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Gift for Healing Salve (NQ A-Rank)

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Gift for Healing Salve (NQ A-Rank) Empty Fri Mar 10, 2023 12:39 pm


Kaito hearing that there were some people in need of medical help, sicknesses spreading and he guessed that he could do that or at least help with helping get those people back on their feet and at least semi-moving if you really can in this place as there was so many things seeming to be going on and the poisons in the air and their seeming disregard for the people of this place as they poisoned their own people or forced them to take on mechanical bodies just to live their lives which is gross and the worst part is they can’t help as they weren’t medically skilled nor inclined but good news they had made a “cure” but with so many people suffering this was going to be a huge under taking that will take many visits to these places to help as well as help with other injuries that came in.


Gift for Healing Salve (NQ A-Rank) Empty Fri Mar 10, 2023 12:39 pm


Kaito and Revy are suited up to take care of these people that seemed to need help with the issues that they are facing and if they were going to try and live a semi-normal life but Kaito looks at these people and he thinks that they are probably mostly permanently going to have something wrong with them as Kaito doubts this stuff is a beat all cure all just probably masks the symptoms of what they had caught and Kaito gets some of his special salve that he uses on injuries to help with the more bodily injury as it had a decent healing factor to it but he guarded the stuff like a hawk as a lot of the things in the salve he makes is protected and rare unless you know where to look for it. Kaito Gives Revy some things and they get to work and some of the people look at Kaito oddly and they probably wonder what he is doing and why he was there.


Gift for Healing Salve (NQ A-Rank) Empty Fri Mar 10, 2023 12:39 pm


They looked even harder and stranger at Revy who was helping him and handing out medical things like pills and shots as well as bandages and helping fix robotic parts that were broken and realigning them which more shocked them that a cat can work on their parts and fix them but really she was pretty handy and can work on a lot of things from her time working under Santa she had learned, toy making as well as how to fix other things that broke down to keep the holidays running smoothly. Kaito was not have much trouble par a few children that were not interested in listing to an out sider that they didn't know that was trying to give them "live saving medicine". Kaito knows that their trust in people must be pretty bad to feel that they have to question if he was really a good guy or not or if he was some kind of bad guy.


Gift for Healing Salve (NQ A-Rank) Empty Fri Mar 10, 2023 12:40 pm


They mostly thought he was a two bit snake oil sales men who was looking to make them think he was here to help when really he was just here to make sure that they couldn't return to their lives or were in league with the scientists that had been trying to make them take on metal bodies to protect them from the toxins that they had caused to happen by playing god on their own and now the people of this country had to suffer for it because they were not given warning just had it dropped on them over time causing many of them to die out or become to weak to fight back against them. Kaito sat down and he took some himself not knowing what side effects it may have on him or if it will make him sick so they could see he was not looking to harm them and they very reluctantly lined up and they walked up in a line to him and took the medicine as they wanted to get better and the man had proven his point.


Gift for Healing Salve (NQ A-Rank) Empty Fri Mar 10, 2023 12:40 pm


They all together had taken it and were happy that they might still recover from it. Kaito then heads closer to an older couple that looked like they were pretty much already dead and this sickness was already making them look like they were rotting and they saw him coming closer and the man who looked like he was in worse shape told Kaito to give the cure to his wife first so that she can recover and live on as he felt the cure would be wasted on himself but his wife was probably able to be saved and his wife said they were both taking this medicine which made Kaito more wonder if the man had just wanted to die to get away from his wife. Kaito gave them the shot version of the medicine and they looked like they had already started to perk up. Revy was not having as easy of a time as she helped the ones in need of getting their pieces fixed as some of them started to demand upgrades from her and she told them that she can't do that only fix what they had. One of them laid a finger on Revy and was swiftly stopped by Kaito who grabbed him through a portal from where he was at helping other people and the guy let go of Revy and accepted letting her fix his fake leg.


Gift for Healing Salve (NQ A-Rank) Empty Fri Mar 10, 2023 12:40 pm


Revy was relived that Kaito had been around as she was not sure she could have handle that on her own, but she knows that she can only just keep going as fighting or picking fights will do nothing here as that was not something that they needed to be doing and she was good at what she can do as she handed out medicine and then fixed the pieces that she could and she hoped that Kaito was going to be okay. Kaito began treating wounds on some of the people that he had given medicine to as some of the wounds looked like from the sickness as if they were infected with something but he made sure that he did what he could so they wouldn't lose the limb putting his salve on it and bandaging it and keep it as clean as he can it was really all he could do at this stage.


Gift for Healing Salve (NQ A-Rank) Empty Fri Mar 10, 2023 12:40 pm


Kaito having seen to all of his side of the treatments went over and he started to hand out the medicine so that Revy could just focus on dealing with fixing the pieces for them and them being treated was putting more of them at ease as they wouldn't have to wait in the long line to get their fake pieces fixed and Kaito did the tending to them with a smile but he was not tech nor builder savvy so he wouldn't be able to fix those parts of theirs but they seemed fine waiting for the free fixing of their parts as long as they had the new cure in their systems and they had more time to think as the medicines seemed to give them a new found clarity on what they were being put through. After a long hard days work they finally finish and are paid for their day of hard work to get these people all back to working order for now.
(1,233/1200) 40% WC (20%ring,10%guild,10%companion.)

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