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The Bellan Raj

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The Bellan Raj Empty Tue Feb 14, 2023 3:43 pm


The Bellan Raj

Description: A bustling, verdant nation seeped in mystery, Bellum stands out for its uniqueness, owing to an ancient culture which has survived until the present day, one that is actively nurtured by its citizens in every single aspect of their lives. The various peoples of Bellum embody different aspects of this ancient history and each keep it alive in different ways, chief among which being a shared, powerful reverence for religion and spirituality. They have the largest population of Earthland, but their diversity makes the country inherently unstable, forcing even the boldest of rulers to focus on internal affairs rather than expansion.

Localization: Located on the eastern end of Ishgar, Bellum is a large country surrounded by a massive mountain range to the north side, forming a natural border with Perengrande and Iceberg, and with a large, vast desert to the southwest which separates it from Desierto.

Politics: The sheer size of their army and population makes them an exceedingly powerful country. However, the challenge of governing Bellum means any ambitious conquerors often collapse to internal strife, limiting their expansion to minor forays into Desierto; their greatest, age old rivals. Preoccupied with their own lands, the Bellan Raj has limited diplomatic presence abroad. Once torn apart by their diverse population, the country has been unified for five generations, a new form of government that integrated every culture and creed in Bellum, borrowing the wisdom of every layers of its population. Their current leader is Empress Lapita, a woman famed for her beauty and magical prowess, who's been actively improving the country's diplomatic situation while attempting to unite the country's countless factions in this era of instability. The government enforces an ancient caste system similar to the Dwarven kingdoms, where people are separated according to their heritage and profession. Though the state fights caste fueled discrimination, the fact remains that the castes have a different status depending on what they represent. The social status of each caste varies with the passing years, such military focused castes growing more influential in times of war. However, no actions are taken to protect the casteless Bellan, who often face the full brunt of discrimination. Bellum is a member of the magic council and allows Light Guilds to operate in the country. Mages are all but revered and frequently sought after by hopeful students, and as such, most of their guilds also harbour plenty of non mages, eager to learn. These Guilds used to take sides in the countless civil wars that ravaged the country, but as of recent years they have renounced their violent past. The country's dominant faith opposes slavery, which has seldom been formally legal in Bellum. However, some criminal elements and those not bound by their faith still ply this inhuman trade, at the risk of severe punishment.

Economy: Bellum has a monopoly on the trading of spices, many of which grow only in the country. As a country of unrivalled cultural diversity, they also export luxury goods and craftsmanship. Due to their large population, most essential products grown are consumed internally.

Culture: Though Bellum may seem like a single unified culture at first glance, the reality is anything but. As the country with the most population in Ishgar, Bellum is a sweltering melting pot of various cultures, ethnicities and religions. Their culture is colourful and vibrant with a high emphasis on artistic, scientific and spiritual pursuits. Though in times of scarcity this diversity may form cracks among the people, in times of plenty it's a source of pride in their uniqueness. Regardless of one's roots, Bellan culture shares a deep spirituality across all layers of its civilization. Different faiths, cultures and creeds draw influence and learn from one another, with Gurus sharing their wisdom and experience even beyond the country's borders. In Bellum, family and heritage is paramount. Families typically live in large groups spanning multiple generations, lead by the eldest relative with marriages typically arraged by one's parents to a match they deem fitting. This sense of unity among families has a dark side too, for feuds between rival families can last for decades if not generations, and feuds between noble families have shaped the country throughout the ages. Uniquely in Ishgar, Bellum is the one country where the core of their culture and faith has survived unchanged since before written history, more easily influencing their conquerors than being shaped by them. The people of Bellum take pride in this, and value their artistic and spiritual education, so much that their philosophy and religion has influenced many abroad. The nobility and ruling class in particular are expected to take an active part in cultural and artistic endeavors, with many of them being singers, musicians, dancers, to nurture whatever talents strike their fancy. With the divine and the spiritual permeating through every aspect of Bellan society, Magic is admired as the mark of the Gods, with those capable of practicing it being expected to take part in the country's religious practices.

Religion: The Majority of Bellan people follow the Vedic religion, a polythiestic faith with a characteristic belief in reincarnation. Known as Samsara, followers of the Vedic faith believe that the universe is divided between six realms: When a person dies, they are reincarnated into any of the six realms according to their Karma, which is quantified by the good and bad deeds they committed in life. An extremely old religion, it shares many common aspects with Iceberg and Seven's Nordic and Hellenic faiths, and scholars believe the three share the same roots. The Vedic gods are frequently depicted as having a strong duality: One one side, they embody positive spirituality and artistic sense, with many of them being portrayed as dancers or musicians. On the other hand, they take on a more ferocious, warlike aspect, as if to represent the duality of mortals. The Vedic faith is split among many different branches focusing on specific gods, though one common trend among them is a belief in pacifism, with complete rejection of war and violence.

Language: Bellan is the official language of the country, of which there are countless dialects spread out across the country. It belongs to the same family as the Desiertan language.


Madhya Metropolis: Built around the mouth of the Jaladhara river, Madhya is the capital of Bellum. A city known for bustling marketplaces and tall, exquisitely crafted temples and palaces. The sheer number of citizens can be overwhelming to foreign travelers, however, its festivals are famous all across the whole continent as a sight to behold.

Jaladhara River: The greatest river in Bellum, the Jaladhara is born high up in the Paramesthya mountains, from which it carves its way down the highlands, onto the green, verdant plains, where it finally reaches the seat next to the city of Madhya. During the monsoon season, the river overflows floods the areas, but these plentiful waters make the heartland of Bellum into the bountiful land it's known for.

Ashmavarman City: The cities closer to the country's borders are usually ruled by Bellum's warrior caste, and nowhere is that more prevalent than Ashmavarman, the closest major urban center by the border with Desierto. Even in this strict, military ruled city, Bellum's vibrant culture still thrives, making this city the first stop for tourists in the country.

Paramesthya Mountains: A massive mountain range, one of the largest in Ishgar and boasting the tallest mountain on the continent. Famous for its mountains that pierce through the clouds, they attrack people all year round, from hopeful adventurers to those seeking to put their skills to the test. Many temples also make their homes in the mountains, secluded from society.

Shunyata Desert: Bellum's border with desierto is known for its arid, near barren landscapes, with little other population beyond small cities and villages, predominantly located around the coastline. These lands get little rainfall every year, and form a natural barrier against invading armies.

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