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Isolated Plague 4

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 4 Empty Thu Sep 07, 2023 1:42 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was back at it again and it was something he figured it was personal training. The island itself was cursed and he could feel it draining him. That was why he worked hard on this island. Of course, he didn’t leave the campsite as the people there still needed him. It would seem like they wanted him to work on more patients that were in these tents. He was fine with that as long as he was getting paid for everything that he was doing here. This would also keep him away from the Fabricator and all the bullshit that was going on there. He didn’t care for it, but it seemed like the others did.

The Dragon Slayer was asked a question though and he figured it was only right to answer him.

“Yeah I will go to the next tent and tend to the people there. I got time, and I want jewels anyway.” He said to his client.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 4 Empty Thu Sep 07, 2023 1:43 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The man would hear this and he would walk Drakkon to the next tent he wanted him to work on. The Dragon Slayer would see this and he would smile at him. He would enter the tent and the man would walk away so that he could get to work. Luci was relaxing as he never helped Drakkon with these things. He didn’t feel the need to and he figured that Drakkon wouldn’t want his help anyway.

Drakkon would scratch the side of his head as he was trying to figure out how to tackle this situation. The people here were groaning every few minutes or so. He found it annoying, and he wanted to get this done with and take on all the jobs they had to offer. He would stretch his arms and he would let out a huge breath as he would move to the first patient.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 4 Empty Thu Sep 07, 2023 1:43 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would check their vitals and make sure that their heartbeat was fine. They would look at their eyes and see if their breathing was normal. The patient in front of him was fine and it would seem like nothing was wrong with them. Well, they were sick, but they weren't getting worse than they were right now, which was a good thing. He would move on from that patient as he knew he would have to come back to clean everybody. Still, he wanted to make sure that they were all fine and that nobody needed immediate attention.

The young man would start with the next patient and it would seem like this one was getting better. Whatever they were using was working, some faster than others. He wondered how long this was going to happen, but hoped it would end soon. Still, now that he was done with this person he could move on to the next.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 4 Empty Thu Sep 07, 2023 1:44 pm

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon would look at the next patient and they were worse than the others. It would seem like they were fighting for their lives, but it was nothing too serious. Their vitals were going all over the place, but it wasn’t to the fact that it would cause concern. Nah, it was just that whatever was happening while they were unconscious was really affecting them in the real world. It was interesting to see this transpire, but he had a job to do. The young man would just move on to the next person as he had put this information on the chart. This guy was someone they were going to have to keep an eye on. They wouldn’t know when something even worse could happen to them.

Drakkon would go around the tent though as he would check the vitals amongst other things for the people here. They were all needing to be taken care of, and he was only doing it because it signed his paycheck.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 4 Empty Thu Sep 07, 2023 1:49 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would finish by checking their vitals, and he would be quick to move on to the next part of his job. He was their caretaker and he would do just that. The Demi-God would walk over to the clean towels that were ready for him, and he would drenched them in the clean water they had given him. Of course, there was liquid soap that he could use to wipe them. When he was ready he would use the first of many for the patient in front of him. While he was cleaning this guy up it would seem that it was feeling nice for him. He could tell that it was soothing him, but this was not something he could do all day.

He would make sure to give him clean clothes that he put on him and that he was thoroughly washed, so he didn’t make a mess soon after. He would put the towels in a dirty basket as he would move on to the next patient.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 4 Empty Thu Sep 07, 2023 1:57 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would continue to work on the patients. He was cleaning them all up and he was changing their clothes after that. He had to make sure they were all fine before he moved on to the next part. He could tell that everybody was fine and that their vitals didn’t spike when he moved them. That was a good thing because he didn’t want his job to be interrupted. The Demi-God would continue to do this until everybody in the tent was cleaned. The dirty clothes with the dirty rags were in the corner of the tent for now. He would pick them up and put them in a bag as he wasn’t done here.

The Dragon Slayer would start changing their bed, which was hard because he didn’t have someone else to help him. Still, he would get the job done and he would drag the bag out of the tent. He would look around and he would find his client. He would hand him the bag, and when the man saw Drakkon had done his job, he would hand him his reward in jewels. When Drakkon got his stuff he figured he could stay a bit and do more work.

203|1013 [50% wcr, weapon, ring, relic]

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