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IV. Punisher

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IV. Punisher Empty Fri Sep 02, 2022 10:28 am



Name: Punisher

Slot: Weapon

Type: Gun

Class: Legendary

Handling: Two-Handed

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Durability: 2x S-Rank


Description: The Punisher is a large cross-shaped gun. In the middle of cross, there is a handle to hold the weapon. It is incredibly heavy and must be held with the second hand underneath the long handle to aim it. In case The longer part of the cross contains a normal gun, while the lower part of the cross contains a rocket launcher. Other than that, it can also be used to hit people while wielded with the grip.

Measurements: Punisher is 2.5 meters. When holding onto it, the long part of Punisher is 1.9 meters, the smaller parts are 0.6 meters.


  • None.

  • None


  • Rapid Fire: Spells attached to the Punisher with a cool-down of 0 maybe recast in the same post. Each recast causes the spell to increase in cool-down by 1 post.


  • Name: Punisher Single Shot
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Punisher
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 10 Meters
    Cooldown: 0 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user aims the Punisher by holding it steadily with one hand placed beneath the barrel and another placed on the trigger. The user then shoots a regular sized bullet that is formed from the users own mana at the aimed target.

  • Name: Punisher Single Shot
    Rank: C
    Mana Cost: 50
    Requirements: Punisher
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 15 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user aims the Punisher by holding it steadily with one hand placed beneath the barrel and another placed on the trigger. The user then shoots a regular sized bullet that is formed from the users own mana at the aimed target.

  • Name: Punisher Single Shot
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 100
    Requirements: Puniser
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Light
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 2 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user aims the Punisher by holding it steadily with one hand placed beneath the barrel and another placed on the trigger. The user then shoots a regular sized bullet that is formed from the users own mana at the aimed target.

  • Name: Punisher Single Shot
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Punisher
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Light
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user aims the Punisher by holding it steadily with one hand placed beneath the barrel and another placed on the trigger. The user then shoots a regular sized bullet that is formed from the users own mana at the aimed target.

  • Name: Punisher Rocket Launcher Explosion
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Punisher
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 25 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user aims the Punisher by holding it steadily with one hand placed beneath the barrel and another placed on the trigger. The user then shoots a 10 cm by 10 cm rocket bullet that is formed from the users own mana at the aimed target. Upon impact, the rocket bullet turns into a 2 by 2 diameter explosion.

  • Name: Punisher Single Shot
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Punisher
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Light
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user aims the Punisher by holding it steadily with one hand placed beneath the barrel and another placed on the trigger. The user then shoots a regular sized bullet that is formed from the users own mana at the aimed target.

  • Name: Punisher Rocket Launcher Explosion
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Punisher
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Fire
    Range: 30 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user aims the Punisher by holding it steadily with one hand placed beneath the barrel and another placed on the trigger. The user then shoots a 10 cm by 10 cm rocket bullet that is formed from the users own mana at the aimed target. Upon impact, the rocket bullet turns into a 4 by 4 diameter explosion.

#2† Aleja 

IV. Punisher Empty Mon Sep 12, 2022 1:26 pm

† Aleja
Fuck it
2,000,000 via RK discount


IV. Punisher Empty Mon Sep 12, 2022 2:50 pm


Alejandro has purchased Punisher for 2,000,000 J.


IV. Punisher Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 11:51 am

Sweet Cross come to me for 2,500,000 Jewels


IV. Punisher Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:30 am


The ravens bring @Ittindi the invoice

IV. Punisher Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

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