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All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa]

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All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Dec 13, 2022 7:44 am


WORDS: 500 | The Sofi Clause

Teeheeheeheehee… Wait til they get a load of this, hm~? Grinning to herself as she looked herself over in the mirror and found herself looking rather resplendent in ravishing rouge and fluffy ruff, Sofia Serena found herself filled to the brim with giggly glee as she prepared herself for the main event of the day, and not just because of the fact that that she had been rather enjoying the tipples that her lady wife had brought them to have with their lunch either.
Should I have grabbed a beard? Hmmmm… Dressed to the nines and for no one other than the ladies she shared her house with, though the overall ensemble was aimed toward the little lasses who had taken over their world, the trim fit and show of her pink thighs was for the woman of her house to enjoy in her own right, though even now she couldn't help but wonder if she should go the whole hog when it came to her facial wear.

No. No, no. Santa can be a mommy too, right~? Ultimately deciding that there was no reason that the matriarchy couldn't take command as the key player on a day like today and if anything deciding that she looked something of an improvement in fact, the grin she wore and redness in her cheeks was certainly more than enough to match Saint Nicholas, while her svelte figure and the suggestion in her costume also allowed for those of a more mature inclination to enjoy certain elements of her showmanship as well.
“So, you ready for this~?” Not everyone seeming entirely happy with the effort however but at the very least her pink pet seeming to cherish the event enough to bear with it, though Lion seemed to poke at the antlers she had placed upon his head and shake it about a bit ultimately he only rolled his eyes and then looked to a nearby wall with a nod, and then let loose a gentle growl that would bring them both to the crescendo of the day with style and aplomb.

Perfect, now…! Conjuring a passageway which smoothly connected her bedroom to the front room and created a perfect view of a decorated tree and a roaring fire within it to boot, the brunette waved her feline friend onward to take the lead with resplendent regality, and then followed after him once she had hoisted a sack that was as big as her or more and stepped through the opening herself.
“Ho ho hooooo! Meeerrryyyy Chrisssstmasssssss!” Letting loose a sonorous spirit as she indulged a spirit that had been gifted to her in her youth by her own Saint Nick and how he had seemed to always find time to return for a surprise visit on the day of merriment and mirth, the booming belle beamed all the while as she marched forward and waited to see what her lovelies made of her first little gift for them, hoping to make a memory for all, be they young or even ravenously ripe as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Dec 13, 2022 3:21 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Sofia | SWEATER


Jessica's voice rung out across the living room as she held her hands over her mouth, earning a delighted giggle from the doting mother who simply reached out, leaning in with a soft kiss to one daughter's head as she cuddled Marina into her lap. Clad in a simple white sweater, a pair of panties, and nothing underneath, Alisa Vollan looked about as lazy as she possibly could. Sure some families dress up for the holidays but here, with only the five of them. Alisa felt at peace:

"Sssh, Jessica~... Mama will be right here.", Alisa cooed, gently stroking her daughter messy brown hair as she turned around with a soft pout.


Though struggling to contain their excitement, both girls expressed it rather differently, one sitting patiently in Alias's lap, legs kicking back and forth, while the other fussed about. So when Sofia finally appeared before them, she could only gasp as both girls leapt forth from her arms like a coiled spring, rushing over to Sofia's side with starlit eyes, leaving Alisa gasping, hand raising over her mouth:

"Fufufu~... Merry Christmas my love~", and while her daughters delighted in the presents Santa Sofia brought them, Alisa for one received a whole other gift entirely, her eyes washing over her lover's enrapturing shape in that endearing Santa costume, idly chewing her bottom lip as she adjusted the hem of her sweater, slowly uncrossing her legs in an elegant motion as she too stood back upright, brushing her hair away from her eyes, standing just a few paces behind her girls as she watched her beloved bright dote on their beautiful daughters with a smile on her face, throwing her a teasing, flirtatious wink.

