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V. Renji Starlight the Exceed

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V. Renji Starlight the Exceed Empty Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:08 pm



Name: Renji

Slot: Companion

Race: Exceed

Class: Unique

Quantity: Custom

Element: Light

Mana: 1000

  • Strength: 65
  • Speed: 65
  • Constitution: 65


Height: 50 Centimeters.
Weight: 20 Pounds

Appearance: Renji is an orange-colored Exceed with a white chest, muzzle, and paw tips. His nose and inner-ear are dull pink and her facial expression is in contrast to most of the Exceed. Renji wears a red and white Santa suit with a black belt, hat, and cape. He holds a sack on his back.
Description: When the eggs crashed on Earthland, some landed in a harsh and cold climate. Fortunately, the eggs were discovered in time by a toymaker named Claus. The little creatures quickly grew up and started to help around in his workshop. One day, while delivering a new batch of toys to a nearby town, Claus met an adventurer with what only could be described as something similar to his little helpers. Claus learned that they were called Exceeds and that they appeared all over Earthland some time ago. While their origins were unknown, they were able to quickly adapt to their environment and learn human speech and culture. Claus was deeply saddened that his mischievous little helpers never got the chance to explore the world like the adventurer's companion. Upon returning, Claus explained the situation to his mischievous little helpers and showed them drawings of faraway lands to get them excited about leaving the place. Thus, the Exceeds embarked on their journey towards Ishgar to find their own place in the world.

Personality: Renji is a tough Exceed. He is very mean and defensive when comes to those around him. He doesn’t enjoy it when those near him get hurt and tends to deflect his feeling of caring in a bad way. He is very stern to those around him and is blunt as they come. He doesn’t like when people are uncool when doing things and does his best to make sure people know what they are doing wrong, so they could better themselves. The Exceed is as brave as they come, he is full of himself, as he thinks that he is the very best. He will stay around in a battle, but when he is focused, you could find him running away without hesitation. He is outgoing, but it’s hard to have a conversation with him unless you allow yourself to submit to how he speaks.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:
  • N/A

Partner Perks:
  • Partner Perk #1: Each effect must be listed individually. It is not necessary to use the exact same name. If you have no effects, write none.


  • N/A

Points Breakdown

  • Unique
  • +72 Stats

Total points Acquired: 24
Total Points Spent: 24


V. Renji Starlight the Exceed Empty Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:08 pm



Name: Renji

Slot: Companion

Race: Exceed

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Custom

Element: Light

Mana: 2000

  • Strength: 154
  • Speed: 153
  • Constitution: 154


Height: 50 Centimeters.
Weight: 20 Pounds

Appearance: Renji is an orange-colored Exceed with a white chest, muzzle, and paw tips. His nose and inner-ear are dull pink and her facial expression is in contrast to most of the Exceed. Renji wears a red and white Santa suit with a black belt, hat, and cape. He holds a sack on his back.
Description: When the eggs crashed on Earthland, some landed in a harsh and cold climate. Fortunately, the eggs were discovered in time by a toymaker named Claus. The little creatures quickly grew up and started to help around in his workshop. One day, while delivering a new batch of toys to a nearby town, Claus met an adventurer with what only could be described as something similar to his little helpers. Claus learned that they were called Exceeds and that they appeared all over Earthland some time ago. While their origins were unknown, they were able to quickly adapt to their environment and learn human speech and culture. Claus was deeply saddened that his mischievous little helpers never got the chance to explore the world like the adventurer's companion. Upon returning, Claus explained the situation to his mischievous little helpers and showed them drawings of faraway lands to get them excited about leaving the place. Thus, the Exceeds embarked on their journey towards Ishgar to find their own place in the world.

Personality: Renji is a tough Exceed. He is very mean and defensive when comes to those around him. He doesn’t enjoy it when those near him get hurt and tends to deflect his feeling of caring in a bad way. He is very stern to those around him and is blunt as they come. He doesn’t like when people are uncool when doing things and does his best to make sure people know what they are doing wrong, so they could better themselves. The Exceed is as brave as they come, he is full of himself, as he thinks that he is the very best. He will stay around in a battle, but when he is focused, you could find him running away without hesitation. He is outgoing, but it’s hard to have a conversation with him unless you allow yourself to submit to how he speaks.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:
  • N/A

Partner Perks:
  • Partner Perk #1: Each effect must be listed individually. It is not necessary to use the exact same name. If you have no effects, write none.



Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary
  • Evolved from Unique
  • +180 Stats
  • Bonus Mana (if applicable)

Total points Acquired: 60
Total Points Spent: 60


V. Renji Starlight the Exceed Empty Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:09 pm



Name: Renji

Slot: Companion

Race: Exceed

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Custom

Element: Light

Mana: 3000

  • Strength: 251
  • Speed: 92
  • Constitution: 251


Height: 50 Centimeters.
Weight: 20 Pounds

Appearance: Renji is an orange-colored Exceed with a white chest, muzzle, and paw tips. His nose and inner-ear are dull pink and her facial expression is in contrast to most of the Exceed. Renji wears a red and white Santa suit with a black belt, hat, and cape. He holds a sack on his back.
Description: When the eggs crashed on Earthland, some landed in a harsh and cold climate. Fortunately, the eggs were discovered in time by a toymaker named Claus. The little creatures quickly grew up and started to help around in his workshop. One day, while delivering a new batch of toys to a nearby town, Claus met an adventurer with what only could be described as something similar to his little helpers. Claus learned that they were called Exceeds and that they appeared all over Earthland some time ago. While their origins were unknown, they were able to quickly adapt to their environment and learn human speech and culture. Claus was deeply saddened that his mischievous little helpers never got the chance to explore the world like the adventurer's companion. Upon returning, Claus explained the situation to his mischievous little helpers and showed them drawings of faraway lands to get them excited about leaving the place. Thus, the Exceeds embarked on their journey towards Ishgar to find their own place in the world.

Personality: Renji is a tough Exceed. He is very mean and defensive when comes to those around him. He doesn’t enjoy it when those near him get hurt and tends to deflect his feeling of caring in a bad way. He is very stern to those around him and is blunt as they come. He doesn’t like when people are uncool when doing things and does his best to make sure people know what they are doing wrong, so they could better themselves. The Exceed is as brave as they come, he is full of himself, as he thinks that he is the very best. He will stay around in a battle, but when he is focused, you could find him running away without hesitation. He is outgoing, but it’s hard to have a conversation with him unless you allow yourself to submit to how he speaks.


Requirements: None.


  • N/A

Companion Perks:
  • N/A

Partner Perks:
  • Exceed’s Spirit: Renji grants an aura that helps his partner fend off magic from those they fight against. This allows their partner to get a minor magic resistance to spells being used on them.
  • Exceed’s Dominance: Renji grants an aura that helps his partner fend off physical hits from those they fight against. This allows their partner to get a minor physical resistance to attacks landing on them
  • Spirit Burn: Renji’s blessing allows their partner to do things they couldn’t do before. This allows the user to have additional effects when physically striking someone. When the target is hit, they will lose the equivalent of one rank lower worth of mana.
  • Exceed's Push: Renji's ability to want to help Yuurei all the time brings him to push his partner in a certain way. While Renji is around, all of Yuurei's item spells gain an increase in speed by 5 meters per second.


  • Name: Bastet’s Blessing
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 5%
    Requirements: Renji
    Type: Transformation
    Element: Light
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Renji uses the magic elemental granted within him. He will be able to fuse with his partner to make them more durable than they currently are. This changes the appearance of the user as they will have cat ears on the top of their head, a tail on their lower back, and claws instead of fingernails. The user fusing with Renji will also find themselves with a minor resistance to magic resistance and a minor resistance to physical resistance. This is a transformation from Exceed’s latent power and cannot be dispelled. The mana is taken from the companion.

  • Name: Renji’s Aura
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Bastet’s Blessing
    Type: Offensive
    Element: Light
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Renji transformed and became one with their partner, allowing him to emit an aura around their partner’s body and items on their person. This allows the user to deal +1x S-Rank Physical damage. This is not a coating over the user, but an aura The mana to sustain this is used by the partner since they have become one. So their mana is taken from their partner.

  • Name: Spirit Purge
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Bastet’s Blessing
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Light
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Renji transformed and becomes one with their partner, allowing him to emit an aura around their partner’s body and items on their person. This is not a coating, but an aura around the user. This allows the user to upgrade their Spirit Burn perk into Spirit Purge, which allows the user to burn their target's mana for the amount of damage dealt up to a maximum of 500 mana. The user deals damage to up to one rank lower than the damage dealt up to A rank damage. The mana to sustain this is used by the partner since they have become one. So their mana is taken from their partner.

Points Breakdown

  • Mythic
  • Evolved from Legendary
  • Spirit Burn - 12
  • Exceed’s Spirit - 24
  • Exceed’s Dominance – 24
  • Exceed's Push - 3
  • Renji’s Aura - 12
  • Bastet’s Blessing - 15
  • Spirit Purge - 12
  • Bonus Attributes (if applicable)

Total points Acquired: 102
Total Points Spent: 102


V. Renji Starlight the Exceed Empty Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:10 pm


I will be using a Unique, Legendary, and Mythic custom ticket to obtain this companion. I will also be using 10,000,000 Jewels to make him a SL Companion.


V. Renji Starlight the Exceed Empty Mon Feb 27, 2023 1:21 pm

Yuurei has claimed this custom companion by using Unique, Legendary, and Mythic custom ticket to obtain this companion and also using 10,000,000 Jewels to make him a SL Companion.

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