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Jess's Template Testing

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Jess's Template Testing Empty Tue Mar 05, 2019 5:34 pm


WORDS: ### | TAG: @member | OUTFIT

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas at congue elit. Ut in elementum lorem, vitae varius ipsum. Nulla semper semper feugiat. Sed posuere nibh sed tortor feugiat ornare feugiat a arcu. Sed eleifend cursus mi, ut congue lectus dictum sed. Vestibulum in accumsan justo. Integer eros ligula, ultrices a tempus eu, scelerisque nec justo. Proin ac erat sit amet ipsum interdum ultricies eu id mi. Donec erat velit, euismod non elit ac, sollicitudin efficitur massa. Integer vehicula tortor nisl, ac imperdiet purus viverra id. Quisque convallis nec leo quis pellentesque. Vestibulum volutpat imperdiet congue. Phasellus ac condimentum tortor. Ut ultricies, justo aliquet congue egestas, neque massa interdum nunc, sit amet rutrum augue arcu ut enim.

Praesent id risus elit. Proin nunc sem, tincidunt id laoreet vel, dignissim ut purus. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce ac cursus dolor, sit amet condimentum quam. Phasellus nec blandit enim. Ut sagittis finibus lorem. Mauris eleifend vulputate consectetur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi a urna dignissim, consequat libero eu, ornare nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Donec tempor, massa in eleifend hendrerit, justo libero molestie lacus, et venenatis mi urna et nisl. Sed mattis pharetra mollis. Phasellus lobortis eu lectus sed molestie. Fusce tristique, augue ac eleifend bibendum, ligula dui aliquam ex, vitae faucibus nulla justo a dolor. Maecenas vitae malesuada est, quis vestibulum orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam dapibus diam sed tellus pretium, a finibus tellus tempor. Praesent consequat vel ante id venenatis.

Nullam suscipit leo diam, sit amet tincidunt urna imperdiet luctus. Quisque in dolor pellentesque, hendrerit felis ac, pretium lectus. Sed aliquam scelerisque nunc ac bibendum. Curabitur id augue odio. Sed non sapien quis tellus viverra porta at sed dolor. Suspendisse nec erat at augue dignissim imperdiet sit amet at est. Donec ex mi, cursus vel elementum vitae, convallis id nunc.

Cras vitae dolor dui. Fusce venenatis nec tellus ac facilisis. Nunc sollicitudin diam dui, vel semper orci ornare in. Praesent ut finibus urna. Aliquam quis mauris ac justo tincidunt rhoncus. Ut vitae porta velit. Etiam aliquam arcu in urna scelerisque, quis interdum mi elementum. Duis augue felis, tempus at ante nec, pretium tempus dolor. Sed dui nisl, viverra at ligula id, mollis hendrerit turpis. Cras a suscipit mi.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Jess's Template Testing Empty Wed Apr 10, 2019 8:13 am


Nefertari Vivi - One Piece [Sofia Serena]
[url=Link to profile]FC Name - Series [Character Name][/url]


Jess's Template Testing Empty Wed Apr 10, 2019 11:28 am


WORDS: ### | TAG: @member | OUTFIT

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas at congue elit. Ut in elementum lorem, vitae varius ipsum. Nulla semper semper feugiat. Sed posuere nibh sed tortor feugiat ornare feugiat a arcu. Sed eleifend cursus mi, ut congue lectus dictum sed. Vestibulum in accumsan justo. Integer eros ligula, ultrices a tempus eu, scelerisque nec justo. Proin ac erat sit amet ipsum interdum ultricies eu id mi. Donec erat velit, euismod non elit ac, sollicitudin efficitur massa. Integer vehicula tortor nisl, ac imperdiet purus viverra id. Quisque convallis nec leo quis pellentesque. Vestibulum volutpat imperdiet congue. Phasellus ac condimentum tortor. Ut ultricies, justo aliquet congue egestas, neque massa interdum nunc, sit amet rutrum augue arcu ut enim.

Praesent id risus elit. Proin nunc sem, tincidunt id laoreet vel, dignissim ut purus. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce ac cursus dolor, sit amet condimentum quam. Phasellus nec blandit enim. Ut sagittis finibus lorem. Mauris eleifend vulputate consectetur. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi a urna dignissim, consequat libero eu, ornare nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Donec tempor, massa in eleifend hendrerit, justo libero molestie lacus, et venenatis mi urna et nisl. Sed mattis pharetra mollis. Phasellus lobortis eu lectus sed molestie. Fusce tristique, augue ac eleifend bibendum, ligula dui aliquam ex, vitae faucibus nulla justo a dolor. Maecenas vitae malesuada est, quis vestibulum orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam dapibus diam sed tellus pretium, a finibus tellus tempor. Praesent consequat vel ante id venenatis.

Nullam suscipit leo diam, sit amet tincidunt urna imperdiet luctus. Quisque in dolor pellentesque, hendrerit felis ac, pretium lectus. Sed aliquam scelerisque nunc ac bibendum. Curabitur id augue odio. Sed non sapien quis tellus viverra porta at sed dolor. Suspendisse nec erat at augue dignissim imperdiet sit amet at est. Donec ex mi, cursus vel elementum vitae, convallis id nunc.

