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Intoxicating Company [Tamas]

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#1Farah † 

Intoxicating Company [Tamas] Empty Tue Nov 07, 2023 1:24 pm

Farah †

WORDS: ### | Dusky Desire

“The rules are simple. We drink, until we cannot. The winner shall be the one who throws in the towel, vomits, or passes out first. Or perhaps some mix of the above~?” A woman who would clearly never accept no as her first or perhaps any kind of answer when she put her mind to things, it did not take long for Miss Azar to find herself in a place which seemed to provide them with a more equal footing when it came to the contest between herself and the gruff but chivalrous figure who had impeded her honour, or perhaps just proven intriguing enough to co-opt as her drinking buddy for the evening. Either way, she now found herself presented with a pair of reasonably sized tumblers flush with amber fluid, and rules to elaborate upon as she got her rival on board with the plan.

“B'sahtak, Horvath~!” Refusing to acknowledge him fully or even his easy right to walk away from her until he had garnered enough respect or reason otherwise for her to do so, once the plan had been laid out the desert rose lifted up one of her drinks and raised it in a toast, and carried every intention to make the evening interesting for them or make a rather drunken fool of herself trying…


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#2Tamás Horvath 

Intoxicating Company [Tamas] Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 2:01 am

Tamás Horvath
He nodded, the rules were indeed simple. It was a game he played already here in Stella with other people. He would have his beverage ready as he was willing to start this competition when ever the lady was ready. Once the lady said something in her language as well as his surname. As she'd raise her drink for a toast, he would do so as well. And he'd take it as a mark to start their friendly drinking contest.

He didnt mind booze. He loved to drink. But he wondered how much did he have to drink since coming here. Or just in these 24 hours. Was he fully de-tox to take all these drinks. Will Farah win this round or will he? Well either way, this was one competition he would not go easy on her. He allowed her to win before to preserve her honour in front of a crowd. But this time, he aimed to win

#3Farah † 

Intoxicating Company [Tamas] Empty Tue Nov 14, 2023 11:57 am

Farah †

WORDS: 190 | Dusky Desire

“Nwah! Excellent! Another round, barkeep!” Wasting little time in tipping that opening volley backward and into her maw once the contest began, while the choice of tequila was hardly one which Miss Azar might have otherwise opted to enjoy she still seemed to show that more than half a century of travel had left her well equipped to drink with the big boys as she drained her cup in one long and gulpy session, and then slammed it onto the counter before her with a demand for a refill as she continued to throw down her proverbial gauntlet in this competition.

“So tell me, Harvath. What is it you do when you're not being beaten by women~?” Not that her only interest lay in victory however and as such the bronze beauty seeming happy to indulge this man with conversation as well, thus far he had seemed to prove the strong and silent type, emphasis on the latter, which had wrought a mystique she longed to break through. After all, when one had spent so long finding themselves sharing a glass with famed warriors and explorers, it was hard not to find their customs ingrained, no~?


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#4Tamás Horvath 

Intoxicating Company [Tamas] Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 6:36 am

Tamás Horvath
The Lady already ordered round two for their contest as they finished their cup and slammed it on the counter for the barkeep. He was amused seeing the ladys firey spirit as he usually doesnt see such in a lady. Usually women tended to be more reserved, temperate, soft and gentle. Basically maiden like that still held some femininity. Even the guild mates gave him a more gentler vibe. Farah was much more like a hary warrior in contrast.

"I do plenty of things. Train, battle and work" ie not that much rest. So his arrival to Stella as a vacation was a rare thing for him. Granted he was not sure if he even answered Farah correctly. It didnt cross his mind what else he would do? Sleep? He really didnt know as he was blanking out. Its not like he was smooth or suave with women. On the contrary he was rather awkward, where he forsake the idea of relationships as he believed it to be unattainable

#5Farah † 

Intoxicating Company [Tamas] Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 10:24 am

Farah †

WORDS: 200 | Dusky Desire

“Sounds rather intense~” Sensing that there was no illusion in the serious and stern disposition which she was shown by her new drinking buddy given the answers he offered up, Farah had to express very little surprise in the reply she got from a soul that she might have suspected of shyness if she didn't know better, and arched her brow as she reached for the cup of hers which had now been refilled by the vendor in front of her.

