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Traditional Hobby

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Traditional Hobby Empty Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:07 am

Kishin, a non-mage, stood outside the theater, contemplating whether or not to help with the upcoming play. He was aware that the role of the antagonist required the use of magic, which he did not possess. He also knew that faking it would be difficult, and he didn't want to disappoint the audience or the other actors. Most importantly, he did not want to get in trouble.

He took a deep breath and looked around. The theater was bustling with activity as actors and crew members rushed around preparing for the performance. He could hear the sound of actors rehearsing their lines and the rustling of costumes and props being moved around. He felt a twinge of envy at the sight of the actors using magic so effortlessly in their rehearsals.

He briefly noticed Manager Yua and Tomura Matsukaze, but didn't interact with them. Having already helped before, Kishin could come to the theater without much trouble. He only heard they were looking for a mage to help with the play now. He watched as they went about their business, both of them deeply focused on their tasks. He couldn't help but admire their dedication and skill. He knew that he could never match their level of talent and experience.

214 wc


Traditional Hobby Empty Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:07 am

Kishin weighed the pros and cons of his decision. He believed that his lack of magical abilities would make him a liability to the play and a burden to the other actors, who were more experienced in using magic for entertainment purposes. He also worried that his lack of experience would negatively impact the overall performance. He knew that he would be out of his depth, and he didn't want to let down the other actors or the audience.

Despite these doubts, Kishin couldn't shake off the feeling that he should help, even if it meant faking it. He knew that theatre was a collaborative effort, and that everyone had something valuable to contribute. He also felt that he had a responsibility to support the other actors and make the play the best it could be. He knew that he had other skills and talents that he could bring to the table, such as his acting abilities, his stage presence and his willingness to work hard.

He thought about the other actors, who were counting on him to be a part of the performance. He thought about the audience, who were looking forward to seeing the play. He thought about the hard work and effort that had gone into the production. He knew that he couldn't let all of that go to waste.

226 wc


Traditional Hobby Empty Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:07 am

Ultimately, Kishin decided that he would offer his help and do his best to support the play in any way he could. He would work hard to overcome his limitations and contribute to the success of the performance. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to give it his all for the sake of the play. He knew that he would have to put in extra effort to learn the magic and to make it look convincing, but he was willing to do whatever it took to make the performance a success.

With a sense of determination, Kishin stepped forward and offered his help to Manager Yua and Tomura Matsukaze. He knew that it would be a challenge, but he was ready to rise to the occasion. He was ready to do whatever it took to make the play the best it could be, and he was ready to prove that he had what it takes to be a part of the theater's team.

As Kishin observed Tomura Matsukaze from a distance, he couldn't help but speculate about the man's true nature. He had heard that Tomura was a B-Rank mage who used magic in plays while wearing masks, and that he was known for being relaxed and popular among the ladies. But he had also heard that Tomura became obnoxiously strict when performing and arranging shows.

236 wc


Traditional Hobby Empty Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:08 am

Kishin couldn't decide if he admired or resented Tomura. On one hand, he admired Tomura's skill and dedication as a magician and as an actor. He could see that Tomura was incredibly talented and that he had a passion for theatre. On the other hand, he resented Tomura's strictness, which he saw as a sign of egotism and lack of empathy. He couldn't help but wonder if Tomura was truly as great as everyone said he was, or if he was just a pompous and self-absorbed person who used his talent and popularity to get his way.

As he watched Tomura move around the theater, giving instructions and making adjustments to the performance, Kishin couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to Tomura than met the eye. He knew that he should not judge someone based on speculations, but he couldn't help but be curious about the true nature of the man.

Kishin knew that the only way to find out for sure was to get to know Tomura better, and to work with him on the play. He knew that he would have to put aside his speculations and give Tomura a chance to prove himself. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, but he was willing to give it a try and see if Tomura was truly as great as everyone said he was.

236 wc


Traditional Hobby Empty Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:08 am

As Kishin prepared for the performance, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. He knew that this was his chance to prove himself as a valuable member of the theater's team, and he was determined to give it his all.

He was dressed up into the performance's antagonist, using multiple layers of clothing, wigs, and a mask to finalize his transformation. He knew that he would only appear at the end of the play, and he was ready for his moment to shine.

As the play progressed, Kishin waited patiently for his cue. He could hear the audience's reactions to the performance, and he could feel the energy of the other actors on stage. He was ready for his big moment.

Finally, he heard his cue and made his way onto the stage. The audience gasped as he appeared, and he knew that he had captured their attention. He locked eyes with Tomura, who was playing the hero, and he knew that it was time to begin their battle scene.

178 wc


Traditional Hobby Empty Thu Jan 26, 2023 9:08 am

Tomura was experienced in combat. He was prepared to fight back, and he knew that he would have to give it his all to make the scene believable. Luckily, Kishin had brought his armor and had been focused on building his strength. Using his strength, Kishin had a chance to make things interesting, and he pretended that he was using a self-buff.

The battle was intense, and Kishin could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He could hear the audience cheering and cheering as the two actors fought, and he knew that he was holding his own. Finally, the scene came to an end, and Kishin pretended to be struck by Tomura's sword. He fell to the ground, pretending to be dying, as the audience erupted into applause.

After the curtains closed, the actors took their bows, and the audience gave them a standing ovation. Kishin could feel the sense of accomplishment wash over him as he realized that he had done his best and that the performance had been a success.

Kishin decided to stay for a short celebration regarding the show's success, then he directly met with Manager Yua for quest completion. He was handed his reward and left the theater, feeling proud of his accomplishment and grateful for the opportunity to prove himself. He knew that this was just the beginning of learning to maneuver in situations that asked for magic.

238 wc

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