Cras vitae dolor dui. Fusce venenatis nec tellus ac facilisis. Nunc sollicitudin diam dui, vel semper orci ornare in. Praesent ut finibus urna. Aliquam quis mauris ac justo tincidunt rhoncus. Ut vitae porta velit. Etiam aliquam arcu in urna scelerisque, quis interdum mi elementum. Duis augue felis, tempus at ante nec, pretium tempus dolor. Sed dui nisl, viverra at ligula id, mollis hendrerit turpis. Cras a suscipit mi.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Sofia on Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:15 pm; edited 5 times in total


Jess's Template Testing Empty Wed Apr 17, 2019 11:49 am


WORDS: ### | TAG: Daiko~ | OUTFIT

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas at congue elit. Ut in elementum lorem, vitae varius ipsum. Nulla semper semper feugiat. Sed posuere nibh sed tortor feugiat ornare feugiat a arcu. Sed eleifend cursus mi, ut congue lectus dictum sed. Vestibulum in accumsan justo. Integer eros ligula, ultrices a tempus eu, scelerisque nec justo. Proin ac erat sit amet ipsum interdum ultricies eu id mi. Donec erat velit, euismod non elit ac, sollicitudin efficitur massa. Integer vehicula tortor nisl, ac imperdiet purus viverra id. Quisque convallis nec leo quis pellentesque. Vestibulum volutpat imperdiet congue. Phasellus ac condimentum tortor. Ut ultricies, justo aliquet congue egestas, neque massa interdum nunc, sit amet rutrum augue arcu ut enim.

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Jess's Template Testing SofiaSerana

#5Aisha Connors 

Jess's Template Testing Empty Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:08 am

Aisha Connors

WORDS: ### | TAG: Fairies~ | CASUAL WEAR

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas at congue elit. Ut in elementum lorem, vitae varius ipsum. Nulla semper semper feugiat. Sed posuere nibh sed tortor feugiat ornare feugiat a arcu. Sed eleifend cursus mi, ut congue lectus dictum sed. Vestibulum in accumsan justo. Integer eros ligula, ultrices a tempus eu, scelerisque nec justo. Proin ac erat sit amet ipsum interdum ultricies eu id mi. Donec erat velit, euismod non elit ac, sollicitudin efficitur massa. Integer vehicula tortor nisl, ac imperdiet purus viverra id. Quisque convallis nec leo quis pellentesque. Vestibulum volutpat imperdiet congue. Phasellus ac condimentum tortor. Ut ultricies, justo aliquet congue egestas, neque massa interdum nunc, sit amet rutrum augue arcu ut enim.

The Hunt Is On

"Now that’s a prize I wouldn’t mind~"
- Aisha Connors

credit to nat of adoxography.



Jess's Template Testing Empty Mon May 20, 2019 10:51 am





Ring: Oul’s Ring V5
A ring that was gifted to her by Alisa Vollan as a token of her affection, it enhances Sofia’s physical strength greatly, providing a boon of power when worn. (Str +60)


Jess's Template Testing Empty Mon May 20, 2019 11:03 am





Ears: Jind Earrings
Elegant Earwear made from enchanted gemstones, these sharpen Sofia’s mind to maximum potential when worn, enhancing get innate intelligence greatly (Int +60)
Body: Wizard Robes
Simple but stylish robes of high quality, while offering little in the way of protection these clothes help to focus Sofia’s mind, blessing her with an increase to her intelligence. (Int +20)
Ring: Oul’s Ring V5
A ring that was gifted to her by Alisa Vollan as a token of her affection, it enhances Sofia’s physical strength greatly, providing a boon of power when worn. (Str +60)
Relic: Magic Glasses
A stylish pair of spectacles enchanted with magical properties, not only do they add an air of sophistication to Sofia but also allow her to see through magical alterations to appearance and invisibility when worn.

#8Zoey Luciano 

Jess's Template Testing Empty Fri Jun 14, 2019 1:02 pm

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: ### | TAG: Lamian’s~ | CASUAL WEAR

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas at congue elit. Ut in elementum lorem, vitae varius ipsum. Nulla semper semper feugiat. Sed posuere nibh sed tortor feugiat ornare feugiat a arcu. Sed eleifend cursus mi, ut congue lectus dictum sed. Vestibulum in accumsan justo. Integer eros ligula, ultrices a tempus eu, scelerisque nec justo. Proin ac erat sit amet ipsum interdum ultricies eu id mi. Donec erat velit, euismod non elit ac, sollicitudin efficitur massa. Integer vehicula tortor nisl, ac imperdiet purus viverra id. Quisque convallis nec leo quis pellentesque. Vestibulum volutpat imperdiet congue. Phasellus ac condimentum tortor. Ut ultricies, justo aliquet congue egestas, neque massa interdum nunc, sit amet rutrum augue arcu ut enim.

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.