It had been far too long since they could simply enjoy some quality time, just the four of them as a family. Between Alisa's job as a Guildmaster, and her adventures with Sofia, she often worried whether she'd grow into a distant parent. But today, she could push all those thoughts away from her mind and simply chuckle


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Wed Dec 14, 2022 10:54 am


WORDS: ### | The Sofi Clause

“My wonderful angels~!” The cozy image of her family all cuddled up together something that would melt even the iciest of hearts and sternest of wills, though Sofia tried to act the part she couldn't help but drop the bag the moment she saw her lovelies all snuggled up together, and in a moment was throwing her arms around all of them and squeezing them close as if she had been away for a matter of months rather than minutes.
“And my wicked one as well…!” Gliding a hand around each of her girls to embrace them and let them feel the fluffy warmth of her costume, the vision of the vixen travelled up to the face of the saucy thing with whom she had left her little lasses waiting and purred as she found her choice of knitwear just as racy as any form of lace or leather, and shared the sweet and spicy taste of her lips with the woman because of that.

“I'm sorry that mommy was gone so long, but we had to fetch something wonderful, didn't we Lion?” Unable to spend too long indulging the feeling of want that her wife inspired with her oh so casual and comfortable choice of clothing because of the occasion however, all too quickly was she trotting back to the giant sack she had brought with her and opening up the top to reveal a lavish collection of wrapped items, and rifling through them in search of the labels needed to identify to whom they were intended.
“Teeheeheehee, go big or go home, right~?” Not that it seemed to matter all that much as she plucked not one but two gigantic plush parcels from it and offered one of each out to the girls, Miss Serena knew that all her effort toward the day was about to pay dividends when she saw her twins tearing through their presents like jackals around a carcass, and she was already giggling because of that expectation as well. It was time to bring in the cheer, wasn't it~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Sun Dec 18, 2022 2:39 pm


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Sofia | SWEATER

"Mmmmmmn~... Best gift I could have ever asked for~", Alisa purred into the kiss as her hands slid around the fine frame of her luscious lover, marvelling at that soft, velvety fuzz of her outfit against her fingertips, though nothing quite compared to the sizzling warmth, the taste of her lips

Though careful enough not to expose her innocent daughters to the less than innocent aspects of their love life, Alisa had never been shy expressing her love and affection for her beloved bride as such in front of them. As they watched it, the two girls merely giggled as the two women indulged themselves in one another, the tall sculptress simply toying with her bewitching brown hair by the time she finally peeled away and gave Sofia her personal space back:

"Whaaaaa, what is iiiiit~?", springing to her feet with a glimmer in her eyes, Marina turned up to her mother, a moment's pause with of awe as her jaw dropped, before both she and her sister quite literally tore into the wrapping, strips of paper and ripped up ribbons flying around beside them as Alisa simply stood close to her beloved, gently squeezing her marvellous mitt:

"I don't knooooooow, you'll just have to find out hmm Mari~?", Alisa teased, letting out a girlish, playful little giggle, resonating with her daughters' excitement as she found her thumb brushing teasingly along the back of Sofia's hand, sharing a knowing, appreciating look towards her beloved bride.

Even she didn't know all the gifts Sofia had bought, after all, but at the same time, she had a few of them Sofia didn't know about. She felt pretty confident in her chances of stunning her beloved bride at least once or twice tonight~


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Dec 27, 2022 11:52 am


WORDS: ### | The Sofi Clause

“Why, it's Mr Tiger, of course~” Grinning as her ever eager daughter seemed to tear the wrapping paper asunder all too quickly to discover what was inside, Sofia couldn't help but dip down and cup the cheek of her daring darling as she questioned the gift, and smiled as a distinctive set of stripes revealed a furry friend almost as large and soft as the fine feline who was currently pawing his antlers once more.
“Big and brave, like my fearless girl~?” Opting to bring each of her little ladies a big and soft cuddly toy which she best felt resembled their emerging personalities, while it had been tempting get a lion for the lass she felt it would get rather confusing given their choice of pet, and instead had opted for a friend which was just as fiesty and feroicious and that little bit more flamboyant as well.

“Can you manage, Jessica~?” The smile of the siren remaining as she watched her brazen bella seem to marvel as the massive and lovable creature she had been given before turning her attention toward their other twin, who seemed to be taking more of a cautiously curious and considered approach to her own gift, as well as a much greater degree of care and attention to the unwrapping process.
“Here, maybe Mama Lisa can help…?” More measured in her manner and reminding her more of the maturity that the magnificence she had married in that regard, Miss Serena smiled as she beckoned her beautiful bride to aid the girl with her careful task of unwrapping, wanting them to share the duties and discoveries as the more meticulous miss got to grips with her own association…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Sat Dec 31, 2022 9:03 am


WORDS: 300 | TAG: @Sofia | SWEATER

"Ouuuu!!", Jessica tore through the wrapping just as Sofia answered, squeezing her soft, fuzzy plushie happily, while Alisa shared a knowing, tender smile with her beloved bride.

