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Alexandre's Lost Spells

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Alexandre's Lost Spells Empty Sun Oct 01, 2023 1:20 am

Name: Slush Rush
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Glacier Dragon Slayer Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Frost
Range: Self
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect:  The user leans in a direction and a cyan magic circle appeared under them and a burst of icy wind helped propel them in the way that they had leaned

Name: Glacial Defence
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Glacier Dragon Slayer Magic
Type: Defence
Element: Frost
Range: Self
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user raises their hand as a cyan magic circle appears and sweeps over him as a frosty cape of frost energy appears and covers him with a defencive frost aura

Name: Snow Warning
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Glacier Dragon Slayer Magic
Type: Self-Buff
Element: Frost
Range: Self
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user bumps his fists and a cyan magic circle appears around the hands which give the user a magical boost to their strength by B rank.

Name: Glacial Lance
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Glacier Dragon Slayer Magic
Type: Offence
Element: Frost
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user opens their palm as a cyan magic circle appears and manifests a lance made of frost, which the user proceeds to throw at their target. The spell is 1 meter in diameter

Name: Ice Beam
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Glacier Dragon Slayer Magic
Type: Offence
Element: Frost
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user moves their palm forward toward their target, a magic circle of cyan appears releasing a frosted beam of magic that is 1 meter in diameter which goes forth to attempt to strike true.


Alexandre's Lost Spells Empty Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:08 pm


Approved, moved to Training

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