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Underground Associates PT. 10 (Neutral)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 10 (Neutral) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:35 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Toge and Luci the demon had done a lot within Hosenka’s Crimson Quarter. Dracon was impressed that the paladin had done a lot for the gang. He didn’t think that he would be able to do what he had done the other day. It would also seem like the people who were left alive had joined the gang behind Toge. He was putting in work for the gang, and he was enjoying this. At the moment he was in his building with a bunch of people that working on packaging the drugs to sell for the day. There were people out in the streets that were a part of his group selling the stuff that they were receiving.

Luci would be on the desk as he was looking at Toge and it seemed like the man was bored.

“What are you planning on doing today? It doesn’t seem like you want to just stay in this building all day doing nothing.” He said to Toge.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 10 (Neutral) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:41 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would look over to Luci when he heard his friend. He would sigh and he would lean back on his chair.

“I figured I would go check on the streets and see how the guys were doing. If anything, I might need to make sure that nobody is messing with us. I’m not sure what to do right now. Dracon hasn’t asked me to do anything since that day.” He said to Luci.

The demon would smoke his cigarette as he could tell that his friend was bored. He would shake his head as Toge would get up from his seat and he would walk around the area. He would see that everyone was working hard, and he would walk to one of the guys and tell him to make sure that everyone was working because he was going to step out for a second.

He would nod and Toge would leave the building.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 10 (Neutral) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:45 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Toge would look around the area, and he figured that he would go to a specific area of the streets. While he was doing this, people would see him and would walk away from him. Luci stood on his shoulder now as he was wondering what was going to happen today. It should be something excited, but he was never too sure. While they moved through the streets that his people were working on, he would see them selling drugs to certain people before moving as if nothing had happened.

He would walk over to them, and he would ask them how things were going. When they told him that everything was fine, he would nod, and he would keep it moving because this wasn’t the only spot. Toge kept moving through the place and he would hope nothing bad had happened to the people that worked under him.

He kept pushing through the streets and people feared him as they walked away.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 10 (Neutral) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:51 pm

Go D. Drakkon

As he continued to move through the streets, the people that worked for him were doing fine. It didn’t seem like anybody was trying to mess with them, which was boring. That kind of sucks because he wanted to fight today and get some payback. When he was done, he figured he would head over to the tavern and see how things were going there. Toge would walk through the streets and that direction. When he did, he would be stopped by someone from the same gang as him. It would seem like it was urgent because he was running toward him.

Toge was about to take his head off, but relaxed when he saw they were on the same team. He would hand the earth mage a letter and he would open it. He would read through it and it would seem like he had work to do. This was perfect, and it would seem like another group from the dragon gang needed help.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 10 (Neutral) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:54 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Toge was surprised that this was happening, but it would seem like someone from another gang was starting problems. This was good because he could prove himself to Dracon. This was great and it seemed like he was supposed to head in the direction that was left on the letter.

“You can tell Dracon, I’m on it.” He told the man.

The man would nod when he heard this, and he would be on his way back to the tavern. Toge would take his helmet and he would put it on his head as he was walking toward his destination. This was going to be interesting, and he wondered if this group would have men to help him with the fight ahead.

The people in the quarters something was about to happen because Toge was wearing his helmet, which meant it was time for a fight. They were not wrong, but they would stay out of the way because they didn’t want to become the next victim.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 10 (Neutral) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 6:59 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Toge moved through the place he had to go, and there he would be meeting with one of the leaders from Dracon’s groups. It would seem like they were badly injured, and were with a few people from the gang. He would see Toge and it would seem like the man was ready for battle. The paladin would stop right before the others as he would look at them.

“So, where do you guys need me to go? I heard there was someone messing with the Dragon Gang. I’m here to make sure they don’t fuck with us ever again.” He said to their leader.

“They jumped me and now Dracon wants payback. I didn’t think he would send you for it and you on your own too.” He said to him as he wasn’t happy about this.

“Well, I’m taking a few of your people to come with me, but do you want to tell me where and who.” He asked him waiting for an answer.


#7Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 10 (Neutral) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 7:02 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would look at the group in front of him, and they would all look at him waiting to see what he would do. The man would sigh because he had to put his trust in Dracon.