Jess's Template Testing Empty Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:06 pm


Testing the roll thing


Jess's Template Testing Empty Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:06 pm

The member 'Sofia Serena' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 66

#11Zoey Luciano 

Jess's Template Testing Empty Mon Jun 24, 2019 12:04 pm

Zoey Luciano

WORDS: ### |TOTAL: ### |  Breezy

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas at congue elit. Ut in elementum lorem, vitae varius ipsum. Nulla semper semper feugiat. Sed posuere nibh sed tortor feugiat ornare feugiat a arcu. Sed eleifend cursus mi, ut congue lectus dictum sed. Vestibulum in accumsan justo. Integer eros ligula, ultrices a tempus eu, scelerisque nec justo. Proin ac erat sit amet ipsum interdum ultricies eu id mi. Donec erat velit, euismod non elit ac, sollicitudin efficitur massa. Integer vehicula tortor nisl, ac imperdiet purus viverra id. Quisque convallis nec leo quis pellentesque. Vestibulum volutpat imperdiet congue. Phasellus ac condimentum tortor. Ut ultricies, justo aliquet congue egestas, neque massa interdum nunc, sit amet rutrum augue arcu ut enim.

~Bringing That Sunshine~

"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"
- Zoey Luciano

credit to nat of adoxography.

<div align="center"><div style="width:300px;font-family:Georgia;"><div align="justify">
</div></div></div><div align="center"><div style="width:500px;background-color:#1B1B1B;">
<div style="width:425px;background-color:#002632;margin-top:10px;border-right:5px solid #EEE8AA;"><img width="425" src="https://i.imgur.com/GN2auIW.jpg">

<div style="font-size:11px;padding:10px;text-align:justify;"><font face="georgia"><div style="width:360px;color:#36260D;background-color:#1B1B1B;margin-right:15px;margin-top:-20px;border-right-width:3px;border-right-style:solid;border-right-color:#EEE8AA;"><div style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;padding:4px;color:#C3EFFD;">WORDS: ### |TOTAL: ### |  [url=https://i.imgur.com/SL6T1XS.jpg]Breezy[/url] </div></div><font color="DCF4FC">

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas at congue elit. Ut in elementum lorem, vitae varius ipsum. Nulla semper semper feugiat. Sed posuere nibh sed tortor feugiat ornare feugiat a arcu. Sed eleifend cursus mi, ut congue lectus dictum sed. Vestibulum in accumsan justo. Integer eros ligula, ultrices a tempus eu, scelerisque nec justo. Proin ac erat sit amet ipsum interdum ultricies eu id mi. Donec erat velit, euismod non elit ac, sollicitudin efficitur massa. Integer vehicula tortor nisl, ac imperdiet purus viverra id. Quisque convallis nec leo quis pellentesque. Vestibulum volutpat imperdiet congue. Phasellus ac condimentum tortor. Ut ultricies, justo aliquet congue egestas, neque massa interdum nunc, sit amet rutrum augue arcu ut enim.

<div style="font-family:times new roman;color:#EEE8AA;font-size:28px;text-transform:uppercase;">~Bringing That Sunshine~</div>
<div style="font-family:'georgia';color:rgb(234, 234, 234);margin-top:-18px;letter-spacing:5px;"><font size="3">"~Lighten Up Your Life A Little~"<div style="color:#EEE8AA;">- Zoey Luciano </div></font></div>
</div><div style="width:500px;text-align:right;font:10px helvetica;">credit to nat of <a href="http://adoxographyv2.boards.net/user/15">adoxography</a>.</div>


Jess's Template Testing Empty Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:08 pm



“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.” Maecenas at congue elit. Ut in elementum lorem, vitae varius ipsum. Nulla semper semper feugiat. Sed posuere nibh sed tortor feugiat ornare feugiat a arcu. Sed eleifend cursus mi, ut congue lectus dictum sed. Vestibulum in accumsan justo. Integer eros ligula, ultrices a tempus eu, scelerisque nec justo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ac erat sit amet ipsum interdum ultricies eu id mi. Donec erat velit, euismod non elit ac, sollicitudin efficitur massa. Integer vehicula tortor nisl, ac imperdiet purus viverra id. Quisque convallis nec leo quis pellentesque. Vestibulum volutpat imperdiet congue. Phasellus ac condimentum tortor. Ut ultricies, justo aliquet congue egestas, neque massa interdum nunc, sit amet rutrum augue arcu ut enim.

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.

<div align="center"><div style="width:300px;font-family:Georgia;"><div align="justify">
</div></div></div><div align="center"><div style="width:500px;background-color:#1B1B1B;">
<div style="width:425px;background-color:#200303;margin-top:10px;border-left:5px solid #790303;"><img width="425" src="https://i.imgur.com/2NaODjH.jpg">

<div style="font-size:11px;padding:10px;text-align:justify;"><font face="georgia"><div style="width:360px;color:#36260D;background-color:#1B1B1B;margin-right:15px;margin-top:-20px;border-left-width:3px;border-left-style:solid;border-left-color:#790303;"><div style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;padding:4px;color:#E5D3D3;">WORDS: ### | TOTAL: ### | [url=https://i.imgur.com/110kasO.jpg]CLASSIC[/url] </div></div><font color="F2F2F2">

[color=Crimson][b]“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.”[/b][/color] Maecenas at congue elit. Ut in elementum lorem, vitae varius ipsum. Nulla semper semper feugiat. Sed posuere nibh sed tortor feugiat ornare feugiat a arcu. Sed eleifend cursus mi, ut congue lectus dictum sed. Vestibulum in accumsan justo. Integer eros ligula, ultrices a tempus eu, scelerisque nec justo.
[color=Crimson][i]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.[/i][/color] Proin ac erat sit amet ipsum interdum ultricies eu id mi. Donec erat velit, euismod non elit ac, sollicitudin efficitur massa. Integer vehicula tortor nisl, ac imperdiet purus viverra id. Quisque convallis nec leo quis pellentesque. Vestibulum volutpat imperdiet congue. Phasellus ac condimentum tortor. Ut ultricies, justo aliquet congue egestas, neque massa interdum nunc, sit amet rutrum augue arcu ut enim.

