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Charlotte Harrison

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#1Charlotte Harrison 

Charlotte Harrison Empty Sun Sep 11, 2022 7:49 pm

Charlotte Harrison


Name: Charlotte “Charlie” Harrison

Age: September 7th, X775

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demi-Sexual

Ethnicity, Father: Caelish

Ethnicity, Mother: Fiorian

Class: Beast Master

Race: Human

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Fairy Tail

Tattoo: Pale Blue | Left Shoulder Blade

Face: Eula - Genshni Impact


Height: 172cm (5’8”)

Weight: 63kg (139lb)

Hair: Light Blue

Eyes: Golden


  • Hairstyle: Charlotte prefers to keep her hair relatively short, having it fall just below the shoulders when down as she finds this much easier to maintain since no longer having servants to brush it for her. She often wears headbands to keep her hair out of her face, however, from time to time she may be tie it back into a short ponytail or wrap up her locks into a loose bun.

  • Posture: An air of elegance radiates from Charlotte even when she’s not trying. Partly due to her confidence in herself and partly due to her training from growing up within a noble household. She has a somewhat graceful walk when she strides, her back straight and shoulders back as is proper from her upbringing. One might mistake her for not being relaxed due to these habits.

  • Attire: Charlotte happily wears anything and everything, as long as she feels it is appropriate for the occasion. She is none to fussy as long as she feels comfortable.

Extra: N/A


  • Cautious: Sometimes too much to the point of inaction that leads to less than desirable circumstances.

  • Confident: Charlotte believes in herself and her sharp mind, but not to the point of acting irrationally.

  • Cooperative: She is easy enough to get along with and works well with others as long as they don’t give her stupid instructions.

  • Disorganised: Whilst Charlotte often appears to be someone who’s got everything in order, the truth of the matter is she’s rather disorganised. The state of her room is what she labels ‘organised chaos’ but to an ordinary preson would be called ‘complete disarray’.

  • Empathetic: Charlotte is more than capable of putting herself in someone else’s shoes and understanding their emotions due to circumstances.

  • Gentle: Cool, calm and collected, she tends to have a gentle approach to both other people and creatures.

  • Independent: Whilst able to work alongside others she is completely capable of doing things for herself without aid. However, she is smart enough to ask for help when she requires it.

  • Obsessive: Charlotte occasionally becomes fixated with a subject to the point she loses track of time whilst studying it. It’s not rare for days go by before she realises she hasn’t even eaten or slept.

  • Protective: When Charlotte cares deeply for someone or something she becomes overly protective of them.

  • Nature: Having spent quite a large portion of their time in the last few years studying plants and animals, they have developed both a fascination and an appreciation for natural life.
  • Snow: It fondly reminds her of pleasant times.
  • Making Friends: Charlotte would much rather make a new friend than an enemy out of someone if she can help it.

  • Nobility: Whilst she can appreciate the lifestyle of one, she hates the way it makes people act and behave when they are given such power over others.
  • Arogance: People with this trait tend to really grind her gears. There is a fine line between being confident in one’s own abilities and being a complete asshole.
  • Olives: They are disgusting.

  • Knowledge: Whilst not your typical scholar, Charlotte enjoys learning. While books are an okay source, she finds going out and experiencing things for one’s self to be more satisfying and an overal better learning experience.
  • Power: Not the kind to leer over others, but simply to allow herself the power to live a comfortable life making her own choices, without fearing her father finding her and forcing her to return home.

  • Loss of Freedom: Charlotte enjoys being able to live as she likes and fears she may never truly be able to be free from the grip of her family.
  • Father/Eldest Brother: Afraid of them finding her and dragging her back home and forcing her into a less than desirable circumstances.


Strength: 11

Speed: 6

Constitution: 6

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 1


Magic Name: N/A

Magic Element: N/A

Magic Enhancement: N/A

Magic Description: N/A


Early Years:
Charlotte was born third into a wealthy merchant family that only received a noble title in the previous generation. Her mother showered her first daughter with love and affection, having only given birth to two young boys previously she was elated to also have a daughter. Her older brother was often jealous of how much attention she garnered and would secretly bully his little sister frequently when no other eyes were watching. Her second brother however was like an angel sent from above, giving her nothing by love alongside her mother.

Fortune didn’t shine on the family for long though, during Charlotte’s 6th year of life their mother tragically passed away in an accident, leaving the family filled with mourning. Years passed on and whilst their father never remarried, he was practically married to his work, engrossing himself with it as his form of coping with the loss, leaving his daughter to be taken care of by the household’s servants whilst he trained his two sons to take over the family business.

Over the course of the next decade, the young Charlotte took up various activities including equestrianship and swordsmanship. Showing talent in both and having a very narrow lawful view of the world she thought of perhaps joining the rune knights once old enough. However, upon her 16th birthday, Charlotte learned of her father’s plot to marry her off in order to strengthen their ties with a particularly prestigious family. Having little to no love left for her father who had practically abandoned her for the past ten years, she rebelled, refusing the marriage outright and running away with the help of her second brother when words weren’t enough to stop her father’s plans.

During the escape she didn’t even have time to take her sword with her, leaving her unarmed and alone. Despite his aid, her second brother could only do so much to help her without alerting their father to where she had escaped to. As such, she spent many days alone in a small cottage in a small unnamed town. She lived as any other commoner for the first time in her life. Having to learn to cook, clean and earn a living for herself, Charlotte took up a job as an apprentice for a herbalist in town.

Recent Years:
Six months into her new life in the midst of the winter months whilst out collecting what herbs she could find in the harsh winter weather she came across a strange small creature that had been caught in a hunter’s trap. It had both feathers and fur, neither bird nor mammal alone. She went to leave it, as a hunter needs to eat as well, however as it cried out it almost sounded as if it was pleading for her help and her conscience ended up getting the better of her as she set it free. As soon as it was freed it skirted off into nearby snow-covered shrubbery. Charlotte had expected as much, after all, it was a wild animal.

Continuing her harvesting, she occasionally heard a strange chittering mixed with purrs. Whilst it was hidden, it seemed to be following her making her smile at its cute antics. She didn’t think much more about it and returned home. She almost forgot about the creature until two days later when she returned to the mountainside to harvest more and she once more heard it chittering, but never saw it. This continued for almost a week until one morning she found it curled up, looking famished on her doorstep.

Coaxing it inside with the offer of food, it quickly grew friendly with her, even allowing her to pet it. It seemed far more intelligent than your average animal, learning commands quickly and responding to her words as if it understood them. Over the next few years, the two grew close as the creature hunted food whilst she collected herbs, becoming thick as thieves until Charlotte received news that her father had discovered her whereabouts, forcing the duo to move on from the quaint village in order to avoid him. They have since taken refuge within the Fairy Tail guild, joining their ranks to help with finding odd jobs.

Reference: N/A

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Charlotte Harrison Empty Sun Sep 11, 2022 10:39 pm

Go D. Drakkon
@Charlotte Harrison character has been approved for roleplay.

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