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Felix De Luca

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#1Felix De Luca 

Felix De Luca  Empty Thu Apr 27, 2023 11:48 am

Felix De Luca


Name: Felix De Luca

Age: 29 (January 5th, X766)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Ethnicity, Father: Fiorian

Ethnicity, Mother: Fiorian

Class: Hunter

Race: Human

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo: Upper Left Shoulder, Red

Face: Leon S. Kennedy - Resident Evil


Height: 6'3"

Weight: 195 lbs

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Ice Blue

Overall: Felix is a tall, sturdy-looking man with a rather handsome face. His body is muscular and lean as though it was trained for fighting, yet all other aspects of his appearance seem much more well-cared for. Despite this, underneath his clothing he bares several scars, most notable in his right leg and the center of his back. His fashion sense is rather keen, though he tends to only stick to a small number of tried and true outfits.

Extra: -


Personality: Felix is a man of superb confidence, never questioning himself, his motives or his future. While he does have his flaws, a lack of decisiveness is not one of them: Felix knows what he wants, he knows what he'll do and he (usually) knows how he'll manage to do it.  This can occasionally be a double edged sword: while this allows him to act without hesitation, it also leaves him vulnerable to having his plans fail, though he rarely lets such things get to him.

Felix has a rather unique sense of humor, often spouting out lines that others might find cliche, cheesy or outdated with absolutely no care in the world: if anything, the confidence in his delivery allows most of the things that escape his mouth to be taken as intended - as cool, as funny, or anything else - even if they don't look that great on paper. In rare cases however, this can lead to some unfortunate scenarios in which Felix is left with an awkward room, those these times are rare.

Felix is an unabashed womanizer, though he prefers to be the one chasing. He is the type of man to care little for those who show interest in him first, but intense interest in those he chooses to engage with. His friendships with those he is not interested in often end up being very close, though perhaps in more of a brotherhood type of way.

For all his good qualities, Felix is not always incredible smart. While he finds himself smart in select areas, his biggest flaw is having a rather fixed way of doing things, often being skeptical of new methods to solving his problems.

  • Missions: Felix is fond of taking on jobs, having worked as a mercenary for most of his life. He has become so in love with working that he has even come to enjoy the most mundane of missions, like getting a cat out of a tree or stacking boxes in a restaurant.
  • Women: Felix has an unabashed love for chasing after women and acts with seemingly no shame whatsoever in the frequency he chases after them. This only applies to those he has an interest in, naturally...

  • High Art: It is not so much that Felix does not respect great paintings and plays, but rather that he does not understand their appeal. He would rather get his pinky cut off than have to sit through a 5-hour Opera.
  • Rules: Felix dislikes regulations, restrictions and all matter of similar things. In his own little perfect world there would be no order whatsoever, though deep down he knows that level of chaos would probably end with everyone dead.

  • Freedom: Felix wishes for absolute freedom in his life: to be free of fear in how people think of him, and to never be controlled or manipulated by another. So long as each decision in his life is influenced entirely by him he can live happy.

  • The Underground: While Felix is fearless of most environments, he is extremely uncomfortable in settings like deep caves or mines in fear that the roof will collapse over him.
  • Dragons: Felix finds something about these creatures to be deeply unsettling: not just in terms of their physical size, but also their nature and wisdom.


Strength: 11

Speed: 1

Constitution: 6

Endurance: 11

Intelligence: 1


Magic Name: Firepower Magic

Magic Element: Fire

Magic Enhancement: Holder Magic (Gun)

Magic Description: Firepower magic is a fire-based magic that allows the user to create and control their own fire in various ways, such as emitting large waves of fire or focusing it into smaller bursts. This emission is done through the use of a gun that the user channels their magic into.


History: Felix was born in Dahlia to a wealthy family, one that owned a mansion big enough to host 3 separate parties at once. His upbringing was one filled with rules and regulations: he was to sit this way at the dinner table. He was to say these words to a t, he was to wear the clothes his mother picked for him this morning, and he was to make friends with those his parents approved - in other words, he was to make friends with the children of his parent's business allies. This, of course, took its toll on the kid. Felix soon got restless with this upbringing, and no amount of master chef-prepared meals or expensive luxuries at home could make him stop wishing for the freedom that poorer children seemed to receive. So, at the age of 16, Felix ran away from home.

He became a delinquent in Era, hanging out with a crowd that was both wrong and right at the same time: they were far too loud and didn't have the most proper of language, but they understood the freedom of expression and action that truly defined a man's life. Felix worked alongside them as a group of mercenaries throughout his youth, and the free-spirited nature of his companions came to define much of Felix's current personality. The significantly older group often cheered him on, perhaps to the point of spoiling him just a bit.

But times change. As Felix got older, his companions began to go their own ways in life. One retired thanks to a raggedy old body, and another wished for a life of peace and quiet with his wife. One died of alcoholism (something that made Felix question drinking for years to come) and another found himself exiled from the group for having been taking secret shares of the payout. Time passed. and eventually only Felix remained. While he was now more free than ever, he found himself sad: the men he had shared so much of his life with were now simply not the same people, and only he seemed to still be clamoring for that lifestyle. It almost made him lose some respect for them: Felix thought they had softened, and that they had given in to the simple and rule-ridden life his parents had once lived.

In a state of emotional confusion, Felix returned to his parents' home, only to find that they had died many years ago as a result of a political scandal. It seemed as though the two were under the thumb of another since even before Felix had been born. This made Felix reconsider the actions of his former comrades: while they chose to leave their lifestyle behind, they were still making their own choice: they were truly free. His parents were different, having been psuedo-slaves to someone who they cut a bad deal with. Felix chose to never return to that house again, and to forget his family for good. He would live unshackled by that past, and make decisions entirely by himself without caring what anybody thought: just like his companions did.

Discord: Tyler/Zane/Mael

Reference: Alternate Account


Felix De Luca  Empty Tue May 02, 2023 12:58 pm

This character is approved for roleplay.

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