<div style="font-family:times new roman;color:#790303;font-size:28px;text-transform:uppercase;">~Playing With Fire~</div>
<div style="font-family:'georgia';color:rgb(234, 234, 234);margin-top:-13px;letter-spacing:5px;"><font size="3">"~ You Might Get Burned ~"<div style="color:#790303;">- Nikki Marcello </div></font></div>
</div><div style="width:500px;text-align:right;font:10px helvetica;">credit to nat of <a href="http://adoxographyv2.boards.net/user/15">adoxography</a>.</div>


Jess's Template Testing Empty Tue Jul 02, 2019 12:31 pm



“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.” Maecenas at congue elit. Ut in elementum lorem, vitae varius ipsum. Nulla semper semper feugiat. Sed posuere nibh sed tortor feugiat ornare feugiat a arcu. Sed eleifend cursus mi, ut congue lectus dictum sed. Vestibulum in accumsan justo. Integer eros ligula, ultrices a tempus eu, scelerisque nec justo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ac erat sit amet ipsum interdum ultricies eu id mi. Donec erat velit, euismod non elit ac, sollicitudin efficitur massa. Integer vehicula tortor nisl, ac imperdiet purus viverra id. Quisque convallis nec leo quis pellentesque. Vestibulum volutpat imperdiet congue. Phasellus ac condimentum tortor. Ut ultricies, justo aliquet congue egestas, neque massa interdum nunc, sit amet rutrum augue arcu ut enim.

~Playing With Fire~

"~ You Might Get Burned ~"
- Nikki Marcello

credit to nat of adoxography.

<div align="center"><div style="width:300px;font-family:Georgia;"><div align="justify">
</div></div></div><div align="center"><div style="width:500px;background-color:#1B1B1B;">
<div style="width:470px;background-color:#200303;margin-top:10px;border-left:5px solid #840202;"><img width="470" src="https://i.imgur.com/Yhem40r.jpg">

<div style="font-size:11px;padding:10px;text-align:justify;"><font face="georgia"><div style="width:420px;color:#36260D;background-color:#1B1B1B;margin-right:15px;margin-left:15px;margin-top:-20px;border-left-width:3px;border-left-style:solid;border-left-color:#840202;"><div style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;padding:4px;color:#E5D3D3;">WORDS: ### | TOTAL: ### | [url=https://i.imgur.com/110kasO.jpg]CLASSIC[/url] </div></div><font color="F2F2F2">

[color=Crimson][b]“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.”[/b][/color] Maecenas at congue elit. Ut in elementum lorem, vitae varius ipsum. Nulla semper semper feugiat. Sed posuere nibh sed tortor feugiat ornare feugiat a arcu. Sed eleifend cursus mi, ut congue lectus dictum sed. Vestibulum in accumsan justo. Integer eros ligula, ultrices a tempus eu, scelerisque nec justo.
[color=Crimson][i]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.[/i][/color] Proin ac erat sit amet ipsum interdum ultricies eu id mi. Donec erat velit, euismod non elit ac, sollicitudin efficitur massa. Integer vehicula tortor nisl, ac imperdiet purus viverra id. Quisque convallis nec leo quis pellentesque. Vestibulum volutpat imperdiet congue. Phasellus ac condimentum tortor. Ut ultricies, justo aliquet congue egestas, neque massa interdum nunc, sit amet rutrum augue arcu ut enim.

<div style="font-family:times new roman;color:#840202;font-size:28px;text-transform:uppercase;">~Playing With Fire~</div>
<div style="font-family:'georgia';color:rgb(234, 234, 234);margin-top:-13px;letter-spacing:5px;"><font size="3">"~ You Might Get Burned ~"<div style="color:#840202;">- Nikki Marcello </div></font></div>
</div><div style="width:500px;text-align:right;font:10px helvetica;">credit to nat of <a href="http://adoxographyv2.boards.net/user/15">adoxography</a>.</div>

#14Faye Morgan 

Jess's Template Testing Empty Wed Jul 17, 2019 12:56 pm

Faye Morgan


“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.” Maecenas at congue elit. Ut in elementum lorem, vitae varius ipsum. Nulla semper semper feugiat. Sed posuere nibh sed tortor feugiat ornare feugiat a arcu. Sed eleifend cursus mi, ut congue lectus dictum sed. Vestibulum in accumsan justo. Integer eros ligula, ultrices a tempus eu, scelerisque nec justo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ac erat sit amet ipsum interdum ultricies eu id mi. Donec erat velit, euismod non elit ac, sollicitudin efficitur massa. Integer vehicula tortor nisl, ac imperdiet purus viverra id. Quisque convallis nec leo quis pellentesque. Vestibulum volutpat imperdiet congue. Phasellus ac condimentum tortor. Ut ultricies, justo aliquet congue egestas, neque massa interdum nunc, sit amet rutrum augue arcu ut enim.