Walking up to the elder daughter, Alisa giggled as she watched the girl carefully plucking off the tape and ribbons holding the wrapping together, brow furrowed as she struggled with one particularly stubborn piece of tape that wouldn't easily come off:

"Here, Mari~...", Alisa giggled as she sat down beside the calmer of the two twins, crossing those long, shapely legs as she gently ran that smoothly manicured nail over the stubborn tape, enough for her daughter to peel it off completely and pull her own plushie out of the box:

"Waaaaaaah, so cuuuuute~!!", the starry eyed Marina clung happily to her new toy, snuggling it happily as she Jessica too ran off towards her, the two girls excited over their new cute matching plushies

Standing up from her spot, she walked up to her wife, simply standing back for a moment and enjoying the sight of their two beautiful daughters playing with their new toys:

"Fufufu~... Santa Mama picks the best presents ever hmm girls~?", Alisa teased, sashaying over to Sofia, hand sliding around her waist as she planted a soft, loving kiss on her cheek, her chest squishing oh so sublimely against her arm.

Alisa had seen some of the gifts, after all, though nowhere near all of them. Seemed like they'd both kept some gifts a secret from the other~


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Sun Jan 08, 2023 8:46 am


WORDS: ### | The Sofi Clause

“Teeheehee, I'm glad you like them, my lovelies~?” Grinning from ear to ear as she watched her wee wonders wrestle with mounds of fur and fluff that were larger than they were, the brunette beamed as her babies seemed to make her heart swell with sweetness by their very deeds, and then looked to the woman she called her wife as she found herself complimented on her choice of gifts.
“The gift of being a child at heart, no doubt~?” Shaking her head and winking at Alisa for the praise she received and dismissing it cheekily as a case of being like minded with their lovely little ladies, that green gaze lingered on the face of Miss Serena as she felt a surge toward offering her bride a special Christmas treat of her own, but suspected it might have been the sort of thing that was better saved until they were all tucked safely away in their bedrooms.

“But still, I have some special stuff in here from Mama Lisa too…” Meanwhile not wanting to hoard too much of the glory or renown for the day and as such eager to give the minx she had married her own opportunity to shine, the fairer fox hummed as she delved into the sizeable sack she had brought with her and produced a pair of special somethings that bore the name of the lass she loved, before distributing them to each of their girls.
“I bet they're the very best, no~?” Winking once more soon afterward, Sofia slipped onto the couch beside her black haired belle and threaded their hands together with a smile, sharing yet another lovelorn and lingering stare as she waited for the nippers to find out what their heavenly empress had given them…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Sun Jan 08, 2023 3:12 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @Sofia | SWEATER

"Mmm, I love iiiit~!", the younger sister chimed happily, nuzzling her own cute tiger as she ran off to play with her sister, fussing over one another as the two women got a chance to focus on one another for once.

Alisa's arm lingering around her beloved bride, holding her close, just enough to feel that soothing warmth seeping into her sinuous shape, hand brushing up and down along her hip, utterly enthralled by the endearing sight of their two daughters as she couldn't help but smile ear to ear as she giggled:

"That and... The perks of being a wonderful mother~", she giggled as she leaned in once more, placing another soft smooch on her cheek, only giving Sofia a smidge of personal space, giggling at mention of her own presents and how those words had their daughters perking up happily. With these words, Alisa watched as Sofia fetched two more presents from her bag, earning a giggle from the lithomancer who merely rose her hand over her mouth, winking as she smirked and looked back into her eyes with a sly smile, "Oh my love, you didn't tell me you went and bought my gifts for me~?"

