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Sharyar Xerxes II

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sharyar Xerxes II Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:49 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi


Name: Sharyar Xerxes II

Age: 30 [February 27, X764]

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity, Father: Desiertian

Ethnicity, Mother: Desiertian

Class: Adventurer (Warlord)

Race: Human

Rank: A-rank

Guild: Sleeping Calamity

Tattoo: Right Pectoral

Face: Ozymandias – Fate Series


Height: 179 cm

Weight: 65 kg.

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Amber

Overall: Xerxes is a young man in his early thirties. Lean and muscular, with almost no visible scars on his body. A tall man with strong physique, tanned skin caused by the arid nature and the blazing sun, amber-colored eyes with a striking gaze, and dark, almost shoulder-length hair. Xerxes has a tendency to actually "play" with his hair, as the length of his fringe easily allows him to either keep it in a free-way or swept back. He also has simple golden earrings in both of his ears. In terms of clothes, Xerxes prefers some stylish attire, like fashionable shirts, trousers, and shoes. He prefers either black or white color, and it seems that he is fond of wearing a shirt with a waistcoat. He often wears his shirt half-opened, with first three buttons being unzipped, and having his sleeves rolled up. In addition to his casual style, he also wears a gold necklace and bangles on wrists – these accessories are a heritage from his homeland.

Extra: N/A


Personality: Xerxes is calm, often focused on things around him, yet at the same time he does not give a single sign of being interested in what happens around him. He simply observes the outside world, learning what people usually do and not. From such behavior, he became quite observant and a capable analyst, who is able to look through the real intentions of people, who surround him. His perception is developed to the point of seeing the true thoughts of people, even though they are not sure about it. His face does not show any signs of very emotional person; generally, Xerxes keeps his face in a calm demeanor, not giving the upper hand to his emotions. Believing his destiny is to be the ruler of all, Xerxes is polite in conversations, always smiles and seems to be friendly to uphold his kingly stature. His natural charisma allows him to be the center of the company, using his life experience as part of the entertainment for everyone. In general, he is calm, disciplined, and often looks apathetic. In discussions, he respects the person with whom he speaks, carefully listens to them; however, he will become enraged if they irritate him. When in battle, he is quite cunning and serious. He is always thinking two steps ahead, trying to come up with the best plan of attack for whatever the situation calls for. At the battle’s apex, Xerxes loves to throw barbs to potentially throw his opponent off their game. He is able to pick up on the slightest detail, the slightest change in their body language and exploit it to its fullest extent.


  • Challenges| Xerxes has always had a competitive nature. He would thoroughly enjoy sparring with his subordinates and relished finding new competition

  • Traveling| After being confined most of his life, Xerxes loves to explore the world and travel. Seeing new sights, meeting new people, and finding new adventures.


  • Magic| Despite the fact that a large majority of the world, including his own family members, have the ability to use magic, Xerxes does not and thus detest it. He believes the use of it in fights is “cheating” and actively seeks to eventually bar its usage once his rule is absolute.

  • Rejection of his ideals| Xerxes does not take kindly to those who view his goal of becoming ruler of the known world as just a foolish dream.

  • Weak Opponents| Xerxes does not to fight those who he considers weak. If he is able to, he will outright refuse a fight. If he is provoked, however, he will show them as little mercy as he would anyone else.


  • Unification| Knowing the strength of the Desert Tribes, Sharyar has come to believe that a unified Desierto would be far stronger than other countries and capable of uniting the continent. As a man with ambition and willing to make a change, he has resolved himself to one day unite his homeland before moving on to the world. Only by doing this does he believe that he would live up to his namesake.


  • Failure| Xerxes’ greatest fear is not accomplishing the goal he has set out to do. To not succeed in this would be paramount to losing his life.


Strength: 121

Speed: 116

Constitution: 61

Endurance: 61

Intelligence: 1


History: Born the first son of the late Sharyar Xerxes I, Sharyar Xerxes II lived a childhood of privilege and mortal danger. As his father was high within the tribe’s hierarchy, Xerxes was afforded the comforts that were reminiscent of the times when the Empire of Desierto was prosperous. He and his siblings were given everything they wanted, never having to struggle for anything. Often, his father would show him the lands of Desierto and inform him that one day, all of what he saw could be his to rule and spoke of his eventual plans to unite the world under his rule. While given these comforts, they were all taught that the world beyond the city was not so forgiving. Many of the tribes in Desierto sought to cripple and destroy the other to absorb the remnants with the goal of eventually challenging the Shah Empire for control. Because of this, Xerxes himself lived under the constant threat of assassination. His father, and the vassals he employed, sought to train his son and prepare him for the life ahead. Unfortunately, Xerxes did not have an inherent talent for magical prowess so he was instead trained to push his body to its absolute limits. As such, he became rather crafty and skilled in combat, particularly with polearms. In an effort to obtain more knowledge of the other side of the lands he believed he was destined to rule, Xerxes left home in his late teens and, under the pseudonym of Kagerou, became a well sought-after mercenary. When his father’s health began to go on the decline in his later years, the threats from other tribes increased. After his father passed in his late-twenties, Xerxes returned home and took over his father’s position. Using the skills he learned over the years, Xerxes set out to accomplish what his father could not, uniting the tribes of Desierto under his rule. He knew, however, that they were not strong enough to take over Desierto from the Shah Empire. He needed something…. more. To that end, Xerxes left the majority of his position to his brother while he left to explore the world and gain the knowledge and power necessary to achieve his father’s true dream: A world united under Xerxes.

Death Coin

Death Coin Information:

Reallocated Points:

  • Strength: 121
  • Speed: 116
  • Endurance: 61
  • Constitution: 61
  • Intelligence: 1

Last edited by Naraku on Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:22 am; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : Making Changes)


Sharyar Xerxes II Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:31 pm

This has been denied. You can not have royal family, and to claim a Death coin you have to have a death topic.

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sharyar Xerxes II Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:22 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Bump: Included Death Thread and removed all traces of Royalty.


Sharyar Xerxes II Empty Sun Aug 14, 2022 10:57 am

This character is approved for roleplay.

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