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Deadliest Catch [NQ]

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#1† Aleja 

Deadliest Catch [NQ] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:11 pm

† Aleja
Fiore was in its frosty the snowman Era and Aleja just needed a break for a day or two. The Stellan laid out on the towel upon the sand, the wind gently blew her air as it flowed elegantly in the breeze. Above she watched Hasgaia fly, High enough to prompt men and women to wonder just what she was. Was she a bird? Or something more mystical? They would wonder for now, but sooner or later they would realize that she was a very mythical type of creature. Who knows how old Hasgaia was. Aleja flipped the page of her book, slowly growing bored as she rubbed her belly. She had no idea what she was going to do about the creature inside of her, the being. She kept it a secret still since she was still too early on to show. It was only a matter of time.


Deadliest Catch [NQ] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:11 pm

The member 'Aleja' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 3

#3† Aleja 

Deadliest Catch [NQ] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:11 pm

† Aleja
The Lady of House Celdrua could feel something else dwelling inside of her, and it wasn't a baby. This thing was an entirely different entity. She didn't know how this happened but she knew exactly who it was. It was the goddess of love, Kama. The truth of the matter was that Aleja had no intentions on figuring out how this came to be. As far as she was concerned, Kama had no real hold on her mind. Her spirit was either dormant inside of her, or Ale became her. Something of that nature wasn't far fetched, especially when you lived in a magical world. Fairy tales were often based on events that actually occurred. As the days went by, Aleja began to realize just how many secrets she had. A baby, new power, her heritage. Alas, it was all in protection of herself. Her family would freak out otherwise.

#4† Aleja 

Deadliest Catch [NQ] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:11 pm

† Aleja
The Crime Sorciere mage took her eyes off of her boring ass book and shifted them over towards the seas. There was but a single port anchored at the deck, and of course a group of men inside of it. They seemed to be talking amongst themselves, creating some sort of plan that Aleja wasn't exactly interested to be quite frank. To her surprise though, one of the men stepped off of the boat and began shouting towards the people upon the beach. They needed another crew mate, one capable of catching a large creature. Months ago, when Lady Celdrua was a Knight, she had come to Luluhawa and ended up partaking in adventure similar to what these men were about to partake in. The last time she went out to hunt a giant sea creature, the boat was completely destroyed which put a bad taste in her mates mouths.

#5† Aleja 

Deadliest Catch [NQ] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:11 pm

† Aleja
Nobody stepped up. People weren't foolish. Sometimes the money just wasn't worth the risk. However, Aleja was different. Sometimes she was impulsive and did things to ignore her problems. Who better than her for a dangerous mission like this one? So she slowly stood up and shouted back that she would go along with the men. Some of them looked at each other before bursting in laughter, but when she began to approach them they quieted down. From afar they couldn't tell who she was, but from up close they were able to put two and two together. The elf was more than capable of helping them. In fact, she would probably end up doing all the work per usual. The men wasted no time in getting everything together and inviting her onto their ship. It was huge and would likely be hard to destroy contrary to the last ship.

#6† Aleja 

Deadliest Catch [NQ] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:11 pm

† Aleja
It didn't take long for them to start sailing. The boat began to transverse to seas of Luluhawa island, making its way all the out to where they had last heard the monster would be. Hasgaia followed the boat from above, but none of the men noticed. Despite the fact that she didn't actually have grip on her new power, she knew that her dragon would keep her safe. Hasgaia would never let anything happen to her. Yet, Aleja still had no idea why that was even the case, In any case, she found comfort in her companion. The waters slapped the hull of the boat, causing them to sway two and fro just a bit before the boat came to a halt. Apparently they were where they needed to be to find the creature. The pay would be healthy considering the creature had a large bounty on its head.

#7† Aleja 

Deadliest Catch [NQ] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:17 pm

† Aleja
Apparently, there was another group here to cash in on the bounty as well. Another boat from up ahead began to close in on Aleja's group. These newcomers were pirates from the looks of things. Probably pirates with a thick bounty, at that. The Arrow of Love awaited whilst her group revealed their weapons. The pirates parked beside their ship and the two captains exchanged words. The captain of Aleja's temporary group refused to leave and the fight was on. At the same time, the giant sea eel rose from beneath the waters to join the fray. Aleja shouted towards her group, telling them to capture the sea creature while she dealt with the pirates. With one swift leap, she found herself on the enemy's boat. They glared at her and laughed, assuming that she would be fighting them alone. They couldn't have been more wrong. Hasgaia was with her.

#8† Aleja 

Deadliest Catch [NQ] Empty Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:23 pm

† Aleja
The creature landed onto the boat with a bang, nearly toppling it over. The pirates turned to see who had caused such a ruckus and to their surprise Hasgaia stood proudly behind them. She expanded her wings with a roar that'd strike fear in even the most dangerous men. This fight was over long before it began. As soon as the Elven lady walked onto the ship of her comrades, any of their enemies would face the wrath of her dragon. Hasgaia didn't even need to do much. As expected, her presence alone forced their enemies into submission. Shaken with fear they fell to their knees and when Ale turned, she saw that her crew had captured the oversized eel. It was a quick and easy way to make money- capturing both criminals and the bountiful creature. Her crew helped her tie these pirates up and took them back to shore.


1,000/1,000 (20% Lvl 2, 20% Hermit, 10% ring)

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