Though Alisa doubted she could ever measure up to the impact of those big, fluffy plushies Sofia got them, she nonetheless trusted she'd found something they'd enjoy: Ever the bon vivant who liked to eat and drink well, Alisa didn't hesitate in spoiling their daughters with some of the tastiest chocolates, which she'd gone all the way to Minstrel just to find two large, festive boxes adorned with shades of red and gold. The girl's eyes widened and sparkled at the sight

"Waaaaa....!? Mama, what does it say here?", the elder of their two daughters had only just started picking up a word or two under their mother's supervision, but she'd never come face to face with a completely unfamiliar language.

The younger daughter, on the other hand, wasted no time opening the box and eagerly plopping one of the uniquely flavoured chocolates into her mouth:

"Mnnnnn, sho guuuuuuuuud~!!"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Wed Jan 11, 2023 6:31 am


WORDS: ### | Shiver Me Timbers!  

“You'd know all about that, Mrs Mother of the Year~” It seeming that the stunning soul with the scarlet eyes was doing everything in her power to work her way even deeper into Sofia's good graces if that were possible, the brunette could only beam as her bride continued to compliment her ability as a parent and returned such statements in kind, since she knew whole heartedly that her mate was her match in more ways than one, and wonder of the kinder was a result of their combined efforts.
“Teeheehee, let's see…” Giggling with glee with the girl she shared her green gaze with seemed to question what was written on the package she had been given and stooping forward because of that, the leggy lass bowed in her middle and at her knees to crouch down next to her beauties with a grin and playfully squinted at the script, before easing an arm around her daughter and eyeing her with delight as the lass tried to make sense of it despite her inexperience.

“It says 'For my darling Marina'…” Lifting a finger of her free hand and gently guiding the little lady across it as she spoke aloud the message on it, Miss Serena couldn't help but admire the mix of her own curiosity and Alisa's cool cunning which seemed to amount to a girl who was quiet and intellectual, and no doubt going to be quite the prolific scholar if she had to guess based on that.
“Hmmm, do we know someone called that~?” A contrast to her bolder and brasher sister though no less assured of herself for that fact, each of her dearest darlings was a treasure to her in every way and it was fascinating to see how they had seemed to inherit a little of each of their mothers now that they were starting to become their own people, and only meant she was falling for them even more. It was great to see them so young and excitable, but at the same time, she couldn't help but want to see the women they would one day become as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:20 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @Sofia | SWEATER

As their daughters fawned over their gifts, the lithomancer couldn't help but fawn over Sofia a little bit, planting a soft, sweet and loving smooch on her cheeks, one eye the perfect prize in her arms and the other in their two beautiful girls. She held Sofia, delighting in her soothing warmth, letting out a low, melodious chuckle as her beloved's words reached her ears:

"Said the pot to the kettle~...", Alisa cooed, giggling as she leaned into her bewitching beloved, bust squishing into the side of her arm, shifting to her shape as her lips curled wider. As Sofia reached into her pack once more, the sculptress held it open for her, idly brushing a loose lock of hair behind her ear a she watched Sofia approach the girls with a freshly picked boxed in hand.

Hanging back as she let Santa Mama do her thing, Alisa's hand came to rest on the side of the couch, idly giggling with a gleeful grin on her face as the elder twin daughter's gaze lit up, looking up at her mother with those starlit eyes:

"Oouuuuuu, meeee~...!!", her excitement rivalling even that of her younger sister's as her grin widened, happily unwrapping the box and plopping one of the chocolates into her mouth, eyes flaring as she delighted in the taste, "Waaaaa, so delicious...!!"

"Riiiiight~?!", Jessica echoed, speaking with her mouth full of chocolate, cheeks puffed as she joined her sister

Alisa too couldn't help but admire the contrast between the two girls, Marina's introverted attentiveness and Jessica's bold restlessness, always eager to take her sister by the hand and lead her off on her adventures.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Fri Jan 20, 2023 10:49 am


WORDS: ### | The Sofi Clause  

“Teeheeheee, yooouuuu? Gosh this one must be yours, hm?” Beaming as her beautiful babe seemed to catch the penny she had cast into the air, and her sister as well, Sofia couldn't help but swoon as she saw that look of excitement explode from Marina and watched her tear into the wrapping paper with just as much gusto as her sister, before squeezing each of them close to her and pulling them in for a moment of tenderness.
“My clever girls…!” The emerald eyed enchantress hardly even seeming to notice or mind the chocolate that they both had around their mouths either as she pulled her girls close to her and planted a loving smooch onto each of their lips, once she had done so she couldn't help but cradle them close to her and just breath in the scent of her precious angels happily, savouring the sweetness and feeling of warmth that it seemed to suffuse her with.