~Walking On Air~

"~ Find Your Flow and Just Let It Go ~"
- Faye Morgan

credit to nat of adoxography.


Jess's Template Testing Empty Fri Aug 02, 2019 4:25 pm


WORDS: ### | TOTAL: ### | GOSH

”A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.” I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now.
A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine. I am so happy, my dear friend, so absorbed in the exquisite sense of mere tranquil existence, that I neglect my talents. I should be incapable of drawing a single stroke at the present moment; and yet I feel that I never was a greater artist than now.

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.


Jess's Template Testing Empty Tue Apr 27, 2021 8:31 am


[center]<img class="purpimgopa" src="https://i.imgur.com/St5UVkQ.jpg" style="width: 420px;" >[/center]


Jess's Template Testing Empty Sun May 02, 2021 3:20 pm




Jess's Template Testing Empty Sun May 02, 2021 3:20 pm

The member 'Sofia' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 100' : 85


Jess's Template Testing Empty Mon May 03, 2021 11:51 am



Name: Samantha ‘Sam’ Salucci

Age: 18 (Dec X777)

Gender: Cis Female

Sexuality: Bi-Furious!

Ethnicity, Father: Stellan

Ethnicity, Mother: Fiorian

Class: Adventurer

Race: Human

Rank: D-Rank

Guild: Fairy Tail

Tattoo: Upper Forearm, Red

Face: Kallen Kouzuki/Stadtfeld – Rwby


Height: 1.78m

Build: Athletic but curvaceous

Hair: Carmine

Eyes: Azure


A tall and well-endowed young woman, Sam possesses red hair and blue eyes as well as a face with a pleasing mix of sharp and round features one might associate with a girl taking her first steps into adulthood. A good looking young woman who has inherited good looks from her pretty mother which are only further enhanced by a dedicated training regime, this ravishing redhead keeps her body toned and flexible, but also possesses a sense of curviness which contrasts her trim and toned build.

Possessing large, sapphire-like eyes, Miss Salucci has a beautiful blue gaze which really sparkles in the light, and long lashes which frame them perfectly, looking only more voluminous with a little care and attention. The face of the fox round but with a narrow jaw, her honesty and straightforward manner is clear in those big eyes and fair features, the latter of which can be prone to flushing when she is embarrassed or flustered,

With slightly messy locks of a dark shade of magenta which are a little above shoulder length, usually Sam keeps her locks loose, and often somewhat messy as well. Possessing a tendency to curl back upwards at the tips thanks to inherent waviness, though she can flatten and smooth her hair out with some combing the rough and ready manner this redhead prefers often means her mane is a little unruly, which is why she tends to prefer a shorter and more manageable do, though can be known to style her hair for the right kind of circumstances.




Possessing a far fierier character than one might expect, Miss Salucci can be stubborn to the point of obstinance and show quite the temper when she is provoked, to the point of recklessness. The type to lose her cool in a big way when the right buttons are pushed and lash out against what aggrieves her, the girl tends to bear grudges and make decisions based on emotion, sometimes to the point of regret.

Proud of what she can achieve even if she is a little understated in her expression of certain aspects of her ability, Sam can be pushed to prove herself in certain circumstance, and seems to show a more honest version of herself when doing so. Demonstrating a sense of aggression but also energy which seems atypical to those who only see her for the façade she raises, the girl finds it easier to open up and communicate with her fists and feet, and often fosters better connections with those she has clashed with than those she has not.

Certainly holding more than a little contempt for authority and perhaps a particular form of oppression she feels in her life, there are times that Miss Salucci seems to be guided more by a desire to aggravate parties which seek to dominate her than reason and rationale, and she can be prone to acts akin to cutting her nose to spite her face. Longing to drive herself by her own desires, she pushes against those who try to pressure her and finds satisfaction in upsetting overbearing entities, most of this seems to be born as a result of unresolved conflict with her patriarch. Classic.

Seeming to love a thrill or perhaps just a distraction, while Sam maintains the image of a gym rat she is in truth something of a junkie when it comes to combat, and seems to aim to challenge and push herself harder and harder. Seeming to only feel truly alive when she feels herself living on the edge of life and death, she can show a worrying and almost self-destructive inclination toward stressful situations, which seem to be sourced from her need to feel greater control in her life, as if she would rather die by her decision than live by someone else's.

Much of the reason which Miss Salucci feels the need to guard herself having to do with a feeling of vulnerability, deep down she longs to be accepted for who and what she is, yet has extreme difficulty conveying or satisfying this fact. In many ways seeming to put up walls around herself in order to see who gives enough of a damn to smash through them, despite her looks and apparent self-assurance in certain areas she still places a lot of stock in the value others give to her, and perhaps needs to get better at believing in her own self worth.

