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Renovations (Good)

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Renovations (Good) Empty Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:56 pm


Yuurei and Renji were trying to see what else they could do within Marigold. It would seem like this was one of the places that needed help within the south. They were fine with that as it seems like they would get another letter. It was from Fernando again, and it would seem like he wanted Yuurei to help out with repairing some buildings. It would seem like something happened within Marigold. A storm hit them, which sucked, but it brought him to want to help more.

He would look at the letter as he started moving in the direction that he needed to go. He was following the paper; people would see Yuurei but noticed that his face was stuck in the letter, so they did not bother him. Renji saw this and he figured the way to avoid people was to look busy. He would have to make sure he remembered that for the future.



Renovations (Good) Empty Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:56 pm


It would not take long, but Yuurei would make it to his destination, and he would see that there were a lot of people moving around and working hard right now. It would seem like there were a lot of buildings that needed repairing. He was the man for the job and manual labor never bothered him. He would move around as he would pick up wood and start moving them around. He would put them in areas where people needed them. Some of them were already cut to be used for the buildings. Then there was more wood that needed to be cut in the first place. He moved around carrying them without a problem. This would take off a lot of time for them as it took a couple of men to do this part.

Renji would just walk around with Yuurei as he watched his friend do this on his own.



Renovations (Good) Empty Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:57 pm


Yuurei would continue to do this for quite some time as he was making sure that the wood that was lying around would be used. When he had finished that part of his job, he would move on to the next phase. He was going to start hammering the planks down and repairing the walls that had been destroyed. He moved around as he was going to the first building that needed his assistance. When he got there, he would see the people there working hard. He would join them as they looked at him and when they saw he was helping would continue their job.

He would start taking nails and placing the planks where they needed to go. When he did that, he would start hammering them down. Of course, he would hold back a lot because he did not want to hit too hard and break the planks.



Renovations (Good) Empty Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:57 pm


Yuurei would continue to do this in this building as he was enjoying the need to help them. They looked happy to see that they had an extra set of hands. They also noticed that he was more proficient and quicker than they were. The berserker would move onto the next area in this building, and he would continue to repair and board this up as well. He was doing his thing and even Renji was helping this time. He would hand Yuurei all the nails that he needed and handed him the hammer every time he was going to hammer something. The two of them would make quick work of the first building. When they were done with that, they would head over to the second building. He was upset that their buildings had gotten damaged, but he knew that was life.

He would walk over to the next building, and he would enter it without a problem. He would wave at the people before he would get to work.



Renovations (Good) Empty Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:57 pm


Yuurei would start taking the planks and he would start hammering things down. He was making it work and Renji would help him with the problem at hand. The two of them would start working together to get things done here. It was not a challenging task, but it did take a while to get things done. The Nephilim kept moving through the place, and when he was done with this place, he was happy to see that people would have a place to stay for the night soon. He would help clean the area once they were done with this building, and they would make their way to the next and final building. The people would give Yuurei a thumbs up and they would speak to him for a bit before he had gone to the next place.

The Nephilim would make it to the next building and once he was done with this place they should be done for the day.



Renovations (Good) Empty Sun Oct 02, 2022 3:58 pm


Yuurei would make it to the next building, and he would start working on repairing the building that he was in. He was helping everyone with this as he was making things better for them. The berserker kept moving around the place as he was making sure that he was able to repair everything that he could. When he was done with his place with the help of everyone that was repairing it he would step outside. He would see that it was nighttime and they had worked hard. People were leaving the area, and soon enough someone would approach Yuurei. He had known why the young man was here, and it was because of Fernando.

He would move to the light mage and he would take out a bag of jewels. He would hand it over to Yuurei and the berserker would accept it. Once he had the jewels, he and Renji would walk away from the area to enjoy their remaining time in the South.

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