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Underground Associates PT. 3 (Neutral)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Mon Jul 25, 2022 8:33 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Toge and Luci the Demon were back at it again. They were hired to see if they could get information about the Dragon gang. His client wasn’t happy with him, but he understood that it would take some time before things could happen. Still, today he figured it would be different and he was fine with it. The Paladin would make his way toward the tavern where the gang he was affiliated with would be.

“What do you think he’s going to have you do Toge?” He asked him curious to hear what he had to say.

“He’ll probably have me do the same thing as last time. I don’t think he trusts me enough to do anything else than that. Which is fine because I’m going to have to start somewhere, but I will be doing better things soon.” He said to Luci.

Luci the demon figured that would be the case and they wouldn’t be upset with it.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Mon Jul 25, 2022 8:33 pm

Go D. Drakkon
It wouldn’t take long, but the two of them would make it to the tavern and they would enter the place. This time there wouldn’t be anybody looking at him. This was around the time he would show up, so they knew who it was. He would just walk over to the bartender, and he would look at her with a smirk on his face.

“A shot of tequila and is the boss looking for me?” He would ask her waiting for her to say something.

She wouldn’t say anything at first as she would get him his drink. When she had come back with his drink, she leaned toward him, and she would whisper into his ear.

He would nod when he heard what she said, and he would look at his drink. There, she would walk away to take care of everyone else that needed drinks. He would take his shot of tequila and he would down it without a problem.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Mon Jul 25, 2022 8:34 pm

Go D. Drakkon

He would put his shot cup back on the table and he would walk over to the couch. There, he would see the boss of the Dragon Gang there. They would look at each other, and he would move a paper through the table and toward him. He would take it from the table, and he would look at it. He would nod a bit because he knew what to do. The Paladin would get up from the chair and he would walk over to the exit of the tavern.

When he got there, he would sigh as he was hoping that the people, he would go see would cause trouble for him. He would walk outside, and he would look at the paper as he was moving to the address.

“It seems like the people we’re going to are notorious for disobeying the Dragon gang or being late when giving up what they need to. He wants me to have their hand over their stuff, and show respect to the gang.” He said to Luci.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Mon Jul 25, 2022 8:35 pm

Go D. Drakkon
“I see, then this should be a good show. I can’t wait to see what chaos you bring to the table Toge.” He said to him as he legit couldn’t wait.

Toge would move through the streets of the Crimson Quarters. He was good at following directions on paper. It was simple, and he moved around. The people around him didn’t know who he was, but if he was around here, then it would mean he was a bad person.

It wouldn’t take long, but Toge would find himself at the location he was told to go to. He would knock on the door and he would step back a bit. It wouldn’t take long, but someone would open the door and they would look at him up and down before speaking.

“Who are you?” He would ask Toge.

“I’m here to collect the jewels, and the drugs for the Dragon Gang.” He said to him hoping he would give him shit.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Mon Jul 25, 2022 8:35 pm

Go D. Drakkon
They would look at him and they would scuff when they heard his words

“You can tell your leader that we don’t have his money right now.” He said to Toge.

Toge would hear this and he would have a smirk on his face. He would lunge straight toward him, and he would grab his face and slam him down to the ground. He had caught him off guard and he would squeeze his face. He would move his other hand into the man’s face, and he would put one of his fingers into the man’s eyes. He would shout out loud screaming in pain. This would bring another person to join and check up on him. He would see Toge on him, and he would kick him quickly.

Toge would get off the guy as he would look over to the man who hit him. He would get up from the ground and he would look over at him.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 3 (Neutral) Empty Mon Jul 25, 2022 8:36 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would run to the man that kicked him and he would tackle him to the ground. When he did, he would look at the man and he would start punching him in the face. The man would try to block a few times, but soon enough he would feel the fist landing on his face repeatedly.

The other guy who was on the ground would get up and he would see what was happening. This was getting out of hand, and he had to stop this.

“Stop this, we will give you the money and drugs you came for. Stop hurting him!” He said to Toge.

Toge would stop hitting him and the man was bloody and bruised. The Paladin would look at him and he would sigh as the man would go get the things Toge came for. When the earth mage got what he had come for he was happy. Still, he wished that he could have kept beating these guys up. Instead, he would return the tavern to his boss. He would hand over the jewels, and drugs to his boss, and he would get paid. After that, he would go see his client and would get paid by them too.


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