Finding life more convenient as something of a lone wolf, while Sam feels herself unburdened by the responsibility and expectation of other parties she also lacks for things like the intimacy to express herself, and is more socially awkward than she seems. Longing for parties in her life that she doesn't feel judged by, the irony seems to be that for all her courage toward physical danger she is far less brave when it comes to matters of emotion, and as such craves the kind of company she can be herself around.

✔ Workouts, Ice Cold Drinks, Spicy Food, Dance Music

✖ Disloyalty, Bad Parents, Flirts, Pervs, Bad Diets

  • Morality: Chivalrous in her way, Sam has a strong sense of right and wrong, and as such she wishes to protect the unfortunate and stand against cruelty and injustice.
  • Improvement: Taking great pride in her abilities but driven enough to harbour greater ambition, Sam longs to increase her abilities even further, and seeks out challenges to prove herself both to others and her own mind because of this.

  • Loss: More delicate than she might first appear when it comes to her heart and sensitivity, one of the reasons that Miss Salucci keeps people at a distance is due to trauma, and as such she fears abandonment and rejection to great degrees.
  • Spiders: A rough and tough girl, one might be surprised to learn that Sam is deathly afraid of spiders, seeming to shriek girlishly at the sight of decent sized ones. It’s kind of cute.


Strength: 11

Speed: 11

Constitution: 6

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 1



A girl who has had a somewhat complicated history, due to the shyness with which she tends to reveal the fact one might she surprised to learn that Sam is actually the daughter of a rather renowned figure, but she tends to hide that by preferring to use her mother’s maiden name rather than her own. Born in Baska to a famed arena champion and his wife, once upon a time this active lass had a much closer relationship with her patriarch, but unfortunately the tides of time and perhaps stardom have forced the two apart.

A little girl who was in fact the apple of her father’s eye and the feeling being mutual in fact, when she was little Miss Antoni celebrated her daddy as a hero much like many others did because of both his strength in battle and sheer charisma and wanted to be just like him. Left at home with mommy often when the man was competing or going on tours but living for the moments when he would come home, this little redhead was an energetic and at times feisty girl, and wanted to impress no one more than she did than her superstar patriarch.

For his part papa seeming to lap such behaviour up but also dote on her to no small degree, when he was home the two were thick as thieves, often getting up to hijinks together or even simply training as well. The father of the fox perhaps a little reluctant to train his girl in the battle arts but impressed enough by her drive and grit, from the time that she could walk Sam would toddle up to his punch bag and strike it in imitation of the man, and despite the fact that each were as big as she was she seemed to grin and giggle when he took off his gloves and put them on her instead.

Starting out simply but in time going beyond childish jabs and swipes to something a little more polished, little Miss Antoni proved to be an eager learner, and accepted no coddling either for that matter. More than once refusing to take a break when he was showing her something because she wanted to get it right, though her proud parent made sure she didn’t push herself too hard she quickly proved a good study of his moves, and by the time that she had entered into school was already the sort of girl who could look after herself.

By no means surly or grumpy in her classes but someone who proved quickly that she wasn’t to be trifled with, she got in trouble early on in her education for bringing a bully to tears by bloodying their nose when they tried to pick on her, and paid little heed to those who said she had an unfair advantage being the kid of a champion. Quickly proving that one would be stupid to mess with her, though at times she felt a note of envy toward the girls who played with their dolls or got teased for being a ‘gorilla’, ultimately Sam was happy to be the sort of person who could protect herself and others with what she could do.

That being said the practice which this lively lass did seeming to be as much about expression and perhaps showing off as well as anything else, while it was nice to develop a mean hook or muscle memory ultimately her desire was to prove herself to her papa, and as such she set about impressing him as much as she could. Loving nothing more than getting her head patted and hearing him say things like “That’s my girl”, though mama sometimes chided her for hurting herself or choosing shorts and sneakers over the cute dresses she was bought, achievement and acknowledgement were the prizes she craved, and from no one more than her papa.

At times those who she went to school with seeming to try and recruit her for their sports clubs but contrary to her patriarch the girl having little interest in trophies and championships, Miss Antoni had little interest in stocking her mantle with items of achievement, and more often seemed to sub in to such events for the sake of making up the numbers than stealing the show. Always feeling a little half hearted in what she was doing when dad wasn’t there to watch her, which seemed often given his busy schedule, and she wanted to go and do what he did both to impress him and as well to just get the chance to spend more time with the papa she was so proud of.

Such innocence impetus seeming to ultimately lead her to disaster however, though Sam typically wasn’t much one for tourneys and the like the news that one was being held as the undercard for a bout where her father would be performing seemed to see the perfect draw for the girl, and so she aimed to surprise him by showing up to compete and hopefully win as well! Never getting the chance to compete however given what occurred, unfortunately when she sought him out upon her arrival, it was her who would end up being shocked.

Showing up with mama in tow to the inn he was staying and catching the father she was so proud of with a woman on each arm and certainly not looking estranged from either, all three members of the family were stunned but mama was utterly humiliated, while Miss Antoni herself was heartbroken. Astonished by the sight but ever more so feeling for her mother, any feeling of pride or heroism which she had toward her patriarch was lost in an instant, despite the way in which he seemed to try to protest or excuse what had happened.

