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Phase Zero [Kon]

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Phase Zero [Kon] Empty Today at 4:21 am



Zariya stood tall before the crumbling monument known as Zero, her golden eyes tracing the decaying lines of the massive structure as it resonated with a strange allure. She had never cared much for Talaz Lagaar, this mechanical ghost city sitting between Fiore, Bosco, and Minstrel. Respected due to the advanced technology it housed, had kept her away, uninterested in the realm of machines and forgotten creations as she worked to tighten her grip on the underworld of Fiore's eastern region. But today was different. Today, The Queenpin had been invited, and she didn't ignore invitations when they were written in the language of power.

The message had been unlike the usual whispers she received. This one was personal. Too personal. It named her as the daughter of Tristan Onfroy, the Jarl of Skaal. A name she hadn’t heard anyone say to her in years and one she had purposefully let fade from her identity. It referenced her Desiertan blood, the royal ties she often kept in the shadows. Whoever sent this message knew her well, weaving together truths she had kept away. The promise of money and business would have been enough to pique her interest on any day, but the sheer knowledge the sender possessed about her? That required her attention.

Now the crime lord waited, her arms folded across her chest, a slight breeze catching the edge of her black bodysuit, the only movement in the stillness of the area. Her back was to the path she had come from, a display of her confidence--or perhaps her indifference. Let whoever it was come. If it was an enemy, they'd soon regret it.

Around her, her underlings were scattered like shadows. About twenty strong. A crew of daemons, vampires, and werewolves. Each one loyal to the bone, each one prepared to kill at her command. They lingered in the ruins, blending with the landscape, some perched atop the towering rocks that framed the monument, others standing beside her with eyes fixed on the path ahead. Their presence was a warning of sorts. Zariya Onfroy was not to be trifled with.

But the Vampires gaze remained on Zero, its vastness reflecting the hollow echoes of a forgotten time. She wondered what secrets this artifact might've held, and what kind of person would lure her here, to this relic of a broken age. Whatever awaited her in Talaz Lagaar, Zariya was ready. If it was opportunity, she'd seize it. If it was danger, she'd crush it.

Phase Zero [Kon] 86545

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