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Pact - Pact of the Lifebringer

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Pact - Pact of the Lifebringer Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:50 pm



Name: Pact of the Lifebringer.

Slot: Modification.

Type: Modification.

Class: -

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Nature


Description: Pact of the Lifebringer involves an eternity agreement between the user and a Nature spirit to ensure that life is maintained above all. As a result of this Pact, the user will find themselves compelled to treat the injuries of even the lowest of creatures going to great lengths and even person harm to care for others.


  • The user must purchase this item from the Mysterious Merchant.


  • The users healing regardless of Spell type will heal allies for one rank lower, healing spells heal for an additional amount for one rank lower.
  • The users healing Spells are capable of reviving their allies if they have been knocked out within the same turn, this can only be done with A-Rank and S-Rank Spells.
  • The user can create nature-based Spells for their magic regardless of its element and receive Natured based elemental synergy for items.
  • Users who already possess a nature-based magic will instead receive a modifier to their other-buff spells to apply an additional one-rank lower onto the target being sustainable from the same spell cast at no cost.
  • The user can create Summoning Spells using exclusively the nature element aspect of the magic, even if they are not a Summoner.
  • The user has up to 3 Summon Slots when they are not a summoner, otherwise they receive +1 Summon Slots as a summoner.


Pact - Pact of the Lifebringer Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 2:29 pm

Spending my MM access coupon to get the Pact of the Lifebringer please.



Pact - Pact of the Lifebringer Empty Tue Aug 27, 2024 9:49 pm


@Lothwen has used her restart MM ticket, and has brought this pact at 7.5M jewels.

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