“Let's not forget mommy either though, she's been very good…” Not about to let the ravishing raven nearby feel left out either for that matter and all too quickly seeming to slip her hand back into her sack searchingly once she had let the girls enjoy their treats, Sofia shuffled her way over to the woman she had married and purred as she did so, before pulling out a small and flat box from it which had been wrapped in a ribbon and labelled with the name of her bride.
“And deserves her own special present, no~?” Smiling happily as she had made sure that it would not just be the nippers that had a wonderful time and were handed amazing tokens either, the girl with the green gaze grinned as she sank into the couch next to her beloved and handed her the item she had brought for her, eager to see what she made of the special gift she had gotten her too…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Sat Jan 21, 2023 11:48 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @Sofia | SWEATER

"Mmmm, mmmm!!", Marina nodded excitedly as even with all her daintiness, she couldn't help but eat one chocolate after the other, both girls gigging happily when Sofia leaned in and pulled them into her arms.

The two girls clung to their one mother, while the other stood close behind, promptly fussing over the two of them as soon as Sofia gave them their personal space back:

"Fufu~... My my, at this rate you girls will end up eating the whole box~", Alisa teased as she crouched beside her girls, pulling out a handkerchief and wiping each of their chocolate smeared lips in turn, both of them squinting cutely as she wasted no time doting on each of her girls, kissing each of their foreheads as they kissed her back in turn, until the doting mother couldn't help but squeeze them closer into a tight, loving hug, only peeling away once she heard Sofia's honeyed words behind her, "Ooooh~...? Have I now?"

She giggled those teasing words gaining a whole other undertone as she rose back upright, brushing that long, silky black hair behind her shoulders as she cocked her hip to the side, watching as her beloved bride handed her own present:

"Myyyyy, how lucky of me~", she chimed, one hand on her chest as she accepted her present and carefully opened it, pulling on the ribbon and peeling off the tape as she opened her box, sitting down beside her luscious lover as she peeled out the rustling wrappings, examining her present while her daughters hung on either side of her, curiously peeking inside.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:35 pm


WORDS: ### | The Sofi Clause

“Teeheehee, but how can they stop when they're soooooo gooooood?” Certainly seeming to play the role of an emerald eyed enabler all too well as 'Mama Lisa' seemed to caution the girls against eating the entirety of the chocolates they had been given, the face of the fair femme lit up as she watched their gluttony, and she couldn't help but choose a few careful words to hint at where they got their fondness from indulgence from. I mean, with the two of them as mothers, there was no choice but to have big appetites, right?
“They're only young once, after all~?” Shaking her head as she watched the two of them and then finding even less strength to oppose their snacking when the two began to share their sweets between them, it only made the fact that they had their 'twins' all the sweeter to note how they always seemed to share everything between them in spite of their differences, and seemed to more often than not relish seeing the other happy just as much as themselves.

“I hope you like it babe, it's from all us girls~?” Turning her attention toward the more discreet item that her bride was opening soon after however, that green glaze seemed to glimmer as the woman would reveal a glittering chain of white gold on which was mounted an unusual gemstone, the likes of which she hoped even this coquettish crystallography hadn't seen before.
“Try touching it with your mana and thinking of one of us~?” It quite the rare stone after all and something that the frisky fox had found when she was up and about her work, some cultures called it a 'memory stone' since it could conjure images pulled straight from the mind of the person using it, should they know how to use it properly of course, and in Sofia's opinion the perfect reminder for a busy guild mistress of what was waiting for her at home…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Sat Jan 28, 2023 10:53 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @Sofia | SWEATER

"Fufufu~... You're such an enabler hmm my love~?", Alisa teased as she got back upright, knowing she was usually the one preaching the virtues of patience, though at a festive time like these, she couldn't even object too much as she herself wanted nothing more than to keep showering all three of her girls in love, "Fufufu, I'm sure I'll love it~"