“And what do you do to relax~?” Certain to find plenty of admiration for his apparent show of dedication but at the same time finding a note of disappointment in the fact that he hadn't mentioned anything other than what sounded like a regular routine, with the years which she had spent in this world the bronze beauty was sure that one had to take such strictness and discipline and moderate it with a generous dose of fun and excitement every once in a while, as she tipped her mug backward and swallowed what was inside she couldn't help but feel this man might just need to loosen up that little bit, and mused on ways in which she might help him do that…


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#6Tamás Horvath 

Intoxicating Company [Tamas] Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 11:20 am

Tamás Horvath
"Well, I drink. Like right now." he spoke as he reflected this current setting that they were in, but he assumed that Farah wished for a more developed and less short answer. "This here is my vacation. As a Guild Master I dont have time to rest. There is plenty to be done. And even if I do have free time, I would probably sleep it off. I dont think I would know what to do. But to be fair. I do love training and battling. So I dont see it as work. And I do love swords and teaching people about them. Is it work? Yes. Do I love it? Absolutely. So truth be told. I do not mind" he answered her question in a bit more detail.

He had hobbies that he forsake, but he was also lucky that his role as guild master while being stressful, has also blessed him with the ability to adventure, train and battle to his hearts content, something he loved to do and always had a chance to do. So he knew how to have fun. And Stella was his vacation to just do stupid shit and relax

#7Farah † 

Intoxicating Company [Tamas] Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:11 pm

Farah †

WORDS: 240 | Dusky Desire

“A guild, hm~? Here in Stella or somewhere else~?”The towering temptress feeling a note of intrigue when her new friend affirmed the fact that he was a master of a guild, having been around the proverbial block as many times as she had in the past half century Miss Azur was well aware of the form and function of such institutions and the respect to be accorded to one who stood at the head of them, which only seemed to affirm the belief she had in the idea he had gone easy on her to boot. However, with that, she couldn't help but feel a note of curiosity over the company this man would run.

“Uffuffuffu, well, all work and no play makes for a dull boy, Horvath~? I'll have to take you under my wing and teach you how to let loose properly~!” Not that she seemed to entirely approve of how he seemed to defend his approach of putting his work first regardless of how much he claimed he loved it, the lass couldn't help but think even then that this impressive figure was denying himself of some of life's joys with how much he seemed to put his shoulder to the proverbial wheel, and as such took it as his duty to remind himself that there was nothing wrong with breaking pattern a little. I mean, with the things she had in mind, he might even enjoy it~?


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#8Tamás Horvath 

Intoxicating Company [Tamas] Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:29 pm

Tamás Horvath
"No, Fiore. I am merely in Stella for a vacation" he further explained, though Farah told him that he should learn to relax more and mentioned in jest to take him under her wing. He softly chuckled to that and spoke "I accept." he wouldnt mind learning how to relax better. If he learns certain activities

"What do you do for fun or relaxment, miss Farah?"
he asked and was rather casual and yet formal about it. He was merely showing her respect. But he was curious what Farah did and would he be able to find an activity. She looked like a beautiful and graceful warrior in her own right. But what other layer was there to her that he did not have. He was eager to learn. Perhaps she could make him a better man, a more well rounded one that isnt just all work and no fun.

#9Farah † 

Intoxicating Company [Tamas] Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:45 pm

Farah †

WORDS: 220 | Dusky Desire

“Ahhhh, Fiore! A fine land! Gosh… I think it's got to have been ten years since I last saw her? How is she faring~?” The bronze beauty revealing not only a beaming smile at the mention of where her new friend was based but also a generous familiarity as well, once more did she scoop up a chalice which the barman how now learned to dutifully refill once she had emptied it and raise it in a toast to the realm, before asking after the place due to a departure from it that many might have considered rather severe. For one of her kin though, it was barely more than a week away.

“Just Farah will do fine. As for the question… Reading, cooking, making music, or love~? There was this one time I got really into racing as well… But I suppose we of elven blood have more time to dedicate to hobbies than most…?” Happy to share the activities which seemed to occupy her when she had reason not to work as well and showing a certain brazenness in them as well, the vixen had little issue mentioning the vastness of what she found to occupy her when she wasn't swinging her blade or strumming her bow, though suspected that one of the ilk was hardly the prime example for one without their long livedness…


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#10Tamás Horvath 

Intoxicating Company [Tamas] Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 1:03 pm

Tamás Horvath
"Why dont you come for a visit and see for yourself?" he answered in his own playful manner. The two would drink and chat. Truth be told, he was not sure if this was a competition anymore. It didnt feel like it to him. He was feeling less competitive and more relaxed. Tamas would listen to her hobbies and wonder how does she find the time to do so much, but then she'd answer before he even got to ask.

He'd laugh a bit "Oh you got me. I was just about to ask how would you manage to find the time to do so much." indeed, he was bewildered at first. But then she reminded him she was a wood elf. Ah yes, the ears should've reminded him, but can you blame him if the ears were probably the last thing he was looking at.
"My my, you do so much. Your life must be an adventure in itself. You would have to tell me what brought you to Stella"

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