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Tournament Arc 18(A-Rank)

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Tournament Arc 18(A-Rank) Empty Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:56 am


Kaito being back in the west figured it was time to use some of the new tricks that he has learned since he was last here to enter and win another tournament and he smiles as he knows that he has to do this he has a lot to prove with this fight cause he is now at the top of the ranks so he needs to prove it and show the world that he is the monster that they need to be and to show that Fairy Tail mages aren't all useless and weak unlike some of the others that call themselves by the name of the guild some are mere trash that will never amount to how big that they talk. Others are strong in a different way but really none of the others in Fairy Tail come close to him. He is their strongest member and he needs to prove this once and for all even though he has broken his back and pushed so hard it feels like no one truly understands how dangerous he is.


Tournament Arc 18(A-Rank) Empty Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:56 am


He walks up, signing his name and the people at the table look worried and they have a team of extra mages on stand by to make sure that the barrier that protects the crowd is reinforced so they all stay safe and that nothing is left to risk as this man was a Z rank so he must have very powerful spells and power so they would prefer not to risk the people watching, the fighters signed up to get their asses kicked by strong people and this one was going to be a strong one to kick most of their asses without trying if they let their guards down but they are worried that he will kill someone. They also know that he is in a light guild but he gives off more of an aura of a bad guy that was not going to back down and let them just get in his way if anything was to happen or if they caught his ire.


Tournament Arc 18(A-Rank) Empty Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:56 am


Kaito walked into the waiting area looking around and the people looking back at him look scared to near death of the sight of him and the powerful aura that he gave off that made them feel like they can't perform at the top of their performance. The fighters close to him back off and find different seats it seemed that him getting stronger had only further alienated him from people more that he had already been alienated from them because he is cursed and being a good guy hadn't changed that and made him look better or anything just made the gap bigger and bigger from them and the others than he had already been at to his great displeasure. Revy started bad mouthing some of them for just judging Kaito instead of just relaxing around him till they get in the ring Kaito gets why she is saying it but he knows that they are just filled with fear as they don't want to get killed.


Tournament Arc 18(A-Rank) Empty Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:56 am


They look at the exceed and they laugh as they thought she was joking cause just look at Kaito he was tall strong and a popular monster and cursed they had no want to fight him so most of them planned to just drop out if they go up against them but they don't think that would be a smart idea cause if they fight they might get extra money from the pot for the damages to their bodies cause some of them came her as a last ditch to try and earn jewels to feed their families cause even if you get knocked out earlier you get a little more than the entrance fee for it so it is worth it though business wise it makes no sense but they guessed it was to make sure people that fought would keep coming back for more if they were paid a bit more than they had spent to sign up.


Tournament Arc 18(A-Rank) Empty Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:57 am


The first matches start and Kaito watches the fight they seemed like they were well trained fighters and that they had a decent mastery of the art of fighting and Kaito was more excited to get out there and fight now that he had seen some of the others going at it as in his heart this was the right thing to do and to feel in the moment and he was going to keep fighting and trying to get this all done and in the bag so that he can be paid handsomely for his troubles though he still had some worries that he might not be able to pull it out in the end that there might be someone else here that was strong enough to lock horns with him and not just give up and then he heads out to the field for the fight that he was in and the bigger man looked at Kaito but looked like his heart was shaken and he was not going to fight then at the bell ring Kaito ran in on him and stopped him from taking a knee and told the man to fight with him and show his might and the man begrudgingly agrees to keep fighting though he knows he is going to lose but they crowd deserved a show and that is what they were going to give them.


Tournament Arc 18(A-Rank) Empty Thu Oct 13, 2022 9:57 am


The fight begun and the punches and kicks are being thrown and they are matching up well as Kaito was holding back his strength as he was not going to crush this fighter but to have fun and try out new styles and the man is surprised that he is doing so well against Kaito who should out rank him in every quality but he was holding his own and this fight wasn't extremely one sided as he thought it would be but he didn't think that it would be a huge deal to them as this was just a normal fight and not some strange back hand and it is over for them in the end the man is defeated and Kaito helps them up and off the fighting stage. He got the man to the medical tent and then he went back to his seat and Revy talks to him and cheers him on as he had done well in that fight and she wanted to see him get this tournament under his belt.
(1086/1000) 50% WC(20%ring,10%guild,10%companion, 10%shield.)

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