In the end, she simply kissed Sofia's cheek as she took a seat at the couch, pulling open the ribbons and wrappings, until her eyes flared as she finally laid on her present. A necklace made out of a stone she was only scarecely familiar with, having heard about it, and even seen pictures... Though never had the pleasure of laying eyes on one herself. An extremely rare, precious stone with unique properties that enabled certain skilled goldsmiths. No doubt attesting to Alisa's intimate knowledge of precious gemstones that she even knew what it was, but the mere fact that her girls had actually found one as a present for her took her breath away:

"O-oh my...? Is this Mnemonite? Where did you find this?", one hand rose over her mouth in utter shock at the pricelessness of her presence as she held up the the necklace in front of herself. Just a simple touch of her silky soft digits against the smooth, polished stoned projected a vivid image of herself and her beloved bride, cuddling her two infant daughters into their lap, much as they were doing no.

As Jessica climbed up onto her lap, Alisa pulled the girl into her arms, alongside Sofia and Marina as well, her smile brightening as her eyes all but grew misty as she squeezed the three tightly into her arms:

"I love you girls so much... You're my world.", even now she couldn't help but hold on tightly to the stone, giving the girls their personal space back so she could slip the necklace around her neck, flipping that long, lustruous black hair behind her shoulders as she smiled, "Well... How do I look~...?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Sun Jan 29, 2023 1:33 pm


WORDS: ### | The Sofi Clause

“But… How could I say no to my cuties? It's cruel to even consider…?” The green gaze of the girl growing at the very idea of denying her darlings anything, Sofia couldn't help but shake her head and bat her lashes, and waved away such foolishness as she did so. To her mind the whole world something she would offer to all three of her beautiful babes and still feel like she should find more, the dark delight was dead on with what she said, and yet the buoyant brunette felt not even an ounce of shame nor regret for that fact.

“Oooouuuu, you did know the name, huh? My wife is wise indeed~” The smile of the siren seeming to spread to at least a mile in width as her beautiful bride seemed to quickly grasp what she was dealing with, the vision of the vixen settled on the image which the woman had conjured with no shortage of satisfaction, before returning to her eyes happily and excitedly.
“Oh, just a little prize from one of my many adventures, which seemed perfect for the woman in my life~?” Left to smirk and shrug as she brushed away the matter of her acquisition, while there was perhaps quite the intriguing tale behind such a gesture Miss Serena couldn't help but want to keep a little mystique in the gift, and let her lover focus on the marvel that it was more than the means through which she had come to possess it.

“Somehow, even lovelier than the first day I set eyes on you~?” The stone surely not the only magnificence which she saw before her for that matter, the perky peruser couldn't help but swoon as she watched Alisa draped it from her neck and looked every bit the ebony haired enchantress she ever had in it, and then some. How was it that she looked ever more beautiful with every change she saw, given just how she had stirred her heart when they first met, hm?
“We love you… Even moooooooooore~?” The girl with the green gaze grinning as she found herself next pulled into the tender embrace of the woman she loved, the beaming brunette could only hum with contentment as she felt that warmth between them, and smiled happily as she finally leaned in to share a kiss with the wonder she had wed which by this point felt practically irresistible…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Sat Feb 04, 2023 12:28 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @Sofia | SWEATER

No way Alisa could resist those batting eyelashes... Even then she couldn't help but roll her eyes slightly and giggle. Not that Alisa was any different really... Just one look at the face of her beloved daughters and she felt the urge to spoil them rotten:

"Fufufu~... No wonder you married me hmm~?", she quipped, winking at her beloved bride, tilting her head slightly as a loose black lock draped down from behind her ear, holding Sofia's gaze as she pulled the necklace around her neck, holding it tightly, close to her chest as something she'd treasure for every second and every waking moment, "You're just full of surprises my love~... Every day you find some new way to take my breath away~"

Now, even though Alisa was never shy about expressing her love for Sofia in front of her daughters, she understandably kept some more heated displays away from their innocent eyes. This time though, she couldn't help but pull her arms her around her beloved and claim her lips in a slow, sultry lock of lips, her eyes glimmering with love, gently suckling that plush, pouty bottom lip:

"Mmmmm~... My thoughts exactly Sofia. I can't believe i ran into a woman like you. I must really be the luckiest woman in Earthland hmm~?", she teased as the kiss parted, toying with Sofia's silky brown hair, rolling it around her finger, shooting a lovey dovey gaze into her eyes as her daughters merely giggled at the sight of their parents' amorous affection, until Alisa couldn't help but squeeze the three of them, "Now... I believe Miss Claus needs a little present of her own, don't you think girls~?"