“Fine, they are part of a big gang that’s around Hosenka as well. They thought they could trash us down by jumping me. Still, if we do this we’re going to start between the gangs.” He said to Toge.

He would laugh when he heard those words because the war had already begun.

“The war started the moment they touched you. Now address, please. I’m going to show them that we’re not to be fucked with.” He said to the man in front of him.

He would sigh and he would shake his head as he would give Toge the address. The earth mage would look at the people he wanted to take with him, and he would point them out. Once he was done they would be off.


#8Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 10 (Neutral) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 7:12 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would take the paper with the address on it and they would be on their way. Their walk wasn’t long, but the people behind him were questioning the guy leading the charge. They figured that he was crazy and he was going to get them killed. Still, they knew that they couldn’t disobey him because Dracon had sent him. If they had done that, then it meant they would betray their leader. They also wanted revenge for the second leader.

It wouldn't take long for Toge to get to their destination and they would see a group of guys outside and hang around. The paladin would shake his head because they were being so carefree with how things were here.

“Don’t be afraid and you will see rewards. This will be great for you and your future within the gang. We will also get revenge for your leader who they hurt, so who’s with me on this.” He said to the group behind him.


#9Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 10 (Neutral) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 7:16 pm

Go D. Drakkon

The people that he spoke to, looked at him and understood why he was leading his own team. They agreed with him and would nod. It was time for battle, and he would walk over to the group of men that were hanging around. They would notice the paladin approaching them with his friends, and they would smile at them.

Luci would only shake his head as he was smoking his cigarette because they were dumb. The people here waited for Toge to say something, but nothing would be said. Toge would grab the man’s face and he would slam him to the ground before stomping him on the neck. The others around the two of them would get up. They were surprised that this had happened but were angry that Toge had harmed their friend.

“They don’t seem to know what gang they mess with.” One of the guys said out loud.

“Well it’s time for you to realize that the Dragon gang isn’t a gang you can fuck with without consequences.” Toge said announcing who they were.


#10Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 10 (Neutral) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 7:20 pm

Go D. Drakkon
When he had said this, the people around him would start running past Toge and fighting. This was good because this is exactly why they had come here in the first place. He would join the fight as he had been bored the entire week. He would walk over to someone as they were making their way to him. He would see them attacking him, and he would counter with an attack of his own. They would land their hits on each other. Toge would feel his fist hit against his armor, and he would land a blow on the guy’s throat. The man would stumble back when he felt the pain in his throat, and Toge would tackle him to the ground before bashing his head in.

He would hear footsteps running behind him, and he would feel himself being knocked to the side as he was hit by someone. He would roll on the ground, and he would get up to see another person to kill.


#11Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 10 (Neutral) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 7:24 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Toge would run up to the man who had thrown a sneak attack behind him, and he would tackle him onto the ground as well. When the man’s body slammed to the ground, he would hit his neck wrong on the way down. Of course, it wouldn’t stop Toge there as he would gouge his eyes out as the man was possibly done for the count. He would get up from the ground and he would start helping everyone around him. They would notice how crazy this guy was but saw that it worked. It brought morale up as they were fighting everyone. As the fight continued though, it would seem like it was going their way.

The people from the opposite gang would see this, and they decided that it was best to leave and tell their boss exactly what had happened. The paladin would see this, and he would raise his hand up as everyone from his side would stop moving.


#12Go D. Drakkon 

Underground Associates PT. 10 (Neutral) Empty Sun Aug 21, 2022 7:27 pm

Go D. Drakkon

The people would start running away from the Dragon gang as they had been defeated by them right now. He would have a smirk on his face behind his helmet.

“And just like that, we show them that we aren’t to be fucked with. Still, it would seem like we’re going to have to prepare for something bigger.” He said to everyone around him.

They would hear this, but they didn’t care because they were happy that they were able to get revenge on their leader. They would cheer as they would head back to the spot they had come from originally. When they all did, Toge would keep it moving as he would take his helmet off. He was happy to help, but now he was heading to the tavern.

It wouldn’t take long for him to make it to the tavern, and when he did, he would enter. He would see how nice it was and he would make it to the VIP section where Dracon was. There he would tell him what had happened, and that war had started. Dracon figured this would happen, and he would hand over Toge his jewels, and send him on his way.


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