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From Under The Ground [D-Rank]

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From Under The Ground [D-Rank] Empty Thu Nov 24, 2022 6:20 pm

Narrowing her eyes in thought at the note in her hand, Tessa continued her leisurely walk in the darkness. Right now, she was headed towards the entrance of the Forsaken Cemetery to meet “The Heretic’. Quite the bold name to choose, but as long as he paid right, Tessa didn’t really care. As she walked, the werewolf made sure to stay in the deepest shadows as she traveled, out of sight, out of mind. The less people that saw her, the better.

Once she arrived at the cemetery, Tessa quickly noticed Adarian, the man she was supposed to meet. Not only was he just lurking quietly, but thanks to his thin frame he looked frail and fragile. She was a hundred percent sure this was the man she was supposed to meet.

“Sup, I’m here for the job.”

In a raspy but commanding voice, Adarian spoke about what her job detailed. Sneak into the cemetery, find the three caskets that haven’t been buried yet, and then unlock them. Not that complicated, but the task itself was never the problem. It was doing it without being seen. Giving Adarian a thumbs up, Tessa began to make a loop around the fence protecting the cemetery. Going through the front gate wasn’t an option, so she needed to find another entrance. The question was where.

Surprisingly even though it was night, there were still a few people out and about visiting the fallen. Which was annoying, since Tessa was about to do some unsavory things to the dead that lay here. It didn’t take much walking until she found an empty spot in the cemetery covered in shade. Leaping up and grabbing the fence, she carefully climbed her way over before dropping to the ground silently. Tilting her ears, Tessa made sure the coast was clear before continuing her journey. The coffins were somewhere in the back of the cemetery, so that was where she needed to head first.

It took her a total of ten minutes to reach her destination. The coffins themselves weren’t that hard to find. The reason it took so long was because she had to make her way to them without being seen. With a bit of ducking and crawling, she managed to avoid that particular problem. As she dusted off the dirt that was scattered in her fur, Tessa ran her fingers over the first coffin. Each coffin had a little clasp that needed to be broken so that the corpses could be retrieved easily at a later date. Judging from the looks of the metal, it wouldn’t be too hard to break with her strength. She just wouldn’t be able to do it silently.

Taking a deep breath, Tessa plunged her nails into the clasp, breaking it with a loud clang. Moving on to the next coffin, she proceeded to do the same before moving to the last one. Judging from the turns of heads towards her location, she only had a few moments left before she needed to run. And it was a good thing that was all she needed.

Punching off the last metal clasp, Tessa bolted off into the darkness with the remnants of the destroyed metal in her hands. Best to leave no evidence of what transpired. Sneaking out of the cemetery and meeting Adarian again wasn’t too much trouble, and soon she was heading back home with her payment in hand.


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