as this was to prove a point to himself and his summons that this could be something that can actually excel in. With Brones ax swiftly getting past all their defense to land a single blow that was able to knock more or less take him out, Ignis tried to reach her contractor but everything happened much faster than she could respond to the situation as he felt the impact of the ax against his skull everything had become inverted for what seemed like a minute when in reality it was for mere seconds. 

Once again as the informant waited for his body to recover from the battle Azure went through each second of the fight to review what he could have done better. The number of minor mistakes that he noticed were the same ones that took place while fighting Yuurei. As the informant slowly opened his eyes to see what might as well be his second room that was the infirmary "...Shit!" he muttered getting out of the bed. 

Total 2699


{Sheet / Magic}
Informant Adventures pt. 5 w/Brone Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

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