The man caught red handed and their happy home shattered by that, Sam simply could not believe that the father whom she had idolized could have hurt her mother and herself like that, and all too quickly did she seem to choose the side of her devastated matriarch, and her surname as well as the pair moved across country to the east. Part of her innocence seeming to be lost in that one moment and all the love that she had for her father transforming into something bitter, though her dad tried to keep in contact with her the girl didn’t want to know him, and soon became disillusioned by what she had garnered from him.

Losing interest in her training both because of how she no longer had her father to show off for and because it felt tainted to her, Miss Salucci was extremely disheartened, and for a time seemed to largely put that side of her life behind her. Maintaining some fitness of course for her health but most often finding her temper getting the better of her whenever she had a bag to punch, the once honest and open girl seemed to distance herself from a lot of people, and even as she began to blossom as a young woman seemed to be scarred by the incident as well on an emotional level.

Haunted by the infidelity of her father and feeling mistrustful of those who showed a romantic interest in her, perhaps it was a cliché but Sam began to struggle to connect with people on an emotional level, and as time wore on found herself feeling lonely despite her tendency to distance herself from others. Perhaps not helped in this area by the bitterness which her mother felt, with the two now living together the daughter often became the sounding board for the woman’s rants and miscontent, which further seemed to colour the opinion she had on romance.

Certainly by no means becoming some kind of cold hearted loner of course but at the same time walling a part of her off from others, Miss Salucci learned she could be pleasant and polite to folk without them really questioning why she seemed something of a wallflower, though sometimes found her heart aching for the fact that she was so good at evading such issue as well. It confounding really, she felt like she didn’t want to get close to people, and yet wanted other people to be more bothered by that than they were.

Coasting through life in the years that followed with an increasing level of dissatisfaction, perhaps it would come as no surprise to learn that a girl who had rejected a parent and closed herself off from connections with her peers felt like her life was lacking a little something, which seemed hard to find and yet surprised her when it did so. One night stepping to the defence of a workmate when someone threatened them thanks to some combination of reflex and old habit, it had been years since she had really done anything in terms of self defence and martial arts and yet a part of her remembered and put down the punk responsible in a rush of adrenaline and to her surprise, satisfaction.

The blood of the beauty pumping in the aftermath of something which would terrify most and yet Sam feeling a mix of excitement and validation, though she still had mixed feelings about using what her father had taught her it at least felt good to do something good, and soon after the girl began to want to indulge that feeling a little more. Taking to her old routines once more and feeling an unexpected sense of purpose in the dedication and discipline, after getting in a few fights she seemed to be steered toward a guild, being told that her enthusiasm would be better spent on quests rather than street fighting.

Taking up that suggestion and feeling a note of optimism with her path, though a little disheartened when he lack of experience and perhaps rustiness led to her needing to be bailed out a bit by her new guildmates, Miss Salucci was assured that she had plenty of potential and probably just needed some more training to shape up a bit better. Told of a special school where one could study and deciding to train there to develop more rounded skillset, the redhead has embarked upon some education at the Amaforth Academy, and after a little struggle in adapting to the new place is starting to thrive…

Discord: Jessu

Reference: Alisa

Last edited by Sofia on Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:15 pm; edited 20 times in total


Jess's Template Testing Empty Mon May 03, 2021 11:54 am



Jess's Template Testing Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 10:33 am





- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.

<div align="center"><div style="width:600px;font-family:Georgia;"><div align="justify">
</div></div></div><div align="center"><div style="width:550px;background-color:#171717;">
<div style="width:500px;background-color:#303030;margin-top:10px;border-right:5px solid #1cadd9;"><img class="purpimgopa" src="https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/KannaSamusBanners600px1.gif" style="width: 500px;" >

<div style="font-size:11px;padding:10px;text-align:justify;"><font face="georgia"><div style="width:450px;color:rgb(196, 196, 196);background-color:rgb(57, 57, 57);margin-left:15px;margin-top:-20px;border-right-width:3px;border-right-style:solid;border-right-color:#1cadd9;"><div style="text-align:center;font-size:12px;padding:4px;color:rgb(125, 125, 125);">WORDS: ### | [url=LINK-TO-OUTFIT-HERE]CHEEKY NAME[/url]  </div></div><font color="d1d1d1">

[color="DodgerBlue"][i]THOUGHT[/i][/color] DESCRIPTION
[color="DodgerBlue"][b]“QUOTE”[/b][/color] DESCRIPTION

<div style="font-family:times new roman;color:#1cadd9;font-size:28px;text-transform:uppercase;">BEING THIS BAD</div>
<div style="font-family:'georgia';color:rgb(234, 234, 234);margin-top:-18px;letter-spacing:5px;"><font size="3">NEVER LOOKED SO DAMN GOOD~<div style="color:#1cadd9;">- Kanna Kusanagi </div></font></div>
</div><div style="width:500px;text-align:right;font:10px helvetica;">credit to nat of <a href="http://adoxographyv2.boards.net/user/15">adoxography</a>.</div></div>


Jess's Template Testing Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:09 am




  • Do whatever you want, you're your own boss.