With these words, Alisa's eyes turned to her daughters, shooting a conspicuous, complicit wink that they quickly returned, before hurrying off to fetch Sofia's gift.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Sun Feb 05, 2023 1:37 pm


WORDS: ### | The Sofi Clause

“Well, I ran the numbers and unfortunately, the top spot was taken be another~?” Left with a smile which certainly lived up to the implication of her surname after sampling the sweetness of her lover's lips, Sofia dragged her teeth over her own pillowy pout as her beautiful bride remarked on the fortune she must possess in order to land a prize like her wife, but despite that blessing the woman she had married just had to disagree with her on that point.
“Me.” Certainly seeming to think that the lion's share of the luck in their household lay firmly with herself given the wonder of a woman she had landed, the siren smirked as she shook her head and corrected the coquette in a manner which was rather matter of fact, though that was natural given her grasp of the situation, wasn't it?

“Ooouuuu, a present for me~? Whatever could it beeee…?” The bubbly brunette beaming from ear to ear already and only ever more so as her dainty darlings seemed to scamper to fetch a gift of her own, the fair femme couldn't help but fidget as she waited for them to return with whatever treasure or trinket they had waiting for her, and found her mind awash with possibility as she did so. And yet, even then she couldn't have expected what would follow when they returned.

Never for a second seeming to guess or even hope for what would follow, they were only gone for a matter of the merest moments before their mother found her eyes widening at a soul who looked so much like herself, and yet different all the same.

"Well, well, well… It's been a long time since I saw you speechless, dear~"

Those green gems growing at least three sizes if not more as the pair seemed to tow in someone who had her green eyes and honeyed hair though perhaps with a little grey in it now, all she could do was hang her jaw as she looked toward a figure who shone with a tender grace and charm enough to light up a room, and then spoke up with a crisp and yet kind tone of love and affection to boot as she showed that there was no doubt which of them was the most wondrous waifu here…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Sat Feb 11, 2023 1:19 pm


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @Sofia | SWEATER

"Fufufu~... If you're talking about the other me, then I'll say i still feel far luckier than her~", Alisa chimed, feeling a hint of childish playfulness as she leaned in and savoured those soft, plush lips delightedly, one arm sliding around her lover's waist as the other held their daughter close, keeping the girl from falling off her lap as she indulged in her beloved, her smile widening into a cheeky, knowing smirk as she simply spoke, "Oh, you'll see~!"

And right on cue, Sofia's present revealed herself. The Matriarch hardly looked her years as she presented herself with the kind of vivacious, vibrant visage Alisa could immediately see which side of the family Sofia took after. While Alisa merely looked, and giggled, their own daughters beat them to the punch as they hopped off their mothers' lap and rushed for their grandma, arms open wide:

"Grandmaaaa!!!", they cried out happily, rushing for the older woman with stars in their eyes. Alisa giggled at the sight of them, and instead simply held Sofia's hand, squeezing gently and looking into her eyes, not a single word from her lips.

Though they spent quite a long time in Valerica after giving birth to their daughters, Sofia and Alisa had little chance to spend time with Sofia's mother, and hoping to make up for lost time, Alisa pulled some strings and a hint of her own magic to ensure she could make her appearance today, on this holiest of nights:

"Glad to see you Marina~... Fufu~... Almost impressive we managed to keep this secret this long hmm?", she chimed, a hint of complicity in the little plan she'd hatched with her mother in law, the two women having built a quick rapport enough that Alisa would feel comfortable addressing her on first name basis, joined together in their hopes of making their beloved Sofia the happiest woman on this Earthland


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.


All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Feb 14, 2023 11:24 am


WORDS: ### | The Sofi Clause

“M-Mamaaaa!!!” Once more it seeming that the entrance of an only too absent family member had left even this master of mischief in a muddle, all she could do was feel herself reverting to an age close to that of her own cubs, and then thrust herself forward with excitement and emotion. Practically pouncing the fair figure and for a second almost forgetting her frailness, she felt her eyes well with tears but ones which were sourced from joy rather than sorrow, Sofia could only giggle and grin as she clung to the soul she had cherished most growing up, and breathed in that soft scent which mixed sweetness and a hint of salt for a moment of unadulterated bliss.

