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V. Tetsou's Lesser Core

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V. Tetsou's Lesser Core Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 9:35 am



Name: Tetsou's Lesser Core

Slot: Necklace

Type: Core

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Durability: 2x S-Rank


Description: While an otherwise unknown figure who remained in the shadows during the Talaz Lagaar incident, Tetsou played a large part in bolstering the numbers and strength of those that supported their philosophies and attempts to free the robots from the chokehold of the loyalists. While ultimately unsuccessful their impression remains to be felt around the world with copies of their core being readily accessible to Talaz Lagaarians.



  • If the user was a member of the Robot Separatists or the Loyalists they will receive a 20% discount.

Note: While listed as a limited item, this can be bought an unlimited amount of times as a Robot Separatist and only reflects the total cost of the item.


  • Nanites in the Bloodstream: The user's limb durability is increased by 1x A-Rank, this additional durability must be removed before the user suffers constitution-based damage through those limbs, this additional durability can not be healed once damaged.
  • Accelerated Rest: The user may reduce an item or magical spell's cool-down by one post by dealing 1x C-Rank worth of damage to themselves and can be performed to reduce a spell by up to 3 posts however the damage will be compounded dealing up to 1x A-Ranks worth of damage total, this damage can not be mitigated by resistances or weaknesses and can not be healed for two posts, this effect can not be used on signature spells.


  • Name: Flesh into Machine
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Forward onto Liberty
    Type: Healing
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: Once per topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may press their chest causing the Testou's core to fully integrate into their body and apply the reserved nanites into their body and repair up to 1x S-Ranks worth of limb-based damage to a select limb, should the select limb be hindered or maimed the user can replace it with Tetsou's prosthetic arm which has 2x S-Rank durability however can not be used to cast magic, be healed and is unaffected by buffs.

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