Level 0:
  • Raise Your Own Banner:
    Those independent of formal guilds able to embrace the freedom therein, they can carry their own banners of unofficial guilds should they choose to, allowing them to move as they choose, take their first steps toward establishing a new faction, or allow those which have dwindled to endure. These can be selected at character creation or through updates.

Level #:
  • Road Warrior:
    Those who live outside the security of sanctioned guilds living only off the sweat of their brow, this active lifestyle makes them more attuned to the needs of the jobs they take, permitting them a % WC reduction on quests.

Level #:
  • True Mercenary:
    Subscribing not to the ideologies of greater establishments, those independent of larger organizations profit from the full reward for their jobs without their parent organization taking a cut, providing a % Jewels boost to rewards.

Level #:
  • Army of One:
    Surviving and making their name on their own skills rather than the umbrella of a larger entity, to make a name for themselves off their own back these independents focus themselves on self improvement, garnering a % Experience boost to quest rewards.


Jess's Template Testing Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:39 am


Amaforth Academy

Ever since the end of the Demonic Invasions, the number of Mages in Earthland has been increasing exponentially. More and more people are born as natural mages, blessed by the ability to use magic without any of the gruelling training many mages endure in order to open their magic circuits. Faced with an ever growing number of Mages lacking proper Guidance, the Magic Council reached out to one of the most prestigious Magic Schools, Amaforth Academy, to fund and develop their institution in exchange for their admittance of any mage who who desired knowledge.

A school that welcomed any mages who displayed the ability to reach the Island, no matter their means. The island's ancient tradition said that any who accomplished this were free to train at the island and seek mentorship from its elders. Even if they lacked any innate ability to use magic, they would find masters who, like them, lacked this ability and instead focused on Magical Artifacts and Martial arts. They have maintained this tradition even now that access to the Island has been massively facilitated by the instalation of Teleporters by the Magic Council, scattered across most Guilds, Council Buildings and smaller Magic Academies.

Despite being funded by the Magic Council, Amaforth is an independently governed territory. Guild affiliations, Country allegiance or even Bounties hold no sway here, where knowledge is the only pursuit and its own reward. However, its Headmaster and Senior Teaching body are mages of unparalleled power, capable of evicting even the most unruly of students, after which they would be at the mercy of whichever authorities await them on the other side.


  • Study, study, study!


Located on a remote, hard to reach Island of the coast of Caelum, Amaforth Island had humble beginnings as an isolated abode dedicated to the study of Magic. In time, it evolved into an School, and in more recent years, under the auspices of the Magic Council, into the largest, most inclusive University of Magecraft. From the most mundane magics to the most obscure of Ancient Spells, Amaforth Academy welcomes all studies of Magic and offers a safe space for new Mages to improve and for experienced ones to pass on their knowledge.


A woman who has overseen the Academy for longer than it is polite of people to discuss, legends say that Henrietta Hartmann has mastered not one thousand spells but rather one thousand forms of magic, and most will agree that she has forgotten more about casting than most people might ever hope to know. Spending a lifetime or two travelling the world and learning from various cultures and styles, she has been a lifelong devotee of the learned arts and retains a kind of bouncy pep even now which one might expect of a woman a tenth of her age.

Even now doubting that she has seen everything which magic has to offer her, Henrietta hold a philosophy in which one should experience everything they wish to learn first hand, she encourages her students to engage in experiments and displays as they wish, and believes that her students should carry themselves with pride and panache. A natural show woman, she tends to behave in flamboyant and often over the top ways, and believes that people perform their best by embracing who they are.

Fiercely loyal to both learning itself and the devotees it gathers, while most often Professor Hartmann seems to use her magic for fantastic displays and time savers, one should not underestimate a woman of her standing when it comes to defence of her campus and her students. Making her name first as a duellist and huntress in her 'wild youth', she now tempers that flame through ever increasing maturity, though isn't afraid to fall back upon old habits and honed strategies should she find a threat worthwhile.


Level 1:
  • Badass Bookworm:
    Embracing one's desire to learn and develop themselves, the students of this academy have access to the greatest resources possible to improve, enabling a % Experience boost to rewards.

Level 2:
  • Student Discount:
    Amaforth Academy well respected across the world, the respect that the institution and those who attend her offer means that many vendors will offer a better deal to its students, providing % Shop Discount to the user.

Level 3:
  • Academic Advantage:
    The students of the academy priding themselves on their quick thinking and problem solving abilities, these honed abilities allow them to get through internships and field work more effectively than most, permitting a % reduction when completing quests.

Level 4:
  • Simply Simpatico:
    More advanced students tending to garner closer bonds with their mentors, this easygoing rapport and openness allows them to develop even more quickly, giving them a % boost when completing both quests and social topics with their mentor.

Level 5:
  • Imperial Scholar:
    The reputation of the Amaforth Academy nothing to be sniffed at, the reputation which one carries as a graduate student is something which is highly courted by a variety of institutions, with many offering perks to those who join them. Because of that, any level 5 member of this faction can assume level 3 status in the next organization they join simply by virtue of their achievement here.

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