"Uffuffu… Who do you think it was that Sofia learned her wicked ways from, hm~?
Nice to know I can still surprise her, and even nicer to finally have a chance to spend the holiday with all my favourite daughters~?"

Madam Marina Sr. meanwhile happy to answer questions and act in place of the girl she had left dazed, she squeezed her daughter tightly and smiled as she looked to the woman she had married and little tots she had raised, before inviting all to join then. all the while carrying a confident smirk as she did so, there was no flicker of fire in the world which could have matched the warmth of the moment, or the mirth to follow. after all, it had been the better part of a decade since the two had shared a proper Christmas together now, hadn't it…?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Sun Feb 19, 2023 11:33 am


WORDS: 350 | TAG: @Sofia | SWEATER

Alisa could only giggle at the sight of her beloved bride suddenly leaping into her mother's arms very much like their much younger daughters just did, almost wishing she could have a camera to capture this moment forever. Instinctively, she couldn't help but reach for her pendant, running her fingers over the cool, smooth stone, reminding herself that she could revisit this memory forever thanks to the wonderful gift her girls had given her:

"Mhmmmm, I can certainly who she takes after here~", the sculptress teased, winking at the matriarch with an amused smile on her face, finally standing up to her feet and walking up to the woman whose namesake her eldest twin daughter now had, "And one that's been long overdue~ Been far too long since we could have some quality time like this hm?"

Contrary to popular expectation, Alisa had a surprisingly positive rapport with her mother in law, sharing a never ending delight in the sight of Sofia's happiness that brought them together all too easily. Enough that Alisa couldn't help but giggle as she joined the girl's tender embrace with a smile.

"Mmmm... We defenitely... Can't wait another five years again~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Tue Feb 21, 2023 3:35 pm


WORDS: ### | The Sofi Clause

“We won't have to…” Squeezing the array of wonderful women into her arms tightly and holding them there with a strength she did not commonly show, that green gaze of Miss Serena seemed to glisten with the crystalline seeds of tears as she held her loved ones tightly and warmly, though for no cause of sadness. Quite the contrary, in fact.
“I'm definitely never letting any of you go now. I'ma keep you all, five ever.” Treasuring this moment and feeling herself rather overwhelmed with the emotions and gratitude which welled up within her as a result of such a splendid surprise, the voice of the vixen was a little shaky as she declared her intent to hold the captive for as long as she could, which to her mind seemed to stretch all the way toward eternity and beyond.

“My girls…!” Burying her face in the shoulders of her mother and her lover too as she felt those building buds run down her cheeks, all that she could do was cling to each one of them, matriarch, wife and both of her daughters, as if they were the greatest and most valued treasures in the world because, to her at least, they were. Hold the god and rubies, it was the people she loved which made Sofia simper and swoon.
“This was such a wonderful gift~” Shaking her head and sighing as she did so and admitting that there would have been nothing that might have thrilled her more than the simple ability to share her day with the people she cherished the most, the floored femme was found grinning like a Cheshire cat as she looked between them and offered the sweetness of a kiss to each, but none lingered longer than the one she gave to her wife. After all, she had her surpassed herself with this, hadn't she~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] Empty Sat Feb 25, 2023 2:25 pm


WORDS: 150 | TAG: @Sofia | SWEATER

Nothing could beat that reaction. This look of pure, utter joy in her beloved bride's face once she came face to face with her mother for the first time in months, and now found her whole immediate family gathered in one place for the holiest of celebrations. Alisa beamed at the sight of her, resting her forehead against Sofia's head, chin resting on her shoulder as she cuddled her beloved close, one hand pulling the closest of her daughters into their warm embrace:

"Likewise my love... I'll never let you go, any of you.", Alisa sighed blissfully, squeezing her wonderful wife close, her hand coming to rest on the back of her hair, stroking it gently as she her heart thumped in her chest at the mere feel of her beloved bride in her arms, just like how she felt the first time she laid eyes on her. If only this moment could last forever.



Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

All I Want For Christmas~ [Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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